Planning Department FLEA MARKET OPERATOR APPLICATION 3295 Bob Rogers Drive Eagle Pass, TX 78852 (830) 773-7781 (830) 773-7803 fax Name of Flea Market _____________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ Contact Person _________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________ E-mail ___________________________________ Owner’s Name __________________________________________________________ Owner’s Address ___________________ City _____________ State _____ Zip ______ Phone ______________________ E-mail ___________________________________ _____________________________ Applicant’s Signature SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS _______ DAY OF _____________, 20______. ________________________________ Notary Public STATE OF TEXAS **NOTE: “The license hereby applied for shall be subject to all provisions and regulations of this Code and other ordinances of the City related to flea market operators.” Office Use DISPOSITION OF APPLICATION: Signatures indicate approval by departments 1. Zoning ___________________________________ Date ______________ 2. Building __________________________________ Date ______________ 3. Water Works (Sewer) _______________________ Date ______________ 4. Fire Prevention _____________________________ Date ______________ 5. Public Works (Garbage) ______________________ Date ______________ Date of Application ____________ Date Paid ____________ New Renewal Receipt # ____________________ Flea Market Regulations Section 19-112 License required. No flea market shall be operated within the city without a license obtained therefor, which license may be produced by complying with the following provisions: (1) Application; information to be shown. An applicant for a license shall make request therefor in writing addressed to the city planner which application shall contain the name, address and such other reasonable information as will identify such applicant. In the case of a partnership, limited liability company, corporation or other such firm, the application shall list the names and addresses of each individual member, partner, or shareholder of the entity. (2) Application to contain provision relative to compliance with ordinances. Such application shall contain the following words: "The license hereby applied for shall be subject to all provisions and regulations of this Code and other ordinances of the city related to flea market operators." (3) License fees. The annual license fee for licenses under this section shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00), paid in advance. (4) Application to be signed and sworn to. Such application shall be signed and sworn to by the person applying therefor before some officer authorized by law to administer oaths. (5) Issuance of license. Each application shall be presented to the planning director who shall issue a license to the applicant upon compliance of the applicant with the terms of this article. Sec. 19-113. - License to be available for inspection. Every flea market operator while engaged in the pursuit of his/her business, shall have posted in public view and available for inspection at all times, his/her license to be engaged in such business. Sec. 19-114. - Limitations to license. A license issued under this article shall not entitle the holder thereof to engage in the sale of used merchandise but shall only authorize the holder to operate a flea market. However, this does not foreclose the holder from obtaining the proper license and permit to engage in selling used merchandise. Sec. 19-115. - Copy of regulations to be furnished to every person who is allowed to display merchandise for sale. Every flea market operator shall furnish a copy of the regulations contained within this article to every person who is allowed to display merchandise for sale within such flea market. If the operator fails to comply with this provision, his/her license may be suspended. Sec. 19-116. - Merchandise subject to inspection. All merchandise on the premises of a flea market shall be subject to inspection at all times by city police officers and/or any member of the code enforcement division of the city. Sec. 19-117. - Prohibited merchandise. No merchandise shall be displayed for sale at any flea market if the manufacturer's seal, identification number or brand has been removed or obliterated. Sec. 19-118. - Hours of business regulated. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the operation of a flea market between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Sec. 19-119. - Violators barred from displaying merchandise. In addition to other penalties provided herein, any person violating any provisions of this article shall be barred from displaying any merchandise at any flea market in the city. Sec. 19-120. - State sales tax permit and collection required. To the extent required by State law, each flea market operator and merchandise vendor: (1) Shall have a state sales tax permit; and (2) Shall be responsible for collecting the appropriate sales taxes and reporting those taxes to the appropriate authorities. Sec. 19-121. – Flea markets to be located in a commercial zoning district. zoning district and/or classification. All flea markets in the city shall be located in a commercial Sec. 19-122. - Operator responsibility. The flea market operator shall insure that all flea markets: (1) Have access to an arterial street; (2) Have adequate off-street parking that meets the planning and zoning ordinance requirements of the city; (3) Have adequate sanitary (restrooms) facilities for men and women; (4) Have adequate on-site garbage and/or trash collection containers; (5) Sales are made from booths and tables and not directly from motor vehicles and/or the ground floor; and (6) Have reasonable and adequate fire prevention and protection equipment on-site. Sec. 19-123. - Construction and development plan required. All flea markets in the city shall submit a construction and development plan detailing the zoning district, sales area and booth arrangement, parking area, fire prevention and protection equipment, fire lanes, sanitary facilities, garbage and/or trash collection containers and abutting properties zoning district. SAMPLE
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