The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 7, 2015 Join Us for Mass: Mon-Fri 10 am | website: 2001 Dayton Ave - Saint Paul, MN 55104 | Sat 8 am & 5 pm | Sunday 9 am & 11 am | email: [email protected] | 651-645-5717 One Strong Family United in Christ Domine Non Sum Dignus A Strong Family Story… Fr. Humberto Palomino, P.E.S. Pastor of the Church of St. Mark In a sermon given by Fr Ronald Knox, a convert from Anglicanism, he has something very interesting to say to each of us about the Eucharist and the way we are to receive this great gift. He explains that “there is one moment during the Mass, just about the Domine non sum dignus (Lord, I am not worthy…), when the priest, if he is not careful, catches sight of his own features reflected in the paten…at that sacred moment an alien thing intrudes upon his thoughts, the sight of his own features…it is the kind of distraction that he can make good use of. Because he will do well to consider the contrast between what he sees on the paten, and what he meant (and is meant) to see there. He looked there to catch sight of a sinless Victim; he caught sight, instead, of a sinful priest. Domine non sum dignus – how can this be worthy to receive that?” Today we celebrate the feast of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). It’s a day when we remember the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion at the Last Supper. It is a day for us to re-evaluate the way we see the Holy Eucharist, and to affirm our belief in the True Presence of Christ there – body, blood, soul and divinity. “I Am With You Always” Before ascending into heaven, our Lord promised, “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” [Mt 28: 20] This was no empty promise! Christ, true God and true man, transformed bread and wine into His body and blood and gave the apostles and their successors the power to make Christ present in the Eucharist. His love makes itself present to us every day, throughout the entire world, in the Eucharist. Continued on Page 2 Upcoming Events Parish Center Closed—Staff Training Sacred Heart of Jesus, Masses at 10:00am & 7:00pm Young Adults Half Day Retreat, Adoration Chapel, 9:00am-1:00pm Men’s Soccer Night, Gymnasium, 7:00-9:00pm Confirmation Reception, Carolyn Hall, 12:00-2:00 June 8 June 12 June 13 June 13 June 14 Confirmed in the Holy Spirit Congratulations to our St Mark’s confirmation candidates! After months of preparation, we have arrived at the big day! They will be anointed with the holy chrism oil this afternoon at the Cathedral of Saint Paul. Please keep them in your prayers: Reina Balley Cameron Barrett Emmett Bell Grace Dodge Alice Erickson Siggy Erickson Ben Gallaher Carmen Heimpel Israel Higuera Jefferson Howard Anthony Kieser Claire Little Michael Marrone Elliott McDonough Joe Mischke David Nadeau Continued on Page 3 All God’s children are welcome to this sacred place and liturgy. The Catholic understanding of Holy Communion as the very Body and Blood of Jesus Christ limits the reception of the Holy Eucharist to those who share our faith and are united in discipleship within the life of the Church. Our brothers and sisters of other faiths are invited to come forward to receive a blessing at this time. Please indicate the desire to do so by crossing arms over the chest. Page 2 June 7, 2015 Spiritually Speaking - continued from page 1 Mass Readings It is a miracle of God’s grace, but also points to the power of a “yes” or a “no”. Imagine if Mary had said “no” instead of “yes”. The Eucharist begins with God’s “yes” to saving mankind from sin, and He chose to depend on the “yes” of Mary to fulfill His plan. He asks for our “yes” as well – never demanding, but always inviting. Like any love story, Jesus offers His love and asks for ours in return. Our “yes” is what it takes to bring completion to God’s love in us. Today’s Readings: (LC #701) Ex 24: 3-8; Heb 9: 11-15; Mk 14: 12-16, 22-26 That completion will reach its fullness in heaven. In our gospel for today, Jesus says, “I shall not drink again the fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” The Eucharist and the Mass are a foretaste and foreshadowing of that banquet that will be celebrated with Christ at the end of time, when the Kingdom of God is established in its fullness. [Eucharisticum Mysterium, n 32] What a privilege it will be for us to participate in that heavenly banquet with our Lord and all the saints! Mass Intentions for the Week of June 8 “I Stand at the Door and Knock” Yet it is important to recognize that the Eucharist is not a foreshadowing of the body and blood of Christ, but is His true body and true blood, here on earth. As Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, “If you knew the gift of God…” [Jn 4: 10] Jesus is right in front of us, loving us and offering Himself for us each day. But sometimes we don’t see what is in front of our eyes – perhaps because it is familiar, or because it is presented in an ordinary form. Or maybe because we are still learning to see with eyes of faith. Yet like the priest who is distracted for a moment by his reflection in the paten, this can be an opportunity to recognize who we are before God. We are unworthy – and yet intensely loved! Today the Church wants us to go home with a renewed consciousness of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He is there for us. Maybe we have been searching for God – for His mercy and for His love. Maybe we feel our need deeply and are looking for strength. Do we realize that the King of kings is patiently waiting for us in the Eucharist? We must not ignore Him there! We can encounter Him in adoration, or by receiving Him at Mass. Jesus is waiting in the tabernacle and the exposed monstrance. Here at St Mark’s, we are blessed to have an adoration chapel that is open night and day during the week. Our Lord is always there! Hear Him speak - “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, [then] I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me.” [Rev 3:20] Psalm: Ps 116: 12-13, 15-18: “I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord.” Next Sunday: Ez 17: 22-24; Ps 92: 2-3, 13-16; 2 Cor 5: 610; Mk 4: 26-34 Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 8:00am + Bernadette Feist + Joseph Wind + Tom Greer Br Joe Barron, PES Onofrea de Leon + Sam Chaffee Fr Jerry Keiser Retirement Party • June 14 St Francis of Assisi Parish in Lake St Croix Beach will celebrate the pastoral ministry of its retiring pastor, Fr Jerry Keiser, on Sunday, June 14th. They will host a retirement and 70th birthday party from 12:00 to 2:00pm. Fr Keiser was pastor of the Church of St Mark from 1987 to 2001. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration “How good it is to stand before a crucifix, or on our knees before the Blessed Sacrament, and simply to be in his presence! How much good it does us when he once more touches our lives and impels us to share his new life! What then happens is that 'we speak of what we have seen and heard' (1 Jn 1:3)." Pope Francis Our goal is to have at least two adorers every hour the chapel is open. Monday at 11am – Saturday at 8am. Please consider committing to one hour a week. Write your information on the slips found by the chapel or visit the St Mark’s web page. Under “Liturgy & Sacraments” you will find a tab for “Eucharistic Adoration”. You can also call the following coordinators for more information. 12am-5am Dunia Ruff 651-698-6334 [email protected] 6am-11am Eileen Moore 612-721-1198 wemoore@usfamilynet 12pm-5pm Sue O’Brien 651-353-5310 [email protected] 6pm-11pm Pat Hartshorn 651-231-0965 [email protected] The following hours have no scheduled adorers: Tues at 3am & 2pm, Wed at 1am & 3pm, and Thurs at 1am & 9am Even if Adoration is not your ministry you are called to please pray for our adorers and adoration at the Church of Saint Mark. Page 3 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ School News - Principally Speaking Zach Zeckser As we wind down our school year, I would like to use this medium to acknowledge and thank the many parishioners who have been so supportive of the school this year. Your support has blessed us in many ways: financial, spiritual and practical. We are fortunate to have a parish, a pastor and a religious community that provide us with so much! I am so hopeful for the future of our school, and the relationship that we have with our parish. All signs point to promising things! St Luke’s Youth Guild Summer Sessions St Lukes Youth Guild will host a classical art history program at the Church of St Mark this summer. The program is for ages 7 to 13, and includes the opportunity to explore art history, engage in literature circles, make beautiful works for art and enjoy exciting field trips! Strong Family Story - continued from page 1 Scott Navin Adam Niskanen Isabella Prater Elena Santos Adrian Shanahan Clara Coughlan-Smith Max Toman Gina Weber Project Home @ St Marks St Mark’s will once again host Project Home this summer, from July 31 to August 31. We look forward to the opportunity to provide hospitality to families in a difficult transition in their lives as we host about 20 people each night, mostly women and children, in our temporary shelter as part of this St Paul Area Council of Churches program. Medieval Session • June 15-26 Renaissance Session • July 21-31 Look for upcoming announcements in the bulletin and website, with information on how you can help by signing up for a shift or two during the month of August. Consider taking a shift as a family, or with a friend. Let’s make this a great year of welcoming Christ in our neighbor! Each session will run Monday, Wednesday and Friday for two weeks, from 10:00am to 12:00pm in Carolyn Hall. Thank You Festival Committee! The cost is $145 per student (which includes all supplies, printed materials and field trip costs). Sign up for both sessions and get 20% off! We are so grateful for your service! Registrations are due June 8th. Call 352-400-0112 or email [email protected]. Please Pray for New IGNITE Youth Group Lord, we entrust this new project to Your Sacred Heart. You have a great plan for the youth of our St Mark’s family. May their hearts be set on fire for love of You. May they respond to this call to grow in their faith and to share it with each other, the parish and the world. Holy Spirit, guide us as this new project is beginning. Lead us down the path that the Lord has planned for us. Inspire each parishioner to support this effort in whatever way you are calling them to be involved. Mary, we ask for your intercession. May you, who raised Jesus, direct the Ignite programs, which seek to foster authentic faith, hope and love in the hearts of our youth. Be our model and our guide. Lead us all closer to your Son. Amen. The smiles on these faces are the fruits of your labor and a reflection of the joy you share! Thank you for giving of yourselves with such generosity and for bringing the love of Christ to so many. May God bless you one hundred fold! ~ Your St Mark’s Family Page 4 June 7, 2015 Parish Staff: Father Humberto Palomino, PES [[email protected]] Father Alvaro Perez, PES [[email protected]] Deacon Adam Tokashiki, PES [[email protected]] Brother Yamato Icochea, PES Judy Miske Patricia Hartshorn Cindy Holupchinski Cara Stuchlik Sr Leann Lueke, PES Bob Collett Zach Zeckser Pastor Associate Pastor Deacon Master of Ceremonies Pastoral Care Coordinator Liturgy Coordinator Director of Music Director of Religious Ed Youth Minister Parish Administrator School Principal Parish Center Fax No. [[email protected]] Alison Kaardal Kathy Omann 651-645-5717 651-644-0011 Parish Life Coordinator Finance & Database Coordinator Parish Center Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm Parish Trustees: Mark Manderfeld Pat Shrake 651-644-6538 651-649-1198 Parish Pastoral Council: Paul Ruff Brian Bergson Robert Blackstone Faith Carlson Kathryn-Ann Geis Dee Gengler Kevin Lewis Cindy Morrissey Andrew Nowak 651-698-6334 651-260-0002 651-917-0421 651-324-1883 612-240-1040 712-261-6279 651-699-8262 651-592-8980 262-617-2361 St. Mark’s School Brigid Kostka [[email protected]] 651-644-3380 Office Coordinator Preschool & Extended Day Care Sharon Johnson, Director 651-644-5030 Men’s Soccer Night • June 13 Join us for our next Men’s Soccer Night on Saturday, June 13th, from 7:00 to 9:00pm in the school gymnasium. It’s a great opportunity to meet up with friends and try your skill against the Peruvian powerhouse! Come join us and spread the word. Ignite Your Life! MISSIO (High School) and graduating 8th graders will gather for a barbeque in the rectory garden on Tuesday, June 16th, from 6:00 to 8:00pm. Be sure to RSVP to Sr Kathya at [email protected]. Page 5 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Schedule of Celebrations Saturday Evening Mass: Sunday Masses: 5 pm 9 am & 11 am Weekday Masses Monday - Friday Saturday 10 am 8 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 10:45 am Mon to 8:00 am Sat in St. Mary’s Adoration Chapel Confession: For Baptisms: Baptism Enrichment: Prayer Requests: Saturdays 3:30-4:30 pm Sundays 8:30-9:00 am & 10:30-11:00 am Call the Parish Center to arrange. Please call Alison at the Parish Center. Call the Parish Center. For Weddings: W edding arrangements must be made at least six months in advance with Fr. Palomino. Rosary: 6:30 pm Mondays (except Holidays) and daily after 10 am Mass (except when School or Funeral Masses) Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Friday, June 12 • Masses at 10am & 7pm Devotion to the Sacred Heart is based in the Incarnation and the climactic moment of Christ’s mission here on earth when blood and water poured from his heart. It is a devotion that is particularly close to St Mark’s, with our ongoing Family First Fridays apostolate. Each of us is striving for holiness. We are striving to be saints of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - saints for the Church and for the world. Come join us! Young Adults Half Day Retreat • June 13th Join us for a morning of reflection and an opportunity to deepen your faith! We’ll gather from 9:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday, June 13th. Our day will begin in the adoration chapel with Mass and conclude with a picnic lunch together. Check out our Facebook page for more details - search for St Mark’s Young Adults Group. Please register and share the post to invite your friends. Contact Sammie at [email protected] with questions. Richard C. Ehrmanntraut D.D.S. ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers FAMILY DENTISTRY Blake Hillerson HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING • PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL • Service • Replacement • Gas & Oil Tim McQuillan - Service Manager 651-484-3326 3096 N. Rice St., St. Paul Located in the Old Fire Station Corner of Snelling and Ashland 646-3735 Same Day Service Free Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 612-720-2292 s Estimate New Doors Openers [email protected] (651) 486-0000 Midway Animal Hospital Regina’s Candies Peter Kelley, D.V.M. & 2073 St. Clair Ave., St. Paul 55105 Teresa Nolte, D.V.M. 651.644.2100 731 N. Snelling St. Paul The Official Uniform Store Since 1952 – School Uniforms In Stock Year-Round 972 Payne Ave. St. Paul (651) 776-2723 1905 S. 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