PARRAMATTERS The Salvation Army SUNDAY 3 MAY 2015 Welcome to Parramatta Salvos A special welcome to family and friends who are here to celebrate Lily Maxwell’s birth and witness her dedication. Major Deslea Maxwell will be conducting the dedication. WORSHIP & ACTIVITIES 9am Outreach by Citadel Band 9am Easy English Worship 10am Prayer Meeting 10.30am Morning Worship Our mission is lives changed by Jesus Christ through an integrated program of worship, Christian development, evangelism and community service. PRAYER SN@5: May 3 Guest preacher: Dr Rev Arseny Ermakov BTh, MA (New Testament Studies), PhD (Biblical Studies) Head of Biblical Studies; Lecturer in Biblical Studies. I am a Russian in Australia who loves teaching the Bible. I find fascination and inspiration in meaningful engagement with the Scripture in the lively atmosphere of the classroom or in the seclusion of my study. The issues of holiness in the ancient world and the biblical texts particularly captivate my mind and take a special place in my research. I am married to a wonderful Russian lady, Elena and we have 2 lovely daughters. I am an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene. POINTS All Parra Youth at Youth Councils this weekend. Lily Maxwell Kevin Corkett, Chris Radburn are in hospital recovering from surgery. Laurie Wateron (Bev Mole, Heather Waterson and Cheryl Evans’ brother) has commenced chemotherapy following surgery to remove a brain tumour. 10.45am Cradle Zone [0-3years] Mini God squad [3years-grade 2] Kids’s church & Junior Soldiers [grade 3 and up] 12.15pm Learner timbrels 12.45pm Dance group 4pm Ensemble rehearsal 5pm SN@5 Worship PLEASE NOTE NEW TIME!! Bill Mole’s sister has commenced radition for lung cancer. New staff starting at Parramatta Salvos SN@5: May 10 Transition to Doorways There will be worship on Sunday night 10th May. Red Shield appeal Guest preacher: Major Stuart Reid To be followed by a fellowship meal. those who are responding in aid. Captain Kathy Crombie will be assisting with this recovery work. SN@5: May 17 Please join us for tea or coffee and a chat after our morning service. We’d like to get to know you! It is served from the Community Service Centre reception room located across the breezeway near the front door of our citadel. Nepal — for those suffering loss; Families and friends of those executed this week in Bali. DOORKNOCK 30 - 31 MAY 2015 CORPS OFFICERS: Grant & Sharon Sandercock-Brown OFFICE: 34 Smith Street, Parramatta 2150 PHONE: [02] 9635 6870 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1109, Parramatta CBD 2124 EMAIL: parramatta2.corps@ WEBSITE: Check out our Parramatta Corps Facebook Pages: Parramatta Salvos, Children’s Ministries, PSAFC - Generals Soccer, Indulge & Youth Ministries 1 Red Shield Appeal 2015 As the annual appeal approaches we can start to prepare our hearts [and feet] for this great opportunity of being in our neighbourhood, welcoming members of our community onto the team and supporting the work of The Salvation Army. This is a whole corps event. Everyone is included in some way so expect your name to be on a list or in a team. Only see me if you are unable to participate. All neighbours, friends, workmates and family are welcome to join in. Next week there will be details on the back notice board of where you have been assigned. I would like to challenge everyone in the corps to set a personal goal to turn this territorial event into an corps outreach and discipleship opportunity. My suggestion: as you participate have 10 conversations about the wider Salvation Army [research on line for latest news], 5 conversations about the Parramatta Corps [take a corps leaflet], 1 conversation about your own faith. I am looking forward to working on the Appeal with you this year at Parramatta. Sharon Sandercock-Brown RSVP to Margaret Robinson if you are coming. Parramatta Zone Director Corps Family NEWS If you would like us to pray for you or your loved ones, contact either Marty Bust or Dot Griffin for it to be included in the newsletter or referred on to the Prayer Network. We are looking to connect everyone in the corps into a discipleship group of some kind. If you would like to join a bible study group or start up one please see Sharon SB. If you are unable to join a small group at the moment but are interested in some alternative ways of studying God’s word with others and sharing your faith journey and its growth there are other options available. 2 SPORTS BEING HELD ON SATURDAYS Congratulations to Tannie’s sister, Bing Bing and Johnny’s daughter Edwina’s on her graduation this week. Soccer - We have one team playing in the Churches’ competition this year We also thank Sian Gough who served as a counsellor at The Red Shield Kids Camp at Collaroy. Golf - Saturday morning golf has changed venue to the Colonial Golf with the game commencing at 3.15pm Saturdays. Contact Mitch Kuiper or another player to check weekly venue to cheer them on. Course, Werrington Road, Werrington at 7.15am. For more information contact Ian Roberts or just turn up. For the month of May 2015 PARRAMATTA SALVOS can receive a donation from “Grill’d” burger shop in Church Street, Parramatta if you buy a meal there and place a token in the “Parramatta Salvation Army” bucket. Whichever group has the most tokens at the end of the month receives $300 from “Grill’d”, and the other groups receive $100. Grab some great food and support Parramatta Salvos! Have you just finished a book and need to find something to read? Buy this one! Where to buy: See Grant Cost: $20.00 All proceeds go to Parramatta Corps. Ladies’ Fellowship Morning Wednesday 13 May 2015 Come at 10am for morning tea before the meeting. BOUNDLESS - THE WHOLE WORLD READING Reading the New Testament in manageable chunks How are you going in The International Bible Reading Challenge? Week 18 - Commencing 4 May Limited books are available on the information stand. If you need one and it is not there please contact the office. Life gets busy so if you have fallen behind - let Kate Anderson know and she will send you the previous weekly readings. WHAT’S ON @ParramattaSalvos MONDAY 9am Music Therapy for children 9.30am-12.30pm Connect Site [Welfare Centre] is open TUESDAY 9am-3pm Jum ‘Op’ Shop 9.30am-12.30pm Connect Site [Welfare Centre] is open 9.30am & 11am Playgroup [for preschoolers] 10am [every second Tuesday of the month] Golden Years WEDNESDAY 9am-3pm Jum ‘Op’ Shop 9.30am-12.30pm Connect Site 9.30am & 11am Playgroup [for preschoolers] 10am Ladies Fellowship 10am Tennis club 6.30pm Elevate group 7pm Junior Timbrels Songsters Rehearsal 8.30pm Brass Band Practice THURSDAY 9am-3pm Jum ‘Op’ Shop 9.30am-12.30pm Connect Site 10am English Conversation Class + 12.15pm Easy English Bible Study 6.30pm Salvo’s Legal FRIDAY 9.30am-12.30pm Connect Site 10am Kids Music Club [for preschoolers] 7pm [fortnightly] Youth Group SATURDAY 7.15am Golf Club 3.15pm [autumn/Winter] Soccer Bible Study groups are held throughout week at various times and locations. 3 MAY2015 GOLDEN YEARS SENIORS CELEBRATION RED SHIELD APPEAL RED SHIELD APPEAL We are really glad you chose to come and worship with us today at The Salvation Army, Parramatta. We pray that you will encounter the presence of the living God, the warmth and friendship of our worshipping community and leave knowing it has been good to be in the House of the Lord! For your information: There is a room at the back of the hall that can be used during worship for parents needing a quiet space with their babies. The Baby Change table is located in the disabled amenities at the rear of the main building. Toilets are also located at the rear of the main building. Did you know there is parking available on Sundays? For a cost of $1 you can park your car at 91 Phillip Street. Please see map for actual location. 4 Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to ask one of our Welcome Team Members at the entrance door. We look forward to sharing in worship with you again. If you would like to give to the kingdom building activities in and through our Corps by transfer please use the following details: BSB 032078; Account No. 000810288; Account Name - The Salvation Army, Parramatta. Please include an applicable reference on the transfer so we can accurately record the gift. If you would like to received the newsletter by email please send your details to [email protected]
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