Temple Times Temple Times THE BRISBANE CITY TEMPLE CORPS MONTHLY NEWSLETTER BCT MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 1 F E B R U A R Y 2015 5 APRIL 2015 Celebrate! We pray that you are enjoying our Easter Celebrations and the reality of God’s amazing gift to you is impacting your life. We have lots more celebrating to do in our 130th year! If you are not receiving emails signup on our web page and plan to join us at one or all of the special events through the year. But don’t miss worship on Sunday April 12 as we consider the power of forgiveness. It could change your life! Connect! We believe that nobody needs to do life alone. BCT Life Groups provide opportunity to Support one another, Share around God’s Word and provide ways in which we can Serve. You are invited to join a group or start a group. See Major Dean for more information. Care! Keep on encouraging one another, just as you are doing! We are partners with God in building a great corps and Army and like Him, we care for each other. Pray for our leaders and activities, and those listed in this newsletter. Let’s keep on sending encouraging notes, making phone calls and calling each other to even greater things. Majors Dean & Vicki The Salvation Army Brisbane City Temple Corps Corps Officers: Major Dean & Major Vicki Clarke 167 Ann Street Brisbane 4000 P: 3221 3461 www.salvos.org.au/brisbanecitytemple T H E C H U R C H W I T H A H E A RT I N T H E H E A RT O F T H E C I T Y ‘We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts.’‘ A .W. Toser PRAYER PARTNER DIARY of the AUSTRALIA EASTERN TERRITORY: APRIL 1 – 4 Bateman’s Bay Corps, NSW. Bega Corps NSW. Belconnen Corps ACT. Canberra City Oasis Corps ACT. Cooma Corps NSW. Cootamundra Corps NSW. APRIL 5 – 11 Cowra Corps NSW. Deniliquin Corps NSW. Goulburn Corps NSW. Grenfell Corps NSW. Griffith Corps NSW. Northside Corps ACT. APRIL 12– 18 Queanbeyan Corps NSW. Shoalhaven Corps NSW. Temora Corps NSW. Tuggeranong Corps ACT. Wagga Wagga Corps NSW. West Wylong Corps NSW. APRIL 19– 25 Woden Valley Corps ACT. Young Corps NSW. Canberra Community Welfare Centre ACT. Canberra Recovery Services Centre ACT. Oasis Youth Services ACT. Central & North Queensland Divisional Headquarters QLD. APRIL 26 – 30 Central & North Queensland Division Chaplains QLD. Atherton Tablelands Corps QLD. Ayr Corps QLD. Blackwater Corps QLD. Bowen Corps QLD. Bundaberg Corps QLD. Let’s Pray for those unable to attend: Nancy Allen, Jean Paren, Major Leona Scholz, Coral Rogers, Major Pam Alley, Evelyn Warden, Phyllis Pioch, Kevin Fish, Ron Tyler, Stuart and Joyce Dunstan, David Klee, Roberts and Bev Pratt, Basil and Anne Bate, and Bram Smith. Pray for those who are unwell and recuperating: Bev Pratt is in the PA Hospital . Basil Bate has had a fall and broken fingers and Norm Shey is unwell. Xtra Years of Zest For the Over 50s Invite you to.. LEST WE HAVE FORGOTTEN “a musical soiree with epicurean delights, a degustation of music and food” Date: Time: Where: Cost: RSVP: 18th April 2015 Arrive 3.30pm for a 4.00pm start BCT Social Hall $20.00 5th April to Marlene (with money) GENR8 Movie @ Southbank & Sleepover Friday 10th April 6pm to Sat 11th 10am RSVP: TODAY to Kerrod WORK ZONE APRIL GENR8 7th Life Groups 10th Movie @ Southbank 12th Youth Worship 14th Life Groups 21th Life Group 26th Genr8 Service 28th April Life Group Repair Work has commenced on waterproofing our front wall. This will mean that the only toilets open for use are those located behind the Multi-purpose hall & the toilet on the worship level. The toilets & storerooms on the lower floor will be closed and no access will TODAY 9. 30am Primary, Kids Connection, JS Corps Cadets 9.45am Prayer Meeting 11.00am Morning Worship 4.40pm Musical Prelude 5.00pm Divisional Easter Celebration 5.30pm Gods Sports Arena Church WELCOMER’S ROSTER TODAY: Gordon & Barbara Knowles NEXT SUNDAY: Joy Heathcote & Joy Strong APRIL DIARY DATES 5 10-11 GENR8 Activity TUESDAY 9.30am Friendship Club 7.00pm Youth Life Group 7.00pm Life Groups 7.00pm Moonyah Chapel 7.30pm Bible Study Fellowship Groups 12 Life Groups 12.30pm 12 Youth Worship 2.00pm 18 Kids Connection ’Invite a Friend Day” 18 XYZ Fellowship 24 SAGALA YP Activities resume 29 SALVOS Women - Coffee Morning WEDNESDAY 9.45am Women’s Bible Study 11.00am Women’s Home League 6.45pm Songster Rehearsal 8.30pm Temple Band Rehearsal JUNE 6-7 Melbourne Staff Songsters visit BCT 21 Ray Steadman-Allen Tribute Concert AUGUST THURSDAY 9.45am mainly music resumes 23/4 6.00pm Streetlevel Dinner & 7.00pm Chapel FRIDAY 6.00pm YP Singing Company 6.15pm Senior Timbrels 6.30pm SAGALA & YP Band resumes 24/4 7.30pm Junior & Learner Timbrels, SUNDAY 9.30am Primary, Kids Connection & JS Corps Cadets 9.45am Prayer Meeting 9.45pm Temple Band - QSM 11.00am Morning Worship 2.30pm Youth Worship 2.30pm Life Groups 5.30pm Gods Sports Arena Church Meetings and special events are recorded. Please complete an Order Form from the on the Information Desk and hand into the BCT office . Divisional Easter Celebration 5pm 1-2 ‘Back to BCT’ Weekend OCTOBER 19 ISB Australian Tour - Brisbane APRIL SECURE Car Parking Sun 5th 9.00am - 8.30pm Sun 12th 9.00am - 5.00pm Sun 19th 9.00am - 5.00pm Sun 26th 9.00am - 5.00pm KING GEORGE SQUARE Car Park In the EVENT of a FIRE Proceed to the CLOSEST EXIT ASSEMBLE at the MINCOM FORECOURT Opposite BCT ANN Street DO NOT evacuate to BCT Car Park
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