Caboolture Special School Newsletter Principal's Message Catching Up With Curriculum Senior Secondary News Resource Department News Student Awards Community News Page 1 of 12 Deputy Principal Parent Patch Junior Secondary Department News Vocational Technical Education Department News Guidance Matters Hospitality & Tuckshop P&C News Principal's Message Hello Parents, Friends and Carers Welcome back to school for Term 2. This term is beginning for our school focus on commemorating ANZAC Day with two school assemblies and our school participation in the Caboolture Community march on Saturday 25 April in the town centre. We welcome and acknowledge the following visitors to our school for these very special ceremonies: Junior Assembly: Leon Misfeld (Group Captain (Retired)) Royal Australian Air Force and our school chaplain Tania Byers Senior Assembly: John Khan Warrant Officer (Retired) Royal Australian Air Force - Caboolture RSL Lieutenant Adrian Broadbent- Nurse Royal Australian Army - Shock and Trauma Platoon 2nd General Hospital Corporal Dan Heslop Nurse Royal Australian Army - Shock and Trauma Platoon 2nd General Hospital Hon Mark Ryan MP Morayfield Electorate, Queensland Government Pastor Damon - Caboolture Baptist Church We also welcome our families who participated in these ceremonies. Once again the students have been busy learning about the commemoration of the First World War and in particular the battles at Gallipoli and also honour our servicemen and women who have served or are currently serving for our country. They have also been making wreaths for laying in our ANZAC garden. Our thanks goes out to our schools officer Tom, and the 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 2 of 12 Senior Secondary students who with their Horticulture teacher Leo, have been preparing the garden and grounds over the past months for these ceremonies. ANZAC Day Commemorative Ceremony - Junior Assembly ANZAC Day Commemorative Ceremony - Senior Assembly This week we also have visits to our school from our Regional Infrastructure Manager, Mr Trevor Schulz, Deputy Director General, Mr David O’Hagan, Assistant Director General, Kevin Mara and Maree Bower from Central 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 3 of 12 Office. The purpose of their visit is to view our school facilities and discuss further planning to meet enrolment requirements for our school community. We welcome them into our school and thank them for their time in visiting. In line with our Annual Implementation Plan we have ENGAGED PARTNERSHIPS – a focus on local decision making, embracing autonomy and creating and maintaining partnerships. Next week we look forward to a delegation of Principals from Indonesia visiting our school on Tuesday 28 April. This is a partnership with the University of the Sunshine Coast and an opportunity for these colleagues from Indonesia to experience a Special School setting and programs for students first hand. SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS – a focus on knowing our students and meeting their needs A special thank you this week to all of our teachers and teacher aides who have assisted the students in their preparation for the ANZAC Day ceremonies. We look forward to seeing as many families participate in the ANZAC Day March on Saturday through Caboolture. Until next week, please take good care of yourself and your family. Beth Devonshire - Principal Deputy Principal 4:1 Interactions In School Wide Positive Behaviour Support, the focus is on positive interactions. At Caboolture Special School, the staff are working hard to implement the 4:1 strategy. This means that for every negative statement or correction given, teachers should follow this up with 4 positive interactions or praise for 4 students who are doing the right thing. For example if the teacher needs to correct a child who is running around the classroom, they would then acknowledge 4 students who are walking safely or following one of the other classroom rules. Also across the day, we need to make sure that students are receiving 4 positive interactions for every 1 correction of their behavior. Research shows that this is the perfect ratio of interactions to build strong relationships and self-esteem in young people. This is also applicable to family situations so it is worth keeping a tally of your interactions with your child to see if you are hitting the 4:1 ratio. Bronwyn Paxton - Deputy Principal 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 4 of 12 Catching Up With Curriculum Welcome back from your happy and relaxing holiday. Again this year our school is registered for our students to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. What a great way to start the term and celebrate reading! The Premier’s Reading Challenge aims to improve literacy and encourage children to read widely for pleasure and learning. Reading plays an important part in students’ lives during their school years and beyond. It allows children to actively engage their imagination and opens up a world of educational opportunities. Since 2006 the Premier's Reading Challenge has aimed to improve literacy and encourage children to engage in reading for learning and pleasure. The challenge commences in May and continues through to August. Happy Reading! Judy Clark - Head Of Curriculum Junior Scondary Department News On behalf of the Junior Secondary team I would like to welcome you back and I trust you all had a safe and happy holiday with family and friends. I would like to acknowledge our Junior Secondary staff for their commitment and dedication to meeting their students’ social, emotional, physical and academic needs. During the first term teachers spent many long hours implementing students’ Individual Curriculum Plans, writing referral forms and meeting with a range of therapists to best meet needs of individuals; planning and differentiating 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 5 of 12 Literacy, Math, Science and History units so that every student’s ability and potential in his/her class is catered for. Furthermore, the work involved in organising and preparing for the Junior Secondary Concert held on Wednesday April 1 called FUNTASTIC, cannot go unmentioned. Andrew Keppie and his stage crew Troy Siver, Brian Mills, Anne Pares, Bronwen Hutchinson and Lucie Carroll did a great job in bringing it all together and what an amazing show it was. It was fabulous to see the range of talent our students have and how some students shined under the spotlight and delighted in entertaining the audience. Thank you to those who gave up their evening that night to support our school community, and above all for showing up to celebrate our Junior Secondary students. Angeleen Managh – Junior Secondary Department Leader Senior Secondary Department News Courage and kindness is what we are encouraging in our students every day. Sometimes courage looks like taking small steps, not necessarily giant leaps. I have included some examples of courage in the Senior Secondary area below. This week the Senior Secondary students have taken part in our school Anzac Day Ceremony and will be representing the school at the Caboolture ANZAC Day Parade. This is a great honour for our school leaders to be participating in these important events for our community. These leaders are showing courage in being able to speak in front of others and our students are learning about courage through the remembrance of ANZAC Day. This term some of our students are showing courage in starting new work experience placements as part of their vocational education training. I would like to congratulate Lyndsay and Ty as they commence work experience this week and wish them all the best as they learn new skills in the workplace. As you go through your week, ‘Have Courage and Be Kind!’ Amanda Turnbull - Senior Secondary Department Leader VTE Department News 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 6 of 12 We now have beautiful Autumn outdoor weather and the grounds and gardens around the school showcase the wonderful ongoing work that horticulture staff and students bring to Caboolture Special School. IN particular we thank our students for preparing the ANZAC gardens. Plants, trees and people grow. We live and we learn and we grow together. We need many people with all sorts of interests and abilities to make a school community beautiful, calm and peaceful place to live, learn and grow. Just like the gardens. Each week our students and staff attend our local Caboolture TAFE Campus where they are completing their horticulture vocational learning. WE wish to thank our staff and students for their energies that they bring to our school community so that we as a community can develop our capacities that empower our society. Peter Allen - Vocational Technical Education Co-ordinator Resource Department News As we grow as a Resource Centre more and more books become available to the students for sharing. Recently we had a very busy session to staff reading stories to students, students reading to their peers and students reading independently. These are exciting times for the great sensory feel of a book in our hands, the smell of the book, the turning of the pages, the reading of the words and viewing the pictures and images. We listen and engage in the story and give deep thought to what is happening in these stories. Inger Altermatt - Resource Department Guidance News Guidance Matters CAP Scheme In the last week I have been investigating how carers can access extra funding to purchase extra nappies. I have come across the CAP Scheme(Continence Aids Payment Scheme). 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 7 of 12 Phone 1800 330 066 to see if your child is eligible for $545 of funding each financial year. Paperwork needs to be completed, in conjunction with either your GP or continence nurse. Does your child: Have difficulty concentrating? Struggle with paying attention? Feel stressed? Join our Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Group Benefits include: • Body and Emotion regulation • Increased insight • Better impulse control and cognitive flexibility • Increased attention span • Improved overall mental health • Decreased stress WHO: Children aged 7-12 and their parents WHEN: Tuesdays for 6 weeks Commencing: COST: 12 May 2015 $50 per session ($21.65 rebate available with a current Mental Health Care Plan) REGISTER YOUR INTERST NOW BY CONTACTING THE PSYCH PROFESSIONALS CAPALABA Melissa Thiess - Guidance Officer (Available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday morning, and Friday) Student Awards Congratulations to the following students who received a weekly award on assembly; CLASS STUDENT NAME JS-D Craig JS-E Kurtis, Marnie, Blayke, Andrew, Logan JS-H Mathew 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 8 of 12 JS-J Kaine SS-B Kyle, Jamie SS-C Sam, Rhys, Antony SS-E Eric, Harry SS-G Miranda Hospitality & Tuckshop News Hello Parents and Caregivers The tuckshop will be operating on a limited menu for weeks 2 & 3 of term 2. Placing of orders for week 2 will be available from Tuesday 28 April. For those with standing weekly orders please check availability of products for the first 2 weeks. The full menu should be available from week 4 of this term. Parents and caregivers are still able to join and register online for Flexischools in term 2 at Regards Taste of Torrens team. Tony Dwan - Hospitality Teacher P&C News P&C Meeting – 6.00pm 28 April 2015 P&C – Uniform Shop Why join the P&C ? 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 9 of 12 It is a great way to keep informed about your school and contribute to your childs education and school community. Your contribution can be as large or small as you can manage and include everything from taking on an executive position, attending meetings or receiving P&C minutes by email. Volunteering at an event like a sausage sizzle or stamping raffle books. You may take on a role that suits your skills like grant writing, helping with planning events or develop new skills by helping those in these or executive roles.There is something for everyone and best of all you will make new friends and have some fun with others from your school. Our General monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm and everyone is welcome. Debbie Grey - Vice President 0438 543 626 Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop is open each Wednesday from 9:00am–10:00am. Uniform order forms are also available on the school website. School Banking A reminder that school banking is on each Tuesday. Please send your childs banking book on this day. Thank You Caboolture My Time MyTime groups provide support for mothers, fathers, grandparents and anyone caring for a child with a disability or chronic medical condition. MyTime Caboolture is at Caboolture Special School from 9:30am. We welcome back old members and welcoming new members. If you have any questions, please contact Rachael on 0410492181 or email: [email protected] Rachael Fedrick - MyTime Facilitator Community News OZTAG STARTS HERE Deception Bay PCYC 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 10 of 12 07 3293 0166 Bay Attention all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families Indigenous Sport and Recreation Program FREE after school OZTAG (touch football)! Thursdays 4:30pm - 6:30pm Deception Bay Football Fields (next door to PCYC) Youth aged 9 to 18 years. Participants will receive a free sausage sizzle dinner. Registration in this program will provide you with FREE 12 month PCYC membership. All participants must register with a parent. All participants must wear closed in shoes. Attention all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families Indigenous Sport and Recreation Program FREE after school OZTAG (touch football)! Indigenous Families If any families in the community are looking for any type of medical assistance please contact your local clinic, Indigenous Urban Institute Of Health on 5429 1000 If you also have any questions about your Centrelink payments your contact for the Caboolture Office is Indigenous Liason Officer, Ashleigh Simpson on 1800 136 380 or 3480 1254 If you have issues with any other problems please contact Sue Williams, Indigenous Community Advisor on Monday 8:30am - 2:30pm & Thursday 8:30am - 12:30pm on 0477 756 958 Torrens Road CABOOLTURE SOUTH, QLD, 4506 07 5431 4444 07 5431 4400 [email protected] 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 11 of 12 Our Sponsors Please click on any advertisement to email the affiliated business or view further details such as company brochures, flyers or promotions 24/04/2015 Caboolture Special School Newsletter Page 12 of 12 24/04/2015
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