17-04-2015 Now - Sacred Heart North Albury

Third Sunday of Easter
18th / 19th April 2015
Parish Clergy
Fr Kevin Flanagan PP
Parish Office
Fran Kernaghan
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9.00 am – 2.00 pm
Phone: 60251516
Fax: 60404016
Web: http://sacredheartnorthalbury.com/
Mass Times
SUNDAY: 9.30 am
WEEKDAYS: 9.30 am Monday,
Wednesday, Friday (in the church)
First Tuesday of the month: 11.00 am
Mass at Mercy Place.
SATURDAY: 4.45 PM-5.45 PM
WEDDINGS—By appointment.
Preparation course: 6051 0222
BAPTISMS—By appointment.
Preparation Course: 0411 883 661
“Today, we hear Luke's account of the
disciples' meeting with the Risen Saviour.
From all these accounts a coherent story
emerges that invites the Church of every age to
share in the original moment of Resurrection
faith: the disciples are confused and
frightened; when Jesus comes into their midst,
finding faith in him is not easy and
immediate; his greeting, however, and his
loving acceptance of them into his abiding
friendship brings them a great joy, and they
find full faith in him; he instructs them – all
that has taken place is according to the designs
of God set forth in the Scriptures; he charges
them with the mission of bringing to the
whole world the good news of their
Resurrection faith and the ‘forgiveness of sins’
it brings; he promises the gift of the Holy
Spirit.” (From a homily by Fr John Thornhill sm)
We pray for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of
faith especially:
RECENTLY DECEASED: Bill McNamee, Errol Edmunds.
ANNIVERSARIES: Mary Prince, Vilem Dosek, Neville Kliese, Mick A Wessen, Edward Trim,
May Cowell, Wattie Grant, Lorna Keighran, Jack Donnelly, John Hodda, Brian Martin,
Dannial Pearson– Wainwright, Johnny Coyle, Richard Conway, Edith Adams, May Evans,
Richard Davis, Kathleen Anker, Madge Trebley, Harold Robinson, Leonard George, Malda
Hawkins, Jean Thompson, Carmen Dosenko.
Gather our loved ones into your arms. Quiet our doubt and anger and send us your
healing grace. Through Christ our Lord.
Sat / Sun: 18th / 19th April
Lector 1
Lector 2
Justin Clancy
Nano Clancy
Tony Smit
Roy Thompson
Anne Duck
Michael Stephenson
Eucharistic Ministers
Pat Hopkins
Geoff Jervois
Robert Brown
Pamela McIntosh
Judy Lindsay
Judy Foley
Anne McIntyre
Val Hayes
Counters: Anna Loughry & Michael Byrnes
Cleaning Group: Group 6
Sat /Sun: 25th / 26th April
Lector 1
Lector 2
Ed Brown
Gordon Robison
Karen Purtle
Richard Parkinson
Gavin Dykes
Rosalie Martin
Eucharistic Ministers
Pauline Mulquiney
Stephen O’Connor
Mary Lefevre
Joanne Dykes
Brian Waters
Judy Foley
Bernadette & Wendy
Counters: Nardia Scarvell & Liz Simon
Cleaning Group: Group 7
Parish Council News
Working Bee In The Church
On Thursday 23 April at 9.30am we will be holding a working bee to clean the seats, windows
and sills in the Church. Please come along with
your cleaning materials and lend a hand. Many
hands make light work!
Volunteers—Past and Present—Of Our Parish
On Sunday 17 May 2015 after 9.30am Mass we
will have a morning tea to acknowledge all who
volunteer within our Parish. Please bring a plate
to share. Everyone most welcome.
Bringing Our Parish Together
We are again asking people who need a lift or
people who can give a lift to either the 6pm or
9.30am Masses. Sheets to put your names down
are provided at church entrances.
Combined Parishes Mission - Save the date
To be held from 5 May to 9 May. Our parish will
hold it on Tuesday 5 May from 7pm. International lay Catholic missionaries Philip and Margaret Maloney are guest speakers. More information to come.
Parish Mission at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thurgoona ‘Why Do We Do What We Do? Renewal in the Covenant Sun 26 April, Mon 27 April
& Tues 28 April from 7pm each night. Reconciliation after each session.
Project Compassion
We will be sending Project Compassion monies
to Caritas Australia at the end of April. Please
hand in if you have not already done so.
You are invited to our
Sacred Heart Parish
60th Anniversary Luncheon
Commercial Club
Stanley Room
Sunday 14th June 2015
at 12.30pm
Complimentary drink on arrival
Two course meal
Adults $40 per head
Children 5-12 years $20
Under 5 years Free
Please come and celebrate our amazing Parish milestone
Tickets on sale at the Presbytery
The Sacred Heart Book will be
launched at this function
Eucharistic Ministers
With just the one Mass on Sunday we will
need to have 3 Eucharistic Ministers rostered on for the 9.30am Mass. The new
roster will indicate this.
Feastday of the Week
Thursday 23rd April—St George
The story of George's slaying the dragon, rescuing the king's daughter and
converting Libya is a 12th-century Italian fable. George was a favourite patron
saint of crusaders, as well as of Eastern soldiers in earlier times. He is a patron
saint of England, Portugal, Germany, Aragon, Catalonia, Genoa and Venice.
Saturday 25th April—ANZAC Day—Centenary celebrations
3rd Sunday of Easter —Year B
Readings: Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19; 1 John 2: 1-5; Luke 24: 35-48
Responsorial Psalm
Lord, let your face shine on us.
Alleluia Verse: Alleluia, alleluia!
Lord Jesus, make your word plain to us;
Make our hearts burn with love when you speak.
Reflection on the Readings:
With Jesus’ appearance, scripture came alive
Jesus snapped the two out of their self-pity by grabbing their attention and explaining
what they already knew in a fresh way. Jesus got their attention with two titles:
‘misunderstanding ones’ and ‘ones slow in the heart.’ When the two lost faith, they
placed their focus upon themselves; they could not understand anything beyond their
own personal lives or agendas. When they lost faith, they wallowed in their own pain;
their hearts could not recognize others reaching out to them. In their case, they could
not understand with their minds or reach out with their hearts to receive the hope
recorded in the books of Israel's prophets.
Then, Jesus interpreted Scripture in a new way. The Christ needed to die in order to
truly live and give that life to others. Jesus took what the two already knew, but threw a
fresh light on the matter. He made Scripture come alive and personal. Jesus renewed
the hope of the two, because he gave them reasons to believe.
With hope restored, the two begged Jesus to remain and have dinner. With the breaking
of the bread at dinner, they recognised Jesus. Scholars have commented upon the
liturgical overtones of 24:27 (proclamation and explanation of Scripture) and of 24:30-31
(the Eucharist). Along the Christian journey, we recognize
the Risen Lord most clearly in worship: the Word and
Sacrament. In the moment of worship, we know Christ
walks with us. (This is an additional extract from a reflection on
the Gospel by Larry
All music used in worship at Sacred Heart,
Broding website. )
North Albury, is used with permission.
All rights reserved. Australian Agent: Word of Life
Licence No 613