The Rutgers University History Department, Center for African Studies, and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies Proudly Present Uif!:ui!Hsfbufs!Ofx!Zpsl!Bgsjdbo!Ijtupsz!Xpsltipq! Friday, March 27, 2015 Alexander Library – Teleconference Lecture Hall, 4th Floor 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ PROGRAM 8:15‐9:00 Light Breakfast 9:00 Welcome 9:00 –10:15 Panel I Chair, Allen Howard (Rutgers University) Youth and Seniority: Historical and Contemporary Expressions Louis Audet Gosselin (Rutgers University) Young Catholic Students in Burkina Faso: From Elite Certain es to Uncertain Futures (1948‐2015) Laura Phillips (New York University) Principals, Chiefs and School Commi ees: The Localisa on of Rural School Administra on in Lebowa, South Africa, 1972 – 1990 Morgan Robinson (Princeton University) Msimulizi: 'The Narrator' and the Stu‐ dents of the Universi es' Mission to Central Africa, 1864‐1900 Ca Coe (Rutgers University) Old Age Care in Southern Ghana in the 1860s 10‐15‐10:45 Coffee Break 10:45‐12:00 Panel II Chair, Laura Ann Twagira (Wesleyan University) Na onalism – Cons tu ng the ‘Na on’ Moyagaye Bedward (Rutgers University) A History of Absence: On Former Slave Communi es in the Struggle for Moroccan Na onalism and State Forma on Ma Swagler (Columbia University) Decoloniza on’s Discontents: The African Independence Party and the Origins of Post‐colonial Opposi on in Senegal Keren Weitzber (University of Pennsylvania) Self‐Determina on or Separa sm?: Interna onalizing the Struggle for Pan‐Somali Na onalism in Northern Kenya (1960‐63) Jeremy Aaron Dell (University of Pennsylvania) “The Eternal Agitator”: Cheikh Anta Mbacké’s Exile to Segu and the Early Years of the Post‐Bamba Muridiyya 12:00‐1:45 Lunch 1:45‐3:00 Panel III Chair, Carolyn Brown (Rutgers University) Popular Struggles Within and Against the Post Colonial State Samuel Fury Childs Daly (Columbia University) Fraud and Forgery Cases from the Special Tribunal of Biafra Rachel Kantrowitz, (New York University) Between Church, State and the Post colony: Catholic Educa on in Senegal and Benin Geoffrey Traugh (New York University) Incen vizing Peasants: Planners, Farmers, and Markets in Postcolonial Malawi 3:00‐3: 30 Coffee Break 3:30‐4:45 Panel IV Chair, Abosede George (Barnard College) Reflec ons on Violence and Dispossession: Iden ty, Gender and Sexuality Efeoghene J. Igor (Yale University ) Rethinking the Egalitarian Poten al of Post‐ Apartheid South Africa: Zanele Muholi’s Interven on Meredeth Turshen, Marc D. Weiner, and Orin T. Puniello (E.J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University) Fer lity under Assault: Natality in Eastern Democra c Republic of the Congo in a Time of Conflict Benjamin Twagira (Boston University) Women Protec ng Urban Homes: Gender and Militariza on in the City of Kampala, ca. 1966‐1986 Sarah Lorya (The New School) Examining South Sudanese Iden ty in America
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