Co Sacred Heart Church “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 3900 Arthur Drive, P. O. Box 10 Delta, B.C. V4K 3N5 Telephone 946-4522 Fax: 946-4533 E Email:[email protected] Parish Website: Youth Ministry Website: Priests Serving the Parish: Fr. Edgar Polotan, OSA - Fr. Francis Galvan, OSA Fr. Ronnie B-Sy Custorio,OSA - In Residence: Fr. Leo D. Cameron, OSA Parish Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Mondays Closed) Baptism……….………...Sunday @ 12:15pm (Call office for appointment) Baptismal Class…………Third Wednesday of the Month 7:00pm Monastery Confirmation……………Call PREP Office Holy Eucharist: The Lord’s Day……........Saturday 5pm / Sunday, 9am, 11am & 5pm (Church) Weekday Mass……….…Monday to Saturday, 9am (Chapel) Spanish Mass……………First Saturday of the Month 7pm (Church) Except May/June Filipino Mass…………….Last Sunday of the Month 7pm (Church) Except July/August Eucharistic Adoration…...First Friday of the month 10am to 5pm (Chapel) Confessions…….............Saturday: 10am to 11am (Chapel) or by appointment Marriage………................Call Office at least six months prior to the date desired Holy Order……………….Becoming a priest /deacon: see Pastor Anointing of the Sick..…Call Office / Pastor Funeral…………………..Call Office Counseling……..……......Call Office Mass Intentions: See office Blessings: (House, Car etc.) Call office PARISH COMMITTEE AND GROUP MEETINGS (SEPT to JUNE) Feb, April, June St. Monica Meeting TBA Augustine nd 7:30 pm 2 Monday Knights of Columbus House 7:30 pm Baptism Sunday, April 12th Bible Study Group 6:15pm Tuesday nd 2 Tues(Feb, April, Jun, Oct, Dec) PREP Parish Council Meeting Monastery Parish Education Committee Monastery 7:00pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 6-7 pm 8-9 pm rd Last Tuesday every 2 Community Concerns months nd Parish Faith Formation 2 Wednesday T.B.A. R.C.I.A. Wednesday Edge (Junior) Wednesday Jet (Senior) WEEKLY PRAYER GROUPS- ALL YEAR 9:30am Mon to Sat Holy Rosary Chapel 7:30 pm Monday Taize Prayer Chapel 9:30am & 7:30pm Tuesday Meditation Group Monastery Library 7 p.m. Tuesday Spanish Holy Rosary Chapel 7:30pm Wednesday 7:00pm Thursday Sacred Heart Group Legion of Mary PARISH CONTACTS Prayer SUNDAY REFLECTION Monastery Monastery Youth Hall Youth Hall Tuesday 3 Tuesday A WARM WELCOME to all visitors and Parishioners to our Faith Community! New parishioners please fill out a Registration form which are available on - line or at the back of the Church. Thank you. Monastery 12:15 pm 6:30pm April 12, 2015 - Year B. 2nd Sunday of Easter “The community of believers was of one heart and mind and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own.” - Acts 4:32 All that we are and all that we have is a gift from God! Think of your family, your friends, your talents and abilities – these are all gifts from God. We aren’t really owners of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has blessed us with. Augustine House School 7:30pm John 20.19-31 Clubhouse Church Barry Marshall Dileep Athaide John Barker Maintenance/Rentals R.C.I.A. Coordinator Choir Director/Music Ministry 319-4740 940-2396 943-7558 Erin Seddon Religious Education 946-2618 Dionne Peralta Youth Ministry 946-2618 Kelly Kozack School Principal 946-2611 Isabella Bernadette, daughter of Manly and Melissa BURLEIGH. Congratulations and God’s Blessings VISITATION The Augustinian community in Ladner welcomes Most Rev. Alejandro Moral, O.S.A., Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine together with Father Joseph Farrell, O.S.A., Vicar General and Very Rev. Bernard Scianna, O.S.A., Prior Provincial. They are here for what is it called ‘Visitation’ on April 15, 2015. On that same day, two members of the Parish will be Affiliated to the Augustinian Family. Monday April 13th: Sunday April 19th: Sports Night Senior youth & young adults of our parish are welcome to join us Mondays for drop-in sports night from 8-10pm in the school gym. Contact Jarnael Payer 604.375.9365. Knights of Columbus will have their pancake breakfast today after the 9 and 11am Masses in the parish Hall. Bring the whole family and enjoy some social time with your fellow parishioners! St Monica Guild warmly invites all women of the Parish to our next meeting tonight, Monday April 13th in the clubhouse at 7.30pm. - Come out and support us in this ministry especially if you are new to the Parish we would love to meet you. It is time for our elections. We need a Vice President, Secretary, Spiritual and program director and another member at large who helps with meetings, set up etc. For more information contact Elizabeth Christian at 604-952-0660. Tuesday April 14th: ”Lil’ Saints Preschool will be hosting an Open House today. Come for a pancake breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus then check out our classroom, meet the teachers and find out more about our wonderful program. There will be arts and craft, face painting and other fun activities for the kids! Sacred Heart School will also be accepting registrations for their Summer Camp for kids ages 5-10 during the preschool's open house" Check us online at or call 604-946-4525 for more information. 5-Part Mini Retreat Course - Retreat #3: Welcoming the Word: Annunciation starting at 12:15 - 2:30pm at Augustine House, Media Room. Courses are independent of each other. All are welcome to come to any or all 5 mini-retreats hosted by the daytime parish bible study group & facilitated by Dennis Cherenko. For more info, please contact Sue Steevie [email protected] or Erin Seddon [email protected] Lift Every Voice tonight at Cedar Park Church starting at 7:00pm. Our Augustinian Choir will be performing along with several other local Churches. The evening will have singing praises to God along with readings and congregational singing. Cost: by donation to the Community Fund of Faith – to help those in the greater community. Location: 5300 44th Ave Ladner. All are welcome to this evening. Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) classes take place Tuesday evenings from 6:15 – 7:30pm in the school. Erin Seddon – 946-2618 [email protected] VARIA Wednesday April 15th: The Wedgewood Room is open today from 10 am to 4 pm in the Parish Center. Stop by and check out our great selection of spring fashions and accessories. Gently used and clean spring and summer fashions now being accepted. Contact Willie Cote at 943-1528 or Leona De Caire 946-2098. Saturday April 18th: 1st Communion Retreat for all children preparing for this Sacrament takes place today beginning in the church at 8:30am with opening prayer; ending in the school gym at 12:15pm with lunch. Retreat includes music, crafts, games, a movie and practice for the Celebration of 1st Holy Communion. All children preparing for this Sacrament are expected to attend this important part of their preparation. If you have extra-ordinary reasons why you cannot attend, please contact Erin Seddon 946.2618 or [email protected] Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated by Archbishop J Michael Miller, CSB at 7pm, Monday, April 20th in the church with the Gr 7 Confirmation Candidates of our parish. All are welcome to join in praying for the candidates as they complete their final preparations this week. “May they have the strength of the SPIRIT, the power of PRAYER, and the persistence of FAITH, to live in SERVICE, to LOVE with all their heart, and to let God lead them always. Amen.” Baptismal Preparation Class will be held on Wednesday April 22nd at 7pm in the Monastery. If you have a child that you wish to be baptized please contact the parish office prior to register for this class. All-School Mass on Friday April 24th at 9:15am in the Church. All are welcome. No Morning Mass or Reconciliation (9am) Saturday, April 25th due to Arthur Dr. being closed for Delta Triathlon. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The RCIA program will resume at Sacred Heart this fall. RCIA is a process that invites adults, who are not Catholic, to discover Jesus Christ and be fully joined to the Catholic Church. While classes will begin in September, the recruitment of candidates is proceeding now. The pastor has appointed Mr. Dileep Athaide as our RCIA Coordinator. Our parishioner Mr. Athaide is a candidate for the Diaconate Order and will be ordained in December 2015. For all RCIA inquires please call Dileep at 604-9402396. New Books @ the Kiosk in the lobby of the church. New book titles by world-class Catholic authors are: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist; 33 Days to Morning Glory; Bible Basics for Catholics; Consoling the Heart of Jesus + Prayer Companion; The Shadow of His Wings. These inspirational books make great gifts and are just $5 each. Youth Ministry at Sacred Heart Sunday May 3rd is our Sacred Heart School’s 27th Annual Walkathon with a 1:00 pm start. Our financial goal for the 2015 Walkathon is $40,000. Monies raised will support the need for various school items. If you would like to pledge the “STUDENTS OF SACRED HEART SCHOOL” you may do so after the 5pm Mass on April 25th or after all Masses on the 26th at the back of the church or you can make a credit card pledge online at or go to and search “Sacred Hearth Elementary Walkathon”. Your generosity and help in making this event another success is appreciated! Please note that on Sunday, May 3rd there will be NO parking at the back of the church or school during the three Masses. This will ensure the safety of the students & parents participating in the event. Thank you for your understanding! WEDNESDAY EVENINGS EDGE (Grades 6-8) from 6-7PM. JET (Grades 9-12) from 8-9PM. YOUTH NIGHT: Who am I? Who do I say I am? Who does God say I am? This week we will learn all about our identities. We have all been specially crafted by God to make up our own unique identities - and God creates masterpieces! Join us this week for games, fun topics, and snacks! Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: Sacred Heart Youth THANK YOU CORNER To Sacred Heart Parish, Thank you so much for collecting all those wonderful items for us! Our Gift-in-Kind department distributes over 8,000 clothing items every year! The success of this program would not be possible without the thoughtful contributions from donors like you! Thank you again for your amazing kindness and generosity! Warm regards, Amy Cotton Development Associate, Gifts-in-Kind Covenant House Vancouver +++++++++ Thank you: We are very grateful to all those who so promptly assisted me during my collapse at Easter Sunday mass. Your kindness was greatly appreciated and will be remembered by me and my family! Evelino Coschizza and Family ARCHDIOCESAN NEWS AND EVENTS Youth Day 2015 Join hundreds of teens for an awesome day of faith, fellowship, and fun! The day includes keynote talks, praise and worship music, breakout sessions, the MIB vs Youth soccer game, Mass, meals and more. We are excited to welcome Bob Rice as our keynote speaker and worship leader and thrilled to welcome home Sister Antoniana Maria of the Sisters of Life and many local speakers on topics relevant to our theme of "He is the Vine, We are the Branches." Saturday, May 2, from 9am to 9:30pm at Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School, Port Coquitlam. To register or for more information, John Paul II documentary A new documentary on St. John Paul II and his impact on the American continent will air in April on national television networks. Produced by the Knights of Columbus and narrated by actor Andy Garcia, John Paul II in America: Uniting a Continent, coincides with Pope John Paul II Day in Canada, celebrated April 2. For more broadcast details, visit Christ is Risen! Christ is Alive and journeys with us!
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