KUMON LEARNING CENTRE 1023 TERON ROAD CITY OF OTTAWA TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT Prepared for: Kumon Learning Centre February 7, 2012 111-545 Report_1.doc D. J. Halpenny & Associates Ltd. Consulting Transportation Engineers P.O. Box 774, Manotick, ON K4M 1A7 ∃ Tel (613) 692-8662 ∃ Fax (613) 692-1945 Kumon Learning Centre 1023 Teron Road Traffic Assessment KUMON LEARNING CENTRE 1023 TERON ROAD, OTTAWA TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT 1. BACKGROUND The current location of the Kumon Learning Centre is within the Kanata Pentecostal Church facilities at 990 Teron Road in the former City of Kanata. The learning centre shares the church facilities with the Beaverbrook Montessori School, and a Chinese art school//language/daycare centre. The Kumon Learning Centre is open during normal business hours for staff to conduct business, plan sessions and classes, grading etc. The site is currently open two days a week for after school learning sessions which is scheduled between 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM. The senior staff of the centre are proposing the centre to be relocated to an existing plaza located on Teron Road approximately 600 metres north of the present site. The plaza is located at 1023 Teron Road and currently contains a convenience store, cleaners and family restaurant. The learning centre is proposed for the space which is currently vacant and was previously occupied by a retail store. The plaza has two full movement access points at the north and south end of the site. Teron Road is a north-south two lane urban road which is designated as a major collector road. Cycling lanes exist along the road, and sidewalks exist along both sides of the road. Teron Road has a posted speed limit of 50 km./h. in the vicinity of the site. Beaverbrook Lane is located across from the north access to the site. Bus stops for northbound and southbound transit routes are located close to the south access to the site. Traffic counts were taken by the consultant at the site accesses and Teron Road during the weekday PM hours on November 21, 2011. The counts determined that the peak hour traffic volumes occurred between 4:30 and 5:30 PM. Figure 1.1 shows the existing traffic counts at the site accesses. The traffic counts also determined the number of cars in the parking lot at 1023 Teron Road. The following are the number of cars in the front and side parking spaces of the site during the November 21, 2011 counts: Time of Count Cars in Lot 4:00 PM 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5 8 11 3 7 5 7 Kumon Learning Centre 1023 Teron Road Traffic Assessment FIGURE 1.1 EXISTING 2011 WEEKDAY PEAK PM HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS Page 2 Kumon Learning Centre 1023 Teron Road Traffic Assessment 2. Page 3 PROPOSED KUMON LEARNING CENTRE The learning centre has an enrolment of 116 students in their program. The centre currently operates two day a week, on Tuesday and Friday. The number of days which the centre operates may increase to three days a week depending on the number of students. Students attend sessions which will be 30 minutes in duration for one subject, or 60 minutes for two subjects. Many parents/caregivers do not stay while the students are taking classes, with the exception of the parents of junior students who are of the ages 3 to 6 years. 2.1 Site Generated Trips by the Centre The number of expected site generated trips was determined from the enrolment information provided by the Kumon Learning Centre. Number of Students The centre has counted the enrolment of students over a three to four month period and determined that during the peak 30 minute time period the centre averaged approximately 25 students. Assuming that all students take only one subject and attend only a 30 minute teaching session, the centre would have approximately 50 students during a peak hour period. Number of Students Arriving by Cars The centre has determined the percentage of students using various modes of transportation to arrive at the centre. During the winter months which saw the highest percentage of private vehicles arriving at the centre, the breakdown of various modes of transportation to the site is as follows: School Bus 11% Walking 3% OC Transpo Bus 2% Private Vehicle 84% The number of students arriving/departing by private vehicle is 50 students x 84% = 42 students Number of Vehicle Trips to the Centre The centre has an enrolment of 116 students. Of the 116 students, 63 students are siblings, friends or neighbours and would arrive by the same vehicle. The number of vehicles arriving during the peak hour time period would be: [(116 students - 63 siblings)/116 students] trips/student x 42 students = 19 vehicle trips Assuming that all of the parents/caregivers would drop off students and arrive back to pick them up, each student would generate two trips entering and two trips exiting the site. The total expected number of site generated trips during a peak hour would be: Kumon Learning Centre 1023 Teron Road Traffic Assessment Page 4 2 x 19 vehicle trips = 38 trips entering the site 38 trips exiting the site Staff of the Kumon Learning Centre has said that trips to/from the site would be proportioned at 50% to/from the south along Teron Road and 50% to/from the north along Teron Road. With the Kumon Learning Centre located at the south end of the plaza, the trips to and from the site were distributed to the south access point. 2.2 Total Traffic and Intersection Operation at the South Access The analysis has examined the future operation of the site access at the year 2017, which is five years beyond the opening of the Kumon Learning Centre at 1023 Teron Road. The traffic counts along Teron Road (Figure 1.1) were increased at an annual rate of 2 percent. Existing trips to/from the plaza were not increased since the operation of the plaza remains unchanged. The expected trips from the learning centre were added to the future traffic at the south access, with the centre generating 19 trips from the north along Teron Road and 19 trips from the south. Exiting the site the centre would add 19 trips turning right (northbound) and 19 trips turning left (southbound). Figure 2.1 shows the 2017 traffic following the opening of the learning centre. The operational analysis at the south access determined that the southbound Teron Road shared left/through lane movement would operate at a Level of Service (LoS) “A” during the peak PM hour. A LoS “A” would represent a lane movement which would experience little or no delay. The exiting left/right lane movement at the south access would operate at a LoS “C” which would represent an average traffic delay. There would be no requirement for roadway modifications at the south plaza access due to the traffic from the Kumon Learning Centre. The operational analysis work sheet is provided in the Appendix as Exhibit 1. 2.3 Parking Lot The parking lot at 1023 Teron Road, which is the site of the proposed Kumon Learning Centre, currently contains 47 available parking spaces. The following are survey counts of parked cars in the lot at the front and side parking areas: City of Ottawa aerial map Google aerial map Google street view Count November 21, 2011 2008 2007 2005 2002 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 5 cars 3 cars 4 cars 12 cars 6 cars 6 cars 5 cars 8 cars 11 cars 3 cars 7 cars 5 cars 7 cars Kumon Learning Centre 1023 Teron Road Traffic Assessment Page FIGURE 2.1 YEAR 2017 WEEKDAY PEAK PM HOUR TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES 5 Kumon Learning Centre 1023 Teron Road Traffic Assessment Page 6 The various parking lot counts shown above determined that the average number of cars parked in the front and side lots of the plaza were 6 to 7 cars. To determine the number of expected cars from the Kumon Learning Centre which would park in the lot, the student data discussed in Section 2.1 for the determination of site generated trips were used. Over a 3 to 4 month period staff of the Kumon learning Centre determined that the average number of students attending a 30 minute session between 4:30 and 6:00 PM was 25 students. Assuming 84 percent of the students arrive by car (winter months), 21 of the students would arrive by car. Since many students are siblings or arrive by car pooling, the number of trips is 46 percent of the number of students or 10 trips. This would mean that during the drop off or pick up of students, approximate 10 parking spaces would be occupied by parents/caregivers of the centre. This is reasonable when examining the counts taken at the present location at 990 Teron Road. The parking lot counts over the 3 to 4 month period by centre staff at the existing location at the Kanata Pentecostal Church determined the parking lot occupancy to average the following: 4:00 to 4:30 PM 4:30 to 5:00 PM 5:00 to 5:30 PM 5:30 to 6:00 PM 6 cars 12 cars 16 cars 22 cars The above number of occupied spaces also includes spaces from staff of the church, and staff and parents/caregivers of the Chinese art school//language/daycare centre and Beaverbrook Montessori School. The estimate of 10 occupied spaces for the centre based on student enrolment and travel patterns is reasonable as it represents approximately half of the occupied spaces at the existing 990 Teron Road site. The proposed site at 1023 Teron Road has 47 available parking spaces. There would be sufficient available parking for the existing occupants of the site (averaging 6 to 7 spaces) and the expected occupancy by the Kumon Learning Centre (10 spaces). Staff of the centre and other retail in the plaza could park at the rear behind the stores which would free up the more accessible spaces at the front and side areas of the plaza. It should be noted that many of the parents/caregivers do not stay during the sessions, resulting in the occupied number of parking spaces to be less than 10 spaces during the learning sessions. 2.4 Students Walking to the Kumon Learning Centre Some students live in close proximity to the proposed site with staff of the centre estimating approximately 3 percent of the students walk to the centre. For a total enrolment of 116 students, this would translate to 3 to 4 students walking (split between the 2 days the centre is open). The students would have safe travel along the sidewalks which exist along both sides of Teron Road. Students can cross to the west side of Teron Road at the signalized intersection of Teron Road and Beaverbrook Road (Penfield Drive) which is located approximately 130 metres south of the site. Kumon Learning Centre 1023 Teron Road Traffic Assessment 3. Page 7 FINDINGS The traffic assessment report has examined the site access and parking utilization for the proposed Kumon Learning Centre at 1023 Teron Road. The existing centre is currently located at 990 Teron Road approximately 600 metres south of the proposed site. The new location will share space in an existing plaza which contains a convenience store, cleaners, and family restaurant. The site has two full movement accesses at the north and south limits of the site. The centre is proposed at the south end of the plaza and will replace currently vacant retail space. The Kumon Learning Centre will be open two afternoons per week, and will have a total student enrolment of 116 students. The centre will be open for students between the hours of 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM. The study has utilized the student data provided by staff of the Kumon Learning Centre, and traffic counts taken by the consultant at the site accesses during the PM hours on November 21, 2011. The study has determined the following findings: 1. The analysis has utilized the modal share during the winter months which determined that 84 percent of the students arrive by car. The study has also taken a conservative position by assuming that all of the parents/caregivers drop off the students and leave the site, to arrive back to pick them up. All students were assumed to stay for only one 30 minute teaching session. All trips to/from the site were distributed to the south site access by the learning centre. The analysis determined that the southbound Teron Road shared left/through movement would function at a Level of Service “A” during the peak PM hour, and the westbound site exit left/right turn movement at a Level of Service “C”. There would be no requirement for roadway modifications at the site access and Teron Road due to the development of the site. 2. The Proposed site at 1023 Teron Road has 47 available parking spaces. Surveys have shown that approximately 6 to 7 spaces are occupied by the current tenants. An analysis has shown that the Kumon Learning Centre may occupy approximately 10 spaces which can be accommodated in the current available parking. This would be the occupied spaces at the time students are dropped off or picked up, with many parents/caregivers leaving the site during the learning sessions resulting in fewer occupied spaces. 3. Students walking to the proposed centre will use the sidewalks along both sides of Teron Road, and can cross Teron Road at the signalized intersection at Teron Road and Beaverbrook Road which is located approximately 130 metres south of the site. Prepared by: David J. Halpenny, P. Eng. Kumon Learning Centre 1023 Teron Road Traffic Assessment Page APPENDIX OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS SHEET 8 Kumon Learning Centre 1023 Teron Road Traffic Assessment Page EXHIBIT 1 YEAR 2017 PEAK PM HOUR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS – South Plaza Access HCS+: Unsignalized Intersections Release 5.4 _______________________TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY___________________________ Analysis Time Period: Peak PM Hour Intersection: Teron/Site Access Analysis Year: Year 2017 Project ID: Kumon Learning Centre East/West Street: South Site Access North/South Street: Teron Road Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 ______________________Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments_________________________ Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 | 4 5 6 L T R | L T R ______________________________________________________________________________ Volume 270 42 19 547 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.79 0.66 0.92 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 293 53 28 594 Percent Heavy Vehicles --0 --Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 1 0 0 1 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal? No No ______________________________________________________________________________ Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 | 10 11 12 L T R | L T R ______________________________________________________________________________ Volume 31 19 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.75 0.66 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 41 28 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No / / Lanes 0 0 Configuration LR ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service___________________ Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 | 7 8 9 | 10 11 12 Lane Config LT | LR | ______________________________________________________________________________ v (vph) 28 69 C(m) (vph) 1224 370 v/c 0.02 0.19 95% queue length 0.07 0.68 Control Delay 8.0 16.9 LOS A C Approach Delay 16.9 Approach LOS C ______________________________________________________________________________ 9
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