Albany Hills State School Strength through Knowledge Tuesday 12 May 2015 Edition 14 What’s on May 12 School Council Nominations Close 12-14 NAPLAN 15 ACSHS Performance 18 Under 8s Morning 18 Regional Golf Trials 19&20 Regional Football Trials 20 Year 3 Grandparents’ Day 21 P-2 Fancy Dress Ball 22 Gala Day 26 School Council Elections 27 & 28 School Photos 29 P-6 Disco June 5 Gala Day 26 End of Term Reminders Front Gate Closed 8:30am - 9:00am and 2:50pm - 3:15pm Back Gate Open 7:30am Closed 3:20pm Closed weekends and school holidays Uniform Shop Tues 2.30 – 3.30pm Wed 8am – 9.30am Thurs 8am – 9.30am Fri 8am – 8.30am 2:30 – 3:30pm Money Collection Mon - Fri Place in window box outside school office. A message from Mr Rod Mason... Dear Parents and Caregivers Pamper Time in PJP I never knew that cucumber applied to the eyes was so restful. Thanks to the Preps in Jenny Parson’s class the mums were fully rested for Mothers’ Day. Throughout the school students have been purchasing (thanks to the parents for organising the Mothers’ Day Stall) and making secret (and sometimes, not so secret) presents for their much loved mothers. On behalf of all the staff and students I wish all mums a very happy and enjoyable Mother’s Day. Junior School keeps us hopping A warm welcome to all confirmed and prospective families who will join Albany Hills State School in 2016. Last Monday and Tuesday we had a chance to meet a number of new families and celebrate the good things about our school. Our School Captains did a wonderful job, as did Charlotte (Year 1) and the parents who spoke about their experience with the school. As Mel said, “Don’t blink”, as the Primary years go so fast and before we know it the students of today are attending High School and growing up so fast. Week 5 features Under 8s when Preps, Year 1s and 2s are joined by local day-care children and new families for a morning of fun and excitement. With the Fancy Dress Ball (wait till you see Mr Wiedman’s costume – I hope you recognise him) also that week, our lives are busy and full of excitement for the Junior School. Busy Times in the Senior School Students in Years 4 to 6 played in a wide variety of sports last Friday, the first of the three Gala Days this term. They returned with many accounts of winning and losing, competitive games and amazing exploits. Many thanks to Mr Moores and Mr Wiedman, as well all the other staff who organise, coach and supervise the sports. The Uniting Church Fete was enhanced by the performances of our choirs and instrumental groups on Saturday. As usual Mrs Ormiston had fine-tuned the students’ skills and the entertainment was greatly enjoyed by all. Our Year 3s and 5s sit the National Literacy and Numeracy Tests this week. The information from these tests supplements class and school data collection, better informing the learning program for individual and groups of students. Mr Wiedman, Mr Brind and the teachers of Years 3 and5 are supporting the students so that the results will be as true a reflection of each student’s achievement as possible. School Council Member Nominations By the time this edition of The Herald is read there will have been many parents and staff nominations for the inaugural Albany Hills State School Council. This first Council will have the great responsibility to set the foundations for the future – what an opportunity! Elections will be held on Tuesday 26 May at Staff and P & C Meetings. Office Hours Mon-Fri 8:00am – 3:00pm Highlights of Week 4: Pirates are taking over Prep on Thursday NAPLAN – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Albany Creek State High School Music Ensemble performance for the whole school in our auditorium. Rod Mason Principal Thought of the Week: After the many and varied contributions made by a wide variety of staff, students and parents last week it is worthwhile to consider ‘Giving Time to Others Builds Our Community’. Keong Road PO Box 378 Albany Creek Qld 4035 Albany Creek Qld 4035 The Herald: [email protected] Phone: 07 3264 0777 Fax: 07 3264 0700 Student Absence: 07 3264 0760 Email: [email protected] Website: [email protected] From the Deputies…… NED Award Congratulations to our very worthy recipient of the NED award for May. Special Performance Monday 18 May from 9am to 10.30am. This year’s theme is This Friday 15 May at 1.45 pm, all parents are welcome to join our whole school in the auditorium. Albany Creek State High School Instrumental Music ensembles will be giving a special performance. Many past students from our school will be performing; we are really looking forward to seeing them and enjoying the music. Voices of children—Look, listen, hear and respond. Family, P-2 Fancy Dress NAPLAN Testing Our Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students are participating in the annual National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests to assess their skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The tests will be conducted in all state and nonstate schools across the country from 12–14 May. An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. Results provide additional feedback for parents, carers and teachers on how students are progressing in key curriculum areas. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can. Further NAPLAN information for parents and carers is available online. Please contact the school if you have any questions about your child participating in NAPLAN testing. Next Thursday 21 May, the Fancy Dress Dance for all students in our Prep, Year 1 and 2 will be held in the school auditorium. Parents are all required to stay with their child as this is a family event and lots of fun. Children have the most wonderful time so please come along. If fancy dress is a problem for you please speak with your child’s teacher for ideas. Parents are also encouraged to come in fancy dress – this adds to the fun for all. Please do not go to a lot of expense as the focus is on the dancing and the sharing of a good time. We look forward to seeing you next Thursday evening. Prep Enrolments 2016 If you are planning to enrol your child in prep for 2016, please contact our school office to receive your enrolment forms. Students born between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011 are eligible for Prep in 2016. Future students and their families are invited to join us for Under Eights’ Morning on Monday 18 May. Under Eights’ Morning Our annual celebration is a morning of free choice activities for children in P-2 on friends and visitors are welcome. Time to Smile School Photo Days are Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 May. Proposed days for students: Wednesday 27 May: Student Leaders PJP, PLS, PLB All Year 1 All Year 2 3BB All Year 4 5CB. Thursday 28 May: PSG, PMC,PLH 3SS, 3BC, 3RG 5PH, 5AT, 5JS All Year 6. Students are to be dressed in their formal uniforms for all photos. This includes navy socks and black shoes. Long hair is to be worn up and hair accessories are to be in school colours – navy blue and/or maroon. Have your child’s school memories captured forever Please take time to read the relevant information on the MSP Photography payment envelopes and remember these helpful points: Don’t seal envelopes inside each other. You can pay for all children in one envelope however each child needs to have their own envelope on photo day. Family envelopes are available at the school office upon request. Please enclose correct money as no change is given. Cash and Cheques only. Credit Card payments can be made prior to photo day via our online ordering system at For any enquiries, please feel free to contact the photographer, MSP Photography: [email protected] 07 38654291 Junior Assembly There will be no Junior Assemblies on 27 May and 3 June due to school photos and musical rehearsals. Stay Informed! There are at least four easy ways to stay informed about what’s going on at Albany Hills. Website: Twitter: @AlbanyHillsSS QSchools app: download and make Albany Hills a favourite Facebook: Albany Hills State School Parents page (managed by parents) Kind regards Steve Wiedman Beth Henderson Deputy Principals Running Success Over the weekend Bronwyn Jensen represented our school at the All Schools Cross Country Championships. She came a fantastic 4th place out of a field of 34 girls. She competed in the 8 year old girls 1000m event. Well done Bronwyn. Cleaners Wanted We are seeking expressions of interest to go on our casual relief cleaners list. The hours are 5.00am - 8.30am and 2.30pm 6.00pm. If anyone is interested or you know of anyone who may be interested please call on 3264 0777 or call into the office. Host Families Needed Thank you to families who have already responded and handed in their form to become host families for students from our sister-school. We still have a number of students without a host family so if you can help out in billeting a student from July 26 to August 9, could you please return your form or contact me as soon as possible. Your hospitality will be greatly appreciated! [email protected] Nicki Newmarch Music News A big thank you to all the students who performed at the Uniting Church fete last Saturday. You all looked so immaculate in your uniforms and your performances were entertaining. The senior string ensemble, senior concert band, junior choir and senior choir all performed to a high standard. Thank you to all the dedicated parents for bringing your children to these performances. Your continued support is appreciated. I know that Saturday is such a busy day for families. Thank you to our wonderful music staff for your efforts. Di Ormiston Music Teacher Sport News A really good Gala Day for our Year 6 boys football teams. The A team defeated both Stafford and Eatons Hill convincingly and drew with McDowall despite having the better of the game. All the boys played well and their team work was first rate. A highlight of the day was Oliver Taylor's hat trick against Eatons Hill, although Shannon Hundley had the goal of the day. The B team’s performance was also fantastic. Despite many of the boys never playing formal games before they did very well. Although the results on the scoreboard didn't go our way the boys never gave up and improved as they day went on. Declan Harbeck made some fantastic saves in goal and Harry Holdship and Baylee Lord never stopped running all day. John Moores HPE Teacher P&C News Tuckshop Roster 18 May – 22 May Jill Monday Michelle S Myrna Tuesday Michelle L Wednesday Thursday Friday Julia Daniella Sarah Michelle T Tracey Lynne Mel Tari Tracey K Bring Week This week’s item is pasta spirals. Please drop them into us at the tuckshop. Fete News Fete Newsletter We can email you the Fete Newsletters straight into your inbox so you don’t miss out on all the latest updates, activities, competitions and information. Subscribe by emailing us at [email protected] Look out for your copy of the Fete Newsletter coming home this week!! Included in the newsletter is information on rides, how to volunteer, side shows, markets and bring weeks. BRING WEEK "Bring Weeks" commence in Week 5 of this term. A full explanation of the bring week process and the donations sought are listed in the printed Fete newsletter you will receive this week. ND DONATIONS FOR 2 HAND STALL nd Don’t forget our 2 hand goods convenors Melinda (Books) and nd Lucy (2 Goods) are now collecting your donations for our nd 2 hand stalls. Contact details for both Melinda and Lucy can be found in the printed newsletter or on the fete website or simply send an email to our fete account – [email protected] FACEPAINTING AND GLITTER TATTOO STALL This stall is looking for volunteers to paint faces and apply glitter tattoos on Fete Day. There will be full training provided one evening in August and you only need to help for 2 hours on the day. Volunteers can sign up here: https://www.volunteersignu Or contact Frances [email protected] if you have any questions. REQUEST FOR RECIPES: WANTED: Your favourite cakes, slices and sweet treats recipes and/or Your favourite school lunch ideas. The AHSS P&C are planning on printing a fantastic recipe book that will be for sale prior to this year’s Fete. The recipe book will contain the best recipes for cakes, slices, cookies and confectionary that you can use to bake for all future cake stalls (including at this year’s Fete!). There will also be delicious school lunch ideas that you can use throughout the school year. To participate, please send your favourite recipe ideas to: [email protected] OR hand write recipe and return in envelope to P&C pigeon hole (Please note the name of the child/family contributing the idea and class). Recipes are required to be submitted by Wednesday 27 May 2015. BOOK ARTWORK COMPETITION: In designing the AHSS Recipe book we need pictures for both the front cover and the internal chapters. What is your favourite thing about Albany Hills State School?? Show us through your art!! Please submit your artwork to the office by Wednesday 27 May 2015. Cover page winning student will receive a FREE cookbook!! Fete Committee Community News Wavell State High School Open Day Sunday 17 May 2015 2:00pm – 4:30pm School Assembly Hall, Telopia Avenue, Wavell Heights Come and see for yourself why Wavell High School is the best choice for an excellent education. Visit our website: Or Phone 3350 0333 Ferny Grove High School Twilight Expo Open Day Wednesday 20 May 2015 McGinn Road, Ferny Grove Information sessions, food stalls, Entertainment provided and meet the Principal and staff. Aspley High 2016 Family Sunday and Master Classes Enrolment Event is Sunday 31 May 8:30am – 11:30am Register Day Camp 2015 Day Camp is on again during the June/July holidays. It is for Years 1-6 from Tuesday 30 June – Friday 3 July. It will be held at Triple C Campsite near Samford. It is an exciting time of discovery and adventure in a bushland setting. Day Camp is the fun of hikes, craft, cooking (and the thrill of cooking your own food over a camp fire one day), games, and adventure based activities. For Years 5 and 6, there will be an additional activity such as a rock climbing wall and bungee trampolines (additional $10). The cost will be $120 with a discount for siblings. The numbers are capped and registrations will close on Friday 12 June. If you are interested, please collect info sheet from the office or contact Heather Golding on 0403 007 578. Albany Creek State High School Instrumental Music Committee “Let’s Rock!” Fundraising TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday 25 July 2015 7.00pm – 11,00pm MPC Building at ACSHS $10 per person, Tables of 8 (18yo and over) Tickets must be ordered together. Tickets on sale until Monday 20 July 2015 Come dressed up & decorate your table as your favourite band/musician. Doors open at 6.30pm to decorate your team’s table. BYO snacks and drinks Prizes for Best Dressed/Table, Lucky Door, as well as Raffle, Silent Auction and Game Prizes All funds raised support the 2016 Music Tour. Please contact Kerry Couper Mobile 0407 695 559 Email [email protected] or Robyn Bowen Mobile 0408 984 839 Email [email protected] for more information/ticket orders Pirates Week School Holiday Fun June 29 to July 3 At the Queensland Maritime Museum. South Bank, Brisbane. A full day’s entertainment for children 5 -11 years Price $24 Woods Tennis Tennis Lessons for Prep and Year 1 When: Thursday 3:30 – 4pm Or Thursday 4pm – 4:30 Cost: $120.75 for 7 weeks Starts: 14 May finishes 25 June Where: Woods Tennis Albany Hills school Enrol: Phone 3264 2011 or email: [email protected]
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