Remember - St Clare of Assisi Primary School

11th March •Week 6•Term 1• 2015
St Clare of Assisi Primary School
Conder, ACT
Dear Parents and Carers,
Late last week I attended the Archdiocesan Principals Retreat, where
the 55 Catholic Principals and 30 Catholic Education leaders in our
Archdiocese gathered together for our own spiritual development
and some strategic input from the Catholic Education Office. The
retreat was led by our very own Archbishop, Christopher Prowse.
Archbishop Prowse called us to abide by the 3 S’s, SILENCE, STILLNESS
and SIMPLICITY. He led the group through a series of Scripture based
workshops around these issues and gave us plenty to think about.
Special thanks to Val Ciuffetelli and the Leadership Team for holding the
fort while I was able to attend this retreat.
This Friday afternoon, 13th March, educators from around our
Archdiocese will gather at St Christopher’s Cathedral for the presentation
of the 2014 Recognition Awards. These awards will be presented at a
special Mass this Friday afternoon at the Cathedral at 4.45pm followed
by celebrations at the Catholic Education Office.
I am thrilled to announce that St Clare of Assisi is receiving an award.
Last year we nominated our Learning Support and Year 1 staff for
their work with our new Guilded Reading Intervention Program
which has achieved amazing results for our Year 1 students. So special
congratulations to Amy Chester, Belinda Breen, Theresa Terry, Laura
Adams, Tracy Mowlam, Pax Lehmensich, Jo McCarthy, Lara Dickson,
Val Cuiffetelli and Jo Thomson!
This week is Catholic Schools Week where we celebrate our Catholic
schools and the important contribution we have on education in our
country. Catholic schools enrol about 20 per cent of Australian school
students. There are 615 Catholic Primary and Secondary schools
across NSW and the ACT, providing quality education in a faithcentred environment. Catholic schools teach the same curriculum as
government schools, but we are different and we need to be different.
Expectations of achievement and conduct are high, and we need to
have our Catholic faith at the centre of what we do. Catholic schools,
such as St Clare of Assisi, offer highly qualified and professional teachers
who cater to the diverse learning needs of our students.
The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2015 is ‘Educating for Today and
Tomorrow’, Catholic Schools Week is about strengthening relationships
between all those who have a stake in our schools – students, staff,
families, priests, parishioners, and members of the wider community –
by showcasing what happens in our classrooms every day.
P 6294 1860
F 6294 4613
Dates to
Thursday 12th March
• Open School Morning 9 -12pm
Friday13th March
• Class Mass 5Y and 2Y
• Assembly 1R and 1Y
Sat.14th & Sun.15th March
• Confirmation Commitment
Mon.16th to Frid.20th March
• Year 2 to 6 Swimming Lessons
See page 6 for swimming
Monday 16th March
• Swimming Carnival Assembly
Yrs 3-6 SCA Hall 2PM
Tuesday 17th March
• Swimming Carnival RibbonYr 2
at morning assembly
Friday 10th April
• Last day of Term 1
Volunteer of the week
E [email protected]
By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment.
11th March •Week 6•Term 1• 2015
St Clare of Assisi Primary School
Conder, ACT
It is for this reason that I would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to join us on Thursday
morning 9.00am – 12.00pm for our Open School Morning. This is an ideal opportunity to support the
community of St Clare of Assisi and learn more about the great things that take place in Catholic schools
every day.
Our school has a supportive community of teachers, parents, carers, community council, clergy, parishioners
and support staff who work together to focus on giving students the best education possible, encouraging
success, promoting discipline, supporting creativity and instilling compassion.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support of St Clare of Assisi and I look forward
to celebrating Catholic Schools Week with you.
A reminder that orders for the Year Book close this Friday. Last year the school subsidised the substantial
cost of the book as part of our 20th Anniversatry celebrations. This year parents need to order and pay for
the Year Book. An order form is attached. The Year Book will only be available to those who order it and
there will be no copies for purchase later in the year. Please understand that if we do not receive enough
orders, then there will be no Year Book.
Have a good week.
Brad Gaynor
[email protected]
Year 6 Camp payment should be finalised by the end of Term.
Canteen Roster
12th March
E. Mowlam
A. Bryant
N. Muir
M. Carlis
L. Nind
13th March
J. Abigail
K. Purcell
H. Devoy
16th March
R. Reid
17th March
C. O’Brien
18th March
T. Blake
N. Moore
L. Nind
J. Abigail
L. Walker
O. Chan
11th March •Week 6•Term 1• 2015
St Clare of Assisi Primary School
Conder, ACT
White Card Recipients Week 6 Term 1, 2015
Congratulations to the following students:
Kinder Red
Liam Philippa
Kinder Blue
Aidan Shaw
1 Blue
Liam McMahon
1 Green
Alyssa Hair
1 Green
Ruby Kisiel
1 Green
Mason Rose
3 Blue
Izabell Mcleish
3 Blue
Emily Vu
3 Green
Isaac Benning
3 Green
Kate O’Toole
3 Green
Lara Stincic
3 Red
Koby Cowling
3 Red
Kaidey O’Connor
4 Blue
Georgia Miners
5 Green
Paige O’Connor
6 Red
Mitchell Cartledge
Holy Week and Easter Liturgy times:
Reconciliation 1st Rite, in HFC on Saturdays during Lent 10:30am-11am and 5pm-5:30pm each Saturday and Sunday.
The Lenten 2nd Rite of Reconciliation, Wednesday 25 March at 7pm at St Thomas the Apostle Kambah.
Holy Thursday—7pm Mass of the Last Supper and Washing of the Feet, HFC
Good Friday—11am Stations of the Cross outside at St Clare of Assisi School Conder.
3pm The Passion and Death of Our Lord, HFC
Holy Saturday—6:30pm Easter Vigil Mass, HFC
Easter Sunday—8am & 10am, no 6pm
P 6294 1860
F 6294 4613
E [email protected]
By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment.
Times Tables and Skip Counting
Hello Everyone, Mr Webb here for another Maths update.
Learning to skip count and having a really strong understanding of times tables is
very important for students, in order for them to develop their understanding of
place value and assist them with more complex ideas in the future.
Above is a time tables chart that will assist students in learning their times tables
facts and hopefully see different numbers patterns emerge. You may want to print
this out and one suggestion is to use colour pencils to try to identify any patterns
that you can see.
• What number facts are common?
• What patterns can you see?
• What are the more difficult times tables to learn and which ones do I need to
I hope this assist your children in learning skip counting and times tables.
Damien Webb
Numeracy Coordinator
P 6294 1860
F 6294 4613
E [email protected]
By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment.
11th March •Week 6•Term 1• 2015
Anger Management
Information compiled by Lisa Armstrong (Student and Family Counsellor)
Anger is a perfectly normal and acceptable emotion, anger becomes a problem when a child, or an adult
for that matter, does not know how to manage their own anger in a safe and responsible way. Help your
kids to develop emotional literacy and anger management skills, firstly by having a good understanding of
your own emotional triggers and coping strategies. Verbalise your own feelings when you have them and
show your kids how you deal with them. For example, “I am so frustrated by this traffic” then do some
obvious deep breathing and count backward from 10. Help kids to name their own emotions when you
recognise them e.g. “you look like you are getting a little angry over your homework, go and have a drink
of water (moving away from situation), take a deep breath and then come back and we will tackle the
problem together”.
If your child comes home from school and is frustrated or angry about something that happened in the day
or if they have just had a disagreement with you, a sibling or a friend, try and help them talk about it. Try
some calming strategies that you have talked about in the past. However, if you notice that after talking
about it, they are still full of negative energy (or if they don’t want to talk about it in the first place), help
them to release that energy in a positive way. Below are three quick and easy ways to do that. Do these
activities with your kids to show them how to do it and also for support.
1. Find a pillow, bury your face in it and scream as long and loud as you can
2. Go for a walk or run around the block and then stretch afterwards
3. Balloon Boxing – for this activity you just need a few balloons (in case any pop). Think of the thing
that made you angry and blow those angry thoughts into the balloon as you blow it up. Do this until
you have three balloons each, not too full though or else they will burst. Set the rules for balloon
a. You are going to box with the balloons for one minute at a time.
b. You can only hit the other person’s balloon, it is not meant to be used to hit the other
person in the body.
c. If one player wants to stop, both players must stop.
d. As you box, you can call out all the things that have made you angry today, or make funny
noises or just box in silence, it’s up to you.
Once the minute is up, take a quick rest and go for it again. After balloon boxing is finished, make sure you
help your child to do a calming activity. For example, lie on your backs and take 5-10 very deep breaths
and as you blow the air out imagine all of the negative thoughts and feelings leaving your body.
*Note: Relaxation or calming strategies should be practiced regularly for them to be an effective tool for
your child. Try to include some practice sessions into every day routines. For example, talk your child
through some deep breathing exercises while in the car or during a walk. Mute the ads of your favourite TV
show and use that time to sit silently with your eyes closed and observe all the other sounds around you –
think outside of the house to the traffic, birds, neighbours. Share with each other what you hear.
**If your child is already in a tantrum state of their anger, it is unhelpful to try and talk about the incident
or introduce the activities above. Give them a break, ensure their safety and wait for them to come down.
Once they have calmed down then you can talk about it and discuss other ways they could have dealt with
their emotions. If the behaviour during their outburst is unacceptable, let them know that there will be a
consequence, not because they were angry but because of the behaviour.
Information taken from:
“Creative Interventions for Troubled Children”, L. Lowenstein.
P 6294 1860
F 6294 4613
E [email protected]
By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment.
Water Awareness Lessons
Tuggeranong Pool
Years 2 – 6
Monday 16th March – Friday 27th March
9:15 – 9:45
3B and 3G
9:45 – 10:15
3R and 3Y
10:15 – 10:45
5R and 5Y
10:45 – 11:15
5B and 5G
11:15 – 11:45
6R and 6Y
11:45 – 12:15
6B and 6G
12:15 – 12:45
4R and 4G
12:45 – 1:15
4B and 4Y
1:15 – 1:45
2R and 2G
1:45 – 2:15
2B and 2Y
Parents are welcome to come along
to watch the lessons
Please remember the following points:
Children are to wear their sports uniform every day with their swimming costume
already on underneath.
Each day they are to bring to school: a spare bag for wet gear, a towel, spare
underwear and thongs/sandals to wear to & from the pool.
Swimming cap & goggles are highly recommended in a public chlorine pool.
All children will change under teacher supervision in the pool’s change rooms.
Attention Parents
Last day for Book Club Orders
Issue 2 2015
Wednesday 18th March
Please enclose the order form/s and payment in an envelope clearly labeled with your child’s name
and class and return to the Library by the due date OR order online with either the app or directly from
the Scholastic website
Payment methods are: Cash (Correct money, no change will be given), Cheque (made out to
‘Scholastic Australia’) or Credit Card (process via internet payment, then complete the details at the
bottom of the order form.)
Orders will be delivered to your child's classroom. Special arrangements can be made if ordering as a
present. See Library Staff or contact your Book Club representative to find out more.
Please Note: Spare copies of all order forms are available from the Library and NO LATE ORDERS
11th March •Week 6•Term 1• 2015
The 2015 St Clare of Assisi Yearbook Is Back!!!
Order Your Copy Now!!!
The 2015 St Clare of Assisi Yearbook is now available to order. The cost for each book is $26.00.
If we do not receive sufficient orders then the Yearbook will not be produced this year. All orders must
be received by 13th March 2015 with payment included. This will be your only chance to
reserve a copy of the yearbook. Extra copies will not be ordered. If you have any questions, contact the
Front Office on 6294 1860.
Yes, I would like to order a 2015 Yearbook:
Number of Yearbooks Ordered @ $26.00 each: ___________
Eldest Child’s Name:__________________________
Roll Group:___________________
Attached is a cheque / money for $_____ (cheques payable to St Clare of Assisi)
Or charge my credit card: (pls circle) Visa M/Card
No#: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp.: _ _ / _ _
Name on Card: ____________________________________________
Please note: Payments will not be processed until we have enough numbers to proceed with the Yearbook.
ANZ NetSetGO Registrations Online
ANZ NetSetGO is Netball Australia’s only junior entry netball program. It has been developed to
provide children from 5 to 10 years with the best possible learning and playing experience to develop
a positive introduction to netball, ensuring enjoyment and continued participation.
ANZ NetSetGO incorporates skill activities, minor games, music, dance and modified matches in a fun
and safe environment. The weekly program is coordinated by accredited coaches to ensure a quality
experience for all participants.
Tuggeranong Netball Association run NSGNET for 4-7 year olds on Saturday’s 10-11am on the dates
below:Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
TNA will hold a come and try day on Saturday 28th March, 10-11am at the Calwell netball courts.
This is a free session to see if you to find out more about the program and registration details.
P 6294 1860
F 6294 4613
E [email protected]
By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment.