Royal Coachman Resort 2015 Residents Association General Meeting, February 28, 2015 Welcome: Kerry Gonnam called meeting in the Rec Hall to order at 10:30. The pledge of allegiance was said and a moment of silence was taken to acknowledge the Canadian flag. A moment of silence was held for RCR residents who have passed away. The current Board members present were introduced: Larry Falcone, Patty Hicks, Bill Rudy, Judy Spiller, Maddy Trimby and Rod Yates. Purpose of the Board: Judy Spiller, Secretary, explained the objectives and purpose of the Board. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bill Rudy reported at balance of $13,018.88 in the checking account and reviewed income and expenses for the past year. The Funds Request form was explained. Linda Gaudet asked if the park had a Funds Request form and was told no. Question from the floor- “Why did Board buy the recycling cans?” Bill Rudy explained that the Board felt it was something the park needed and decided to buy. Volunteers and I.C.E. Forms: Pat Lang explained the In Case of Emergency forms, park handbook, storm guide, the birthday/anniversary party and the volunteer luncheon which will be on March 24, 2015. Activities: Activity Director Lori Lilly updated the residents about some of the current activities. She also announced that some of the new activities for next year will be croquet, chess club, a military celebration on Veterans Day and a bus trip to New Orleans. Lori explained that residents are allowed to “occasionally” invite non-resident people into the park for park activities but they are not allowed to attend activities on a regular basis. It is okay to send cards through the in-house mail but block party announcements, meeting reminders, special event notices etc., should be sent by emailed or hand delivered. The new TV channels (42) will start on March 9th. Lori also informed the residents that the park is working on getting an enclosure for the pavilion. Kerry Gonnam thanked Marty Nowosad and the table set up committee for all their hard work. Election Process: Bill Rudy explained the election process and introduced the new Board candidates: Frank Gawkowski, Chuck Genrich, John LeGray, Joan O’Callaghan, Steve Reeser, Bill Rudy, Dale Siegelin, Judy Spiller, Don St. John and Clarence Trachsel. Park Communications: Larry Falcone addressed some of the rumors in the park and explained about the new email system that the Board will be using to send board minutes, treasurer’s report and rumor control etc. Maddy Trimby explained a lot of the positive things that have happened in the park this year. Resident’s Suggestions and Concerns 1. Linda Leslie (#272) said she was bumped by a car on Hibiscus and felt the parking along the street should be addressed. Park is installing speed bumps on Hibiscus as part of the paving program and is considering additional lighting to increase safety concerns 2. Jerry Gulliver (#494) stated he felt people walking in middle of streets should be considerate of cars. He also suggested that the park blue cards have carbon copies for the resident to keep. A three-part blue card program will be implemented by thr park office this summer for tracking and completion concerns 3. Joel Aldrich (#306) concerned about water standing in roads because drains are plugged. Will be addressed as part of the paving program anticipated for this summer( park office awaiting funding approval from ELS home office) 4. Bill Rogowski (#500) felt the drain is too low at the second cross road on Hibiscus George Sheppard reviewed the drain problem but the fix will create additional problems for other roads. No drain change are anticipated at this time 5. Linda Rogers (#420) asked who is responsible for the maintenance of the defibrillators. She was told the park is responsible. (refer to 3/16 meeting with park management) 6. Norm Jung (#11) said he is concerned about golf carts driving too fast and young kids driving golf carts. The maintenance staff have recently been advised by park management to drive slower, as were the UPS and Fed Ex drivers 7. Pat Rooney (#33) stated that the park maintenance people need to slow down when driving golf carts. See number 6 above 8. Jeff Cornwell (#517) asked about the water standing in the drainage ditch on Pelican Loop. Patty Hicks responded to his question by stating the Health Department has been called and said about 30 people have called. Man from county came out and said that the drain at Dona Bay is blocked and that the retention pond in new development is causing problem. Refer to 3/16 meeting with park management 9. Bob Sherburne (109A) said that the FedX and UPS drivers drive too fast in park. He is also concerned about trees in the park that need trimmed. See number 6 above, and also, a large number of trees are scheduled for trimming this summer 10. Bill Spiller (#460) felt residents should not be allowed to put planters or other items by edge of roads because it forces cars to drive in yards on other side of road. Park management advised that there is no intent to change resident planters. 11. Bill Snowball (#528) asked why Board was not in favor of HOA or incorporating. Kerry Gonnam answered his question. 12. Chick Livinghouse (#482) asked how the bacteria count in the swimming pool is monitored and what are the county or state requirements. The state of Florida performs surprise inspections periodically, but the park checks the pool water daily and maintains a log. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm. Respectfully submitted by Judy Spiller, Secretary
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