The Messenger The Newsletter of The Saugerties United Methodist Church Church Office # 246-7802 “Happy Birthday to the Church” This month we will celebrate the birth of the church on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th. This is the day that the Holy Spirit swept into Jerusalem with such force and fury that the noise of the wind was heard and felt throughout the city. Everyone and everything shook! In the room where the disciples were meeting, flames that resembled tongues of fire danced above their heads. All at once, the Holy Spirit entered into their souls. Their new found courage propelled them out of the door and onto the street down below. There they began preaching with a fervor never before seen. Their voices at a fever pitch speaking every language that could be understood by the crowds. The Bible tells us that three thousand people were baptized that day, and thus the church was born! No one can be sure exactly when that took place. In recent years, archaeological records found in Rome indicate that both Pontius Pilate and Caiaphas the High Priest were removed from their positions in the year 36 for an incident that occurred the year before. More than likely, that incident does not refer to the crucifixion of Jesus, but to the release of Barabbas who had killed a Roman Legionnaire, a crime whose punishment is always death. So it is possible that this year the church turns 1980 years old. However, (there is always a however) those records were written under the Julian calendar which was used at that time and so the date may be off by as many as 5-8 years. Regardless of the exact date, the fact remains the church is another year older and that it is still continuing the mission that Jesus started so long ago. Through faithful obedience to the Gospel, millions of Christians have carried His message to every continent on the planet. The movement that began with a handful of fishermen and day laborers now numbers over one billion disciples and is growing! So how do we say “Happy Birthday” to a church that is larger than anything we can imagine? How do we adequately convey our good wishes to an institution that stands as the bride of the Christ, the Son of God? We do so by renewing our faith, by allowing the Holy Spirit into our souls that way the disciples did on that first birthday. How do we do that? By accepting the love and grace that flows so freely through the heavens; by recognizing that God’s redemptive powers know no end; and by understanding that belief in God demands trust – the kind of trust that liberates us from the sinful and corrupt world and puts our present and our future in God’s holy hands. Can we really do this? Can we afford to NOT do this? Peter, John, Thomas and the others put their faith and their lives in God’s hands. They traveled far and wide into lands that were friendly and into lands that were forbidding. Yet they persevered in the name of Jesus, whose Kingdom was coming. Jesus is not asking us to climb mountains or brave turbulent seas, He is merely asking us to love him with all our heart and soul and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Let’s say “Happy Birthday” with love in our hearts and smiles on our faces! God Bless you all, Pastor Tony May 2015 1 Volume XXVIV, Number 5 To join or start the Prayer Chain, call the Parish Office at 246-7802 email us at [email protected] The church is seeking more people to join our list of Sunday lectors. Are you unsure you can speak in public? Not really know what a lector does? These questions and many more can be answered and training can be provided. Just call the church office and speak to Tammy or Pastor Tony. May 1st – Jessica Robinson May 2nd – William Robinson May 4th – Rankin Travis, Sr. May 9th – Audrey Dyke May 16th – Nicholas Kopycinski May 18th – JT Carter & Luella Messineo May 19th – Rita Ford May 22nd – Alaina Conrad May 26th – Rob Quirk May 27th – Rajesh Capeles May 28th – Kristin Van Tassel May 30th – Mike Bazzani A Mother's Day Invitation... Dear Mothers, Grandmothers and Friends, Please join the Sunday School for Breakfast on Mother's Day... Date: Where: When: Menu: May 10, 2014 The Fellowship Hall 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. Pancakes, sausage, muffins, fruit, juice, coffee & tea Mother's Day is a time to show appreciation for mothers and special ladies in our lives, so please join us and feel free to bring family members that day. “Honoring Women” We will have a special insert in the bulletin on May 10th, Honoring All Women. Fill out the form that is included in this month's newsletter May 5th – Brenda & Paul Mentz May 20th – Lisa & John Machione May 24th – Karin & Greg Squires May 27th – Audrey & Dan Klinkenberg and return it to the church office by Monday, May 4th. A donation of $1.00 per name is requested. May 2015 2 Volume XXVIV, Number 5 To join or start the Prayer Chain, call the Parish Office at 246-7802 email us at [email protected] “Join Us For Mother's Day!” May 10, 2014 The Sunday School is honoring the women of the church by offering them breakfast on Mother's Day. Breakfast will be available for the women from 9:15 -10:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. All women are invited to bring a guest. If you would like to attend, please fill out the The Church Picnic will be held on Sunday, June 14th, following the Children's Day service. It will be held at the home of Karen and Scott Black. Karen and Scott live at 127 Dave Elliott Road. Each family is asked to bring their own meat. Scott will have the grill ready for hot dogs and hamburgers. People can sign up to bring other parts of the meal. Mark you calendars now and be sure your children are attending Sunday School this month as we plan & practice for the service...more details to follow! following and turn it into the office or fill out an upcoming insert and put it in the offering plate so the class will have an idea of how many will be attending. Drop ins are always welcome! Name:________________________________ # Attending: __________________________ The Women's Study Group will meet on May 7th & 21st from 6:30 -7:30 p.m. and is open to all women of the church. Please enter using the “choir door' on the Post Street side of the church. Please speak to Jan Knickerbocker or Debbie Mecca if you have any questions... Join us on May 23rd at 9:30 a.m. to discuss “Zealot” by Reza Aslan. This book is written as a history book on the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth. May 2015 3 Volume XXVIV, Number 5 To join or start the Prayer Chain, call the Parish Office at 246-7802 email us at [email protected] Our youth need to raise more funds to go on their Mission Trip this August and here is a way YOU can help without buying trinkets or food you do not need. Here is how it works: Envelopes marked with dollar amounts will be available for you to take and fill! That's it! You choose the dollar amount you'd like to donate, place it in the envelope and put it in the box! Everyone wins! You get to support the youth from SUMC (seven of the going this year!) and the youth get to live out their faith as they minister to others as your representatives in Lynchburg, VA! Envelopes will be available during Coffee Hours during the month of May. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our youth! What is Our Discretionary Fund? As you know, Audrey Klinkenberg has been raising funds for our church's discretionary fund through Adam's gift cards and we would like to let you know how it works... Adam's is generous in their contributions and offers SUMC a 10% discount on the cards Audrey gets...once you purchase one from her, that 10% goes directly into the discretionary fund. If you already shop at Adam's, this fund-raiser is for YOU!! Youth Group meets every week and friends are always welcome to join us! The group gathers in the Youth Room, which is to the left of the kitchen. Here is what’s planned for May: MAY 3rd: WE WILL “ROCK” YOU! What does that mean? You have to come to find out! From 6:30-8:00 PM. MAY 10th: MOTHER’S DAY - NO MEETING!! MAY 17th: GAME NIGHT! Come to play some fun games—board games, cards or active games—who knows what fun we will have? You will! If you come from 6:30-8:00 PM! MAY 24th: SPRING PLANTING!! We will do phase 2 of our church garden project as we plant some flowers and continue with the clean-up. Come prepared to work outside. Bring work gloves, rakes, shovels, etc. From 6:30-8:00 PM. MAY 30th: SPAGHETTI DINNER MISSION TRIP FUNDRAISER!! All those going on the Mission Trip are required to help cook, serve, set up and clean up. The dinner will be held from 5:00-7:00PM and free will donations will be accepted. More details as it gets closer to the date! MAY 31st : MISSION TRIP MEETING! All who are going are required to attend. We will hopefully agree on what goes on our T-shirts (someone’s face maybe?) and more! From 6:30-8:00 PM. May 2015 4 Volume XXVIV, Number 5 To join or start the Prayer Chain, call the Parish Office at 246-7802 email us at [email protected] SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015 5:00-7:00 PM SAUGERTIES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 67 WASHINGTON AVE. FREE-WILL DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED ALL PROCEEDS WILL BENEFIT THE YOUTH SUMMER MISSION TRIP TO LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA NO RESERVATIONS NECESSARY—CONTINUOUS SERVINGS FROM 5-7 PM. PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION: 246-7802 “Honoring Women” We will have a special insert in the bulletin on May 10th, Honoring All Women. Fill out the form below and return it to the church office by Monday, May 4th . A donation of $1.00 per name is requested. Please PRINT the names VERY CLEARLY. In Honor of Living Mother __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Given By: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ In Memory of Deceased Mother __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Given By: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ In Honor of Living Grandmother __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Given By: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ In Memory of Deceased Grandmother __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Given By: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ In Honor of Your Wife __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Given By: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ In Honor of a Special Woman in Your Life __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Given By: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Submitted by: _________________________________________________________________ May 2015 6 Volume XXVIV, Number 5 To join or start the Prayer Chain, call the Parish Office at 246-7802 email us at [email protected]
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