“ Good News” Monthly newsletter July 2015 Sara Wolbrecht and Jason Bendickson Join Us on July 5th Worship at 9:00 & 10:30, BBQ at 11:30 a.m. Calendar 5 50th Anniversary Worship & Celebration 11-18 Honduras Mission Trip 16-19 Family Camp 26 Pack to the Future Deadline 26 Summer Evening Celebration 27-31 Camp MATT Worship Schedule Sundays 9:00, 10:30 a.m. Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Office Closed July 3 Our on-going 50th Anniversary Celebration continues July 5 with Pastor Sara Wolbrecht bringing the message and Jason Bendickson joining the band. Sara was Pastoral Care Team Leader from July 2007 until July 2014. She did her internship at Saint Matthew in the 2005-2006 academic year at Pastor Kevin’s suggestion that she and Jason (who began working at Saint Matthew in 2004) had a chance to be on staff together and see what it was like to be in ministry together full-time. When Pastor Bill resigned in May 2007, it opened the door for Sara to be called as Saint Matthew’s fourth pastor on staff. Jason and Sara went with Pastor Kevin to St. Thomas Anglican/Baptist Church in Sheffield, England for Visitors’ Week in June 2007, about a month before Sara’s ordination. They both described that trip as life-changing. Sara will speak about her experiences of the Holy Spirit including working with the Healing Room ministry at Saint Matthew. There is a church-wide barbeque planned for after worship at 11:30 a.m., with games for the kids and lots of fun for everyone. Remember that we have only two Sunday morning worship services at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. from July 5th onward. Page 2 Senior Team Leader I Believe I’m a Churchman This reflection began as I was working with Dr. Dick Siebert on our remembrance of Dr. Don Wagner in May. One of the words that he and I both used to describe Pastor Wagner was as the consummate churchman. Pastor Wagner loved and ably served the institutional church – both the LCA and the ELCA. He cared deeply about maintaining Saint Matthew’s status with the Synod and National Church as well as he personally served in many capacities in the Synod’s leadership. His honorary doctorate from his Alma Mater, Carthage College, was one of the high points in his career. I consider myself a churchman as well. Though I have certainly expressed it differently. I worked for eight years as the Executive Director of a pan-Lutheran youth ministry called Lutheran Youth Alive that saw God call over 200 young people directly from our youth work to become Lutheran pastors (including Pastor David Dykes and myself). I spoke for Youth Specialities, Young Life, Campus Life, Teen Challenge, Lutheran Youth Encounter, New Creation Ministries (Canada), the Lutheran Church of Canada, the ALC Youth Gatherings and the LCA Convos. Some were Lutheran, many more were multi-denominational, but everything I have done has been to serve my Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. I am certainly not institutionally bound. I consider myself a Christ-follower first and a Lutheran Christian second, though for me they have never been mutually exclusive. But I also love Roman Catholics, charismatics, Bible churches (I got my doctorate at one of their seminaries), Quakers, Anglicans, Baptists, and even Presbyterians and Methodists (those last two are tongue-in-cheek). In fact, I would go so far as to say that I don’t know anyone who loves the Body of Christ and the local church more than I do; and these are the two forms of church that I see clearly in the New Testament. In a world that is rapidly becoming more pluralistic and post-Christian, I think Christ-follower is the most important title any of us can have. There’s no one more committed to that than I am, and for that reason I will gladly call myself a “churchman.” Serving Jesus and you, Pastor Kevin Summer Sunday Worship July 26 and August 30 at 6:00 p.m. In addition to our two morning worship services at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., we will have an opportunity to share a meal and worship in the evening on the last Sundays of July and August. This will be a more contemporary worship including testimonies and communion. It will be a high energy time of fellowship and fun! Come for dinner at 6:00 p.m. and worship from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. Bring your friends and family. There is no need to sign up. Page 3 Children Ministries Camp MATT July 27-31 Camp MATT is a high energy day camp offered for one week in the Summer. This year our theme is: “Be all that you can be in the Lord’s Army.” We are super excited with this theme and have so many fun ideas planned! Come and hear as some of our recruits and the Camp MATT Sergeant learn what it takes to be in the Lord’s Army. We will have special group competitions and brand new games for everyone. New classes this year include: everything army, sculptures galore, boot camp, pallet knife painting and jewelry mania. So grab those marching shoes and get ready to have some fun! Camp MATT is open to all preschool through 8th graders. The cost for Preschool and Kindergarten children is $70 and meets from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The cost for 1st through 8th graders is $160 and they meet from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There is a discounted price for multiple children. Registration is online and is open now, it closes on July 6 or before if classes fill. Register on our website (www.saintmatthew.org)—on the front page, click on the green box labeled “Register Online”. Summer SPARK Sunday Has Begun Summer SPARK has begun and meets on most Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the classrooms. It is open to all current preschool through 5th graders. Summer SPARK Sunday includes small group relationship building, age-appropriate Bible stories, group games, service projects, monthly birthday celebrations, worship and fun! If you are not registered currently for SPARK Sunday, please register online: www.saintmatthew.org. Mark Your Calendars July 6: Camp MATT Registration ends July 27-31: Camp MATT Need to Contact Us? Angie Kavert Children Ministry Team Leader (925) 932-1955 x121 angiek@saintmatthew,org Ethan Purkey Children Ministry Associate (925) 932-1955 x 120 [email protected] Online registration at www.saintmatthew.org (click on the green “Register Online” box on the front page). Page 4 Teen Ministries Summer IGNITE & FORGE IGNITE (middle school) & FORGE (high school) are combining for fun during the summer months. Summer gatherings meet at the Teen Center every other Thursday from 7:00-9:00 p.m. on the following dates: July 2, July 16, July 30 and August 13. Expect wet and messy games (bring a towel and a change of clothes). We invite incoming 5th graders to join the fun. Kick it. Come join us for a game of football or soccer, no cleats, please. Bring your own lunch. July 12 & August 16 from 12:00-3:00 p.m. at Foothill Middle School. Summer FORGE Summer High School Get ready to have a blast with your friends from FORGE on July 9 and 23 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. We are having a pool party, games, food, and a whole bunch of laughs. The July 9 pool party is at the McNulty’s house and the July 23 pool party is at Monaldo’s. See the Parentlink for addresses or contact Alex or Yolanda (contact information is in box below). Incoming freshman are welcome to join in the excitement and fun! Hume Lake Camp August 2-8 All registration materials and final payments should have been turned in by now. If your student is interested in going, call Alex to get on the waiting list. For more information about our teen ministry contact Alex Hardt, Teen Ministry Leader, 932-1955 x116 email [email protected] or Yolanda Sanregret, Teen Ministry Associate, 932-1955x101 email [email protected] Page 5 Care Ministry Making the Word Become Flesh in the Lives of Others by Rev. Dee King One of the many things that is so right about the way God created us, is the way that our needs and gifts fit so perfectly together. When one is in need, another has the experience and wisdom to come alongside and help them. Some of the best advice I’ve ever been given is this…“Whatever life hands you, find a way to make it a gift.” Some experiences are so hard that it seems the only way to make it a gift is to get through it, and offer encouragement to those who face the same or a similar situation later. I would like for us to work together to develop a comprehensive care program. The breadth and depth of experience represented in this congregation covers almost any trial imaginable. There have been some needs lately that aren’t covered by our current ministries. Most of those needs have been met by calling individuals to step in and offer help. I’m sure many of you have strengths and gifts that are not widely known. This is your chance to make yourself available to help. Current ministries that can always use more help are: Hospital Care Team – We come alongside people who have a medical issue. We coordinate resources for the time during and after hospitalization, visits at the hospital, and continue to track progress through rehab or home recovery until the situation resolves. Home Visitor Team – These are people who each visit one or more homebound people on a regular basis. There are always people who could use a smiling face and a friendly chat to keep them tied into the community that they miss. Tender Loving Care (TLC) - We offer meals and rides for short-term needs like a new baby, surgery, an illness, etc. If there is any reason why a meal or a ride would be of help to you, this team has got your back! Grief Share is a program offered for those who are working their way through grief from the death of a loved one. It is a 13 week course based on videos and small group sharing. This program is offered occasionally on a rotating basis with Hillside Covenant and Community Presbyterian Church. There are so many other needs, and you may have experience that could help. Have you ever struggled with unemployment and found yourself needing encouragement and maybe advice? You could offer that same help to a brother or sister facing the same situation. Have you found yourself suddenly in a divorce situation and needing an anchor to get you through? If you have come out the other side, you may be the rock another person needs to keep them steady. Do you have a healthy body that might be of help to those no longer able to do yard and home care that needs to be done? Someone caring full time for a loved one may need your loving presence for a couple hours of respite care. Someone who has lost transportation may need your willingness to bring them to worship. If you can think of any other way you’d like to help, please let me know! Email me at [email protected] or call 932-1955 ext. 107. Page 6 Connecting Ministries Church-Wide Family Barbeque 50th Anniversary Celebration July 5 at 11:30 a.m. We invite everyone to a church-wide barbeque, complete with a bouncy house and other activities for the kids. Please come as our guest! We are looking for volunteers to help with the fun. Please contact Kim Machek at [email protected] or Shannon Perez at [email protected]. Girls Nite Out: Bunco Games, Fellowship, Food July 10 at 6:30 p.m. Join us at the home of Maria Sneen (4371 Kearsarge Ct., Concord) for a fun game of Bunco, fellowship and food. No need to know how to play. Sign up online or at the Welcome Center. Church-Wide Photo Directory Make Up Days Historic 50th Anniversary Edition Friday, July 10 from 4:00-9:00 p.m. Saturday, July 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you were unable to have your photos taken in May, please contact Kim Machek for a make-up appointment. If you would like to be in this special directory and your schedule still does not fit, please contact Kim at 932-1955 x115 or email [email protected]. Couples Retreat in Aptos November 6-8 Life Passages Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, and conversation for couples of all life stages. Explore a variety of topics including family, finance, romance, and more. There will be plenty of opportunity for mixers, music, outdoor activities, or simply relaxing with your spouse. Register online beginning July 1. Details and cost will be posted on the site as well. For more information about our Connecting Ministry, contact Kim Machek, Connecting Team Leader, 932-1955 x115 or email [email protected] or Shannon Perez, Missional Communities Coordinator, 932-1955 x108 email [email protected] Page 7 Connecting Ministries Pack to the Future school supplies for kids in need Help us once again provide children in low income families and shelters with basic school supplies to help them get a good start in school this Fall. Many of the backpacks will be distributed to Love-a-Child and ex–foster kids at Mi Casa attending DVC. You can donate a fully loaded backpack or just furnish some of the items. Basic Supply List Backpack Pens 2” binder notebook Colored pencils Binder paper/dividers Skinny markers, crayons Spiral notebook Small scissors Pencils Glue stick Calculators Highlighters Thumb drives Rulers Optional: instant coffee, cocoa, toiletries, gift card for fast food or bus pass. Items are due at the Welcome Center by Sunday, July 26 We also welcome monetary contributions toward this project. A completed backpack is approx. $40. Please note “Pack to the Future” in the memo section of your check. Checks can be placed in the offering or mailed to the church office. If you have questions or would like to help, contact [email protected]. Summer Small Groups Connecting Women Newsletter Pick up the new small group brochure at the Welcome Center or go online to find a small group that is a match for you. We recently emailed our Women’s Connecting e-newsletter to the women of Saint Matthew. If you did not receive one and would like to be added to the list, please email [email protected] or sign up online at www.saintmatthew.org and click on the gray box in the lower left-hand corner of the opening page. If you have any suggestions for small groups, please contact Kim Machek at [email protected]. New Worship Times: 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Following months of prayerful discernment and conversations, we have decided to go from three worship services on Sunday morning to two beginning July 5. The greatest difficulty in determining worship times is the impact it has on: 1) Children Ministry; 2) Middle School Ministry; and 3) adult small groups. This means that both worship services need to be positioned as close to mid-morning as possible. An 8:30 a.m. worship would be too early for Children Ministry, and 10:00 or 10:30 a.m. would be too late. So we have decided to have our two worship times going forward be at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings, beginning on July 5. We know that 3/5 of the congregation will prefer the earlier time, which will create a very full service. We are asking everyone who is able to attend later in the morning to do so, at least for the coming season. Next GOOD NEWS Deadline: Friday, July 10, 2015 Focus will be on August events. The Good News is published monthly by Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, 399 Wiget Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, phone: 925-932-1955, FAX: 925-932-7580, web site: www.saintmatthew.org, editor Gail Penny. Items may be submitted for publication by emailing: [email protected]. Items submitted are subject to editing or exclusion. Hewlett-Packard Company Congratulations Class of 2015! High School Zach Bornholtz, De La Salle High School, going to San Diego State University, major in Health Sciences Nick Carmichael, De La Salle High School, going to Texas Christian University Austin Dalton, Northgate High School, going to Feather River Junior College, major in Business Cody DeVaney, Alliance High School Zac Machek, Northgate High School, going to University of Arizona Kevin Mahlman, Clayton Valley Charter High School, going to California State University, Sacramento, majoring in Biology Ashley Miley, Northgate High School, going to University of Arizona, major in Criminal Justice Lauryn Mitchell, Northgate High School, going to Santa Barbara City College, major in business, minor in marketing Dante Monaldo, De La Salle High School, going to Seattle University, major in Computer Science Blake Phillips, Northgate High School, going to Cal State Maritime, major in International Business and Logistics Lacey Reisinger, Northgate High School, going to California State University, Stanislaus, major in Kinesiology Aleksei Stark, Northgate High School Gus Tetzloff, Northgate High School, going to Diablo Valley College Ingrid Ulrichsen, Northgate High School, going to Agder FHS, Norway Ariana Whitmarsh, Ygnacio Valley High School, going to University of the Pacific, major in Speech Pathology College Christian Bergren-Aragon, Emerson College, BS Journalism, minor in Entrepreneurial Studies Brian Blackiston, University of Oregon, BS in Business Administration—Sports Marketing Andrew Briere, University of California, Santa Cruz, BS Human Biology, minor in Bioinfomatics Carly Cannata, American Musical and Dramatic Academy, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theater Cassandra Lewandowski, South Dakota State University, Bachelors in Nursing Kira Lewis, Mills College, Masters of Arts, major in Infant Mental Health Christina Niccolai, California State University, Fresno, BS in Criminology/Forensic Behavioral Sciences Laura Prange, University of the Pacific, BS in Mechanical Engineering Mitchell Sanregret, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, BS in Statistics Joshua Sieber, University of Wisconsin, BS in Engineering Jilian Urhausen, California State University, Long Beach, BS in Nursing Graduate School Gail Lynam Dutcher, Fielding Graduate University, Doctorate in Education
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