We’re so excited you’ve decided to join us for Run for the “L” of It on May 16 at 8:00am. Below you’ll find some great info to make your race-day experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. So gather your friends and family, your UL spirit, and your running shoes and we’ll see you Saturday. PACKET PICK-UP Packet Pick-up for Run for the “L” of It will occur on Friday, May 15 and Saturday, May 16. Here, you’ll pick up your race bib, your T-shirt, timing chip, and other awesome race swag! Friday, May 15 – 11:00am-6:00pm The University Club (click on link for a map with directions, as it can be tricky to find) 200 E Brandeis Ave Louisville, KY 40208 Saturday, May 16 – 6:30am-8:00am Next to Start Line at Card Walk Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium We strongly encourage you to pick-up your packet on Friday. Packet Pick-up will be open on Saturday morning, but could have long lines as race time approaches. You will receive your race bib, timing chip and tshirt at Packet Pick-up. You may pick up packets for your friends, but you MUST have a copy of their photo ID in order to so do. If that participant is under 16 and doesn’t have an ID, their packet must be picked up by their parent. If you are registered as a Student, you must have a copy of your Student ID. No exceptions! BIBS & WAIVERS All registrants have been assigned a bib number, and those who registered before race week will have their name on their bib! Along with your bib number, you must have a signed waiver on file to participate. If your waiver is unsigned, send an email to [email protected] and we’ll send you the electronic link to sign your waiver. Find you bib number and waiver info on our website. PARKING There is plenty of parking available at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium. As you can see from the map below, the best area for parking will be the Green Lot at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium. You can enter this lot from Floyd St just south of Central Blvd. You will then have a short walk back to your car from the Finish at Patterson Stadium and an even shorter walk to the Start. RACE ROUTE This year’s race route is the same as last year’s, taking you past many of the amazing landmarks on the University of Louisville campus. You’ll begin by running past the brand new Lynn Soccer Stadium, the Yum! Center training complex, and along the track at Cardinal Park. You’ll then enter campus by the University Club, where you’ll run past the Student Activities Center and the Ekstrom Library on your way to The Oval and Grawemeyer Hall. From The Oval, you’ll continue down S 3rd Street to finish in the outfield inside Jim Patterson Stadium! POST-RACE GOODIES As you finish on the field at Jim Patterson Stadium, we’ll have DJ K-Dogg rocking the Finish Line music! If you are an alumni and gave us your graduation year when you registered, we’ll announce that over the PA system as you finish! The stadium will be open, so your friends and family can come cheer you on from the stands. We’ll have snacks and such for you after you finish, as well as post-race massages from WORKitOUT Sports Massage. AWARDS The top three male and top three female overall finishers will receive a great plaque! Additionally, we’ll have certificates for the top three males and females in the following age groups: 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & Over. UL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Established in 1924, the UofL Alumni Association consists of more than 130,000 alumni around the world. Membership is free and is open to all alumni and associate alums (those who acquired 90 or more credit hours at UofL but have not graduated). The Alumni Association represents all 12 academic schools and colleges with undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate alumni scattered throughout the globe. UofL’s alumni combine in creating the backbone of this institution. Building on the resources of these diverse groups worldwide, the Alumni Association allows alumni to develop together a strong continuing relationship with UofL. Over the last several decades, the Alumni Association has evolved considerably by adding college and school alumni councils, a network of state, regional, national, and international clubs, scholarship programs, and a variety of special events. To check out other Alumni Association events, visit their website at http://www.uoflalumni.org/. Your Run for the “L” of It registration is helping contribute to their continued success. BODY SHAPES MEDICAL Body Shapes Medical is a recognized leader in Kentuckiana for disease prevention and age management through hormone health for men and women, 35 and over. Offering courses of treatment specifically designed to change the way you think about taking care of yourself, inside and out, thousands of men and women from all over Kentucky and Southern Indiana have improved their quality of life through increased energy, weight loss, and look and feel younger. "A better you begins inside." JAM ACTIVE JAM Active offers fun, entertaining, and competitive active events for today’s active lifestyles! A division of The JAM Brands, JAM Active brings more than 15 years experience producing quality sporting events for all age ranges and skill levels across the world. In addition to the ultra-popular Tap ‘N’ Run and the Girls Day Out 5K, JAM Active also produces campus runs around the country. More than 60,000 participants have toed the starting line and seen first-hand that JAM Active events are focused on participant enjoyment. I know we are ready to run for the “L” of it, and we hope you are too! If you have any questions between now and race day, shoot me an email at [email protected] and I can help you out. Otherwise, see you Saturday for an awesome #R4L5K! EVENT WAIVER Name __________________________________________________ Participant Volunteer Emergency Contact Name __________________________ Emergency Contact Phone # __________________ In consideration of my acceptance for participation in Run for the “L’ of It (Event) as a participant, volunteer or otherwise , I do, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, legal representative, assignees, and successors in interest hereby and for ever waive, release, discharge, hold harmless, promise not to sue and promise to indemnify the following individuals and entities (collectively, Released Parties) from any and all claims including claims arising from the Released Parties negligence, which I have or which may accrue to me and from any and all damages which may be sustained by me in connection with, and arising out of, my participation in and association with the Event, including without limitation, any injury and claim that may arise during my travel to, from and during the Event: JAM Active LLC, JAM Brands, Inc, the UL Alumni Association or the University of Louisville, their agents, employees, officers, directors, consultants, affiliates, successors and directors; th e Run for the “L” of It, its organizers, volunteers and other participants; Event sponsors, all organizations hosting aid stations, their agents, employee s, officers, affiliates, successors and directors; and other personnel in any way assisting or associated with this Event. Thi s release applies to all activities relating to the Event, whether located on the race course or other race -related venues. I acknowledge that I should not enter and participate in the Event unless I am medically able and properly trained. I represe nt that I am physically able to participate in the Event, and I have no medical conditions or allergies that affect my ability to participate. I agre e to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete this race. I further agree that race officials may authorize necessary emergency treatment for me if I am unable to consent to such treatment and my designated emergency contact is not available. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT PARTICIPATING IN THIS EVENT PRESENTS DANGER OF BODIL Y INJURY AND DEATH. I know that this Event, which takes place on roads, is potentially a hazardous activity. I voluntarily assume full and complete resp onsibility for all risks associated with participating in the Event and for any injury or accident that may occur during my participation in this Event. Potential dangers include, without limitation, those arising out of running on public and private roads, which the Released Parties do not full y control. For instance, participants may be injured in traffic accidents, struck by vehicles or farm equipment, attacked by dogs or other animals, injured by falling or moving objects, injured by other participants or non-participants, injured by falling from or onto course obstacles and struck by lightning or other effects of weather. By participating in the Event, I agree to assume all of the risks associated with my participation, whethe r foreseeable or not, and I agree that I will not hold the Released Parties responsible for any harm that I may suffer as a result of my participation. I agree that if I or anyone on my behalf asserts a claim contrary to what I have agreed to in this Participant Release form, the claiming party shall be liable for the expenses (including legal fees) incurred by the Released Parties in defending such claim. This Release may not be modified orally, and a waiver or modification of any provision shall not be construed as a waiver or modification of any other provision herei n or as consent to any subsequent waiver or modification. Every term and provision of this Release is intended to be severable. If any one or more of this Release are found to be unenforceable or invalid, that shall not affect the other terms and provisions, which shall remain binding and en forceable. As a condition of my participation, I agree to abide by all traffic controllers, event staff and volunteers on the course and to follow any and al l of Released Parties safety instructions. I understand that my failure to do so may result in serious injury or death and may be grounds for my disqualification from this Event. I grant the Event, its organizers, JAM Active LLC, JAM Brands, Inc, the UL Alumni Association or the University of Louisville permission, in perpetuity, to use my name, event photographs, event video recordi ngs or record of my participation in this Event for promotion purposes. I hereby and forever waive, release, discharge, hold harmless, and promise not to sue Released Parties for the use of my statements an d images for such purposes. I HAVE READ THIS PARTICIPANT RELEASE FORM IN ITS ENTIRETY. I UNDERSTAND AND CONSENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS RELEASE AND RECOGNIZE THAT IT IS LEGALLY BINDING. ALSO, I HAVE READ THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE EVENT AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THEM. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT THE RACE MAY BE CANCELLED, DELAYED OR ALTERED IN THE EVENT OF WEATHER OR OTHER CONDITIONS NOT IN THE CONTROL OF RACE ORGANIZERS AND MY ENTRY FEE WILL NOT BE REFUNDED FOR ANY REASON. Participant Printed Name _______________________________________ Date _____________________ Signature ______________________________ Guardian Signature (if under 18) ________________________
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