Wednesday 20th May• Week 4•Term 2• 2015 St Clare of Assisi Primary School Conder, ACT BE THE LIGHT Dear Parents and Carers, In recent weeks NAPLAN has been a popular topic in the media and on social media. One letter in particular has gone viral and I think it is brilliant. Year 3 students at a Catholic Primary School in Queensland, were sent home with a note last week telling them their NAPLAN results formed just one small part of who they were. I don’t think it could be said any better. To our dearest students from Year 3, Next week you will sit your first NAPLAN test. Before you take this test there is something very important for you to know. Dates to Remember Friday 22nd May 2015 • Walkathon • NO LUNCH ORDERS Friday 29th May 2015 • Disco This test does not assess all of what makes each of you exceptional and unique. The people that score these tests don’t know that some of you love to sing, are good at drawing or can teach others how to use a computer program. They have not seen the way that some of you can dance with grace or speak confidently to a large group. They do not know that your friends count on you to be there for them when they are sad. They do not know that you participate in sports, help your mum and dad or that play with your little brother, sister or cousins. They do not know that you are caring, thoughtful and that everyday you do your best. Because these attributes cannot be tested. The scores you get from this test will tell you how you did on that day, but they will not tell you everything. They can’t tell you that you have improved on something that you once found difficult. They can’t tell you that you brighten up your teacher’s day. They can’t tell you how amazingly special you are. to TANYA HOUGH for sewing our confirmation banners very quickly for us!! So come to school ready to do your best for the NAPLAN test and remember there is no one way to ‘test’ all of the wonderful things that make you, YOU! OPEN DAY Open Day last Thursday was a great success and I would like to thank the staff, students and parents for their hard work in preparing the school to look its best. Many potential parents commented on our wonderful Year 6 Hospitality Leaders, the friendliness of staff students and parents, how well maintained the school is and what a great reputation the school has in the community. Special thanks to the parents who offered hospitality of a cuppa and a chat to all the visitors. STAFF BABY NEWS Congratulations to Jasmine and Dave Clark-Wellington on the safe arrival of baby Xavier Adam Clark-Wellington born Tuesday 18th May. Mum and bub doing well! P 6294 1860 F 6294 4613 Volunteer of the week Wendy McMullen E [email protected] By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment. Wednesday 20th May •Week 4•Term 2• 2015 St Clare of Assisi Primary School Conder, ACT BE THE LIGHT STRANGER DANGER ACT Policing is reminding parents to enforce the importance of stranger danger messages to their children. ACT Policing encourages parents to continue to educate their children in good personal safety practices including ‘stranger danger’ awareness and where possible, travelling in groups. We need to remind our children that when walking home they need to be vigilant by being aware of their surroundings, not wearing ear phones and keep their level of awareness active regardless of what activities they are undertaking. For more information please visit Constable Kenny Koala website at ENROLMENT PERIOD A reminder to parents that the Catholic schools’ enrolment period closes FRIDAY 22nd MAY 2015. If you have a younger child who is commencing school in 2016, or have friends at preschool and childcare who are interested in enrolling at St Clare of Assisi, please let them know. SCARVES, COATS & BEANIES The cooler weather recently has seen the welcome emergence of scarves, coats and beanies. Please remember that these items should be navy blue. Please ensure these items are clearly marked with your child’s name. LEAVING SCA Don’t forget to let us know if you are planning to leave St Clare of Assisi at the end of the year. (Year 6 exempt of course!) We will soon commence the process of planning enrolments and class numbers for next year. Have a good week. Congratulations to the Djerke Family on the safe arrival of Zara a little sister for Rhys in 4R. Brad Gaynor Principal [email protected] Friday 22nd May 10.30am Anointing mass, HFC (SFA students attending) NO 9.30am Mass at SCA 11.15am Biggest Morning Tea, HFC foyer Corpus Christi Feast Day and 10th Anniversary 8am and 10am Masses to combine Sunday 7th June is the Feast of Corpus Christi and we will be combining the feast day with the 10th Anniversary of Corpus Christi Parish. At 8am Fr Peter and Fr Luke will lead a pilgrimage from Sacred Heart Church, Calwell to Holy Family Church, Gowrie and all parishioners are invited to join them. The 8am and 10am Masses will be replaced by a combined 9.30am to allow time to walk from Calwell. The Hospitality Group will be organising celebrations after the Saturday 6pm Mass (cheese & wine) and the 9.30am Mass. If you intend to come to the morning celebration please leave your name on the sheet in the foyer. The Parish Youth Team will be organising games for the children on the Holy Family School Oval. Morning tea will be served in the school hall, please bring a plate if possible. For more information please call Sharon on 0477 730 936. P 6294 1860 F 6294 4613 E [email protected] By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment. Religious Education Be the Light of…Community Due to the Parish Anointing Mass, there will be no Mass at St. Clare of Assisi this Friday (22nd May) Confirmation The Year 6 students have been participating in the sacrament of Reconciliation to prepare for their Confirmation. They will have their Did you know….Canberra’s average temperature from May to August is 7◦C. That is 16 weeks of living in the cold! Confirmation Retreat Day this week. The In support of our term theme of community, focus of this day is ‘washing the feet’ where the awareness and fundraising focus for Term the students will learn how they can Two is St. Vincent de Paul and helping those serve others and adopt an attitude of service through their faith. Seasons for Growth in our local community. We are asking for everyone’s help to provide food and warmth to those who are most vulnerable in our community. Below is a list of what we are asking students to bring in to support of this appeal. Year Kinder Year 1 Seasons for Growth is a specialised program for children who have experienced significant change or loss in their lives, whether that is Year 2 Year 3 due to family separation, death or divorce. The Seasons for Growth program at St. Clare of Assisi will begin towards the end of Term 2. If you feel your child would benefit from this program, please collect a nomination form or contact Mrs Alison Graeber for more information. White Card Recipients Week 10 Term Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Food Items VEGEMITE JAM LONG LIFE MILK PACKET OF RICE SOUP PACKET OF TEA TIN OF PEACHES TIN OF TUNA PACKET OF 2 MINUTE CHICKEN/BEEF NOODLES PASTA SAUCE TIN TOMATOES SPAGHETTI PASTA PENNE PASTA TIN BAKED BEANS TIN SPAGHETTI New Clothing Socks Gloves Beanies Scarves Walkathon 2015 The SCA Walkathon will be held this Friday 22nd May 2015. A big thankyou to those parents who have offered to help on the day or counting money at school. All parents are invited to walk with the students, however, please ensure you have a “Working With Vulnerable People” Card if you are joining us in any capacity. The walk will be around Point Hut Pond and students will be leaving after recess in a staggered start. The starting point will be at the playground and the students will complete their laps in an anti-clockwise direction, as they have done in previous years. The children will walk to the pond, complete their laps and return to school for lunch. Upon their return to school, a sausage sandwich will be provided to the students. Walkathon Schedule Leaving TimeYear LevelLaps Required 11:20am Year 6 3 laps 11:30am Year 5 3 laps 11:40am Year 4 2 laps 11:50 am Year 3 2 laps 12:00pm Year 2 1 lap 12:10pm Year 1 1 lap 12:20pm Kindergarten Walk to pond and back to school There are a few changes to how the Walkathon will be run this year: • the barbeque will be held back at school. • the children will also complete one less lap than in previous years. On Friday, please ensure your child: • is wearing their sports uniform , • has a drink bottle and hat with them for the walk, • brings lunch if they require more that a sausage sandwich as there will be no lunch orders on the day. Pledge cards and money need to be returned by no later that Friday 29th May. Enjoy the day!! Wednesday 20th May•Week 4•Term 2• 2015 St Clare of Assisi Primary School Conder, ACT BE THE LIGHT White Card Recipients Week 4 Term 2, 2015 Congratulations to the following students: Award Receipient Mario Baldwin, Annica Barber Kiana Chick, Mario Cokljat, Ella Collins Grace Davidson, Joshua Driessen, Bior Duoot Mahi Gaur Dylan Hair, Aiden Hopkins, Reagan Hughes Jaxon Jacobs Zoe Keen, Alana Kunovec Maebelle Lawson, Olivia Lee Andie Mohr, Emily Nevin Mia O’Connor, Riley O’Connor, Jackson O’Dea , Emma O’Toole Jade Rixon Darcy Shaw, Lachlan Smith, Dylan Starr Ashley Thorne Phoebe Vassallo ....NEWS FLASH... REMINDER!! Only 5 days left to pre-purchase your $6 Disco Packs for the Rainbow Disco Friday 29th May 2015 Please make payment via Flexischools (or By Cash) and return the permission note no later than Monday 25th May 2015. Please contact Denise Driessen 0402 289 996 or Trudie Heinrich 0402 719 373 for any questions. P 6294 1860 F 6294 4613 Mr Ganley is making a return visit to SCA as our special guest Rainbow DJ!!!! E [email protected] By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment. Wednesday 20th May •Week 4•Term 2• 2015 Counsellor Corner Being a Thought Detective (Information compiled by Lisa Armstrong) “Don’t let the pain of slamming your fingers in one door; scare you from opening another one.” Unknown Help your kids to overcome excessive worry by becoming a thought detective. We have already learnt and practiced some calming strategies such as deep breathing and mindfulness exercises, now we are going to help our kids to correct the unhelpful thoughts that contribute to stress and anxiety. Teach Your Child to Be a Thought Detective Remember, worry is the brain’s way of protecting us from danger. To make sure we’re really paying attention, the mind often exaggerates the object of the worry (e.g. mistaking a stick for a snake). You may have heard that teaching your children to think more positively could calm their worries. But the best remedy for distorted thinking is not positive thinking; it’s accurate thinking. Try this method: • Catch your thoughts: Imagine every thought you have floats above your head in a bubble. Now, catch one of the worry thoughts like “I am so stupid.” Whenever you find yourself feeling depressed, angry, anxious or upset, use this as your signal to stop and become aware of your thoughts. Use your feelings as your cue to reflect on your thinking • Collect evidence: Next, collect evidence for and against my thinking. Teach your child that feelings are not always factual. Am I jumping to negative conclusions? “I failed my Math test so I must be stupid”. BUT what about when… “I did really well with my english test last week”. • Challenge your thoughts: One way to do this is to teach your children to have a debate within themselves, help them to look at the bigger picture. “I didn’t do very well in math the other day, but what things am I good at?” “Just because I find one thing difficult doesn’t make me stupid” “What is the worst thing that could happen?” “What is the best thing that could happen?” “What will most likely happen?” Help them to be grateful for the things they do have and the things that are going well at the moment. Ask the question “Is thinking this way going to help me?” “Does thinking this way stop me from experiencing new things?” and “What can I do to make the situation better?” Often it takes 10 good deeds or accomplishments to counteract one bad experience, that’s why accurate thinking is important, so that we don’t focus so much on the negative and allow those to overshadow our positive attributes. Canteen Roster Thursday 21st May N. Muir E. Mowlam Morning Afternoon N.Muir *******NO LUNCH ORDERS THIS FRIDAY******* Lollies will be sold at both Recess and Lunch. Anyone that can assist with serving please call in. Friday 22nd May T. Atkinson J. Dawson H. Philippa A. Crawford HELP NEEDED P 6294 1860 Monday 18th May HELP NEEDED Tuesday 19th May C. O’Brien Wednesday 20th May HELP NEEDED T. Fisher HELP NEEDED T. Fisher O. Chan F 6294 4613 E [email protected] By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment. Wednesday 20th May•Week 4•Term 2• 2015 St Clare of Assisi Primary School Conder, ACT BE THE LIGHT Netball Natter Tuggeranong District Cross Country Player of the Week and Match Reports 16th May SCA Smurfs – The Whole Team Superstars – Chloe Francis Smiggles – Emma Owens Stars – Ashlyn Jones Swifts – Tiarn Knight Sparkles – Jenna Saint Smarties – Amelia Quirk Skittles – Maddi Warren Saints – Taylah Muller Starlets – Tabitha Edwards On Monday 18th of May, 50 students represented St Clare of Assisi at the Tuggeranong District Cross Country Carnival, which was held at Stromlo Park running track. Firstly I would like to congratulate all the students who represented the school. They did a fantastic job and it is an excellent achievement just to get to represent the school. The following students finished in the top ten in their particular race, which means that they will represent Tuggeranong at the ACT carnival. Saints Match Report Saints are really building on our wonderful season last year, with the girls developing defence and attack skills and really starting to think about their game. 8yrs Girls – Brea Rodgers 9yrs Boys – Zac Brussow, Riley Gibb 9yrs Girls – Gemma Hogg 10yrs Boys – Rhys Djerke, Lachlan Warren 11yrs Boys – Regan Carr 11yrs Girls – Alisha Crowle, Darcey Brazel Huge congratulations to these students and good luck at the ACT carnival. This week we had standout performances from the whole team, with Taylah being tireless in defence and having hands on everything. Zoe, Angela and Aleul moving beautifully in the goal circle and scoring our highest number of goals yet, Kayla and Samantha getting intercepts everywhere and Mili driving the ball so well through the mid court. Mr Webb REPLACEMENT TRACKPANTS We have been advised by Savvy Schoolwear Tuggeranong that “they will replace tracksuit pants that were incorrectly sold this winter to parents.” They will only replace the LW REID brand. If you purchased the pants and wish to have them replaced you must return them to Savvy NO LATER than the 30th JUNE 2015. Well done Saints, let’s enjoy the rest of our season! Skittles Match Report The Skittles played the Dolphins on Saturday and had their most challenging game of the season. The girls showed how fantastic they are at finding space. At their young age they are incredible at pulling back away from the other players and getting free. The Skittles passing skills were also a strong point on Saturday, they are getting stronger and more accurate. Our defence was on fire, we had some amazing intercepts, chased down the ball and showed improvement in our distance when defending the ball. Our shooting was great, with a few outstanding long shots. The Skittles worked hard and came out on top! Well done Skittles!!! SCA WALKING CLUB Please meet this Friday 22 May at 9:15am outside the Coffee Guru for a leisurely stroll around Gordon Pond. You are welcome to join us for coffee afterwards at approx 10am at the Coffee Guru. Parent Network P 6294 1860 SCHOOL BANKING AWARDS PLANET HANDBALL ET DVD INTERGALACTIC ROCKET INVISIBLE PENS BLUE WALLET 2013 KNUCKLES GAME 2013 HEADPHONES 2013 PROJECTOR CUP 2014 SHARK KEYRING 2014 SCENTED PENCILS 2014 SWIM BAG 2014 All these rewards are available to order this Term until further notice. F 6294 4613 E [email protected] By striving to ‘Be the Light’, the community of Saint Clare of Assisi believes that Jesus Christ challenges us to excellence, in a united and caring environment.
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