Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 507 South Fourth Street, Richmond, Texas 77469 Father Joe Templado, Pastor • Father Greg Mirto, Priest in Residence Deacon Don Ries • Deacon Don Murrile • Deacon John Placette Our Sacred Heart Parish Mission Statement We are a faith-filled Catholic community centered in the compassionate Heart of Jesus. We are called to know, love, and serve God and His creation. We joyfully welcome all to join God’s family and be Christ’s presence in the world. Mass Schedule Weekend Masses: Chapel Open for Private Prayer: Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am Monday-Thursday:7am - 4pm Friday: 7am –11:30am Weekday Masses/Liturgies (Chapel): Monday 8:15 am Tuesday 8:15 am Wednesday 8:15 am Thursday, Friday: 8:15 am Mass (Rosary after) Liturgy of the Word Service & Divine Mercy Chaplet Mass (Rosary before) Mass (Rosary after) Parish Offices Church Office: 281-342-3609 Faith Formation Office: 281-342-8371 Monday-Thursday 8 am-5 pm Monday-Thursday 9 am-3pm Friday 8 am - Noon Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B May 3, 2015 union with Jesus. He gives the strength and the energy to accomplish these tasks. He vitalizes and renews. He empowers and inspires. With Him, anybody can do good without counting the cost. “I am the vine and you are the branches” is a biblical line that has become familiar to us. Christ is the vine, the trunk. We are the branches, the faithful followers of Jesus. The trunk and the branches of a plant have the same life-giving substance that we call sap. Jesus and his followers have the same life-giving reality called grace—divine grace, divine life—and love within us. This is how Jesus and his believers are truly united. When Saul was persecuting Christians, Jesus told him that he (Saul) was really persecuting Jesus himself. Many people say that they love God. Unfortunately, words are not enough. “Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth” (Jn 3:18). But how is love measured? For love to be true, it has to be shown in deeds and action. Mere words fall flat in the world of love. Visit the sick, give food to the hungry, comfort the sorrowful, counsel the doubtful—these are some noble deeds that show true love in action. And in this love, we keep the commandment to love God and one another. In this love, we remain in Jesus as He remains in us. And thanks to the Holy Spirit who teaches us this truth of our faith. The union of Christians with Jesus is very important. He says, “Without me, you can do nothing.” Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta always requested from Bishops that her community of sisters be given the opportunity to attend Mass every day. She wanted her sisters to be united with Jesus in order to minister to the sick. For anybody who separates himself from Jesus separates himself from the source of life. Independence from God cuts us off from grace and divine life. In corde Jesu, Father Joe Feast of the Sacred Heart & Plaza Dedication Jesus says, “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit” (Jn 15:5). The fruits of: good works and charity, evangelization and catechesis, works of mercy and justice—these are the results of a future full of Focus On Our Future All four Focus on the Future teams have finalized goals and objectives for the 2015-2016 Action Plan. Many thanks to the dedicated participants. Over 50 parishioners, clergy, and staff members engaged in the pastoral planning process. The next step is to present a draft of the Action Plan to staff members for their input and feedback in early May. The revised plan will then be presented to Pastoral Council for their perspective at their May 28th meeting. Once the plan is approved, the four teams will begin implementing the goals and objectives. Many great ideas have been generated; and all parishioners will be invited to become partners in making the Action Plan a reality. Save the Date: June 12 Mass 7:00 pm Jeremiah 29:11 Bulletin deadline: 10 am the Friday 9 days prior to bulletin publication date (some holiday exceptions) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8:45 am - 9:45 am after monthly First Friday Mass Perpetual Adoration Chapel Holy Rosary Church grounds, 1416 George, Rosenberg 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Sacrament of Penance Saturday 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm or by appointment Anointing of the Sick During First Friday Mass each month & by appointment Visitation of the Sick Contact the parish office to make Communion arrangements for the sick & homebound. 2 Baptism & Marriage Preparation guidelines available by calling the parish office or at Mass Inten ons for this Week Offertory for March April 26, 2015 SATURDAY, May 2 5:30 pm + Marie Crouch SUNDAY, May 3 8:00 am People of the Parish 9:30 am + Kimberly Lewis 11:15 am + Richard Moreno MONDAY, MAY 4 8:15 am + Mary Jo Maresh TUESDAY, MAY 5 8:15 am Liturgy of the Word Service with Communion WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 8:15 am + Cecil & Dot Lohn THURSDAY, MAY 7 8:15 am + Rev. Charlie Lynch, CSB FRIDAY, May 8 8:15 am + Marie Wach SATURDAY, MAY 9 5:30 pm + Mary Spacek SUNDAY, MAY 10 8:00 am + Martha Zatopek 9:30 am People of the Parish, especially for all mothers living and deceased 11:15 am + Keven Lewis SUNDAY COLLECTION $ 12,066.00 FAITH DIRECT (per week) $ TOTAL COLLECTION $ 17,087.00 BUDGETED WEEKLY $ 25,400.00 DIFFERENCE $ -8313.00 BUILDING FUND $ Faith Direct Building Fund TOTAL BUILDING FUND 5,021.00 $ 201.00 240.40 $ 441.40 *Faith Direct total number of parƟcipants 150 *Faith Direct—visit For online enrollment use church code TX136 Our sincere condolences to: Andy Sharp and family on the death of his aunt, + TINA MARIE (LEE) TIPPETT. Tina’s Celebra on of Life was held Saturday, April 25, 2015 in Illinois. Readings for May 3 May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Readings for May 10 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 Thank you to this week’s altar flower donors: Society of Saint Margaret Mary Supply Drive for Retired Dominican Sisters at St. Dominic Villa ♦ Laura T . Molina, in loving memory of +Emilia Trevino ♦ Conrad & Rozanne Huelsman, in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary ♦ Willie & Ella Mae Drabek, in honor of their 61st wedding anniversary These Sisters have given their lives in service, educa ng and caring for Catholics in many parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Help us show our gra tude by contribu ng any of the items below. Please bring your items to Sacred Heart Church THIS SUNDAY, MAY 3 and drop your dona ons in the “DOMINICAN SISTERS” collec on box in the back of the Church. High School Senior Scholarship General Needs Bar soap (preferably DOVE) Shampoo (PANTENE or HEAD & SHOULDERS) Toothpaste (COLGATE or CREST) Face towels Lo on (fragrance free) for DRY SKIN ♦ All Sacred Heart parishioners graduating from high school this spring are eligible. ♦ Applications available in the Faith Formation Office or at ♦ Kitchen Needs Pot holders Liquid hand soap Medium and small dish towels FABULOSO cleaning liquid 3 Application deadline: Monday, May 4, 5:00 pm Please be respec ul of our Sacred Heart neighbors when parking for Mass and church events. Being courteous avoids being towed! Please join the Society of St. Margaret Mary as we honor Mary in May! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ministry to the Bereaved May 4, 2015 6:30 pm Social 7:00 pm Mee ng/Rosary CCE Building Ques ons: Dane e [email protected] ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ An open support group for all those who have suffered a loss. 2nd Thursday of every month 2 p.m., CCE Building Room 10 All adults welcome. Ques ons: Jeneane Champagne, 832-451-6694 Golden Hearts & Skeeters Baseball ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ KNITTING/CROCHET CLUB & ROSARY GUILD Friday, May 15 Sugar Land Skeeters vs York Revolu on Ballpark opens at 6 pm, Game begins at 7 pm Fireworks display! Tickets: $7, reserve at the Parish Office A er 50 ckets have been reserved, a wai ng list will be started and more ckets will be purchased if they are available. Sign up early so that you can make sure you and your guests are in the first 50 and so that we can all be seated in one area. Food voucher package available: $5 (Includes hot dog, chips, Coke) Ticket/food voucher reserva on deadline: Noon, Friday, May 8th Ticket/food voucher pickup: Monday, May 11—Noon, Friday, May 15 Reserved seats are easily accessible, li le climbing required, Free parking; handicapped parking and wheelchairs available May 15 is “Pink in the Park” Breast Cancer Awareness night. WEAR PINK! Contact Ron Dischinger for more informa on: 281-343-1352 Rosary-making lessons available! All Things Girl Camp Registra on Open! Program Informa on: • • • • • • • Dates: June 22—June 26, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM to 12:45 PM For girls entering grades 5-8 Cost: $35 per girl. Includes materials and supplies for week. Registra on forms available online at and in the Faith Forma on office. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: NOON, MAY 28, 2015 Limited to 40 Campers! VBS Registra on Open! Program Informa on: Knights of Columbus Council 7445 • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. 6:45 pm: Fellowship/Meal 7:30 pm: Mee ng CCE Building Room 1 Future Knights: Are you interested in joining the Knights of Columbus? Are you a Knight who recently joined our parish and would like to a end one of our mee ngs or transfer into our Council? ♦ For more informa on: Howard Harbes (Grand Knight), 281-342-9334 or Marty Gibula (Membership Director), 713-319-4658 Mondays 10:00am -11:30 am CCE Room 10 • • 4 • • Dates: Monday, July 13—Friday, July 17, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM For children ages: 3 & 4 (Age 3 by May 1, 2015 and po y trained) Entering grades K-5 (fall 2015) Cost: $30 per child (or $90 per family for 3 or more children). Includes VBS t-shirt, 1 Music CD per family, supplies, and snacks for each child. Registra on forms available online at and in the Faith Forma on office. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JUNE 15, 2015 Teen (Grades 6-12) & adult volunteers needed! Cami Chedester, Director of Faith Formation Adult Groups RCIA 10:30am (after 9:30 Mass) Faith Formation class Sacramental Prep week (at regular FF classes) Dates in bold type indicate special notes listed on the side. [email protected] 281-342-8371, x 344 May 2015 S M T W T F 3 10 17 24 S 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 2 9 16 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 1st Communion at all weekend Masses, May 2-24 5/17 RCIA 31 Sacramental Preparation Interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Or in becoming Catholic? NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN ATTENDING RCIA CLASSES (IN PREPARATION FOR EASTER 2016) Contact Cami Chedester, 281-342-8371, x. 340 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and Family Catechumenate HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION GREEN GROUP REMINDER! Final Retreat June 12-14, 2015 CCE rooms 1 and 2 CATECHETICAL SESSIONS Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. (immediately after the 9:30 a.m. Mass) Sunday, May 3 Sunday, May 10 Sunday, May 17 Sunday, June 14 Sunday, June 28 Contact: Mrs. Mary Ann, 281-342-8371, x. 342 5 Who’s Who in the Church Eschatology: Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory Catholic Practices Sacred Heart Introduction to the Bible Contact Cami Chedester, 281-342-8371 for more information. Looking for Sacramental Preparation Information? See page 5. Sacramental preparation information for elementary and secondary school students/parents, RCIA/Family Catechumenate, and Adult Confirmation programs are listed on page 5. All other elementary, secondary, and adult faith formation information is listed on pages 6 and 7. Contact: Emily Kucherka, 281-342-8371, x. 343 or [email protected] To All our Pre-School – Fifth Grades Catechists, Aides, Office Helpers, Music Leaders, Nursery Workers and Substitute Catechists who made our 2014-2015 Faith Formation Year a success and for sharing your love of Jesus with our young parishioners. TEEN VOLUNTEERS Ifeoma Ahuna Shelby Band Kelly Flores Anna Knox Mariam Pardo Raeanne Ramirez Danielle Alford Drew Bevington Samantha Garza Shelby Langdon RJ Pardo Isabel Araujo Kayley Flores Caitlin Hernandez Raymond Pappas Nicole Polites CATECHISTS AND AIDES Andrea Tilly Jennifer Nguyen Karen Stimatz Lillie Sauceda Mary Jo Barr Amanda Baker Kim Smith Lizette Moon Patti Tomaskovic Allison Erdeljac Yvonne Guerrero LouAnn Mowka Michelle Hernandez Brunella Uhlendorf Elizabeth Zorrila April Hobson Stephanie Huff Debbie Langdon Kristy Hahn Beth Constantine JoNell Reue Kay Polites Natalie Robles Misty Hildum Shelia Wacker Beth Kugler Sarah Garza Alici Band Cristina Molina Monica Lloyd Connie Veazey Brenda Ochoa Tara Merino Chris Pappas Lark Maresh Gabriel Garza Susan Alford Lori Sowa Madison Gray Lisa Feighery Kim Roy Christina Miller Jere Crean Kaitlyn Tomaskovic OFFICE ASSISTANTS, MUSIC LEADERS, SUBSTITUTE CATECHISTS and NURSERY WORKERS Aly Bevington Kevin Knox Linda Pardo Roberta Hall Kathryn Strong Laura Molina Tamara Flores Contact: Chris Donatto, 281-342-8371, x. 341 or [email protected] Calling all current catechists and those interested!!! If you have been out of High School for one year or more, please pray and discern if you are being called to join our Life Teen (high school) and EDGE (middle school) CORE Teams to lead our youth closer to Christ. Please contact Chris about any questions or concerns you may have and to receive the CORE Covenant. 6 Youth Faith Formation is continued on next page. Celebrating The Class of 2015 TÄÄ {|z{ áv{ÉÉÄ áàâwxÇàá tÇw vtàxv{|áàá? ctáàÉÜtÄ VÉâÇv|Ä tÇw Yt|à{ YÉÜÅtà|ÉÇ UÉtÜw ÅxÅuxÜá tÇw à{x|Ü ytÅ|Ä|xá tÜx vÉÜw|tÄÄç |Çä|àxw àÉ à{x ftvÜxw [xtÜà fxÇ|ÉÜ VxÄxuÜtà|ÉÇ `táá tÇw W|ÇÇxÜ fâÇwtç? `tç DJ? ECDH HMCC ÑÅ `táá IMCC ÑÅ W|ÇÇxÜ |Ç {ÉÇÉÜ Éy à{x áxÇ|ÉÜ vÄtáá Please RSVP on or before May 12, 281-342-8371 ADULT FAITH FORMATION AND MINISTRY Contact: Kathryn Strong, 281-342-8371, x. 336 or [email protected] Join the Conversation All adults are invited to read and reflect on the upcoming Sunday readings using a resource called Quest, during the Easter season. A small group will gather to share their reflections on Wednesday evenings for six weeks from April 8 to May 13. Join us in Room 10 of the CCE building from 7:00 to 8:20 pm. Interested in deepening YOUR FAITH? Symbolon series An opportunity for adults to learn more about the Catholic Faith. Our gatherings consist of teaching and lively discussions on contemporary Catholic topics. Sundays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in Martha and Mary (apartments) room 12 It’s not too late to join! 7 Sacred Heart Mother’s Day Out and Preschool Registra on Open Building Faith, Shaping Minds Pre-Kindergarten 3 yrs. - 8th Grade Are You Looking for Something • • • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ Class day: 9am - 2pm For children ages 18 months to Pre-K. Spaces are limited and classes are beginning to fill up. ♦ Contact Kelly Strnadel, Mother’s Day Out Office: 281-232-5850 or email [email protected] ♦ Registra on form available online at: Differentiated Learning Small Class Sizes A Family Like Atmosphere Current Technology Religion Taught Daily & Lived Enrichment Classes in Every Grade A School Rich with Tradition Spanish and Computer Taught Starting in Pre-K • • Open House Saturday, May 16th from 1:00 - 4:00 To RSVP or for more information: 281-342-5813 1426 George Street, Rosenberg, TX 77471 Perpetual Adora on Chapel At Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Catholic School Scholarship Deadline: May 29 ♦ A en on parents with students a ending or considering a ending Holy Rosary Catholic School! ♦ To receive scholarship assistance parents must meet the following criteria: -Registered Sacred Heart parishioners for one year -A year’s history of offertory contribu ons totaling $600 -Parent involved in bazaar and one other ministry ♦ To apply: Call Elilah Cavazos, 281-342-3609 ext 452 or email [email protected] The Perpetual Eucharis c Adora on Chapel opened in June, 1981. Over 65% of the present a endees have worshiped at the Chapel since opening day. Although the Chapel is located at Holy Rosary Church, a ending Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at this loca on is the privilege and responsibility of the parishioners of the four Richmond-Rosenberg Catholic Churches. Please prayerfully consider choosing an hour to a end. Anyone can a end at any me, but ideally, parishioners will choose an hour and a end that same hour once each week. Simply enter your name on the schedule located in the Chapel or call Marv Kuhn at 281-342-9381. Worldwide Marriage Encounter ♦ ♦ Give your marriage a well deserved vaca on! Register for an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and come back with a marriage that is refreshed and full of energy! ♦ Next weekends: June 19-21, 2015 or October 910, 2015 ♦ For more informa on: Brian & Tina Li le, 281-773-4014 or Vacant hour needing a endance: Tuesday 10:00 pm Many thanks to all who parƟcipate in this ministry. 8 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ MONDAY May 4 SUNDAY May 10 ♦ Friday, May 8, 2015 Quail Valley Country Club Missouri City, Texas Entry fee: $100/individual, $400/team (includes green fee, range balls, shared cart, hamburger buffet, prizes) Four Player Team Handicapped Scramble 8:30 am Shotgun Start followed by lunch, awards, and prizes Awards: 1st Place Team Straightest Drive Choking Dog 2nd Place Team Longest Drive Door Prizes 3rd Place Team Closest to the Pin Raffle Contact: Lloyd Waguespack— 713-899-2645, [email protected] Or Pete Muceus— 281-491-9671, [email protected] TUESDAY May 5 ♦ ♦ Week at a Glance SATURDAY THURSDAY THURSDAYWEDNESDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY WEDNESDAY May 9 10 May 8 April 9 May 7 April April May 8 6 Council 4204 14th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Honor your Mother/Father with a gi to PRC! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Pregnancy Resource Medical Center Volunteers and Church volunteers will be distribu ng baby bo les today. Please take a bo le home and fill it with a dona on to PRMC (coins, bills or a check). If a dona on is made to honor a mother/father we will send a card le ng them know that a dona on was made in their honor. PRMC supports the sanc ty of life by offering one-on-one counseling, free pregnancy tests, Free ultrasound, resources and referrals along with support through our LEAP- LEARN EARN AND PLAN PROGRAM! All of our services are confiden al and free!! Thank you for suppor ng your local Pregnancy Resource Medical Center!! Ques ons: Nan Haskins, [email protected] 9 9:30a Contemporary Catholicism (Adult Catechism) 10:35a RCIA (after 9:30am Mass) 3p No Adult Confirmation Class Explore Retreat for Young Men in High School June 8-10, St. Mary’s Seminary This retreat is for high school boys ages 15-18 who want to experience Christ and grow in rela onship with Him. It is an opportunity to set me aside to explore seminary life and learn about the call to holiness and priesthood. The retreat consists of music, games, faith sharing, fellowship, outdoor ac vi es, crea ve prayer experiences and much more. Explore will be facilitated by seminarians studying for the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. We ask that the applicant be approved by the Pastor, DRE, youth minister, or principal. Limit of 4 par cipants/parish (limited space). $80 per par cipant. Registra on materials available in early April; watch our website for informa on: www.houstonvoca PRAYERS REQUESTED FOR: ROSEMARY ACREY MARIA ALBRIGHT LEE ALTIMORE JOHN AMATO MSGR. ARNOLD ANDERS LARRY ARELLANO TRAVIS ARNOLD ELISA BAKER JULIUS BALCEROWICZ AL BALINSKI GERI BANDISH JOYCE BARANOWSKI BONNIE BARANSKI VIRGINIA BARR SELMA BEDNAREK MARION BELL DENNIS BENDELE MICHAEL BERGEN MILDRED BOOKMYER ASHLEY BORDELON DRUMMOND BRADEN BERNIE BRIONES SKYE BROCKERMEYER CAYDEN CAPELLO DAVID CARPENTER JASON CARR BERNICE CHEDESTER KYLE CIBBS ROSA CORDAWAY GLORIA DAVILA HERMAN DAVILA LINDA DAVILA SHARON SEILER DAVIS FRED DE LA GARZA PAULA DE LEON KATE DUDLEY GARLAND & SUZIE EAVES LINDSAY ETZLER ALLEN EWALD ISAIAH FERGUSON EVA FLORES CHRIS FOX MARK FRIES JOANNE RICHARDS THE ROGERS FAMILY JOAQUIN RUSSELL (INFANT) JACQUELINE RUIZ JOSE SANCHEZ MORRISSIA “RISA” SAUER NORBERT SCHAATT DONALD SCHAFER DON SELF KATHRYN SELLERS ESTELA SILVA ALICE SILVAS BRUNO SIMONI SANDRA SMITH ANNE SOLCHER ZAC STICE JUSTIN STOUT CHRIS STRAVITSCH TOM SUCHYTA COLLEEN SULLIVAN TONY & NICK SVATEK ANGELA SWEET VIVIAN SWEET TINA TATE JOSH TAYLOR FAMILY (MRS.) BILLIE TEAGUE AMANDA THOMAS DOROTHY TICE JOE TREMONT GRANT TRIPP ANNETTE URBANEK LEROY VACEK CINDY VALKA BOB VEGA EDWARD VILLARREAL SARAH ANN VILLEDA MARION WALKER CAROL WALTHALL JIM WALTHALL BETTY WEBER GEORGIA WEST JAMES WILHELM ZENA ZAPOLSKI SALLY ZARLENGO FOR ALL MILITARY MEN & WOMEN, ALL HEALTH CAREGIVERS, AND PRAYER BLANKET RECIPIENTS. ANTHONY GARCIA JOANNE GARCIA MARY HELEN GIUSTI BRAD GOVREAU BARBARA GRAHAM DAVID GRAHAM DORIS GRAMMIER ANGELA GUERRERO VIRGINIA GURECKY MARY HACKER BOBBIE HAJOVSKY ARTHUR HAUPTMAN KEVIN HE DARAN HENNESSEY MARIE HENNESSEY MARIA ELENA HERNANDEZ SHIRLEY HERRIN JOAN HESPELEIN MARIE HLOZEK CHRIS HUBBARD NORMAN HUBBARD SANDRA HUBENAK LYNNLEA JOHNSON SEARCY JOHNSON CHARLES JONES JIMMEY JONES MORGAN JONES JENNIFER KELLY EDWARD KINCAID SISTER CLAUDIA KLESEL ANNIE KNESEK FRANK KNESEK JACOB KOEHL ROSALINDA KOLTS ROBERT KONTOMINAS MELANIE KRECJ MELODY KREJCI MICHAEL KUJAWA OLGA KULCAK ANDRÉ LAURIN FRANCES LEMBECK REILEY LEBOEUF AMY LEMOS Alicia Band Lark Maresh David Boehm Veronica Molina Rickey Constantine Helen Morgan David Krusleski, Chair Richard Rebeles Mike Kugler Virginia Rivera Denise Lanik Tom Walleck PARISH STAFF Address questions/concerns to: [email protected]. Father Joe Templado, Pastor CHANCE LEMOS (INFANT) AUDREY LEROUX ERNESTINE LEWIS DOROTHY LOPEZ BETTY LOWE JEROME MACHA VIC MACHA JACOB MAHER SARAH MAHER TOMMY MAFNAS SISTER CATHERINE MANNING DOROTHY MARESH RACHEL MCCARTY JUDY MCCLENDON NORMA MCELLEN JOHN MCHUGH JOEL & CHRISTINA MENA RUDY MENDEZ ANNE MERRY CHARLES MERTA SARA METCALF BETTY MICHALIK DENISE MILLER STEVEN MILLER CARL MOELLER JOAN MOELLER BOBBIE MOONEY GLADYS MUELLER MIKE MUELLER SHELLY MUNOZ DONNA NAPOLI KATHLEEN NGUYEN GABBY NIETO VONNIE NOVOSAD MAUREEN ORTH SANDY PATERICK KIRK PESCHKE GARY PEKAR DEACON JOHN PLACETTE COLTON PLUMMER ADAM RAMIREZ CHARLES RANSOME T. J. REBLER Ann Council Tom Petrosewicz, Chair Andrea Almaraz Kim Roy Carol Heumann Ray Simar Christine Dunn Lori Salazar, Secretary Tamara Flores Charlotte Sicking Ryan Niles Russ Thomas Scott Rech, Chair Ron Thompson Natalie Robles Rei Umali Glenn Nohavitza Deacon Don Ries [email protected] Deacon Don Murrile [email protected] Deacon John Placette [email protected] Father Greg Mirto, Priest in Residence Jenni Walthall, Parish Administrator, x447 [email protected] Linda Murrile, Secretary, x451 [email protected] Elilah Cavazos, Bookkeeper, x452 [email protected] Betty Holub, Director, Music & Liturgy, x340 [email protected] Aimee Morvant, Communications Coordinator, x337, [email protected] Charlotte Constantine, Nursery Norma Ibarra, Housekeeper Jesse Hernandez, Maintenance Johnny Guerrero, Custodian 10 Address questions or concerns to: [email protected] Sacred Heart Mother’s Day Out & Preschool: 281-232-5850 Faith Formation Cami Chedester, Director, x344, [email protected] Emily Kucherka, Elementary Ministry, x343, [email protected] Chris Donatto, Youth/Young Adult Ministry, x341, [email protected] Kathryn Strong, Adult Faith Formation and Ministry, x336 Pauline Neville, x338, [email protected] Mary Ann Ramirez, x342, [email protected] Monique Wilburn, x339, [email protected] PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 3907 Ave. H Rosenberg 281-633-9042 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePlease Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! • Quality Service • • Honesty First • See Your Ad in COLOR GRAYLESS INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.833.5941 811 Plantation Dr., Richmond 281-633-8155 MARY ANN GRAYLESS 1100 Travis St. Richmond, TX 77469 281-342-8127 • Equipment & Tool Rental • Lumber • Special Orders • Window Screens Kay & Mickey Powers, Owners Parishioners St. Bartholomew 281-342-5207 SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... Contact DONNIE TAYLOR today at (800) 833-5941 [email protected] 1410 E. Hwy 90A @ 359 281-238-4800 PIER36SEAFOOD.COM PARISHIONER ST. LAURENCE 515161 Sacred Heart Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. ALL FRESH, NO BULL! For further information, please call the Parish Office. HAUSLER’S PAINT & DECORATING CENTER OPEN: Tue-Sat. Lunch / Dinner Sun. Lunch Only 281/558-5588 ✔ CHECK SPORTS Vinyl • Carpet • Ceramic Tile • Paint HEADQUARTERS 841 Hwy. 90-A East 281-344-9123 5% OFF MEAL W/COUPON A Household Name Since 1979 Paul Medina 281-935-4772 Lupe Medina 281-935-4775 AUTOGRAPHED MEMORABILIA, SPORTS COLLECTIBLES & SUPPLIES 212 Austin St., Richmond, TX 77469 OFF US 90A ON 762 LOOP 281-341-8170 918 San Jacinto St. Rosenberg, Texas 77471 10% OFF Across from Burke’s Outlet 1st Order w/Coupon DAVIS HOME HEALTH, LLC Your ad • Medicare Certified • CHAP Accredited • Wound Care • Injections • BP Management • RN 24/7 • COPD Management • G-Tube Care • Ostomy Care 1830 S. Mason Rd. Next to Ace Hrdwr. 281-579-8834 could be in this space! Recognition Awards Apparel • Gifts • Jewelry 940 3rd St. Rosenberg 281-342-2112 TWO LOCATIONS PARISHIONERS 281.207.1346 In Fine Jewelry, Inc. KYLE D. MCCREA, D.D.S. 281-342-2121 601 South 2nd Street, Richmond,TX ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! FRANK’S NURSERY LLC Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 281-341-7013 100 Liberty St. • Richmond, TX 77469 281-342-1300 Rudy Buena-Vista WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping • Landscaping Service • Grinding Service Available 302 FM 359, Richmond, TX 77406 1709 Ave. H • Rosenberg, TX 77471 under an ADVERTISED blanket 281-342-3211 on an ADVERTISED mattress 10% OFF w/ad (Excl. Sale items) and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower Parishioner Our Lady of Guadalupe shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup Little Flower Catholic Books & Gifts GILLEN Pest Control Religious Goods ✟ Sacramental Needs ✟ Much More Homes • Lawns • Trees • Termites • Mosquitos 5349 US 90 (Old Katy) ✟ 281-391-0330 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Broker/Realtor®/Parishioner 281-414-6407 A colorful Catholic ABC book JTM for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions Underground Utilities • Site Development • Municipal • Commercial to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 281-239-0374 515161 Sacred Heart Church (A) WHY IS IT? Jesus A to Z Richmond Property Shoppe, llc Marilyn “Toodie” Sitka, JTM CONSTRUCTION 281-342-6969 of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. 800-566-6150 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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