Already have a Miche collection?
Start your business for just $49.99!
If you are an avid Miche customer or Hostess, you can start your own business
for just $49.99. You already have the handbags to show off - just add marketing
materials and a personal website, and you're ready to launch an exciting new
career. Make money sharing something you love and believe in!
Start your Miche business TODAY with the purchase of our Business Starter
Kit. The low price includes all the latest high-quality print materials you need to
market your business plus your very own website. You also get a one-time
opportunity to purchase any active product (limit one of each SKU)
at 50% off!
The Business Starter Kit
includes current print
materials along with a
stylish selection of
promotional products.
Contents subject to
change and may not
reflect image exactly.
∙ Starter Kit Welcome Letter
∙ Summer Catalogue
(2015) 2 pk of 12
∙ Summer Quick
Reference Guide (2015) pk of 15
∙ Summer Invitation Postcard
(2015) pk of 25
∙ Hostess Party Planner
(2015) pk of 3
∙ MICHE Shopping Bags
pk of 5
∙ Hostess Order Forms
pk of 25
∙ Party Order Forms
pk of 50
∙ Party Lapboard (3)
∙ Purse-shaped Paper Clips
∙ Jacquard Business Card Holder
∙ Notebook
∙ 1-year website subscription
I’d love to have you on my Team—let’s talk!
Business Starter Kit SKU # 2077