Esthetician COURSE DESCRIPTION: This comprehensive program consists of theory and practical experience in all aspects of skin care. Licensed estheticians teach all phases of this 600-hour course including anatomy, physiology, and skin analysis. Students will also learn facials, use of chemicals, make-up analysis and application, as well as state licensing requirements and safety procedures. Upon successful completion, students are eligible to take the state certification test to become a licensed esthetician. Specific hours of attendance and demonstrated practical operations are required to complete the course. COURSE INFORMATION: Prerequisite: None Dress Requirement and Grooming: Industry standard Course Length: 600 Hours 220 Hours Classroom Theory/380 Hours Lab plus specific Practical Operations Curriculum Outline Revision Date: CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION INDUSTRY SECTOR: • Education, Child Development, and Family Services STATE AND FEDERAL DESIGNATIONS System California Basic Educational Data System Code (CBEDS) California Department of Education (CDE) Industry Sector Designation 5869 Diversified Occupations H-8 US Department of Education (USDOE) Career Cluster Human Services US Department of Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) 39-5094.00 Skin Care Specialists 1. Page 1 INFORMATION ABOUT COMPETENCY-BASED COURSES A course description states the scope and content of a course. Competency is a skill attainment. Competency is the minimum level of skill a student has to demonstrate to achieve success. Competency-based instruction measures student success by demonstration of competency and program seat time. Competency-based instruction targets academic and career technical education to better prepare the individual for transition to either employment and/or higher education. CALIFORNIA CTE FOUNDATION STANDARDS The Foundation Standards include general competencies that all students need to master to be successful in the workplace in addition to the competencies listed in the curriculum specific to the occupational area. The Foundation Standards are similar to the competencies identified in the U.S. Department of Labor, Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Report. Subcomponents (not listed here) provide further detail about each Foundation Standard. The complete document California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards, Grades Seven Through Twelve, is available at 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Academics Students understand the academic content required for entry into postsecondary education and employment in the Education, Child Development, and Family Services sector. Communications Students understand the principles of effective oral, written, and multimedia communication in a variety of formats and contexts. Career Planning and Management Students understand how to make effective decisions, use career information, and manage personal career plans. Technology Students know how to use contemporary and emerging technological resources in diverse and changing personal, community, and workplace environments. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Students understand how to create alternative solutions by using critical and creative thinking skills, such as logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and problem-solving techniques. Health and Safety Students understand health and safety policies, procedures, regulations, and practices, including the use of equipment and handling of hazardous materials. Responsibility and Flexibility Students know the behaviors associated with the demonstration of responsibility and flexibility in personal, workplace, and community settings. Ethics and Legal Responsibilities Students understand professional, ethical, and legal behavior consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and organizational norms. Page 2 9.0 Leadership and Teamwork Students understand effective leadership styles, key concepts of group dynamics, team and individual decision-making, the benefits of workforce diversity, and conflict resolution. 10.0 Technical Knowledge and Skills Students understand the essential knowledge and skills common to all pathways in the Education, Child Development, and Family Services sector. 11.0 Demonstration and Application Students demonstrate and apply the concepts contained in the foundation and pathway standards. STUDENT LEARNING GOALS In order to function as productive, involved members of society, San Bernardino County ROP students will: 1. Demonstrate personal skills that promote success and growth in the workplace a. Know the policies, procedures, and regulations regarding health and safety b. Understand the importance of responsibility and accountability c. Understand the role of ethical behavior d. Understand how to work as a member of a team as well as independently 2. Demonstrate career planning that leads to postsecondary education and/or employment a. Know the specific requirements in a career pathway for postsecondary education, certification, and/or licensure b. Apply effective strategies for self-promotion in the hiring process 4. Demonstrate problem solving and critical thinking skills a. Use critical thinking skills to make informed decisions and solve problems b. Apply appropriate problem solving strategies and critical thinking skills to work-related issues and tasks 5. Demonstrate the use of appropriate technology used in the 21st Century a. Identify, analyze and integrate past, present and future technological resources for application in personal, workplace and community environments b. Utilize technological skills to enhance personal and career development 3. Demonstrate appropriate application of academic skills and concepts necessary for entry into postsecondary education and/or employment a. Apply the principles of effective oral, written, and multimedia communication in a variety of formats and contexts b. Perform mathematical computations required for industryspecific applications Page 3 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Classroom Hours I. Orientation Unit Objective: Discuss the objectives for the course, including student and teacher expectations, policies, and career opportunities. Unit Competencies: A. Review course syllabus, objectives, competencies, and the State Board Rules and Regulations. B. Explain applicable classroom management procedures, classroom rules, attendance, appropriate dress, and any operational guidelines. C. Explain enrollment and attendance requirements and procedures. D. Review the course hours and discuss the attitude, time, and financial commitment required for completion. E. Demonstrate knowledge of course requirements and grading policies. F. Review classroom safety and emergency procedures. G. Discuss the career opportunities and licensing requirements. H. Discuss ROP Student Learning Goals (SLGs) and their relationship to the course and employability. 2 II. Professionalism and Ethics Unit Objective: Describe and demonstrate professionalism in relationships with clients, employers, and co-workers. Unit Competencies: A. Maintain a professional appearance 5 CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards HSEE Activity/Assessment Distribute the course syllabus and the class rules. Read and discuss with students. Follow with a Q&A session to check for understanding. LA grades 9/10 Writing 2.0 Write an essay comparing ethical and unethical business practices related to marketing skin care products. Writing rubric. Class discussion. Page 4 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Classroom Hours Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards HSEE appropriate to the occupation. Discuss the importance of maintaining a professional demeanor with clients, employers, and co-workers. Discuss the role of business and personal ethics in the decision-making process. Practice business and social etiquette skills, including personal integrity and maintaining confidentiality. Discuss the importance of diversity awareness and sensitivity in the workplace. Demonstrate positive teamwork skills by contributing to a group effort. Demonstrate flexibility, adaptability, and the receptiveness to change. Identify different personality types and strategies for working effectively with each type. Demonstrate the use of time management skills. Define sexual harassment in the workplace and identify the employee’s role and responsibility. III. Communication Unit Objective: Use appropriate verbal, written, and listening skills in the classroom and worksite. Unit Competencies: A. Demonstrate positive verbal communication skills using appropriate vocabulary, demeanor, and vocal tone in the classroom and worksite. B. Practice professional verbal skills for resolving a conflict. C. Demonstrate active listening skills including CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards Activity/Assessment Teacher review. 5 LA grades 9/10 Reading 2.0, 3.0 Writing 1.0, 2.3 Listening and Speaking 1.0 Read an article related to new technology or procedure for skin or hair care from an industry magazine or newsletter or other technical publication. Summarize the article and present the key concepts to the class. Class participation. Teacher evaluation. Page 5 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS D. E. F. G. Classroom Hours Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards HSEE techniques for checking for understanding, and for obtaining clarification of directions. Listen for and process information and directions. Read and interpret written information and directions. Practice positive body language skills. Practice various forms of written communication appropriate to the occupation. IV. The Barbering and Cosmetology Act and the Board’s Rules and Regulations Unit Objective: Describe the course requirements for preparation for the California state examination, including requirements of the Barbering and Cosmetology Act and the Board’s Rules and Regulations. Unit Competencies: A. Identify career opportunities as an esthetician. B. Cite licensure requirements and procedures. C. Explain the role of the Board. D. Describe course requirements for preparation of the California state examination. E. Explain “applied effort” in fulfilling 600 hours of training as required by the State Board through self-study, classroom, and or patron practice. F. Review the Barbering and Cosmetology Act and the Board’s Rules and Regulations. CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards Activity/Assessment Conduct a client consultation for services, and complete a client card for each customer. Participate in role-plays demonstrating the appropriate response to client concerns or complaints. Incorporate conflict resolution strategies. Identify appropriate behavior by roleplaying using examples of both negative and positive behavior. Teacher evaluation. 10 LA grades 9/10 Reading 2.0 Listening and Speaking 1.0 Summarize the reading by generating relevant questions. Teacher review. Class discussion. Page 6 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Classroom Hours Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards V. Chemistry Unit Objective: Identify the chemical compositions and the purpose of skin care preparations. Unit Competencies: A. Identify chemical compositions and the purpose of skin care preparations. B. Identify elementary chemical makeup. C. Describe the chemical process during a skin peel. D. Identify and describe physical and chemical changes of matter. 10 LA grades 9/10 Reading 2.0 Listening and Speaking 1.0 VI. Health and Safety/Hazardous Substances Unit Objective: Describe and demonstrate safety practices and procedures related to protecting the health and safety of the consumer and the technician. Unit Competencies: A. Follow health and safety precautions in using chemicals and within the workplace, including the use of protective equipment and appropriate dress. B. Demonstrate proper procedures for universal precautions (communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS and Hepatitus B). C. Recognize good housekeeping as a safety issue, including the maintenance of equipment and using correct procedures for disposal of waste materials. D. Identify safety hazards commonly found in the workplace environment. E. Describe the procedures for reporting a work- 20 LA grades 9/10 Written and Oral Language Conventions 1.0 Writing Strategies 2.0 CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards HSEE Activity/Assessment Summarize the reading by generating relevant questions. Teacher review. Class discussion. Write a one-page essay that describes the process for following the universal precautions for preventing infectious diseases from bloodborne and air-borne pathogens. Writing rubric. Class discussion. Teacher review. Page 7 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Classroom Hours Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards HSEE Activity/Assessment related injury. Discuss ways to report a potential safety hazard to a supervisor. Explain the importance of CAL-OSHA and health and safety laws. Define and discuss ergonomics in relation to the working environment. Demonstrate the proper use of equipment to avoid potential hazards. Explain the function of material safety data sheets. Describe procedures for protecting the health and safety of the consumer and the technician in relation to airborne disease control, precautions, and disorders of the skin and scalp. Identify hazardous substances/chemicals and procedures for preventing chemical injuries. VII. Electricity Unit Objective: Demonstrate safe operation of electrical devices and equipment. Unit Competencies: A. Describe the nature of electrical current. B. Review the principles of operating electrical devices. C. Explain safety precautions for use of electrical equipment. D. Demonstrate safe operation of electrical devices. CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards 10 LA grades 9/10 Reading 2.0 Listening and Speaking 1.0 Summarize the reading by generating relevant questions. Teacher review. Class discussion. Page 8 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Classroom Hours VIII. Disinfection and Sanitation Unit Objective: Describe and demonstrate universal sanitation and decontamination techniques for disinfecting instruments and equipments. Unit Competencies: A. Review Article 12, Health and Safety of the Board’s Rules and Regulations. B. Review procedures to protect the health and safety of the consumer and technician. C. Explain the difference between sanitation, disinfection, and sterilization. D. Demonstrate safe handling and use of disinfectant products. E. Explain and demonstrate each step for disinfecting non-electrical instruments and equipment (Article 12, section 979). F. Explain and demonstrate each step for disinfecting electrical instruments (Article 12, section 980). G. Thoroughly and accurately perform steps to disinfect all instruments and equipment before each use. 10 IX. Bacteriology, Anatomy, and Physiology Unit Objective: Identify anatomical areas affected by the practices of an esthetician. Unit Competencies: A. List the various types and classifications of bacteria. B. Describe how bacteria grow and reproduce. C. Describe the relationship of bacteria to the spread of disease. 15 CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards Lab Hours 10 CA Academic Content Standards HSEE Activity/Assessment LA grades 9/10 Written and Oral Language Conventions 1.0 Writing Strategies 2.0 Write an essay discussing the process for disinfecting electrical instruments. Writing rubric. Teacher review. Practical Operations: Complete a minimum of 10 demonstrations, performing all necessary functions for disinfecting and sanitizing instruments and equipment. Complete a written test and timed mock board practical test. Teacher evaluation. LA grades 9/10 Written and Oral Language Conventions 1.0 Writing Strategies 2.0 Write a one-page essay that describes the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the integumentary system. Writing rubric. Class discussion. Teacher review. Page 9 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS D. E. F. G. H. Classroom Hours Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards HSEE Activity/Assessment Review the anatomy of the face, neck, and head. Describe the functions of human cells. Describe the structure and function of the integumentary system. Describe the process for skin analysis. Discuss methods to determine skin conditions. X. Facials Unit Objective: Demonstrate the use of manual, electrical, and chemical procedures for facials and skin care. Unit Competencies: A. Describe the beneficial effects of a facial. B. Describe and demonstrate massage techniques, including effluerage, petrissage, tapotment/percussion, friction, and vibration. C. Describe the process to determine whether skin is dry, oily, combination or normal. D. List the materials and equipment required for facial treatment. 5 20 Compare and contrast manual, electrical, and chemical facials and write an essay describing your findings. Writing rubric. Teacher evaluation. XI. Manual Facials Unit Objective: Describe and demonstrate the steps for a manual facial including cleansing, scientific manipulation, and the use of packs and masks. Unit Competencies: A. Practice safety in administering facials, including draping, skin protection, placement of supplies and use of protective equipment. B. Describe and demonstrate the steps for a manual facial including cleansing, scientific manipulation, and the use of packs and masks. 20 50 Practical Operations: Complete 40 manual facials. Complete a written test and timed mock board practical test. Teacher evaluation. CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards Page 10 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Classroom Hours Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards HSEE Activity/Assessment XII. Electrical Facials Unit Objective: Describe and demonstrate proper techniques for the use of all electrical modalities including dermal lights and electrical apparatus for facials and skin care purposes. Unit Competencies: A. Practice safety in administering facials, including draping, skin protection, placement of supplies and use of protective equipment. B. Describe and demonstrate proper techniques for the use of all electrical modalities including dermal lights and electrical apparatus for facials and skin care purposes. 30 80 Practical Operations: Complete 60 facials using electrical modalities. Complete a written test and timed mock board practical test. Teacher evaluation. XIII. Chemical Facials Unit Objective: Demonstrate proper techniques for chemical skin peels, packs, masks, and scrubs for beautification purposes only. Unit Competencies: A. Practice safety in administering facials, including draping, skin protection, placement of supplies and use of protective equipment. B. Review the anatomy of skin cells, including the three principal layers epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous. C. Demonstrate proper techniques for chemical skin peels, packs, masks, and scrubs for removal of only the non-living, uppermost layers of facial skin (epidermis) and only for beautification purposes. D. Identify, discuss, and follow section 992 rules for skin peeling set by the California Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology. 20 80 Practical Operations: Complete 40 chemical facials. Complete a written test and timed mock board practical test. Teacher evaluation. CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards Page 11 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Classroom Hours Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards HSEE Activity/Assessment XIV. Eyebrow Arching and Hair Removal Unit Objective: Demonstrate the use of wax, electric or manual tweezers, and depilatories for removal of superfluous hair. Unit Competencies: A. Describe and demonstrate procedures for using wax for removal of superfluous hair. B. Demonstrate procedures for using tweezers (manual and electrical) for removal of superfluous hair. C. Explain and demonstrate the process for using depilatories for superfluous hair removal. D. Demonstrate eyebrow arching and shaping. 25 50 LA grades 9/10 Reading 2.0 Listening and Speaking 1.0 Summarize the reading by generating relevant questions. Teacher review. Class discussion. Analyze client instructions to determine the best approach for the end result. Complete a client card noting the results of the analysis. Practical Operations: Complete 10 hair eyebrow arching and hair removal procedures using manual or electric tweezers and 40 eyebrow arching and hair removal procedures using wax and depilatories. Complete a written test and timed mock board practical test. Teacher evaluation. XV. Makeup Unit Objective: Analyze skin and apply complete and corrective makeup and false eyelashes. Unit Competencies: A. Describe and demonstrate the steps for skin analysis. B. Explain the selection of products and demonstrate application of daytime, evening, corrective, and special effects make-up. C. Demonstrate the application of false eyelashes. 20 50 LA grades 9/10 Reading 2.0 Listening and Speaking 1.0 Summarize the reading by generating relevant questions. Teacher review. Class discussion. Analyze client instructions to determine the best approach for the end result. Complete a client card noting the results of the analysis. Practical Operations: Complete 40 makeup application procedures, CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards Page 12 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Classroom Hours Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards HSEE Activity/Assessment including skin analysis, complete and corrective makeup and the application of false eyelashes. Complete a written test and timed mock board practical test. Teacher evaluation. XVI. Salon Operations Unit Objective: Demonstrate effective techniques for sales and merchandising of salon products and services. Unit Competencies: A. Practice sales and merchandising of services and products techniques. B. Compare the benefits of commissioned employment, self-employment, and salon ownership. C. Demonstrate procedures for maintaining a neat and clean workstation. D. Practice professional telephone techniques. E. Demonstrate procedure for starting and maintaining client service record cards. F. Practice client scheduling and time management. G. Conduct inventory. H. Perform recordkeeping. I. Practice esthetician skills on clients. 10 XVII. Job Search Unit Objective: Demonstrate knowledge of job search skills and the ability to pass the written and practical examination (mock board). 3 CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards 40 LA grades 9/10 Written and Oral Language Conventions 1.0 Writing Strategies 2.6 Research and develop a business plan using a variety of sources, including information from guest speakers and professional or trade journals. Develop and include a budget for operations, (salaries, taxes, supplies, rent, overhead costs, retirement planning, and marketing/advertising). Based on the business plan, create a Dream Salon and build a Organize a portfolio. Portfolio rubric. Teacher evaluation. LA grades 9/10 Write job applications and resumes that are clear and address the intended audience appropriately. Writing 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 2.6 Page 13 MAJOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Unit Competencies: A. Identify sources of job information, including electronic sources. B. Correctly complete employment application forms and develop an employment resume and cover letter. C. Demonstrate interviewing techniques using appropriate tone and body language. D. Discuss appropriate dress and grooming standards in seeking employment and for the workplace. E. Review company policies and current trends in employee compatibility screening, drug screening, and background checks. F. Demonstrate appropriate attendance and punctuality practices. G. Identify strategies for employment retention. CL = Classroom and Lab CC = Community Classroom (worksite learning) LA = Language Arts Standards MA = Math Standards SC = Science Standards AC = Art Cornerstones HSEE = High School Exit Exam Standards Classroom Hours Lab Hours CA Academic Content Standards Listening/speaking 1.0 HSEE Activity/Assessment Write a letter of application. Apply appropriate interviewing techniques: Prepare and ask relevant questions; make notes of responses; use language that conveys maturity, sensitivity, and respect; respond correctly and effectively to questions. Complete the written and practical examination for cosmetology licensing. Create a professional portfolio including samples of class work, cover letter, resume, letter of application, letter of introduction, and letter recommendation. Page 14
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