Happiness tri-fold brochure - Cat Health Benefits

Learn more
about happiness
»»Read: “The Happiness Advantage”
»»Watch: Happy — available on Netflix
»»Read: “The How of Happiness”
For more information about
Caterpillar Wellness Services visit:
What if being happy is
easier than you thought?
Or visit your local medical station.
For Corporate Wellness Services
contact: 309-675-6945
»»Try out mood app:
“A smile is a curve that sets
everything straight.”
­– Unknown Author
All materials available through the Caterpillar Inc., Caterpillar Wellness Services
Department, including this document, are presented for informational and educational
purposes only. This general information is not intended to replace your healthcare
professional. Always consult with your healthcare professional before beginning any
exercise, weight-loss program, or dietary change. Never disregard your healthcare
professional’s medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something provided to
you by Caterpillar Inc. If you think you may have a medical emergency or experience
any pain, call 911 or your doctor immediately.
© 2015 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. AEXQxxxx
CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow,” the “Power Edge” trade dress as
well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be
used without permission.
Dedicated to the success of our business,
our employees and the extended Caterpillar family.
What interferes with happiness?
“It is not how much we have,
but how much we enjoy that
makes happiness.”
— Charles Spurgeon
»»Believe only money or success can
lead to happiness
»»Worry about the past or future
»»Over extending, leading to feeling
Positive people are:
and cope better with stress
things you have
»»Invest in social and family relationships
»»Keep social connections strong by
disconnecting yourself from electronics,
and reconnecting with others
»»Get moving! Exercise and social
connections are two of the strongest
predictors of happiness
you treat others
and productive
»»Have stronger relationships, live longer,
»»Develop gratitude and appreciate the
»»Treat yourself with the same kindness
»»More motivated, creative, engaged,
»»Proven to get sick less often
Invite happiness into your life
“Change your thoughts and
you change your world.”
— Norman Vincent Peale
»»Practice random acts of kindness
and give to others
»»Smile often
»»Read inspiring quotes
»»More likely to experience happiness
at home and work
“Start by doing what’s
necessary, then do what’s
possible; and suddenly you
are doing the impossible.”
— Saint Francis of Assisi