WE EXIST THAT ALL MAY KNOW JESUS CHRIST AND BECOME HIS FULLY DEVOTED FOLLOWERS. A Message from Pastor Sara The story of Pentecost (50 days after Easter when the Holy Spirit is given to us) might cause us to ask the question: How do I let my expectations and cynicism close my heart to the new voice rising like a fierce wind? Or to put a positive spin on the question, How do I make a commitment always to be surprised by God? Eugene Peterson describes it this way: "What we must never be encouraged to do, although all of us are guilty of it over and over, is to force Scripture to fit our experience. Our experience is too small; it's like trying to put the ocean into a thimble. What we want is to fit into the world revealed by Scripture, to swim in its vast ocean." May 22 — May 29, 2015 THIS WEEK’S LESSON Acts 2:1-21 CHURCH AND OFFICE 35 Mayo Road Edgewater, Maryland 21037 PHONE 410-266-5691 If, when Pentecost arrives, you do not find yourself perplexed or amazed, consider releasing the tight grip of your certain thoughts and make space for holy surprise. [email protected] Thanks to Christine Valters Paintner, and patheos.com for help on this topic. PRAISE WORSHIP Sunday at 9:15 AM and 10:30 AM Nursery starts at 9:10 AM Blessings, Pastor Sara IT’S A PENTACOSTAL ALTAR: ALL LANGUAGES AND CULTURES One of the great surprises of Pentecost is that all those gathered heard Scripture in their own language. Many thanks to John Hilbert for bringing back beautiful altar fabric from a recent business trip to South Africa to help us experience a bit more of Pentecost right here at Joy Reigns. BOWIE BAYSOX BASEBALL BASH! Interested in spending an evening at the Bowie Baysox ball park having an Italian buffet dinner and watching a baseball game together? We have reserved the air-conditioned owner's suite for JRLC on Thursday, July 30. The price is $22 per person, $10 for ages 3-5. A minimum of 50 people is required to get these prices. Please email Lisa Lasfargues ([email protected]) or Sara Starry ([email protected]) by Sunday, May 31 and let us know if you are interested in joining in the fun! Stay tuned for how this event will be connected to an exciting summer preaching series. CUSTODIAL HELP NEEDED AT JOY REIGNS BEGINNING JUNE 1 With thanks to Maddie Graham for her service, we are now looking for weekly custodial help at Joy Reigns to begin June 1. If you are interested in applying or know someone who is, please contact Pastor Sara at 410-266-5691 or by email at [email protected] EMAIL WEBSITE www.joyreignslutheranchurch.org SUNDAY SCHOOL Join us again in the Fall! THRIFT SHOP Open Monday and Saturday 9 AM — 12 PM PASTOR The Rev. Sara Yotter MUSIC DIRECTOR Lenore Liller TRANSITIONAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS Jen Mabe Sonya Connolly YOUTH LEADERS Ali & Scott Purvis JOY THRIFT COORDINATOR Michelle Poole Summer Worship Schedule Begins June 21st Praise Worship Sundays at 9:30 am Outdoor Worship Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Praise Worship with Communion will continue in the Worship Center through the summer at 9:30 am on Sundays. You are also welcome to attend on Wednesday evenings, as the topics will be different. Here’s the basic schedule for Wednesdays: BYOP (bring your own picnic) starting at 6:00 6:30-7:15 is Faith 5 worship (with acoustic worship) 7:15 starts s’mores with a featured gourmet s’more of the week. Pastor Sara will lead Faith 5 (highs and lows, bible, talk, prayer, blessing) and have a SHORT message on the verse for the day and Communion. This also fits into one of the council goals to help the congregation increase in spiritual disciplines with a weekly take home Faith 5 resource. Other Announcements DR. ULYSSES BURLEY INVITED TO SERVE ON PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON HIV AND AIDS Dr. Burley, program assoc. for the ELCA strategy on HIV and AIDS, has been invited to serve as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. “It will be my role as a member of the PAC to assure that human care and heart care are as much a part of the goals as health and HIV care,” he said. See more at: http://elca.org/NewsandEvents/blogs/NewsBlog/85 VBS – CATCH THE BUZZ! We have a great start on gathering volunteers to help with VBS, but we need a few more! If you can’t help during the week of VBS, we have the perfect way for you to be involved. A DECORATING committee is being formed. It would involve a little planning and work before VBS begins. If you have CREATIVE ideas or just some TIME to help, please contact Betsy Pacher; [email protected]. FINAL CEREAL COLLECTION FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR Our last collection date for cereal will be Sunday, May 31. Thank you to all our generous donors! When this school year winds down we will have delivered almost 200 boxes of cereal. We know that learning is so much more productive with some nutrition in the belly! VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT FOR CMS COLOR RUSH (5K) ON SATURDAY, MAY 30TH Central Middle School’s PTSA fundraiser is on May 30th, and we can help! We can organize people at the starting line or direct them to the “color explosion” station. Healthy, colorful fun!! Contact Kelly Purnell at [email protected] or sign up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e4fabaa22a31-volunteers/9961288 if you are interested. Prayers Healing prayers for Steff Linden and George Ward. We also pray for the youth affirming their baptism: Amy Emminizer, Robbie Peake, Ben Talbott, Princess Talbott and Tony Woods, and all those who have and are currently serving in the military and their families. * If you'd like a prayer added to this list please email [email protected]. Congregational Giving Snapshot for the Week Ending Sunday 5/17/15 General Giving received last week $2,092.00 Total General Giving received in May $11,300.00 Total needed for each month $18,098.00 Thrift Shop received last week JOY REIGNS $801.00 i s an E L C A ch ur ch t h at sh ar es a li v i n g, dar i n g c on f i den ce i n G od’ s gr ace. F or us, t h i s f a i t h come s t h r ough t h e good n ews of J esus C h r i st an d gi v es us t h e f r eed om an d t h e cour ag e t o won der , di scov er an d b ol dly p ar t i ci p at e i n wh at G od i s up t o i n t h e wor ld. L i b e r at ed b y o ur f ai t h , we emb r ace ev er yon e as a wh o le p er s on — quest i on s, comp lex i t i e s an d al l.
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