Back by Popular Demand! The Power of Opposite Strengths® Seminar Register NOW at When: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 OR Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Time: 8:00AM (CHECK-IN & FELLOWSHIP) 8:30AM – 4:30PM SEMINAR Place: Westin Riverwalk, 420 West Market Street, San Antonio, TX 78205 Who: All Zone Institute participants and partners are welcome to enroll in either the Tuesday or Wednesday Seminar. DGEs and DGNs and partners are especially encouraged to register for the Tuesday Seminar. Limit: Registration limited to the first 50 paid registrants for each Seminar Cost: $97 (the normal price of this seminar is $497 and is being offered to Rotarians and partners at this special 80% discounted price!) Deadline to Register: Friday, August 28, 2015 (you may cancel your registration by this date and receive a full refund) What Rotarians Have Said About Opposite Strengths “Definitely a great tool to help understand the dynamics of relationships and communications. The Opposite Strengths Seminar should be a permanent part of Rotary training.” "Every Rotarian (Rotary boards, PNs, PEs, etc.) should experience the Opposite Strengths Seminar." Facilitators Tommy Thomas, PhD, the developer of Opposite Strengths PDG D5870 Gene Davenport, EdD Rotary Club of Georgetown, Texas What do I have to do? How does Opposite Strengths fit in with the 4-way Test? ! ! ! ! Emphasis is on understanding one’s own personality & leadership style (Is it the TRUTH?) Benefits Organizations & Rotarians by teaching us flexible, non-traditional team skills (Is it FAIR to all concerned?) Knowing how to “flex” for success (Will it build GOODWILL & BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?) Stresses how to optimize one’s strengths in relationships with others (Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?) 1. Register early at 2. Complete a brief online assessment after receiving a link from a secure website. 3. Receive the results at the seminar. 4. Have FUN on the day of the seminar! ???? Questions ??? PDG D5870 Dr. Gene Davenport [email protected] (512) 496-5967
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