GBA Marketing Peer Group – May 19, 2015 The Georgian Club

GBA Marketing Peer Group – May 19, 2015
The Georgian Club, Atlanta
All GBA member Marketing Officers are invited for a day of in-depth, hands-on sessions. The
registration price is just $125 and includes sessions, lunch, and peer group materials.
9:30 a.m.
10 a.m.
Advertising Effectiveness and Compliance
Presenter: James Moore (CRCM) , Financial Institutions Specialist,
Steve H. Powell & Company, Statesboro
Bank marketing directors are tasked with telling customers how their bank is
special, attracting new customers, selling new products and services and
retaining their best clients through ads, promotional campaigns, their websites
and online banking portals, social media and other channels. What are the key
compliance traps to avoid as you do this, and what are some tips for you to do so
effectively and still have a good campaign or message that gets results?
11:30 a.m.
Resource Sharing Session
Facilitator: Tom Woodbery, State Bank & Trust, Macon
Tom will share his thoughts on a popular marketing and business book, and
participants will be able to share information about books with good ideas as well
as their favorite resources they use for success. IMPORTANT: Send to us in
advance or bring at least one example of a marketing tool, resource or book
title you want to share on a thumb drive or hard copy. You can redact any
sensitive competitive information or just format it as a general template!
([email protected]; [email protected])
12:15 p.m.
Lunch and Peer Exchange
Eat, network and discuss the marketing challenges, opportunities, ideas, tactics
and strategies that you need help with.
1:30 p.m.
Content Marketing
Presenter: Amber Farley, FMS Social, Wilmington, N.C.
In this session, bank marketers will learn how to develop, implement and
distribute a content marketing strategy for the bank. The session will highlight why
having a content marketing strategy is beneficial, the elements of a content
marketing strategy; how to create a content marketing strategy within a
constrained budget; defining key performance indicators and success metrics, as
well as a few bank examples.
2:45 p.m.
Final Thoughts and More Peer Sharing
We’ll take some time before adjourning to tie up any loose ends from earlier
discussions and make sure you connect with your peers for any follow up.
3 p.m.
Registration Information
Click here to register.
With questions about the Marketing Peer Group Meeting, please contact GBA’s
Alison Moreau at 404.420.2034 or [email protected]