our current series ACT LOVE WALK WELCOME TO SAANICH BAPTIST CHURCH If you are visiting or are new to SBC, welcome! Coffee is provided before the worship service, and feel free to take it into the service with you. During our services we offer options for families with children. Please see the Information Centre in the lobby for more information on Children's Programs and other inquiries. If you need prayer, we have people available to pray with you following the service, located at the right-hand side of the stage. You can also send your prayer requests to [email protected] Please note that SBC strives to be a peanut-free environment. ________________________________________________________________________ SERVICE OUTLINE May 17, 2015 Worship Music: Luke Lampard & the Worship Team Announcements, Welcome and Offering Worship Music: Luke Lampard & the Worship Team Sermon: Steve Sundby Communion Worship Music: Luke Lampard & the Worship Team Closing Comments ________________________________________________________________________ SUNDAY SERVICES: 9.30A / 11A / 6P 4347 WILKINSON ROAD / VICTORIA BC / V8Z 5B8 250.744.2020 WWW.SAANICHBAPTIST.ORG SERMON NOTES - May 17, 2015 The Micah Mandate: Act Justly Proverbs 31:8-9; Matthew 25.31-33; Matthew 25.34-36; I Corinthians 11:20-22; 1 Corinthians 11.27-29 Listen to our sermons online (saanichbaptist.org) or search for Saanich Baptist Church on iTunes. For more information, pick-up a copy of our Activity Guide, check out our website (saanichbaptist.org) or email the SBC Office ([email protected]). THIS WEEK AT SBC / UPCOMING EVENTS SUNDAY May 17 10.3a Library - SBC Lending Resources Rm. 105 11a ESL Class - SBC Rm. 104 5.45p Library - SBC Lending Resources Rm. 105 MONDAY May 19 Victoria Day - Office Closed WEDNESDAY May 20 6.3a 7p Morning Prayer - SBC - Fireside Room CRAVE - SBC FRIDAY May 22 2.3p 7p Homework Club - SBC Club 56 - SBC UPCOMING EVENTS: May 26 Connections: Ladies Night Out - Off-site ________________________________________________________________________ CONNECTIONS: LADIES NIGHT OUT Photo Scavenger Hunt on Tuesday May 26, at 7p. Follow clues, snap pictures, then meet up at the final destination for snacks and/or beverages. Sign up by May 25th by contacting Cheryl Harper at: [email protected]. MENS GOLF Kick off to the season at Bear Mountain Saturday May 30th at 3pm. Register by May 24th at the table in the fireside after the morning services. Regular season starts Thursday, June 4th at Mount Doug Golf Course. Contact Terry at: [email protected] for tee times, and sign up. SUMMER KIDS CAMPS Please see the bulletin insert for the dates and details on the Mad Science Lab and the Splatter Paint Studio camps for kids from Preschool to Grade 4. Also, on the bulletin insert there is information on the Wild Adventures camp for Kids in Grades 5 and 6. Come be a part of the Summer Camp Team by contacting Lindsay Wyse at: [email protected]. CLUB 56 INVITATION TO GRADE 4’S The grade 4’s are invited to join Club 56 on Friday May 22 at Beaver Lake picnic shelter from 5 – 8 pm for a BBQ and games. WORSHIP BAND CAPTIVE & FREE Captive & Free is a worship band made up of followers of Jesus, who are passionate in writing songs and leading congregations all over Western Canada, into the throne room of God! Captive and Free will be coming to lead worship on Sunday, June 7th. We will be hosting a Worship Night with the band following the Evening Service. MEMBERSHIP CLASS Curious about membership? Come to our Membership Class where you’ll hear more about our vision, direction, programs, organizational structure and, most importantly about your role at SBC. Please contact the church office at 250.744.2020 for to register for the June 3rd membership class. WEBSITE Check out our new website at: http://saanichbaptist.org/.
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