Saint John’s Lutheran Church and Childhood Center EPISTLE Millheim, Pennsylvania Happenings: JULY 3 - Office & Childhood Center closed for July 4th holiday 5 - Holy Communion 12 - 10:30AM Worship & Picnic @ Soldiers & Sailors Park, Millheim 19 - Worship Service 21 - Church Council mtg 26 – Worship Service AUGUST 2 - Holy Communion 9 - Worship Service 13 - Caring for Our Gifts Committee mtg 16 - Companion Synod Sunday July/August 2015 From the Pastor In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth… God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. that word can be the source of all we speak. It can be the filter through which we read and hear so many other words that shape the reality of our daily lives. With the power of a few words, God created our world and all things in it. Such is the strength of the word. And while none of us have the power to form a world out of nothing, the way we use language shapes our reality and the realities of others. What we say, what we don’t say, what we write, read, and hear have immense power. Our words can heal or hurt; tear down or build up; bring joy or cause pain. Which says to me, we should be very careful about how we use our words and how we frame our speech because what we say creates a ‘world’, and forms an impression that can last a long, long time. For we all know we can hear and read a lot of things that are damning and damaging. We can even pass them along to others and be gossips. But what I find quite intriguing is that the word ‘gossip’ is a word that originally meant ‘god relative’ from the Middle English word ‘god-sib’. In its original form a gossip was a companion, a godparent, a religious sponsor. And what that says to me is that when we are being gossips, god-siblings, the words we pass along ought to be Godly words. Words that are intended to build up, that point to greater truths, and that are based upon the faith God has given to us. 18 - Church Council mtg 21-29 Grange Fair 23 - 9:30 AM Worship at Salem. 30 - 9:30 AM Worship at Salem. So how do we use our words? And what is behind the language we use on a regular basis? If it’s scripture, we’re inspired by phrases like, “Be not afraid!” or perhaps “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Of course scripture is also full of words of woe, warning, and judgment. But as followers of Christ, we believe in God’s Word made flesh; an ever- living Word of redemption, forgiveness, and salvation. And as repentant sinners, God spoke and created a world for humanity; a world where we can live in hope, peace, and love. Let us do our best to cultivate those things with our words and deeds as we shape our life and the lives of others each and every day. Let us be great at gossiping, in its original sense, as we walk with our sisters and brothers, our God-siblings in Christ. Your partner in mission and ministry, Pastor Julia PAGE 2 E P I S T LE J U LY /A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 No Worship at Saint John’s Lutheran on August 23rd & 30th Instead, we’ll gather at Salem Lutheran in Aaronsburg at 9:30am. With so many individuals and families camping at the Grange Fair, the councils of both congregations have determined that combined services at Salem are not only practical, but a welcome opportunity to gather in Christ’s name with our sister congregation. Mark your calendars for worship at Salem, Sunday August 23rd and 30th at 9:30am. Where is Flat Jesus? Check out the bulletin board in the narthex and see all the places we’ve taken Jesus during these weeks of summer. As the body of Christ on earth we carry Jesus with us everywhere. Our photos are a reminder of our Lord’s presence in our daily lives. Upcoming Worship July 12th – Worship at 10:00 am at Soldiers and Sailors Park followed by our annual picnic. August 16th – Companion Synod Sunday featuring prayers and liturgy from Kenya. August 23rd – The First Sunday of Grange Fair will find us gathering at Salem Lutheran – 9:30am. August 30th – The Second Sunday of Grange Fair, again at Salem Lutheran, 9:30am. Where is Pastor Julia? Unless she’s at a meeting or addressing a pastoral concern, you can usually find her in her church office on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. During the week of July 12 – 17th she’ll be serving as a chaplain at Camp Sequanota. And between July 29 th and August 10th she’ll be on vacation. If you need to meet with your pastor and want to be sure she’s available, schedule an appointment and, as always, feel free to call her home office. WELCA Thanks You WELCA would like to “Thank You” for a grocery cart overflowing with donations to the Penns Valley Family Service Center. Your generous contributions will be much appreciated by neighbors in need of our help. PAGE 3 E P I S T LE J U LY /A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 All Because of You…. All because of… Jack and Janet Smith, the stairway inside the Penn Street entrance to the building has had a major ‘face-lift’. Thank you for your generous gift and for sponsoring the upgrades! All because of…the painting crew, especially Larry Koehler, the classrooms, front doors and hallway have received a coat of fresh color. All because of you… over fifty children learned and laughed their way through the week of Vacation Bible School. Special thanks to Sherry Koehler who developed the program and directed the volunteers and Childhood Center Staff. All because of you…and your special financial offerings, over $750 was donated so that families can better afford a week of church camp for their children. (St. John’s - $426, Salem - $336). All because of you…people are invited and welcomed to worship and enjoy fellowship with our community of faith. The good news happens and spreads all because of you. Thank you! Graduation Announcements Penns Valley High School: Coleton Lee Harter, son of Colleen Swetland, grandson of Lee & Donna Wingard Zane Spahr, son of Terri Spahr, grandson of Debra Immel. Zane will be attending South Hills Business School in the fall. Courtney Spicer, granddaughter of Rosalie & Dennis Fetterolf. Courtney will be attending South Hills Business School for Administrative Medical Assistant in the fall. Bellefonte High School: Kaylee Crissinger, daughter of Jaime Ross and Terry Crissinger, granddaughter of Debra Immel. Kaylee will be attending Penn State University Park in the fall. PAGE 4 E P I S T LE J U LY /A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 Shut Ins Please remember those who are homebound or living apart from us, with your cards, phone calls, prayers and visits. Shirley Gross 3201 River Rd. Wing E Room#407A Lewisburg, PA 17837 Betty Neff Westminster Woods 360 Westminster Dr. Huntingdon, PA 16652 Shirley Bechtol 152 W. Main St. PO Box 12 Millheim, PA 16854 Isabel Confer Centre Crest 502 E. Howard St. Bellefonte, PA 16823 Iva Hosterman Valley View Haven 4702 E. Main St. A126 Belleville, PA 17004 John Hosterman c/o Elmcroft 150 Farmstead Lane State College, PA 16801 Martha Stover 1 Bogar Lane Mifflinburg, PA 17844 Hazel Betack 106 Coburn Rd. Millheim, PA 16854 Doug Bower PO Box 121 Aaronsburg, PA 16820 Russell & Violet Stover Valley View Haven 4702 E. Main St. 412B Belleville, PA 17004 Betty Harter 100 Timber Ridge Way NW#2203 Issaquah, WA 98027 Kathy Rodriquez PO Box 388 Millheim, PA 16854 OUR MISSION Saint John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Millheim, empowered by the Holy Spirit, is a witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This body of baptized believers in fellowship with Jesus Christ invites all to worship, learn, and serve people everywhere, beginning with our community. CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL COMMITTEES President: Al Ilgen Caring for Our Gifts Vice President: Arlan Kauffman Caring for Our World Secretary: Mimi Owen Caring for Ourselves Pastor Julia Sprenkle Lynnette Breon STAFF Russ Selner Pastor Julia Sprenkle - [email protected] Susie Smith Amy Niewinski, Parish Secretary - [email protected] Bob Thompson Robin Foltz, Childhood Center Director - [email protected] Donna Wingard Daniel Warntz, Minister of Music - [email protected] Erin Wingert Tracy Lubinski, Sexton J U LY /A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 E P I S T LE PAGE 5 Prayers For Those in Grief: The Family and friends of: Nick Castellano Ethel Knauss Marlene Corl Penny Greenland Erma Barno Bernice Stiner Amanda Dallard Bob Guisewite Linda Homan Fred Royer Lori Dillman Virginia Boob Dan Wise Carolyn Bower Rev. Greg Shannon Melody Morgan Winnie Jones Bill Wance Al Jones Janice Stover Howard Wise Don Greenland Jeff Cook Freda Tate In Our Prayers: *Gay Lynne Shuey *Rich Blaschak *Debra Anderson *Abbie Hollobaugh *Alma Jean Port *Lane Snedden *Tiarra Rachau *Deb Sinkus *Amy Bremer *TJ Coursen *Jake Brindle *Ed Kerstetter *Barry Yearick Joyce Rossman Colton Stauffer Mary & Tisana Breon Doug Bower Mitch Stover Harold Benfer Candy Wasson Jerry Stover Hope Perry *Bob Martin Mark Jones Financial Stewardship Date - Attendance Offering May 3rd– 47 May 10th - 82 May 17th - 56 May 24th - @ Salem May 31st - 57 June 7th - 52 June 14th - 36 June 21st - 55 June 28th - 51 $1,885.50 $1,884.00 $2,242.75 $1,090.00 $1,350.00 $2,682.00 $1,659.00 $1,787.10 $3,064.00 Sponsors Wanted We are seeking weekly sponsors for the worship bulletin. The cost is $10 per week. These sponsorships are tax-deductible contributions to the church and will help defray the cost of printing and postage. Interested in serving as a sponsor? Contact Amy Niewinski in the church office. PAGE 6 EPISTLE JULY/AUGUST 2015 JULY BIRTHDAYS AUGUST BIRTHDAYS 3 - Betty Harter 3 - Mona Stover 10 - Nathan Spahr 13 - Frances Fetterolf 13 - John Luse 15 - Kurt Breon 16 - Roger Guisewite 17 - Shirley Gross 20 - Jerry Hosterman 30 - Claire Guisewite 1 - Sylvia Orndorf Happy Anniversary! August 17th - Sylvia & Arlington Orndorf August 21st - Ruth & Ed Besecker 7 - Lynnette Breon 8 - John Hosterman 11 - Joan Smalley 12 - Beth Selner 15 - Tyler Fry 20 - Hugh Besecker 21 - Martha Stover 22 - Iva Hosterman 25 - Michael Heckman 28 - William Warriner July Baptisms: Dorothy Fleming Mitzie Krape Bill Krape Jim Smith Phyllis Bressler August Baptisms: Joshua Spahr Thank you for the sympathy cards we received from you. We truly appreciate your kindness and support. May the Lord bless you. Doug and Connie Boob Looking for a way to honor or remember your loved ones? Our new Play Space will be complete with a brick walking/tricycle path. Each personalized brick will be placed in the path. So, your loved one will be recognized as a benefactor of St. John’s Community Play Space. For more details or to order your personalized brick please see the brochure or contact Robin Foltz. The deadline to order bricks is August 31st! PAGE 7 EPISTLE JULY/AUGUST 2015 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS April 2015 Childhood Center Report: Robin sent a report for council. Amy reported that enrollment continues to be good with only a few openings in various classrooms. There has been staff changes and we are looking for a full-time or a couple of part-time teachers. We advertised in on Career Builder and the CDT. Summer camp is June 11-August 27th. We are managing hours to stay in budget and personnel policies are in place. Treasurer’s Report: Amy reported that the Childhood Center budget (Income & Expense) is unrealistically high based on year end data from 2014. Amy and Robin are aware of this and running the Center on bare minimum to avoid any problems. Al Ilgen explained the various listings of accounts. Old Business: “One Call Tell All” is up and ready to use. Pastor Julia can now put out messages to subgroups for Church Membership, Council, Childhood Center board, and Childhood Center clients. It will be announced in the bulletin and Epistle to notify the congregation. New Business: There was parking lot issue at a recent function that resulted in blocking the alley that goes through our property. Report of Committees: Building project update: Ron Rishel will put the Plexiglas over the stained-glass windows in June. Lynnette Breon reported that she created 3 baskets for the “The Oaks” and the Senior Daily Living Center benefit fundraising raffle from the $110 donated by the congregation. Caring for Ourselves is putting together a joint service for Pentecost Sunday on May 24th with Salem Lutheran. Upcoming joint services could be Reformation Sunday and during Grange Fair. The Malaria Campaign was raised $360, short of the $400 goal. WELCA: Approximately 40 people attend the Pre-Easter breakfast on April 4th. Leftovers were used after the Easter Egg hunt before the Easter service. Discussed moving the time back for the Men’s breakfast to increase attendance. Scouts: Russ reported there was too much inside time due to the long, cold winter. They are looking forward to outdoor activities. May 2015 Childhood Center Report: Robin Foltz reports that Summer Camp enrollment is looking very good. Field trips this summer include: Northland Bowl, Shaver’s Creek, OIP lunch,PSU Sports Museum, Arboretum, Creamery;,Bald Eagle State Park, Lakemont Park, Punxatawney, Grange Fair, swimming twice a week. Buses are very expensive. Susie Smith made a motion that the Loose Offering in June be used to help with the cost of busing. Bob Thompson seconded the motion. Graduation will be Saturday, May 30th. St. Jude’s trike-a-thon raised $407. The Millheim Hotel is sponsoring their Annual Bike Ride (motorcycles) on June 20th, with proceeds being donated to our Community Play space. The Stars grant is spent. Discussion of the Childhood Policies (time off/sick time). Treasurer’s Report: Overestimated income/expenses in the budget, but it is now matching up pretty well. Al Ilgen explained detailed Profit/losses. First Quarter Audit is done and filed. New Business: Ordering of new envelopes: order same what we have in the past. Burkholder’s Family Musicians will be invited to sing at our Annual Church Picnic on Sunday, July 12 th. Lynnette Breon reports that the pavilion rental is $75, and will check for availability at the Millheim Pool. VBS (Vacation Bible School) ad for the June 15-19 will be in the Grapevine with the Dinges’ paying for ½ of the advertisement. Bishop Rhynes “One More for Mission”, one more dollar in the offering plate was discussed. Old Business: Construction update: painting the church steeple bid from Hillside Construction was $1,600. Al suggests that we put $2,000 more on th principle loan, and he motions this, and Bob Thompson seconded. Motion passes. Balance of the loan is $42,753.13 as of the end of April. The hall runners and carpet in the Sanctuary need to be cleaned. It was last done in 1989 by Nittany Chemical Carpet Cleaners. The bid estimate is $500-$600. Report of Committees: Caring for our Gifts: Bob Thompson reports at the Cemetery, there are 3 dead Ash trees which need to be removed. WELCA: Donna Wingard reported that June is “fill the grocery cart” month and asked Erin Wingert to check with Burkholder’s about borrowing a shopping cart to put in the Narthex. Salem Lutheran Church is having an Ice Cream Social with kite flying (weather permitting), on Sunday, May 31 st at 6:30pm. LWR (Lutheran World Relief)- Ethel Rote needs money for health kits (ie towels, etc.) SA INT JOH N’ S LU THER AN CHUR CH (814) 349-5349 [email protected] 101 Mill Street PO Box 439 Millheim, PA 16854-0439 St. John’s Childhood Center (814) 349- 5611 [email protected] Annual Worship Service & Picnic Soldiers & Sailors Park, Millheim Sunday, July 12th Worship starts at 10:30am Beef BBQ, hot dogs, rolls, condiments & drinks will be provided. Please bring your own table service. There will be lots of games for both children and adults. Come enjoy the fun and fellowship! Swimming will be half price ($3) and pool memberships will be honored. Please sign up by July 8th so the committee can have an approximate number to prepare for. The sign up sheet is in the narthex. Please list the names, number attending, and type of side dish you will bring for the potluck picnic. If you have any questions, contact Lynnette Breon (St. John’s rep) at 777-4874 or Karen Stover (Salem rep) at 349-8319.
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