Keeping family and friends informed A community of learners A school of the 21st Century Allora P-10 State School … established in 1867 and still meeting the challenges of change 7 May 2015 Next Issue: 21 May 2015 A Allora P-10 State School Prep - Year 10 21 Warwick Street (Post Office Box 6) ALLORA Qld 4362 Principals Report very special school ANZAC Day Ceremony was held on Friday 24th April in the Allora Memorial Park to mark 100 years since the landing of Australian and New Zealand soldiers in Gallipoli in World War 1. In attendance were members of the Allora Branch of the RSL, the school community of St Patrick’s and the Catafalque party. We were very proud to see many past students from Allora State School marching in the Catafalque party; Jordan Henry, Thomas Henry, Jack Wilson, Joe Morris and Henry Gartery under the direction of Constable Des Canning, all took part in the proceedings to commemorate the centenary. A nother special event that our school was involved in for the 100 year anniversary was creating a large art project on the swimming pool fence. We sincerely thank Sue Higgins for organizing the poppy project which allowed all of our students to be involved in making poppies which provided a spectacular back drop for the ANZAC events. W Administrative Centre 4666 7222 Student Absence Line 4666 7266 Email the.principal@ Facsimile 4666 7299 e are also delighted to report that we had a record number of students present for the town ANZAC Day march and commemoration service. Over 100 hundred Allora State School students were involved so it was extremely well attended by our school community. My sincere thanks to our students and their families, for giving up their time on Saturday 25 th April to represent our school! S tudents in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will be participating in the annual National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing from Tuesday 12 th May to Thursday 14th May. NAPLAN tests assess student’s skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. They assess the skills students have developed through the school curriculum over time and provide feedback to parents / carers and teachers on how they are progressing in the curriculum areas. T he Chaplaincy Committee has once again kindly offered to provide a nutritious breakfast before school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for all students sitting the tests. The breakfasts should ensure that students are well prepared for the tasks ahead of them each day and will be held near the tuckshop from 8:30am. Thank you to Mrs Estelle Oloman and the Chaplaincy Committee for their continued support of our students in this way! F inally, our Positive Behaviour for Learning Program continues this term. Our 4 school values are now displayed on some giant pencils in front of the primary school as well as big signs around the school. Also, the staff made a few changes to the program for Term 2 which are detailed in this newsletter. Please read this information carefully so that you are aware of the requirements for the rewards day planned for the end of term. Web address www.allorass. Yours sincerely ROBYN WESTERMAN Acting Principal EFTPOS available School Link Calendar (correct as at time of printing) Tuckshop MAY 12-14 NAPLAN Breakfast (8:30am) and NAPLAN testing 15-22 Under Eights Week 19 P&C Meeting, 7pm, School Library 20 Anglo American Broncos Challenge (sec.), Goondiwindi 21-26 Scholastic Book Fair 21 Book Fair dress-up day Forensic Science ”A Case of Conspiracy” interactive program, 11:15am 22 Central Downs Gala Day, Allora 25-29 Primary Life Education program 27 Fourth Round, Year 9 QDU Debating 29 Central Downs Gala Day Year 10 Transition Day to Warwick State High School If you are able to assist in the tuckshop, even for a couple of hours a month, please contact Barb Erhardt 4666 3745 (home) or Narelle Moore 4666 7222 (tuckshop). If you are unable to attend on your rostered day, please arrange a replacement and let either of these ladies know. JUNE 3 Anglo American Broncos Challenge Finals (sec.), Warwick ICAS Science Competition 11 Year 10 Mock Interviews 12 Primary Broncos Competition, Warwick 13-14 Individual Secondary Chess competition 17 Southern Downs Rugby League Trials - girls 22-26 Year 10 students out at work experience 26 Last Day of Term 2 JULY 13 School Resumes - first day of Term 3 (Monday) 22-23 Interhouse Athletics Carnival 23 Reader’s Challenge (Years 5&6) 30 Mathematics Competition 31 African Drumming performance - Years P-6 AUGUST 3 Central Downs Athletics Carnival (half day) 4 Border District Athletics Carnival, Warwick 7 Central Downs Athletics Carnival (full day), Allora 12 Warwick All Schools Athletics pre-run events 13 Warwick All Schools Athletics Carnival (all day) 20 Southern Downs Cricket trials - boys & girls 21 Southern Downs Athletics Carnival (full day), Allora 28-29 Secondary Teams Chess Competition SEPTEMBER 1 Primary Teams Chess Competition 13 Spring Fair - school grounds Roster Frid. Mond. Wed. Frid. Mond. Wed. Frid. Mond. Wed. Frid. 8/5 11/5 13/5 15/5 18/5 20/5 22/5 25/5 27/5 29/5 C Perry, K Collie E Spicer, C Opperman S Fiechtner, D Wilkie C Perry, K Collie E Spicer, K Lack S Fiechtner, J Topp C Perry, K Collie E Spicer, B Erhardt S Fiechtner, K Frizzell C Perry, K Collie P&C News The Spring Fair is the P&C’s major fundraiser for the year and will be held on Sunday 13 September. We look forward to hearing your ideas. The P&C would like to make Parents and Citizens aware that the P&C Constitution will be reviewed and ratified at the next P&C Meeting. If you would like to read a copy of the constitution it is located on the schools website. Please check the school’s website for minutes of the previous meeting. The next P&C meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 19 May in the Library. We would love for you to attend. Children are welcome to come with you and will be able to do quiet activities or watch a movie while you attend the meeting. Student of the Week The following students were awarded with certificates on assembly for demonstrating our school motto, “Always our Best”. Congratulations. Term 2, 27 April Prep: Chloe Harm - Working quietly and conscientiously Year 1: Max Mahommed - Valuable contributions in class Year 2: Tom Wallace - Focussed effort in writing tasks Year 3: Charlene Simple - Always finishing tasks on time Marty Worboys - Excellent participation Year 4: Alex Knox - Consistently following classroom expectations Matthew Brodie - Fantastic efforts in writing Term 2, 4 May School Starting Times & Wear Your Hat Parents and carers are asked not to send their child / children to school before 8:30am, as there is no supervision provided prior to this time. Children are reminded to wear their hat or cap to and from school. Prep: Jordan Bloomfield - For excellent neat handwriting Year 1: Shianne McGregor -Positive effort in all areas Year 2: Alexandria Gilmore - Excellent efforts in spelling Year 4: Elizah Feltham - Always following classroom expectations Year 5: Chloe Groves - Positive efforts in English Year 7: Claudia Bonython - Her positive approach to English Year 8: Jaylen Robson - Completing his work in English Jake Ainsworth - Pleasing efforts in English Year 9: Ailish Wallace - Her positive approach to History Emily Oehlman - Her positive approach to History Year 10: Rachael Duncan - Excellent efforts in English and History School Link A Note from the Library It is great to see students consistently borrowing from the library each week. Some students have already been able to achieve their first pick in the box and receive a free book. What a great result and they should be congratulated. Did you know that May is National Reading Month. Now is a great time to get your children to read more and if they can’t, why not read to them every day? Exciting news is coming our way - Book Fair is nearly here. Book Fair this year will be held on Thursday 21, Friday 22, Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 May, so please mark your calendars. It will be held in the old Assembly Hall and will be open each day before school, during second break and after school until 4 pm. As this is our only Fair for this year, it would be terrific if everyone could support it as it enables our library to receive new resources. Our dress-up day for the Fair is on Thursday 21 May. The theme for this year is “Kings, Queens and Castles”. Children who come dressed up will put their name into a box for their year level and a name will be drawn out at random. That student will receive a free book from the Fair as their prize. I look forward to seeing some great costumes. Book Club orders will be sent away this week and will be delivered shortly. Thank you to all parents and students who support this venture. Have a wonderful week. LEA-ANN WEIER Centrepay – the easy way to pay your bills We now offer Centrepay at the school. Centrepay is a free direct bill paying service available to customers who receive a Centrelink payment. You could use this to assist with paying school fees. Forms are available at the school office. New Uniform Stock has arrived New stock of uniforms including shorts, shirts and school jumpers has arrived. You are reminded that the winter uniform includes the school shorts, school shirt, school hat or cap, maroon jumper and navy track suit pants, white socks and black, leather-upper shoes. A white skivvy can be worn under the school shirt. As part of the Harvest-ed program promotion, we will be holding a stall at the Allora Community Auction on Monday, 8 June, to sell our wares, including cheese boards. As well as selling our products manufactured here at school, we would welcome any cooking (e.g. cakes, biscuits, slices), fresh produce, second-hand clothing, unwanted gifts or anything else you can think of to go on a stall. Items can be left at the office by Friday 5 June, for Mr Ralph to collect. Interhouse Cross Country - 2015 BOYS Age, Placings & House GIRLS Age, Placings & House Open (4km): 1. Tye Thompson (D) Trophy 2 Nicholas Brown (D) 3. Jake Attard (G) Open (3km): 1. Jane Morris (D) 2. Brooke Wightman (G) 3. Emily Oehlman (G)/ Chloe Hutchins Morrish (D) 14 Yrs (4km): 1. Seth Mathie (G) 2. Connor Goldwater (G) 3. Joshua Cocks (D) 14 Yrs (3km): 1. Mary Higgins (D) Trophy 2 Sophie Otten (D) 3. Gabrielle Fowles (G) 13 Yrs (4km): 1. Caleb Pratt (D) 2. Evan Emms (D) 3. Ethan Oloman (G) 12 Yrs (3km): 1. Jack Hill (D) 2. Stan Bain (G) 3. Connar Feltham (G) 13 Yrs (3km): 1. Chloe O’Halloran (D) 2. Paige Bain (G) 3. Ebony Seibel (D) 12 Yrs (2km): 1. Xanthe Esson (D) 2. Lacey Maguire (D) 3. Lexie Heslin (D) 11 Yrs (3km): 1. Lachlan Ford-Thompson (D) 2. Matthew Brodie (G) 3. Cameron Murch (G) 11 Yrs (2km): 1. Xavia Oloman (G) 2. Sarah Orme (G) 3. Nicola Westerman (D) 10 Yrs (2km): 1. Jackson Pitstock (D) 2. Ashley Perry (D) 3. Alex Knox (G) 10 Yrs (2km): 1. Macey Heslin (D) 2. Alexia Lever (D) 3. Elizah Feltham (G) 9 Yrs (2km): 1. Hamish Gartery (G) 2. Cooper Harm (G) 3. Marty Worboys (D) 9 Yrs (1km): 1. Kataya McNamara (G) 2. Reagan McMillan (G) 3. Lillijana Burrows (G) Overall Girl Winner – Mary Higgins (D) – 11.38.00 (3km) Overall Boy Winner – Tye Thompson (D) – 15.46.81 (4km) DEACON - 161 GWYNNE - 150 Congratulations to all students who participated in our Annual Interhouse Cross Country held at the Allora Golf Course on Friday, 24 April. Thank you to all students and staff who assisted at the cross country. A special thank you goes to Mr Nott and Ms Sutton for their organisation of the event. School Link Anglo American Broncos Rugby League and Netball Challenge Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Update Round 3 On Wednesday 22 April we played our second game of the Anglo American Broncos Rugby League and Netball Competition against Warwick SHS in Warwick. The B Grade rugby league side were unfortunate not to come away with a victory, losing by just 6 points with a final score of 16-22. Our A grade side went down 18-30. Sunny Cards - You may have noticed that we have changed the format of our Sunny Cards, with a stamp being used instead of our hole punch. In order to cut printing costs, our new cards are also two-sided. 1 completed card = 20 stamps (ie 2 sides completed) In order to be eligible for end-of-term Rewards activities, students will have to complete 10 Sunny Cards. This is the same number of stamps required for last term. The B-Grade netball team played a great game ending with a score of 28-11 against Warwick State High School. Mary Higgins was awarded Player of the Match. Congratulations. The A Grade team were beaten by a very experienced Warwick State High team, with a score of 61 to 2. The C Grade netball team were unfortunate to lose, the score being 36-0. Congratulations to all girls on their performance and excellent sportsmanship displayed throughout the games. Round 4 We played our first home game of the competition against Assumption on Wednesday 29 April. Both A grade and B grade rugby league teams played great games but were unfortunate to lose, the B grade score being 18-4 to Assumption and the A grade score being 34-4 to Assumption. Both teams played well and Mr Nott was very pleased with their efforts considering the amount of players out with injury. The A Grade netball team played a great game against Assumption but were unfortunate to lose, the score being 27 1. The B grade team played a great game coming away with a win, the score being 30-12. The C Grade netball team were unfortunate to lose, the score being 23-8. Congratulations to all girls on their performance and excellent sportsmanship displayed throughout the games. We look forward to our next game against Goondiwindi SHS in Goondiwindi on Wednesday 20 May. Darling Downs 10-12 Years Trials The past few weeks have been a busy time for our students at 10-12Yr sporting trials. Jack Hill participated at the Darling Downs Hockey Trials in Toowoomba on Monday. Jack performed well on the day but unfortunately was not selected. Due to the recent rain, the Darling Downs Touch Trials scheduled for Monday were postponed to Wednesday 6 May. Molly Harm, Lexie Heslin and Alexia Lever were attending these trials. Stan Bain participated in the Darling Downs Soccer trials in Stanthorpe on Sunday and Monday. Stan has been selected in the Darling Downs Team to attend the State Carnival in Brendale from July 25 to July 28. Congratulations, Stan! The Darling Downs Rugby League Trials were held in Stanthorpe on Sunday 26 April. Connar Feltham, Ryley Lever and Jacob Meddleton proudly represented Allora P-10 State School and Southern Downs at these trials. The boys played well but were not selected. The Darling Downs Netball Trials were held in Toowoomba on Monday 27 April. Alexia Lever, Molly Harm and Xanthe Esson proudly represented Allora P-10 State School and Southern Downs at these trials. The girls played well but were not selected to go on further. Sunny Certificates - These will be awarded for: 5 completed Sunny Cards (ie 100 stamps) 10 completed Sunny Cards (ie 200 stamps) Whole School Assembly: Monday 18 May - Students who have achieved 5 and 10 Sunny Cards will be recognised on this assembly. All are welcome to attend! Mid Term Reward: Tuesday 19 May - Count of Sunny Cards as at 3pm Friday 15 May. Small cost will be involved. Students will be informed of this. Mid Term Reward: Tuesday 19 May - Students Years 5-10 Warwick SHS Musical Matinee Students from Years 5 -10 will be ranked by number of Sunny Cards achieved “Top 40” invited to attend. We have obtained 40 free tickets to this event. Consequently, we will perform a Sunny Card count on the previous Friday. Mid Term Reward: Students Years P-4 Students in P-4 will participate in a schoolbased Rewards Activity on a date yet to be decided. Additional details will be published when they come to hand. Students from Years P-4 will be ranked by number of Sunny Cards achieved “Top 40” invited to attend End of Term Reward: To be eligible, students must have 10 completed Sunny Cards (ie 200 stamps) Years 7-10 - Friday 5 June: Final count of completed Sunny Cards at 3pm (no exceptions) School Resource Charges must be paid by this date to be eligible Recording on One School must be up to date by midday Monday Friday 12 June: Final date for payment (no exceptions) Friday 19 June: Rewards Day Kloud9 and Grand Central Organiser: Robyn Westerman Years P-6 - Friday 5 June: Final count of completed Sunny Cards at 3pm (no exceptions) School Resource Charges must be paid by this date to be eligible Recording on One School must be up to date by midday Monday Wednesday 17 June: Final date for payment (no exceptions) Friday 19 June: Rewards Day Kloud9 and Park [BYO picnic lunch] Organiser: Ros Hibberd School Link Some Photographs of our ANZAC Ceremonies School Link Assessment Items - Mrs Peck Assessment Items (continued) Year 7 Maths - Exam on Units 3 & 4 (Algebra Part A and Chance Part B) - Part A Thursday 21 May - Week 5; Part B Monday 15 June - Week 9 Year 8 LOTE - Mr Gill The Year 8 students demonstrated an excellent work ethic last term and this resulted in strong achievement results across the whole cohort. I was impressed with their diligence and effort and encourage each student to maintain this level. This term, Year 8 will be studying the role of MANGA (cartoons / comics) in Japanese culture and will create and construct their own MANGA piece. Assessment is due approximately Week 8. Year 8 Maths - Assignment from Unit 2 (Data - Lateral Body Functions - Thursday 21 May - Week 5 or before. Exam on Units 3 & 4 (Indices, Algebra & Measurement Monday 15 June - Week 9 Year 9 Maths - Exam on Units 3 & 4 (Trigonometry, Similarity, Algebra) - Thursday 11 June, Week 8 Year 10 Maths - Exam on Units 3 & 4 (Algebra & Relationships) - Friday 12 June - Week 8 Year 9 Business - Portfolio Assessment Activities continuous in-class assessment Theory Test - Part A - Managing Information and Part B - Accounting Fundamentals - Monday 1 June - Week 7 Year 7 LOTE - Mr Gill The Year 7 cohort also demonstrated an excellent work ethic which resulted in strong achievement results. This term, students in Year 7 will investigate a controversial issue relating to Japanese culture. Students are required to present the issue to the class, highlight both sides of the argument, and make use of persuasive techniques. Presentations will be approximately Week 7 and 8. Year 6 LOTE - Mr Gill In Term Two, Year 6 students will be completing a cultural investigation on a topic of their interest. Students are required to research, critique and inform an audience. Assessment will be an informative presentation to the class. Presentations will be in approximately Week 7 and 8. Year 5 LOTE - Mr Gill In Term Two, Year 5 students will be studying new Japanese vocabulary and continuing with hiragana. Students are required to learn Japanese greetings, animals and colours. Assessment will be a written test in Week 7. Arigatougozaimasu Sensei Gill “Around the Ridges” Cent Sale - Victoria Hill Hall aid hall funds, Friday 8 May starts 7pm sharp. Supper provided. Primary school children free. Admission $5. Well Women’s Clinic, Allora, Southern Cross Care, Allora on Thursday 25 June from 9am to 3pm. Phone 4666 3171 to book a FREE appointment Working with Young People-Self Harm/Self Injury Behaviours East Creek Community Centre, 43 Kitchener St, East Toowoomba 22 May 2015 - 9:00-12:30pm, Cost $99 (includes morning tea). Prior registration essential. Places limited. Contact Garry King - [email protected] Horse in War - Sacrifice. Bravery. Mateship - at Cobb+Co Museum, 27 Lindsay Street, Toowoomba until 5 October. Open daily 10am to 4pm. Sunday Social Tennis at Allora - Sunday afternoon social tennis, initially for Autumn months. Start time of 2:30pm; ball fee of $3/player. All playing abilities and families are welcome. Call Andrew or Catherine on 4666 2260 or email [email protected] Junior Tennis - Clifton, Friday afternoons, Clifton Tennis Association courts. Contact Kellie Brady 0488 964 559 or Ashley Gillam 4697 3571 at night if interested. JE Dance House Clifton - FE Logan Hall, Clifton. For more info contact Jameille Eugarde 041 767 150 or [email protected] Year 9 History - Mr Hay Students have begun a unit on early Australian History entitled “Making a Nation”, with the focus being largely on Australian settlement throughout the convict era. Students have been provided with a Resource Magazine and an accompanying Workbook. The Workbook will be required to be submitted on FRIDAY MAY 8 th, with both the Goal Setting Activity and Activity # 1 completed. Year 10 English - Mr Hay Currently reading the David Metzenthen novel “Boys of Blood and Bone”. Workbooks will be collected on FRIDAY MAY 8th, with Activities 1,2,3 & 5 being marked and commented upon. Year 10 History - Mr Hay Students have begun a unit on Australia’s role in World War Two. Workbooks will be collected regularly and classwork/homework commented upon. Parents will be notified if students do not either submit their work or if work is submitted in an incomplete manner. Year 7 English - Mr Hay Currently reading “A Fortunate Life” by Albert Facey, an Australian classic. Workbooks were collected last Friday and will be collected and perused on a weekly basis. Likewise, we will complete a series of “Literacy development” exercises throughout the term, focusing on some of the basics of literacy, with Homework activities for these due each Friday. Parents will be notified if students do not either submit their work or if work is submitted in an incomplete manner. Year 8 English - Mr Hay Currently reading “Nanberry” by Jackie French. Accompanying workbook will be required to be submitted weekly for perusal.
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