THE s r e t t a M a r r Pa Sunday, 5 April 2015 Our mission is lives changed by Welcome to Parramatta Corps SUNDAY 5 APRIL - WORSHIP SERVICES & ACTIVITIES Jesus Christ 6.00am SUNRISE SERVICE 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am Easy English Worship Service Prayer Meeting SUNDAY CELEBRATION through an integrated program of Worship, Christian Development, Evangelism and Please join us for complimentary tea or coffee and a chat after our Morning Service. We’d like to get to know you so please stay for a little while. It is served from the Community Services Centre Reception Room, located across the breezeway near the front door of our Citadel. NO SUNDAY 6:00PM MEETING Community Service. Corps Officers: Captains Grant & Sharon Sandercock-Brown Address: 34 Smith Street, Parramatta Phone: (02) 9635 6870 Postal Address: PO Box 1109, Parramatta CBD, NSW, 2124 Email: [email protected] Web: If you would like to receive the newsletter by email please send your details to [email protected] Welcome to Parramatta Salvos We are really glad you chose to come and worship with us today at The Salvation Army Parramatta. We pray you encounter the presence of the Living God, the warmth and friendship of our worshipping community and leave knowing it has been good to be in the House of the Lord! The Prayer Room can be used during the Service for parents needing a quiet space with their babies. Amenities are located at the rear of our Citadel. Baby Change Table is located in the disabled amenities at the rear of the Citadel. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to ask one of our Welcome Team Members at the entrance door. We look forward to sharing in worship with you again. God Bless, Grant & Sharon CORPS FAMILY NEWS There are several individuals & families within our Corps who need our prayers and support at this time. These include: Prayers for David Bowmaker who is currently in Concord Hospital would be greatly appreciated. Kim Entwistle had surgery this week, we pray for recovery and also pray for the family as they care for her recovery. Please continue to uphold Narelle Luxford in prayers. Praying that our Corps family stay well and safe over the Easter Break. Other members of the Corps family who are struggling with family and health issues (who do not wish details to be published). If you would like us to pray for you or your loved ones, contact either Marty Bust or Dot Griffin. SELF DENIAL - ALTAR SERVICE Thank you for all those that donated to the Self Denial Appeal last Sunday. The total collected was $34,578.50. The YP (Bally Boxes) Self Denial Collected $42.90. If you missed the opportunity to contribute to the Self Denial Appeal last Sunday, please feel free to put your donation in the Self Denial Envelopes or in a separate envelope clearly marked “Self Denial Appeal” in with the regular Offering. Parramatta Corps is holding an INFORMATION MEETING RE WELFARE CHANGES When: Tuesday, 21 April 2015 Time: 7:30pm Where: Function Centre, Parra Salvos ALL CORPS INVITED Coffee & Cake provided. If you would like to give to the kingdom building activities in and through our Corps by transfer please use the following details: BSB - 032078 Account No. - 000810288 Account Name - The Salvation Army Parramatta Please include an applicable reference on the transfer so we can accurately record the gift. Jodie Griffin & Colin Griffiths We wish God’s blessings on your upcoming Wedding on Saturday, 11 April 2015 (Auburn Salvos). ATTENTION: Community Welfare Receptionists PLEASE DON’T FORGET: Community Welfare Receptionists if you haven’t already received a Roster for APRIL, please pick one up from the Corps Mailing Boxes. Thanks! Margaret Poore Ladies’ Fellowship Morning The next meeting to be held this week coming on Wednesday, 8 April 2015. Come at 10:00am for morning tea before the meeting. Corps Fellowship Diary Dates See Noticeboard at back of Citadel for more info. APRIL P O SI TI O NS VAC ANT 5 - Sunrise Easter Service - 6:00am 5 - Sunday Easter Celebration Service - 10.30am 11 to 12 Apr - SSS Weekend at Hawkesbury City Corps 13 to 16 - EQUIP Kids (8-12 year olds) (Collaroy) 19 - Junior Soldier Enrolment (Parra Corps) 19 - ANZAC Tribute Concert - 6:00pm (Blacktown City Corps) 21 - Term 2 Starts (School Holidays End) 21 - Information Meeting at 7:30pm re Welfare (Parra Corps) 26 - Corps Fellowship Lunch (Parra Corps) Tickets on sale for ISB Tour (Australia) Tour Date: 24 October 2015 Where: Sydney Congress Hall To buy tickets for ISB Tour use the following link: BookingEventSummary.aspx?eid=130040 Lunch Sunday, 26 April 2015 12.00noon (after the morning meeting) Janet Muir is the Coordinator. Please bring a plate to share. For more details Speak to Janet Muir. Limitless (Youth Councils) 2nd & 3rd May 2015 Saturday, 2nd May 2015 - Sydney Harbour Cruise Sunday, 3rd May 2015 - Worship / Teaching / Fun Registration forms are available - the registration forms and money need to be back to Joel before 17 April 2015. please see Joel for more details. We are in need of a mission oriented person for the following role: Parramatta Salvos Connect Site Coordinator Responsibilities include: Modelling and promoting the corps’ mission lives changed by Jesus Christ; Connecting clients who seek material assistance with Salvos Assessment Line; Arranging for the delivery of material assistance for clients who come to collect it; Coordinating and communicating with our community volunteers; Assisting clients attending appointments; Fostering a friendly, relational working environment where the rights of clients, and staff are respected and maintained; Working in cooperation with the Doorways Case Manager based at Parramatta; Collaborating with fellow staff and volunteers to arrange events and activities that will help clients connect with Parramatta and its programs. 16 hours per week (PPT) Monday to Thursday - 9:00am to 1:00pm. Send your resume to Grant Sandercock-Brown / Corps Office Parramatta Corps by 29 March 2015. IMPORTANT Children Ministries Dates School Holidays Good Friday 3 April 2015 to Sunday 19 April 2015 Wednesday Rehearsals recommence 22 April 2015 Sunday Programs & Activities re-commence: 26 April 2015 Please update your diary / calendar. Blessings, Carissa Ainsworth Children’s Pastor 2015 BOUNDLESS - THE WHOLE WORLD READING Reading the New Testament in manageable chunks How are you going in The International Bible Reading Challenge? Week 14 - Commencing 6 April Limited books are available on the information stand. If you need one and it is not there please contact the office. Life gets busy so if you have fallen behind - let Kate Anderson know and she will send you the previous weekly readings.
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