1 Moolanda Street Jindalee QLD 4074 Website: http://centenaryshs.eq.edu.au Email: [email protected] Phone: 07 3373 4555 Fax: 07 3373 4500 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! http://centenaryshs.schoolzinenewsletters.com/subscribe 2 April 2015, Volume 17 Number 3 News from the Principal The end of Term always seems to be incredibly busy with the rush of assessment and reporting and a crowded calendar of excursions and activities. It is difficult to believe that the term is almost at its end. I trust that our students although hopefully busy, have enjoyed school to date and have taken every opportunity to be involved in the extra curricula life of the school as well as maintaining a clear focus on classroom learning. Staffing Appointments for Term 2: Sarah Barrett will be taking up a position in the Business Department School Focus: Quality Teaching The school prides itself on the quality of instruction across our classroom. A key focus in recent years has been on ensuring that we have a consistent and high quality instruction in our classrooms that promotes both the essential skills and the high order thinking of our students. Part of this approach has been a commitment to Marzano’s Art and Science of Teaching as a framework to improve our practice. This term we have focussed on the application of our classroom routines to enhance learning. A number of teaching teams in the school have focussed on operating as Professional Learning Teams this term. Integral to this strategy are teachers of a cohort owning the outcomes of the whole cohort not just an individual class. Teachers in a PLC identify the practices that are effective in improving learning and use this knowledge to inform future practice. Reporting and Parent Interviews Term 1 Reports will be sent by email this week. Electronic communication is the school’s preferred means of communication. Please ensure that your email address is current for school records. In respect to the Term 1 Interim Reports, some subject areas particularly in the Senior School will be based on limited or no summative assessment nonetheless it is important that academic progress can be reported to parents in a timely fashion. If issues around performance and application can be addressed early enough students will have an increased likelihood of enjoying success over the rest of the semester. Term 1 Data is particularly important in identifying students who are experiencing difficulty in their course selection in the Senior School. Parent Interviews will be held on Wednesday 22 April 3.30-7.30 and Monday 27 April 3.30 to 7.30. ANZAC Centenary Centenary State High School highly values its membership of CLASS [Centenary Learning Alliance of State Schools]. One of the benefits of our partnership with our feeder primary schools is our increased capacity to provide quality opportunities for our students. This year courtesy of a Department of Veteran Affairs ANZAC Centenary Local Grant Program and strong community involvement, the ANZAC Centenary is a key learning focus for our CLASS students. Across the four schools our students are involved in a range of projects that are aimed to improve their understanding and appreciation of this significant national event. Key projects currently underway in our schools include an arts project and writing workshops. The arts project will see a permanent feature commemorating the ANZACs, made for each school. A writer in residence will support students in each of our schools formulate and present their ideas in a range of written forms. Students will also be involved in the making a documentary which will be made available online at the project’s completion. This project has been led by John Westwood of Redgum Productions which has provided the participants with a valued interface with professionals working in this area. The culminating event will be the CLASS production of Voices of ANZAC which will be performed at City Hall on July 27. The Centenary schools have a rich tradition in performance and the night should be both a wonderful showcase of the talent we enjoy in our schools and a fitting tribute to the ANZAC Centenary. We are grateful to the many community organisations who have contributed support for this project. NAPLAN The school is stepping up its preparation for the NAPLAN tests which is set for the 12-14 May. Students in Years Seven and Nine students will sit a practice in Week 10. Feedback from this test will be invaluable in maximising student performance. At a state level, Numeracy and Reading have again been identified as areas targeted for improvement. Traditionally our Numeracy results have been very strong using the proportion of students above National Minimum Standard as a barometer. Our challenge in the Numeracy domain is to get more of our students performing at Band 10. A number of our students have been working on a regional online numeracy program designed to improve capacity. In Reading whilst our results have always been high relative to state means there has been no clear patterning relative to the other literacy domains of Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation. Whilst there has been a focused approach taken to Comprehension within the school, students should be encouraged to read widely outside of school to further develop their language skills. Year 7&8 School Survey Throughout the year we utilise formal survey tools to inform our service and planning. The recent parent surveys in Year 7 and 8 have provided us with good feedback on our transition program and the implementation of Junior Secondary at Centenary. Parents were very favourable in respect to the school’s performance in the Primary to Secondary transition, student support and student wellbeing and enjoyment, uniform, communication and approachability. As in 2014 parental responses on the amount of homework given were less clear with a division on both sides of the divide. The issue requires further exploration. P and C News I take this opportunity to thank the parents who work tirelessly to support and improve our school through the P and C. This support is invaluable and I encourage all parents to consider what contribution they can make to the school. Congratulations to the following individuals who have been elected as office bearers for the 2015 school year. President Mrs Helen Shogren Vice President Ms Lucinda Coalter Ms Louise Dornan Secretary Mrs Jenny Watson Treasurer Mr David Hunt Oval Upgrade The school oval is currently in the best condition it has been for years courtesy of a Brisbane City Council grant which allowed significant restoration work to be undertaken at the end of the 2014 school year. The $20000 grant under the School Sport and Recreation Facility Upgrade program allowed the oval to be topsoiled. Coupled with excellent growing conditions over the 2 summer the oval’s surface is now even with a great cover of grass. Student Achievement At Centenary we pride ourselves in providing a broad range of opportunities for students to excel across a range of valued learning activities. Achievements in recent weeks include: Remi Gordon in Year 9 continues to achieve excellent results in the swimming pool. At the Met West regional carnival he broke the Met West record for 50m breaststroke and achieved gold for 100m breast. School Vice Captain Mikala Crawley has enjoyed success in the Lions Youth of the Year Competition. Mikala has enjoyed success at regional level and now proceeds onto the district finals. We wish both students well as they participate in the higher levels of their respective endeavours. Congratulations to all our students who have achieved a level of excellence in a school activity over the term. Best wishes for a safe and relaxing two week Easter break John Brew, Principal Email: [email protected] To read newsletter in full view, please click on the “Newsletter Print Version” button on the top left-hand corner of the screen. News from the Deputy Principals NAPLAN Preparation There have been a number of programs put in place to prepare our year 7 and 9 students for the NAPLAN Tests in week 4 of term 2. Year 9 students are currently involved in a comprehensive program during their HG lessons on a Monday and Year 7 students have been involved in a Numeracy and Literacy Skills program delivered during STEP every Wednesday during lesson four. All year 9 students completed a practice test at the end of year 8 and they are currently analysing their results from this practice test and are engaged in activities, problems and questions which specifically target the areas identified as weaknesses from this test. All year 7 and 9 students will also be involved in various practice tests in week 10 of term 1. These practice tests will cover most of the domains of the NAPLAN testing program. All students will also receive instant feedback from these practice tests which will hopefully prepare them well. One of the priorities of our school is also to assist as many students to achieve a result in the upper two bands of the NAPLAN tests. As such a number of students have been identified by our regional office as potentially moving into the upper two bands. These students are participating in a special online program which takes place before school each week. We are hoping that the various programs and targeted intervention will have benefits for our students when it comes time to do the NAPLAN test in term 2. If you have any questions regarding NAPLAN please contact the school to discuss. Positive Behaviour Rewards System We are continuing to run our Positive Behaviour Rewards System which was introduced last year. In week 10 the winning HG classes with the most number of merit awards will be announced and these winning HG classes will receive their Pizza Parties during second break on Tuesday. There has been a massive increase in the number of students receiving merit awards this year which has been pleasing to see. It is great to see so many students behaving and acting in a positive manner. Mid Semester 1 Interim Reports and Parent-Teacher Interviews All Mid Semester 1 Interim Reports will be emailed to parents and guardians by the end of this term. These reports provide a guide to how students are progressing at this stage. It is a good opportunity for parents and guardians to check the progress of their children and to organise a time to meet with their children’s teachers at the Parent-Teacher Interview evening. We will be using the PTO system which is accessible through our school website for parents to make an interview time. The PTO booking system will be open for parents over the school holidays and information has been sent previously about how to use this system. We would encourage all parents to take the opportunity to meet the teachers as research clearly shows that students learning and outcomes are enhanced when there is a joint effort between teachers, parents and students. The Parent-Teacher Interview Nights are on Wednesday 22nd April and Monday 27th April. As e-mail communication has become so vital, can you please ensure your contact details are up to date and if your e-mail address changes can you please notify the school administration. Also it is important to ensure that your e-mail system does not treat e-mails from the school as junk or spam as this can prevent important information from reaching you. To ensure that this does not happen, can you please add the following e-mail address to your list of safe senders: [email protected] Our Newest Centenary Students.. Our newest Centenary students have made a great start to their high school years, over this first term. Both Year 7 and Year 8 students have settled in to the new structures and ways of high school, now appearing to have always been here. I am sure that it has taken a lot effort from parents and carers at home to make this transition appear so seamless. We thank you for these countless reminders, back packing efforts, form-filling, emails and phone calls that have supported your student and built relationships with our teachers and our school. We are very pleased with the rollout of our plan to deliver our Junior Curriculum to Year 7s and 8s, through fewer teachers, one of whom is the Home group teacher for the class. This has provided great benefits in learning and has given both students and parents, a key teacher for both student well-being and curriculum information and concerns. I am sure you are all very aware of your child’s Home Group teacher, through our original class meetings and through their emails- perhaps even through class dojos in the case of some Year 7 classes. As the Deputy Principal supporting and working with these year levels, I have been so impressed at our Home group teachers’ knowledge of their students and their ability to solve almost all issues, before they escalate. Term 1 is always a very full term - looking back one wonders how we have fitted in Orientation programs, school photos (aren’t the students proud of their new ID cards), a swimming carnival, a global citizenship day, Year 7 camps away and at school, well-being message performances, excursions, music camp, immunisations, preparation for our CLASS ANZAC commemorations, a Sports Gala Day, homework hubs and of course lots of learning experiences and assessment of learning. Matt McDonald, Deputy Principal (Years 11 & 12) Email: [email protected] Adam Richter, Deputy Principal (Years 9 & 10) Email: [email protected] Sallyann Griffith, Deputy Principal (Year 7, 8 & International) Email: [email protected] News from the Business Services Manager Financial Statements Earlier this week “statements” were generated for outstanding fees. This statement is an overview of previous single invoices that have already been forwarded. Please also note that a credit, which appears as a negative amount on a statement, this does not require any action. If you have not received a statement this indicates that there are no outstanding fees. If your child has changed subjects recently, please be aware this change may not be reflected on this statement. All fees relating to 2015 calendar year are due by 31st October 2015. If your family is experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the Business Services Manager on 3373 4555 or by emailing [email protected] . New Payment Method – Bpay The school has recently implemented the Bpay function; this allows parents the convenience of making payments from home and alleviates the need to pay in person over the counter. The Bpay system is automatic but can be manual adjustment if an incorrect invoice has been processed. This may occur depending on the rules that have been set by the system. After a parent has processed a payment, the following are some of the system-generated rules of the Bpay function: • First rule– excursions oldest to newest • Second rule – other invoices oldest to newest • Third rule– if there is no invoice on the system a credit will be automatically be processed against the student’s account 3 There are also other factors that the system takes into consideration like only one Debtor ID per family. The processing becomes more complicated if a family, due to having only one Debtor ID, has more than one student all with outstanding invoices. In these circumstances internet banking or periodical method of payments are recommended instead of Bpay. Parents/Carers Contact Details Parents/Carers contacts details are a very important to us. Up to date and current school records enable us to send you messages, contact you when your student is ill or if there is an issue that needs resolving. If you are moving house, changed jobs, emails or mobile phone numbers, please inform the school office via • email to [email protected] or • a note If you wish to receive the school newsletter, please log on to our school website: http://centenaryshs.eq.edu.au/ and click to subscribe or go directly to the link: http://www.schoolzine.com.au/secure/centenaryshs6481/ index.html You will need to complete and submit the form on the website. Charmaine Macaulay Email: [email protected] News from our ATSI Coordinator UHELP Program In Term One this year we have been very fortunate to have Headspace Inala facilitate the UHELP Program for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The United Health Education Learning Program (UHELP) has been delivered over five sessions to an all boys group and an all girls group. Facilitators Nathan and Natasha have developed a wonderful rapport and delivered information designed to help students develop and maintain high levels of social and emotional wellbeing. With information sessions, physical activity and of course delicious and healthy food, our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have had the opportunity to work as a group, support one another and develop leadership skills. Although the program itself is short, the benefits will be many and ongoing. Angela Duncombe, ATSI Coordinator Email: [email protected] A Little Guidance – The growing world of social media Being a teenager is hard. Being a parent of a teenager is just as hard. Working out how to navigate those relationships when things go wrong gets even harder… and then throw in the complexities of social media!! Social media is an amazing and wonderful tool that can enhance the quality of life for those who use it well. As it becomes even more commonplace, there are increasing ways that problems can arise. There are many different types of social media that allow users to interact in different ways. Facebook is probably the most well-known though there are 4 others that are just as popular and much less known within the parent world with some more hidden ways of communicating. Below is a list of the most commonly used social media sites in Australia… if you don’t know one or two of them I recommend looking into it. Number of Australian registered users: • Facebook – 13,200,000 users... common social media site that allows people to engage in different ways. • YouTube – 12,750,000 UAVs… with now over 1 billion users and 300+ hours of new content uploaded every minute, YouTube is one of the largest social media sites. • Tumblr – 4,900,000... microblogging site for any topic. • LinkedIn – 3,700,000… similar to Facebook but for professional use. • Twitter - 2,500,000… active Australian users… want to know what people are thinking as they think it? Then listen to their tweets. • Instagram - 1,600,000… active Australian users… picture sharing site with some personalised messaging options. • Snapchat - 1,070,000… active Australian users… a picture and message sharing service where users set the time that an image or message can be seen. Many people think this is then erased but a digital transmission is never truly gone and images can be copied. To help stay safe when using social media, it may be useful to look into these so discussions can occur between teens and parents with everyone knowing what each other is talking about. Read reviews and learn about the pros and cons of each. The Australian Government has set up some useful sites such as CyberSmart and StaySmartOnline . Or if you have any questions or concerns, please talk with your school Guidance Officer. Mark Voight, Guidance Counsellor Email: [email protected] Julie Hammer, Guidance Counsellor Email: [email protected] News from the Chaplain At this time of the year, students can be stressed with assessment and exams. Below is a list of coping strategies, which can help. A mega list of coping strategies • Turn to someone you trust. It can be a relief to share your thoughts with someone else, and it can be good to work through problems with the help of another person. • Write it all down. Keeping a notebook handy for you to scribble your thoughts in whenever you feel like it can be a great way of expressing yourself. You may find it helpful to write about what is worrying you, or express yourself in a more creative way. • Set aside regular time for yourself. Even if it’s just ten minutes of ‘you’ time, taking some space for yourself where you turn off your phone, spend time alone, exercise, meditate, or listen to music can really prepare you for tackling stress or challenges. • Walk away. Work out which situations you are likely to get most stressed out by. If you feel like you’re getting too angry, end the conversation, take some space, and don’t resume talking until you are calm and ready. • Overcome negative patterns of thinking through self-talk. Self-talk can help you see things from a more positive perspective and give a huge boost to your confidence. • Reduce your load. Sometimes you just have to accept that you can’t do everything. Keep track of your schedule and how you feel each day, and working out your optimal level of activity. You should be busy, entertained, and challenged, without feeling overwhelmed. • Consider the big picture. When you’re going through a stressful situation, ask yourself these two questions. ‘How important is this?’ and ‘will it matter in the long run?’ If you realise it doesn’t, it’s probably not worth getting too stressed out by. I hope this is helpful. If you require speaking to me (The Chaplain), please contact me by Email: [email protected] or on the Phone 33734531 Bernie McMullen, Chaplain Email: [email protected] Sports Report INTERSCHOOL DISTRICT 10 AND OPEN DAYS After our first senior gala day on 11th March, Centenary came away from the day with solid wins and district premiers in year 10 girls softball and year 10 boys touch football. Well done to all of our teams who competed, thank-you to the coaches who gave up their time and good luck in the next round of competition! INTERSCHOOL DISTRICT 8 AND 9 DAYS On the 20th March, the school competed in day 1 of the Yr7 and8/ 9 District Sports Day. This year there are two days allocated for some sports. Reports from students and coaches were extremely positive and teams played with high levels of sportsmanship. After day 1, we have the year 7 boys basketball as district premiers. The yr7 girls basketball sitting top of the ladder being undefeated as well as the yr 8/9 boys and girls touch teams starting the competition undefeated. Day 2 is on the 27th April. Good luck to our remaining sporting teams! A reminder that training for the girls basketball teams continues Monday morning 7:30am and Wednesday AM Break. • Learn to forgive. Move on from hurt, regret and anger. Whether you are angry at yourself or someone else, it doesn’t help you to hold on to negative feelings like resentment. • Hone your communication skills. If you know how to communicate a problem well, it will help prevent conflict from escalating, and could help solve the cause of the stress in the first place. • Build your optimism. Optimism involves learning to think positively about the future - even when things go wrong. That’s not to say you pretend that everything is fine when it isn’t. Instead, it’s about looking objectively at a situation, making a conscious decision to focus on the good. It can be hard to do, but if you practice, you’re likely to get better. • Learn how to set goals • Relax, man . Relaxation is a great way to refocus your thoughts, particularly when things are becoming a bit overwhelming. • Build your gratitude. Take some of your focus away from the negative things, and take 5 minutes each day to identify 3 things which you are thankful about. If you need something stronger You don’t have to work this stuff out on your own. Chaplains Guidance Officers and School Base Youth Nurse, are great at helping to build and develop coping skills. They also can be good to talk to if you prefer not to talk to friends or family, or if your problems are making it hard to carry on with day to day stuff. CROSS COUNTRY The school cross country is being held on 23rd April -Thursday Week 1 Term 2. All year 7 and 8 students will attend the carnival and nominated runners from year 9-12. If runners came in the top 8 places they have automatically qualified for the School Cross Country Team to go to the District Cross Country carnival to be held at Limestone Park on Friday 8th May. Training for students has been occurring every Wednesday and Friday morning from 7:15am. All students are welcome to attend. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Queensland Track Classic 5 Earlier this month, eight students created history for Centenary SHS and competed for the first time at the biggest Track and Field meet in Queensland, at the Queensland Track Classic, as part the Secondary School relay event. Students had the opportunity to compete in front of thousands of spectators against some of the top Track and Field Schools in Brisbane, as well as watch and also meet some of the top athletes in Australia. It was an awesome experience for the students warming up alongside many Olympic and Commonwealth Games athletes, including Sally Pearson, Michelle Jeneke (the dancing hurdler), as well as others prior to competing. All athletes did their best on the night and did Centenary proud. Mr Haines introduced the team to Trae Williams, the Queensland Open and Australian 20/u Champion, as well as Linda Leverton, Australian Triple Jump Champion. Credit to the following students for competing: Isabelle and Amy Lightbody, Natalie Anderson, Montana Lee Hanson, Sam Lord, Alex Strong, Thomas Tran, and Fletcher Finlay. Thanks also Mr Haines for preparing the team. We really want to do well at District Track and Field this year so we will be starting to prepare much earlier to ensure more success. Reporting Results To enable me to report on student results and to keep accurate records for sports awards, I need to know how participants went in their competitions. I encourage all students and parents to advise me of their results immediately after they have competed. Students can see me in Staffroom 4 or results can be emailed to: [email protected] Sports Calendar and Weekly Sports Report Each week the Centenary SHS Sport Calendar can now be downloaded from the download section of the school website. It contains all the latest sporting events and dates. Jess Porter, Sports Director Email: [email protected] Junior Secondary News With the end of Term 1 approaching, it is nice to reflect on the many events of the past ten weeks for all of our Junior School students. The Year 7 and 8 students have settled into high 6 school life well, while our Year 9 students have very capably taken on the role of leaders of the Junior School! What has been really pleasing to see is the high level of involvement of the younger students across a wide range of school activities. From the instrumental music programme, to the school choir, to participation in school sports’ teams, to involvement in academic competitions, students are certainly connecting to their school on many different levels. Recently the Student Leaders for both Year 7 and 8 were selected. What a difficult decision that was – the quality of leadership skills demonstrated by all of the candidates was absolutely outstanding! 2015 is shaping up to be a great year, with such a large number of enthusiastic students who are keen to lead projects within the school. The Junior students are looking great in their school uniforms and the majority are fulfilling school expectations with regard to this. Just a reminder with the cooler weather (hopefully) just around the corner, that the only jumper that the students may wear is our school jumper which can be purchased from the Uniform Shop. I must congratulate the Year 8 cohort on something AMAZING that I have noted about them as a group. I frequently check the Student Absence list which is available to teachers every day. I have noted on several occasions that the Year 8 students have few, if any absences. This is quite remarkable and wonderful to see! High attendance rates is certainly linked to high student performance. I congratulated the cohort at a recent Year 8 Assembly! I hope that the recent period of assessment hasn’t been too stressful for your child (and yourselves!). The results of your student’s assessment will be communicated to you with the Mid-Semester Reports due to be sent soon. You will also receive information about Parent Teacher interviews being held in Weeks 1 and 2 of next Term. I encourage all of you to make an appointment with the teachers of your child – the partnership between school and home is so important helping students to reach their full potential. I would like to introduce two members of staff who are new to our Junior School this year, Andrew Burrows and Claire Tuton: Andrew: I am a new teacher to Centenary State High School focussing on maths and science in the junior years. I come from a background of working in environmental and land management policy with Queensland Government. I was fortunate to travel to many areas in the state developing plans for the restoration of degraded areas and working with communities on solutions. My interests outside of work involve a mix of outdoor pursuits combined with reading. I am an avid hiker and enjoy exploring the back country of mountainous areas. I also enjoy the sport of volleyball and hope to continue coaching teams at Centenary. Since beginning at Centenary it has been a very supportive start with a range of staff providing me with a strong foundation to become settled into the school. I am particularly looking forward to finding out how the students begin to change as they become settled into high school. Claire: My name is Claire Tuton and I am so excited to be teaching at Centenary State High School in the Junior Secondary and Learning Support departments this year. In my previous three years of teaching, I taught at Browns Plains High School and I am actually a past student of CSHS! As well as teaching specific subject areas, I am extremely passionate about sport and the arts. Having a background in performing arts, I have always loved being involved in drama, dance and music, which is why I am so excited to be a part of the junior production of ‘Frozen’ this trimester with the year 7 and 8 performance plus group. In my spare time I love to read, play netball, sing, dance and support the mighty Brisbane Lions! I am really looking forward to what this year will bring. Voices of ANZAC I hope that all families enjoy a great break away from the daily routine of school and the students return happy and well-rested ready for a great Term 2! Mark Watkins, Cultural Director Email: [email protected] Angela McKay, Junior Secondary HOD Email: [email protected] Cultural News Instrumental Music Camp Our annual music camp happened in week 9 down in the beautiful setting of Natural Bridge. The camp was blessed with great weather this year, a little rain but nothing that hindered any activities, and warm enough to allow swimming. The camp was an extremely busy time, particularly for the teachers, accommodating rehearsals for 230 students across 6 ensembles throughout the week. It was great having all of our instrumental and choral staff at the camp with Damon Lougheed, Fiona Harvey, Matthew Hoey, Madison Dedini, Alex Van den Broek and Carly Manche all attending at various times. We were also lucky to have our head of department Dale Partridge up for three of the days, and one of our past students Rachel Olsen come back as a tutor for the strings. Thank you Rachel you were a great help! Also a great help were the band captains who came up during the first three days to assist with the junior ensembles. Your assistance was greatly appreciated Aiden Bennett, Briarley Coppens, Caitlin Hirini, Brianna Dargusch and Elizabeth Hunt. As usual the camp was a lot of fun, with plenty of hard work performed by students and teachers alike. The work ethic of the students was outstanding, and barely a whisper of complaint was heard. I would like to add a particular note of appreciation and gratitude to the year 10-12 students on Friday. I mistakenly booked our return buses for 9am instead of 1pm, and had to ask everyone at the camp to perform the massive task of stopping early and packing up and loading everything in a very short space of time. It was one of the proudest moment of my teaching career to see every single student jump in and help without a word of complaint to complete everything in 40 minutes (normally we allow about 90 minutes for this). Then to top it off, one of the bus drivers commented that the students were the best that they had ever had on his coach in his many years of driving thousands of state and private school kids! These are the moments that make teaching tremendous! Our major combined CLASS event at Brisbane City Hall is well under way and is now officially titled Voices of ANZAC. With music, drama, dance and media, this is shaping up to be a very special evening in July. More details will come in the months to follow. ANZAC In other ANZAC news, the Symphonic Band will be performing on the first Monday back after the holidays at our school ANZAC ceremony. They will then follow this by performing at the community ANZAC service at Mt Ommaney on Saturday 25 April. Until next time, keep cultural, Science News The ConocoPhillips Science Experience 2015 – Breakfast presentation to Centenary Rotary The ConocoPhillips Science Experience 2015 was a four day hands-on science activities program being conducted in 32 universities and tertiary institutions across Australia in the week before the start of term 1. In this four day program participants visited the University of Queensland (2 days), Queensland University of Technology (1 day) and Griffith University (1 Day). Participants toured scientific facilities, heard from some of Queensland’s leading scientists, participated in hands-on workshops; explored science based careers and used their creativity in an exciting and innovating challenge. Interactive workshops were led by experts in their fields and covered an array of exciting areas including forensic science, physics, biological sciences, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, the environmental sciences, and engineering. At the end of 2014 six students from a large pool of interested students were selected to attend the program. Each student was sponsored up to 50% of the cost by Centenary Rotary. Early in March this year the successful candidates were invited to present their experience to the Committee members of Centenary rotary at one of their weekly breakfast meetings at the Oxley Golf Club. The students must be congratulated for their commitment to and passion for science. They were at the venue early enough for a 6:30 am start. They did not fail to impress the committee members with a very interesting and entertaining presentation. The presentation was conducted by Phuong Ly, Stojan Radakovic, Andrew Haigh and Sabrina Finsterle, while the PowerPoint was managed Celeste Wood and Dakota Kelly. Griffith- Phuong We were all so excited for the Conoco Phillips Science Experience , the four days were absolutely astounding. We learnt so much and did so many activities. So we would love to give an over view of what we did and the incredible workshops and lectures we experienced. 7 During our time at Griffith University, were able to experience a welcoming lecture from a doctor who had studied in microorganisms. This lecture gave an overview of microbiology and impacts of microorganisms in our everyday life. We participated in four fascinating workshops which included making a bike light, investigating the DNA of bananas, experiment with poisoned sport drinks and looking at microscopic life. QUT-Stojan At the Queensland University of Technology we spent the day looking at the wonders of nanotechnology. We looked into the visual spectrum next in an activity called ‘See the light’. We then had a lecture from a professor about reduced gravity experiments and his experience in zero gravity. We did a really fun challenge were we had to build a bridge that could hold at least 5 kg. The catch was all we had was a block for the foundation, super glue and paddle pop sticks. Our final workshop for day 2 included a tour around a brand new ecofriendly and energy saving building. We worked with circuits to make lights, buzzers and speakers. our executive board to advertising. (CLICK) We had to come up with an innovative device to help society. My groups’ idea was to make a ‘Pocket Pack’ ‘A universe in your pocket’ and another group’s idea was a chip that measure your health. We then had to make a prototype of our products and then a final version and sell it. This challenge really tested our collaborative, creative and organisational skills. To end the day we had the closing ceremony which included live demonstrations using dry ice and multiple speeches from people in the workplace of science. We got to touch real fossils from various dinosaurs. Overall the experience was amazing and will definitely have a huge impact on our future choices in the science workplace. It let us look into the wonders of a science career. We explored the different opportunities we can have in the future and we will never forget those four days of fun, fascination and scholastic learning. Thank you to Rotary Australia for encouraging us to go for our dreams and let nothing stop us from achieving them. University Queensland - Andrew At the University of Queensland we spent two days doing fun activities and participating in interactive innovation challenges. On the first day of UQ we did multiple workshops and sat through two interesting lectures. First we had a lecture from Professor Neal Menzies about agriculture and food sciences. We then moved onto a workshop known as ‘Learning to live with a Brain. We got to touch a real human brain that had been dipped in plastic to preserve it. ‘Swear word Equations’ was the next workshop which included us looking at algorithms. We also looked at what would be the best letters to use on locks so that we can maximise the amount of word that can be created but minimise the amount of swear word possibilities. After a short break we had another lecture, this time from Professor Tamara Davis about the “Dark Universe”. She talked about the world of Astrophysics and how the universe is expanding. She also talked about the wonders of supernovas in galaxy’s billions of light-years away from us. After the ‘out of this world’ lecture we had another workshop about Marine Biology and the affects that flood, storms and cyclones can have on the marine life. I got to dissect an oyster which was really exciting and a bit gross at the same time. In the afternoon we left UQ to come to centenary for a night of fun and games. Supernova- Andrew There was a disco nicknamed the Supernova.(CLICK) It was split between SRC and CPAC (CLICK). It was a good way to wind down after a full on day at UQ. We were able to dance and sing or play sports and board games. This night really let us get to interact with everyone and share common interests besides the obvious science aspect. We had so much fun with our new friends (CLICK) and brilliant leaders. (CLICK) This night was a real highlight of the entire experience. (CLICK) UQ- Sabrina The next day we went to UQ again and had a full day of Innovation challenges. We went from Brisbane to the magical land of YSAland also known as ICE-A-LAND were we got an insight into the process of starting a business, from selecting 8 Allen Moodley, Science HOD Email: [email protected] Year 8 Report Year 8 Student Leaders We have some very talented Year 8s in this cohort. I was very impressed by the number of students who applied to be a Year 8 Student Leader. It was a very difficult decision. I am proud to announce the YEAR 8 LEADERS for 2015: • Miranda Callum • Samantha McKay • Sebastian Curtis • Ishaann Cheema Congratulations! In this position they will be the voice of Year 8 students and will be our representatives on the student forum committee. I am looking forward to working with these students throughout the year. Term 1 I am pleased to report that the Year 8s are in fact GREAT! They have settled into the routine of high school and are working well. Term 1 has been a busy term for the Year 8s. It is now an opportune time to reflect on the completed term and their achievements and to plan for next term. The Home Group teachers will be working through a reflection activity with the students during Home Group. This is recorded in your child’s diary. I encourage all students to consider the following: • Did I achieve my goals for the semester? • Did I put effort into each of my subjects? • Did I behaviour appropriately in class • Your goals for Term 2 Mid Semester Reports I will be reviewing the Year 8 Mid-Semester reports over the next few weeks. On the 22nd and 27th April, parents will have the opportunity to make an interview with specific subject teachers. I encourage parents to discuss your child’s result and progress with their child’s teachers. I also look forward to meeting parents on the evenings. HG Program During Home Group students will be participating in an innovative and interactive program called “Friends for Life”. The program is designed to assist children in developing life skills and to learn important skills and techniques to cope with and manage situations they may encounter. The program is called FRIENDS for Life for the following reasons: • Our body is our FRIEND – it tells us when we are feeling worried or upset • It is important to learn to be our own FRIEND and to reward ourselves when we try hard • It is important to make FRIENDS, so that we can build our social support networks and feel happier • Our FRIENDS can help us to cope with difficult situations more effectively Warm regards Berenice Furlong, Year 8 Coordinator Email: [email protected] Year 7 News At Centenary, the Student Leaders Forum is made up of two male and two female representatives from each Year Level. We are thrilled to announce the successful Year 7 candidates for the position of Year 7 Student Forum Leader for 2015. All applicants went through a number of processes as part of their application. They initially submitted a written application and presented a prepared speech to the entire Year 7 cohort, the Deputy Principal Sallyann Griffith and Year 7 Home Group Teachers. On the basis of these two processes, they were shortlisted for inclusion on the ballot papers. Formal votes were cast by peers and teachers. Subsequently, Angela McKay and I spoke to all candidates personally in a formal interview. The group of students we had to choose from was of a very high calibre, making this a very difficult task. This bodes well for future initiatives, as a group of students has now been identified who are keen (and more than capable) of stepping up and taking on any number of roles over the course of the year. A number of initiatives are already planned that will support and enhance the work of the Student Forum. The Year 7 Student Leaders Forum Representatives for 2015 are: Josh Ahmad Aaron Berkeley Isabelle Lightbody Arabella Vujic • The work FRIENDS helps teenagers to remember each of the skills taught throughout the program (each letter stands for a new skill learnt) • FRIENDS for Life helps teenagers remember that skills they learn throughout the program are lifelong skills, and they can practise them across different life situations involving family, friends, school and their neighbourhood. The program will be taught and discussed during HG throughout the year. Students have been issued with a workbook (which will remain primarily at school) and will have completed the foundation units of this program in Term 2. If you would like any further information about this program, please contact me. My role In my role, I am concerned with the welfare of ALL Year 8 students. This includes all aspects of school life – academic, social and emotional. If your child has any concerns, please ask them to come and see me – my office is in Staffroom 3. Alternatively, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns: Email [email protected] Phone: 3373 4593 Wishing you and your family a safe and relaxing holiday An Investiture Ceremony for Year 7 and 8 student leaders will be held during lesson 3 on Monday March 30th. Congratulations to the successful candidates. The second ‘big ticket item’ this term was the inaugural Year 7 Camp. This was a great success Thanks firstly, to the teachers who looked after the ‘at-school’ campers and who also planned fun and worthwhile activities for students unable to attend. Despite the heat at Lake Moogerah, we ‘off campus’ campers had a great time and students had many experiences not possible in the course of day-to-day school routine. My thanks to Angela McKay and the fantastic Year 7 teachers who willingly gave up three days (and two nights of air con!) to attend. Without them, the camp would not have been possible. I am sure that you have heard about the “Mud Commando Mission” 9 and “Star Warts”. Students indicated in their reflections that these were their two favourite activities. But they also learnt how to organise themselves in a group to overcome the many challenges they faced…….. Putting up a 9-person tent in the heat was probably one of the most challenging of all. For some, it would have been cooking up a storm for the rest of the cohort, or even just managing to hang onto their hat, drink bottle and shoes! I’m sure that in the years to come, the Year 7s will look back ever so fondly in the three days, and recall the fun, the new friends they made and skills they learnt. Berenice Furlong, Year 8 Coordinator Email: [email protected] News from our P&C Date claimer: Parent -teacher Interviews provide an opportunity to put faces to name and to discuss the learning outcomes of your child with the relevant staff member. Please look out for the details of how to make an appointment on our school webpage. There are two evenings on April 22nd & 27th. (Wednesday Week 1 & Monday Week 2) Lastly, a very heart felt thank you to you all for your support and patience. Please enjoy a peaceful few days off and I look forward to seeing you in the new term. Deb Mansini, Year 7 Coordinator Email: [email protected] National Day of Action against Bullying On Friday 20th March, the Student Leaders Forum (consisting of the School Captains and year level leaders) organised a “Say NO to Bullying” campaign as part of the National Day of Action against Bullying. The Student Leaders highlighted the importance of the day by wearing fluorescent orange shirts and reminding everybody about the significance of the day. Home Group teachers reinforced the day through discussions and placed posters in classrooms. Staff also showed their support by wearing orange. The aim of the day was to take a proactive stand against all forms of bullying within our school and to maintain an anti-bullying culture at Centenary. We are dedicated to creating supportive school environments, free from bullying, harassment and violence. By working together at Centenary, we are sending clear messages to young people that bullying and violence, in or outside of school, is not okay - at any time. Thank you to staff and students for their support on the day. Let’s take a stand together and “Say NO to Bullying”. P&C NEWS At our recent AGM the following office bearers were elected to our P&C executive committee for 2015: President - Helen Shogren Vice President – Louise Dornan and Lucinda Coalter Treasurer - David Hunt Secretary - Jenny Watson Why not come along to our P&C meetings? By attending meeting you can have more of a say in the education and wellbeing of our children. We meet on the third Wednesday of every month at 7pm in the Resource Centre. Next meeting will be Wednesday 29th April (change of date due to holidays). President’s report for AGM - 2015 2014 has been a very busy year, I would like to thank the following for supporting the P+C this year. John, Charmaine and the staff, Cheryl and Kylie and all our uniform and canteen staff and volunteers, Bernie our chaplain, Glenda our bookkeeper, our subcommittees and my executive committee and to all our P&C members that have supported us this year. We really appreciate your feedback and input as we couldn’t do this job without you. Here are some of our achievements from the last 12 months: • Chaplaincy program support was increased by $5000 • 2 subcommittees (Arts and Facilities Upgrade) • Engaging a Project Manager to oversee our Canteen upgrade • Music Scholarships for nine Y7 and Y8 students through the Arts Subcommittee • Info stall at Parent Teacher Night and Y7 and Y8 Parent Welcome nights • New appliances for the canteen • QCS Lunch for Grade 12 • Grade 12 Mystery Tour Breakfast • Brisbane Bands Festival 10 • Continuation of the student support fund • Supported the science department with fundraising for the Science Extravaganza • Help with Y12 State of Origin fundraiser • World Teacher’s Day 2015 is shaping up to be a big year also with our main focus on upgrading and increasing the size of our Canteen and Uniform Shop to accommodate the extra students and increased demand. We also supply a large number of outside catering jobs through the canteen. We have employed 4 new casual staff, however space is now at a premium. Hopefully this time next year we will have our new facility up and running. Thank you to those parents that paid the P&C Annual Levy – it makes a big difference and we appreciate the contributions from 78 of our school families totaling $4300. This year again, all contributions will go to our Building Fund to boost our Canteen upgrade efforts. We also hope to gain some local community support for this project. P+C levy letters will be sent out after Easter. I would like to thank our bookkeeper Glenda James as she continues to do a wonderful job each year sorting out our finances and preparing all our documents for the audit. The Auditor praised us for having one of the cleanest set of books of all the schools they audit each year. Finally, I would like to thank the various community organisations that have provided financial and personnel assistance to Bernie and his Chaplaincy breakfasts, QCS lunch and other events throughout the year. These are the Rotary Club of Rocks Riverside, Rotary Club of Jindalee, Centenary Salvo’s and Foodworks Oxley. We really appreciate your support and look forward to a successful year in 2015. Helen Shogren President CSHS P&C Association News from our Uniform Shop Uniform Shop – Jumpers Are you sick of losing your student’s jumper? We have the solution for you. The P+C can now offer a service where we embroider your child’s jumper for just $5. Your child’s surname will then be embroidered on the outside of their school jumper as a way to easily identify it. The student’s name will appear embroidered in red capitals on the bottom right of the jumper above the waistline ribbing. offers parents an opportunity to sell and buy pre-loved uniforms. This is a voluntary P & C service. 1. Email your details and that of the clothing you wish to sell. We will then place this information on the uniform list. 2. Interested parents will contact you directly. 3. Please email us once the item is sold, so that it can be removed from the list. 4. A donation to the P&C would be gratefully accepted but is not compulsory. The list will be updated twice a term. School Immunisation Program 2015 This year, Brisbane City Council will be offering free Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Chickenpox vaccinations to all students in year 8. Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping Cough) vaccinations will be offered to all students in both Year 8 and Year 10. If your child has missed a school vaccination from this year or last year you can have these vaccination’s caught up at one of Council’s free immunisation clinics. To locate Council’s free immunisation clinics please go to http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/community/communitysafety/council-immunisation-clinics/childrens-immunisationclinics or call 3403 8888. To download a School Immunisation Program consent form please visit https://publications.qld.gov.au/dataset/schoolbased-vaccination-program or call 13 Health on 13 43 25 84. If you would like to request your child’s immunisation history with Council, please send your request with your child’s full name and date of birth to [email protected] Tennis opportunity at Centenary SHS Centenary SHS is pleased to welcome Scorpion Tennis Academy to our community. Scorpion tennis academy will now be operating from the school courts commencing April 20, and offering tennis coaching to juniors of all levels. The Academy is highly credentialed and will offer excellent opportunities to students in our school community. They are running holiday coaching clinics during the Easter holidays, and then will be offering regular coaching from term 2. This is a great opportunity for any students interested in getting involved in, or improving their tennis. Please see the attached fliers for information on both of these opportunities. You can also access further information at www.scorpiontennis.net The charge is $5 and cash is preferred unless payment is made at the same time as the jumper is purchased. Jumpers can be dropped off at the uniform shop. Secondhand Uniforms Secondhand uniforms can be donated to the uniform shop or you can access our secondhand uniform site on the school’s website. http://centenaryshs.eq.edu.au/wcms/index.php/ 2012-11-28-04-22-14/2012-12-06-01-21-00/uniform . This 11 12
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