Economics Weekly Market Insight May 29, 2015 Economic Update Benjamin Tal The recent announcement by the Finance minister that he will be looking into the possibility of voluntary increases in CPP contributions created a lot of noise. Without getting into the politics of it, it is important to remember why a change to the system is essential. The following are some observations derived from a simulation of pension income. The typical 70-year-old today has enough income to maintain his or her pre-retirement standard of living, taking into account the typical drop in expenses in one’s post-working years. Their sources of income are well diversified, drawing on both government programs (CPP/QPP, OAS and GIS), pension plans (RPPs), savings accumulated in RRSPs and other funds. While many Canadians, particularly those now close to 65, are on a path to the retirement of their dreams, the data show that millions of others are headed for a steep decline in living standards in the decades ahead, particularly those who are currently younger and who are in middle-income brackets. Those born during WWII are positioned to maintain virtually all of their pre-retirement consumption patterns: after allowing for the drop in living costs, they have a replacement rate close to 1.0. The leading edge of the baby boom generation (post-WW II, born between 1945-64) that followed is only slightly less advantaged. But their children are much less well positioned, given the current trend towards lower savings rates and reduced private pension coverage. On average, the replacement rate of those born in the 1980s, who will retire towards the middle of this century, will be only 0.7, implying a 30% drop in their standard of living. Across income groups, future replacement rates look a bit counterintuitive on the surface. Those in the lowest income decile will, on retirement, replace the greatest share of their pre-retirement consumption. Indeed, they might actually be in a position to improve on their living standards, with the replacement ratio of 1.9. That shouldn’t be interpreted as a bountiful retirement, since it’s benchmarked relative to their very low pre-retirement status. Still, the system now in place does offer important protection for the lowest economic status households. Similarly, the low replacement ratio for the highest decile is also misleading. Although they have on average the lowest share of their pre-retirement living standards maintained on retirement, in absolute terms they will on average enjoy a very high consumption pattern. Those individuals in the top 10% of income earnings (who today earn roughly more than $100,000 per year in individual income) are excluded in order to avoid making a big deal about percentage drops in living standards to what will still be a reasonably comfortable retirement. /2 CIBC WORLD MARKETS INC. While all income deciles, on average, are replacing 80% or more of their pre-retirement incomes, averages mask the problem. Within each age cohort and income group lie a substantial number of Canadians headed for trouble. Nearly 60% of Canadians born between 1985-89 and almost half of those born in the late 1960s will end up with a below 80% replacement rate. In contrast, that fate was faced by only a quarter or less of those born during or shortly after WWII. Add it all up, and there are some 5.8 million working age Canadians who will see more than a 20% drop in their living standards upon retirement. That’s why the time to act is now. Weekly Market Insight 2 CIBC WORLD MARKETS INC. Market Snapshot Current* yes terday* a week ago* a month ago* a year ago* TED S PREAD (bps ) 10Y - 2Y S PREAD (bps ) 2Y S WAP S PREAD (bps ) 29 149 24 28 150 23 27 159 27 27 152 26 20 210 14 3M T-Bill (%) 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.03 L IBOR 1 MONTH (%) L IBOR 3 MONTH (%) 0.19 0.28 0.19 0.29 0.18 0.28 0.18 0.28 0.15 0.23 2-Y R BOND (%) 5-Y R BOND (%) 10-Y R BOND (%) 0.61 1.49 2.10 0.63 1.52 2.14 0.61 1.56 2.21 0.60 1.50 2.12 0.37 1.53 2.47 A Rated - 10Y TREAS URY (bps ) B Rated - 10Y TREAS URY (bps ) BB Rated - 10Y TREAS URY (bps ) 114 560 373 112 557 369 110 550 364 101 559 358 85 524 281 C ANADA PRIME - BA S PREAD (bps ) 186 186 186 186 176 CDOR 3 MONTH (%) CDOR 3 MONTH - 3M T-BILL S PREAD (bps ) 1.00 37 1.00 37 1.00 37 1.00 34 1.27 34 US 10Y - 2Y S PREAD (bps ) 103 104 108 96 119 2-Y R BOND (%) 5-Y R BOND (%) 10-Y R BOND (%) 0.58 0.89 1.61 0.63 0.96 1.67 0.68 1.05 1.77 0.71 1.06 1.67 1.05 1.53 2.24 A Rated - 10Y TREAS URY (bps ) BBB Rated - 10Y TREAS URY (bps ) CAN S overeign Agency - 10Y TREAS URY (bps ) 134 182 86 131 178 83 128 176 79 124 174 73 103 150 62 59.2 2.7 16.7 1191.2 482.5 931.5 12.0 353.5 56.9 2.8 16.7 1187.0 488.8 933.3 11.9 351.8 60.0 2.9 17.1 1205.8 517.5 935.8 12.4 362.3 58.6 2.8 16.0 1171.0 467.8 966.8 12.9 358.5 102.7 4.5 18.8 1246.5 630.8 1498.8 17.3 468.5 1.249 1.098 1.371 123.810 1.527 0.938 1.250 1.091 1.364 124.190 1.530 0.947 1.229 1.102 1.354 121.430 1.551 0.943 1.218 1.120 1.363 120.280 1.513 0.933 1.086 1.364 1.481 101.760 1.677 0.894 15025 2113 5060 17981 1247 11466 7026 20563 15102 2117 5090 18104 1247 11689 7025 20551 15183 2131 5101 18265 1259 11833 7052 20264 15315 2099 4977 17966 1222 11454 6986 19532 14547 1920 4246 16676 1136 9935 6850 14632 C OMMODITIES WTI CRUDE F UTURE (US $ / bbl.) NATURAL GAS (US $ / MMBtu) S IL V ER (US $ /t oz.) GOL D (US $ / t oz.) WHEAT (US ¢ / bu.) S OY BEANS (US ¢ / bu.) S UGAR (US ¢ / lb.) CORN (US ¢ / bu.) FX C$ / US $ US $ / EURO C$/ EURO Y EN / US $ US $ / BRITIS H POUND S WIS S FRANCS / US $ EQUITY MARKETS S &P/TS X COMPOS ITE S &P 500 NAS DAQ DOW J ONES RUS S EL L 2000 DAX F TS E 100 NIKKEI * As of ~11:00 a.m. Toronto time Note: Data is for reference only . Weekly Market Insight 3 CIBC WORLD MARKETS INC. Weekly Market Insight 4 CIBC WORLD MARKETS INC. 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