Lyconet Fast Start 6 N 12 Go Pro Initial Meeting Checklist Watch Sign-up for Lyoness online Sign-up for zipmark Sign-up for Chase Quick Pay t/personalinfo.aspx Show member Watch Review 6n12 program Sign-up for Easy Shop if desired Use Memory Jogger to create prospect list Set Follow-up appointment and place on calendar Provide Packet of information to new member Videos and Tutorials Lyoness Websites and YouTube videos Everyone Business Builders Merchants YouTube Quik Wash Success 2014 06 Salesforce and Lyoness 6N12 Go Pro Tutorials! ! Funding Your Account Tutorial Ordering your Success Pack Tutorial Ordering Discount Vouchers Tutorial Easy Shop Tutorial 6N12 Go Pro Program 6N12 Go Pro 1. Purchase the Lyoness Success Pack $199. With the Success Pack you receive: • • • • • • • • • • 50 x Friendship Flyers (10 x each color) 1 x A4 Notepad 1 x Pen 2 x Let´s Get Started Brochures 1 x White CBC Basic Pin 1 x Lyconet World Magazine 10 x SME Solution Pack Flyers 1 x CFF Magazine 2 x All about Lyconet Brochures Access to the Business Lounge for 1 year 2. Purchase a monthly Discount Voucher 10 pack for $75 each month --- This creates 50 shopping points (1 unit) and gives you earning potential right away. It also gives you 10 vouchers worth $7.50 each to give to new members as an incentive to shop. 3. Enroll in the Easy Shop program for at least $300 per month (this will make you automatically qualify for compensation) of your basic expenses such as groceries, fuel, or restaurants. If you do not wish to use Easy Shop then create a list of cards to be ordered from Lyoness or through your team leader (Adriana), redirecting at least $300 per month through your business.(this will not automatically qualify you for compensation as the Easy Shop does) Remember, the more you redirect through your business the faster it will grow. Use the chart below to help you determine what to redirect to start your business growth. Expense Amount spent Where you What Merchant Source of Item monthly Currently you will use in Cards Purchase Lyoness Groceries Fuel Restaurants Entertainment Clothing 4. Enroll 2 people in your first week who have the desire to create a six figure income in 12 months. Help them to enroll 2 people each who have the same desire. 5. Repeat the process described in step 4 above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iscount Vouchers Lyconet Resource Guide All about Discount Vouchers Q: What is a Discount Voucher? A: Discount Vouchers are vouchers issued by Lyoness redeemable towards the purchase of Loyalty Merchant Gift Cards. These vouchers are used as a deduction towards the purchase of Gift Cards. Vouchers can be used for marketing purposes. Discount vouchers cannot be applied to direct purchases made at Loyalty Merchants nor can they be refunded or redeemed for cash in whole or in part. They have no cash value except where applied towards the purchase of Gift Cards. Q: Who can Purchase a Discount Voucher? A: An Independent Lyconet Marketer (ILM) may purchase Discount Vouchers from their online office. To become an ILM, a Lyoness Member must first accept the ILM Agreement, Lyconet Policies and Procedures, complete Lyoness Business Academy, Compliance Training, “All About Lyconet” tutorial and the Compensation Plan coursework. Upon completion of your “All About Lyconet” tutorial and Compensation Plan coursework, the option to purchase Discount Vouchers will appear as a selection in the Gift Card section of your online office dashboard. Click on Lyoness Gift Cards, select Discount Voucher from the dropdown menu, select the dollar amount of the voucher you wish to purchase, and then follow the steps to checkout. Before completion of the transaction, the Member must agree to Additional Terms and Conditions for Discount Vouchers and a Discount Voucher checklist which state the guidelines of use for the vouchers. Upon completion of your transaction, you will receive a digital code for immediate delivery and your Discount Vouchers are available for instant redemption. Q: How do I Redeem a Discount Voucher? A: You may apply Discount Vouchers towards the purchase of any Lyoness Loyalty Merchant Gift Card. The percentage of the Loyalty Benefit offered by the Loyalty Merchant will determine the amount of the Discount Voucher you may apply. For example: if a Merchant offers 1% Cashback and 1 Shopping Point, this equals a 2% total benefit. If the purchase value of the Gift Cards is $150.00, you would take 2% of $150.00, or $3.00 and this is the amount of the Discount Voucher you may deduct from the total purchase price. The Gift Cards would then cost $147.00. Q: Do I have to Use the Whole DV with a Purchase? A: No, a Discount Voucher can be used proportionally for each purchase. For example, if you purchase a Discount Voucher for $10, and the amount of the applicable discount is $2.00, the $2.00 is deducted from the $10 Discount Voucher and an $8.00 balance will remain for your next purchases. Q: Are Discount Vouchers Eligible for Cashback? A: The purchasing of or redeeming of a Discount Voucher will not be eligible for Cashback which supersedes Section 8.1.1 of the Lyoness GTCs. Q: May I Share a Discount Voucher with another Lyconet Marketer, Lyoness Shopper, Lyoness SME? A: Yes, in fact, Discount Vouchers are the perfect marketing tool for you to use to incentivize and reward your team, or to use when you register a new Shopper to excite them and start them shopping right away. You must print the Voucher and hand it to the Member. In the future, we have plans for you to be able to do a digital transfer. Q. Do Discount Vouchers Expire? A: Discount Vouchers are valid for 5 years from purchase date. Q: Are Discount Vouchers Eligible for Shopping Points? A: Yes, when you purchase the Discount Voucher you receive Shopping Points which apply to your Balance Program and Career Program only. When you redeem a Discount Voucher, you will receive Shopping Points for Shopping Deals on future purchases. When redeeming a Discount Voucher, no additional Shopping Points will accrue in the Balance Program or in the Career Program. The Friendship Bonus will accrue upon redemption of the Discount Voucher as detailed in Section 8.1.3 of the Lyoness GTCs. Q: May I Use a Discount Voucher when Purchasing Lyconet Marketing Products? A: No, Discount Vouchers can only be applied to the purchase of Lyoness Loyalty Merchant Gift Cards. Q: How much Do Discount Vouchers Cost? A: Discount Vouchers are purchased for the same denomination as the Voucher is allotted. Discount Vouchers are purchased in any amount you choose, from $15.00 up to $3,600. Once an ILM has purchased Discount Vouchers and has successfully gifted them to their Members who have in turn successfully redeemed them, then the amount of the Discount Voucher can be increased. The increase (which can be up to $10,000) will be shown automatically in the Member’s online office at the sole discretion of Lyoness. Q: Can I Use a Discount Voucher for Commission Eligibility? A: Yes and No. There are three ways to become commission eligible, two of which the Discount Voucher can be used: 1. If the Marketer has a minimum of 5 direct lines, each of the lines must have collected a minimum of 150 Shopping Points within the Balance Program. Discount Vouchers and Partial Payments do apply to this option.* 2. Fast Start – taking into account the 50% rule (see Lyconet Compensation Plan), if you and your entire Shopping Network achieve 2,400 Shopping Points within 90 days, you will achieve “Fast Start”. This makes it possible for you to receive Career Level 1, Compensation Eligibility, and Premium Marketer Status Activated.** 3. The Marketer must have obtained 350 Shopping Points within the Balance Program. This includes all Shopping Points collected by the Marketer’s Lyoness Customers as well as all Shopping Points collected by the Marketer from his fully paid purchases and/or orders. Discount Vouchers and Partial Payments do not apply to this option. * Q: Where Can I find more Information Regarding Discount Vouchers? A: Additional detailed information is available in the Download section of your online office in the document titled, “Additional Terms and Conditions for Lyoness Discount Vouchers” as well as the Compensation Plan and the Let’s Get Started Guide. * as defined on Page 8 of the Compensation Plan ** as defined on Page 7 of the Let’s Get Started Guide Gift Card Order Form & Easy Shop Use the following link to download a gift card order form. Fill in the form and email it to [email protected] or give it to us in person. We will arrange for payment from you for the cards, then pickup and deliver the cards to you. ! "#$%&'()*%'+,-.$ // ! "#$%&'()*%'+,-.$ // ! 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Member‘s Signature / Company Signature Direct Debit Authorization Form (Easy Shopping Program) Lyoness America Inc. )LIWK$YHQXH6XLWH 1HZ<RUN1< 7HOHSKRQH New Delete Change Name of the Company: Name of the Owner: Address: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Loyalty Merchant ID# (If applicable): Bank Information Bank Name: Account Owner: Account Name: Bank Address: City: Routing # (9 digits): Bank Account #: Automatic direct debits will be withdrawn 2 days before monthly orders are processed. 0RQWKO\RUGHUVDUHSURFHVVHGRQWKHVW0RQGD\RIHDFKPRQWK I (We) understand and agree that Lyoness America Inc. and/or its subsidiaries (Lyoness) will initiate debit and/or credit entries to/from the checking account referenced above for services rendered and/or products purchased as per Easy Shopping Order Form between the member and Lyoness; and so authorize said FUHGLWVDQGGHELWVDVWKH\RFFXU,:HXQGHUVWDQGDQGDJUHHWKDWFKDUJHVGHFOLQHGE\WKHŰQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQZKLFKPDLQWDLQVWKLVFKHFNLQJDFFRXQWZLOOFRQVWLWXWH grounds for cancellation of service and that all charges incurred for Lyoness‘ services and products plus any bank charges incurred will be subject to collection procedures. ,WLVWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIWKH/\RQHVVPHPEHUWRPDLQWDLQVXIŰFLHQWIXQGVWRFRYHUWKHDXWKRUL]HG$&+GUDIWVWKHUHIRUHWKHUHZLOOEHDIHHIRUHYHU\ unsuccessful attempt due to unavailability of funds. <RXDUHKHUHE\DXWKRUL]HGWRGUDZGUDIWVRI$&+GHELWVRULVVXH$&+FUHGLWVRQWKHDFFRXQWPDLQWDLQHGE\PHXVDWWKHDERYHQDPHGŰQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQ7KLV DXWKRUL]DWLRQVKDOOUHPDLQLQHIIHFWXQOHVVDQGXQWLO/\RQHVVKDVUHFHLYHGZULWWHQQRWLŰFDWLRQIURPPHXVWKDWWKLVDXWKRUL]DWLRQKDVEHHQWHUPLQDWHGLQVXFKWLPH DQGPDQQHUWRDOORZ/\RQHVVWRDFWZKLFKPD\WDNHXSWRWKLUW\GD\V%\H[HFXWLQJWKLV$XWKRUL]DWLRQ)RUPWKHXQGHUVLJQHGLQGLYLGXDOVUHSUHVHQWVZDUUDQWVDQG DFNQRZOHGJHVVWKDW,IWKLVLVDFRUSRUDWLRQOLPLWHGOLDELOLW\FRPSDQ\RUSDUWQHUVKLSWKHLQGLYLGXDOVH[HFXWLQJWKLVIRUPKDVWKHUHTXLVLWHOHJDOSRZHUDQGDXWKRULW\ WRFRPSOHWHDQGVXEPLWWKLVIRUPRQWKHLUEHKDOI7KHXQGHUVLJQHGUHSUHVHQWVDQGZDUUDQWVWR/\RQHVVWKDWWKHSHUVRQH[HFXWLQJWKLVIRUPLVDQDXWKRUL]HGVLJQDWRU\ on the Account referenced above and all information regarding the Account and Account Owner is true and correct. / Account Owner Signature / Date 3ULQW1DPHDQG7LWOH ATTACH PRE-PRINTED VOIDED CHECK November_2014_ lyo_easy shopping_direct_debit_form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ate My Personal Needs (Sectors) Monthly Expenses in $ Where did I previously do my monthly shopping? As of now, with which Loyalty Merchants will I take advantage of the /\RQHVV%HQHȴWV" My personal monthly purchases with Lyoness Groceries, drinks Fuel, heating oil, gas Electricity Clothing & shoes Furniture, furnishings & decoration Building & renovation TV, DVD, electronics, music Pet store Insurance Sport, hobby & freetime Telephone, mobile & internet Household & kitchen Cars & motorcycles Restaurants & Food Markets *LIWVȵRZHUV Babies & children, toys & games Cosmetics and drugstores Health & wellness Vacation & travel 2ɝFHVXSSOLHVERRNV Total monthly Expenses: Monthly Lyoness Purchases TIP: Take advantage of the Loyalty Merchant Search on the Lyoness website to optimize your Lyoness shopping. Not only will you be amazed at the Online Shopping and the tens of thousands of points of sale, you will be really amazed with the regional shopping opportunities created by a comprehensive SME QHWZRUN7DNHDGYDQWDJHRI\RXUEHQHȴWVLWȇVZRUWKLW mp 141107_US_shopping_budget_list Memory Jogger & Candidate List Follow-Up Meeting Checklist If member has prospects there, go through the Initial checklist with each member Review Sign-up Process and 6n12 Answer Questions Take Gift Card Order if member has not ordered Work on Prospect List Watch Discuss Loyalty Merchant Benefits for Merchant & Member Login Information Lyoness: Username_______________________ Password_______________________ ID Number______________________ PIN_______________ Zipmark: Username_______________________ Password_______________________ Chase Quick Pay: Username_______________________ Password_______________________
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