Sandy Spotlight - Sandy Upper School

Sandy Spotlight
Issue 25, 27th March 2015
A Message from our Principal
We have now reached the final week of a very busy Spring
Term and students have been completing the last elements
of their coursework before moving on to their revision for
the public examinations in April, May and June. I would like
to thank all of the staff and students who have worked so
hard together to achieve very high standards. We have four
days of intervention at the start of the Easter break and a
great many students from Years 10 to 13 will be coming in
to receive additional help and support on those days.
On Monday of this week, we were delighted to welcome
Sue Harrison, Director of Children’s Services, to Sandy
Monday 30th March—Thursday 2nd April
Dear Parents and Carers
Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, Ali
Kitchener has had to resign from her position as
Chair of the Governing Body. As the Vice Chair I will
now step into the Chair role as Ali's successor and I
am looking forward to continuing Sandy Upper
School’s progress towards becoming an outstanding
school. I would like to invite you to join me in
thanking Ali for all her hard work and to wish her
well for the future.
Upper School. In a short talk to staff, Mrs Harrison
Richard Spencer
Chair of Governors
congratulated everyone for helping Sandy Upper School to
become a flagship of excellence within the Local Authority.
We look forward to working with Mrs Harrison in the future.
After Easter, we will have some changes to our Senior
Leadership Team as both Ms Twiggs and Ms Boyd leave
Sandy Upper School at the end of April to pursue new
projects. I would like to thank them both for their
commitment to the school and wish them very well for the
future. They have both asked me to pass on their thanks,
and good wishes, to all the parents, guardians, students and
staff they have worked with here at Sandy Upper over the
It just remains to wish everyone a very productive and
focused Easter break—the work done during these two
weeks will pay dividends when it comes to the examination
season, therefore please ensure your child uses each day for
revision and other school work. I look forward to seeing
everyone back in school on Tuesday 14th April ready to
approach the examinations with confidence.
Ms B Hare
Dear Parents and Carers
After six years of working on the Governing Body at
Sandy Upper School I have decided, for personal
reasons, to step down with immediate effect. My
successor will be Richard Spencer, with whom I have
been working closely with over recent months.
I am extremely proud to have been a member of the
Governing Body, which recognised the need for
rapid change and to that end appointed the present
Senior Leadership Team which, together with all
members of staff, have been responsible for the
changes that have led to Sandy Upper School now
being one of the most successful schools in the
I am confident that with all members of the
community working together Sandy Upper will
continue on its path towards becoming an
outstanding school in the near future. Lastly, I would
like to wish all the students, especially the current
Year 11's, every success in their forthcoming exams
and I look forward to sharing in your celebrations in
Alison Kitchener
T: 01767 680598
Sandy Spotlight
Issue 25, 27th March 2015
Achievement Focus
Your son/daughter should, by now, have started their
revision programme for any examination they are
taking this year. To help them they should be using
the revision booklets given out just before half term,
which breaks down the revision topics they should be
concentrating on, week by week, in each subject
area. If they do not have this booklet then they should
collect one from student reception, as it will help them
to organise themselves and focus on revision. To the
right are some revision tips for students and some
ideas of how parents/guardians can support.
Miss Hayward
Provisional Examination Timetables
Your son or daughter should have received their
provisional examination timetable, which shows when
their examinations are. Please ensure they go through
this and check that they are clear when their
examinations are, and what time they start.
Miss Hayward
Revision Tips for students:
Get organised.
Create a revision timetable – 50 mins
revision, 10 minute break.
Have at least 3 revision sessions per day .
Plan which subjects/topics to revise each
day – at least two.
Make sure you know what to revise, for
each examination paper you are sitting .
Make sure you get plenty of sleep.
Mix difficult areas of revision with areas
you are more confident with.
Stick to it.
Use your time wisely.
Finish work.
Use background music but don’t try
revising in front of the television.
Revision Tips for Parents/Guardians to help
support your son/daughter
Inset Day
Please be aware that we are using the Inset Day on
13th April, as a means of providing additional support
and intervention for invited students. If your son or
daughter received a letter from us regarding an
intervention session, we would very much appreciate
your support in ensuring they attend. Unlike the
Easter school, the Inset Day intervention does require
students to wear school uniform.
Miss Hayward
Examination Papers
Another good way to help prepare for examinations is
to complete past examination papers. These can be
found and downloaded from the examination board
websites for each subject:
Help them to get organised.
Plan a revision timetable together.
Help them stick to the revision timetable.
Quiz them on the notes they have made
to help them remember.
Make sure they have regular breaks.
Give them praise or rewards as an
Provide snacks and water for revision.
Regularly check they are ok and if they
need any help.
Make sure they know what exam they
have on what day and the equipment
needed, as well as what time it starts.
T: 01767 680598
Sandy Spotlight
Issue 25, 27th March 2015
Sixth Form Options Update
Geography A Level Field Visit
Following a record number of applications for our Sixth
Form this year, we have managed to place a very high
percentage of students into their first choice of A
The Geography field visit was an incredible experience
which enabled us all to develop a wide range of skills. It
was great to be able to participate in 'hands on'
Geography, where we could get involved in measuring
different aspects of the rivers and coasts in Norfolk.
Thanks to all the constant support from other students,
teachers and staff from the centre at Kingswood, I now
feel fully prepared for the upcoming exam. Alongside
this, we were all able to enjoy an activity-filled
weekend which was full of great laughs and memories.
Molly Day, Year 12 Student
In order to achieve a high level of first choices we
decided to put the subjects into blocks following the
application process. This has allowed us to design a
curriculum that best fits with what the students want to
study, rather than a curriculum that forces students to
choose options they may not wish to study or that may
not fit into future career plans.
Media Studies Intervention
The curriculum has also been designed to offer the best
combination of subjects universities prefer, as well as
combinations which complement each other. We are
trying to get this right for all students but, inevitably, as
we cannot put all subjects into all option blocks, we
have a very small number of disappointments which we
are trying very hard to rectify, as the best interests of
our students are paramount.
There will be Intervention for Media Studies, Sixth Form
students on Wednesdays after Easter which take place
from 3.00pm in G2. I shall also be available after school
every day to operate a drop in surgery if students have
specific topics to discuss.
Mrs Freer
Sociology Intervention
This will take place on Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st
March from 12.30pm—2.00pm in S5.
With the unprecedented number of applications we
Mrs Chinn
have received, and the time it takes to interview this
volume of students, letters will be sent out after the
Maths Revision during the Easter Holiday
Easter holidays. These will confirm students’ offers of
To help Year 11 with their Maths revision, we have given
places within our Sixth Form and we appreciate your
them a feedback sheet from their recent Pre Public
patience in this matter.
Examinations which shows which areas of the Maths
Miss Goodship
curriculum they need to revise and practise over the
Easter holiday. The sheet provides relevant page
Music Achievement
Congratulations to Layla Jordan who achieved a Merit numbers for the blue revision guide or the MathsWatch
in her Grade 8 Tenor Horn examination this week—an CD. We have also asked them to complete two past
incredible achievement considering Layla is only 15! papers, and these are due to be handed in to their class
Congratulations also to Rosie Barrows who has been teacher on their first lesson back. On the exam paper we
have included the grade for each question, and the
invited to take part in a 'School's Tour' with the North
number of the page from the blue revision guide where
Bedfordshire Youth Chamber Orchestra this week. Well
they can also find help.
done, Rosie!
Mr Catherall
Mr Phelps
T: 01767 680598
Sandy Spotlight
Issue 25, 27th March 2015
Behaviour & Safety Focus
Community Focus
Uniform and Equipment
Please take time over the holiday to check that your
Members of Youth Parliament
child has all the correct uniform and equipment for the
We were very privileged to attend the launch of the
Central Beds Youth Parliament “Manifesto” event for
2015 on Monday 23rd March. This was presented by the
12 Youth Parliament members, two of whom (Ellen Burke
and Jack Lamb) are from our Sixth Form at the Council
chambers at Chicksands. The Manifesto clearly laid out
the following three “key” issues which the Youth
Parliament will be working on over the next year:
remaining term. For many students, this is a busy
period for exams and it is essential that they have their
full ‘Fantastic 15’ is ready in a pencil case.
A reminder that blazers are compulsory and, once the
weather becomes warmer, jumpers should be left at
home. If the weather becomes very warm, we may
make a decision for students not to have to wear
blazers; if, and when, this is necessary, it will be clearly
Work experience
Mental health issues
The Living minimum wage
communicated. All uniform must be purchased from
The presentation identified the key issues and what the
ambition of the local and national youth parliament is
Ms Twiggs over the coming year to make changes to these three key
areas. This was an excellent event and we wish the Youth
Parliament all the best in succeeding with their aims and
Outstanding Attitudes
Over the last term, in form time and assemblies, we we will be fully supporting them as their campaign moves
have asked students to think about the 10 Values that forward.
Miss Hayward
we have agreed, and how developed these values are
in each of them. Students should now know which ones
are their strengths and which need further Breakfast
development. In addition to academic achievement we From the start of next term, breakfast will be available in
believe these are important values for the future DA2 by the Student Reception entrance from 8.00am –
success of our students. Please take time over the 8.25am managed by Innovate our caterers (see menu
Easter holiday to talk about this with your son/ later in this edition of Spotlight). All food purchased must
daughter and to support them in working on those they be eaten in DA2 and rubbish put in the bins provided;
food may not be taken outside. Students will be expected
feel are important for them.
to take responsibility for their behaviour and attitudes in
Aspirational and Self- motivated
this space and to ensure the room is left clean and tidy.
Courteous and Compassionate
Failure to do so will mean that this privilege is removed.
Competitive and Driven
Positive and Resilient
Trustworthy and Honourable
A reminder to students that they may not access the rest
our suppliers and no other items are acceptable.
of the building until 8.35am. Sixth Form students must
Thank you, as always, to those students who embody not let students into the building before this time.
our values every day.
Innovate Catering Service
Ms Twiggs
T: 01767 680598
Sandy Spotlight
Issue 25, 27th March 2015
Stars of the Term
Star in the Spotlight
On 30th of March and 10th of April, Sixth Form
Jai Mercado
Ellie Skirving
student, Grace Blick will be filming with Downton
Cynthia Chin
Travis Walmsley
Abbey as an extra. She is very excited at the prospect
Gemma Clark
Ryanna Nodwell
of being in Series 6 of Downton so look out for her
Phoebe Moore
Jacob Tuck
Form of the Term: C4
Courtney Calmus
Molly Hilditch
Kayliegh Dunkley
Dominic Higgins
Daniel Parsons
Bethany Woodbyrne
Ethan Drayton
Student Fundraising
Form of the Term: D2
Hello! On 20th June 2015 I will be doing an 80 mile
bike ride in support of my Aunty Becky who has been
Kelbi Williams
Hollie Irvin
Stephanie Forster
Jade Allaway
Jade Linsell
Jordan Glasson
Adam Harley
diagnosed with advanced Myeloma. This is a bone
cancer—specifically the bone marrow. There is no NHS
in the U.S.A., and the insurance does not cover the full
cost of the treatment, so I want to raise money to help
Form of the Term: E5
towards the costs of the treatment. Please visit http://
Jack Langley
Destiny Brown
Tom Germany
Ryanna Prang
Georgina Massie
Robert Greener
Adam Deans
Beth Deans
Calla Barham
Cybil Laobena to donate and support,
thank you!
Jake Howden, Sixth Form Student
Form of the Term: I3
30th March
Congratulations to all our House Stars!
2nd April
Spanish Achievement
Congratulations to Merrick Child who achieved an A* in
his Pre Public GCSE Examination and also to Neelesh
13th April
INSET DAY/Intervention for invited students
Prang for achieving an A in his AS Pre Public Examination.
An outstanding achievement.
Mrs Champion
14th April
School Re-opens for Students
T: 01767 680598