Queen of Heaven Catholic Elementary School April 2015 Newsletter

Queen of Heaven
Catholic Elementary School
April 2015 Newsletter
Visit our school Website http://schools.hcdsb.org/quen for general announcements, reminders, copies of the
letters and forms that we send home; School Council information, Agenda and Minutes; School Calendar; and General
Information about our school.
Follow us on Twitter @QHMilton
for updates, photos, reminders and notices of special school related events and activities.
Our Catholic School
Queen of Heaven Official Blessing and Dedication
On Tuesday, April 21 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in our school gym, we will celebrate our school’s official blessing and
dedication by His Excellency Bishop Crosby. As part of the proceedings we will have our special invited dignitaries
addressing the student audience and all guests. They include Bishop Crosby, our MPP Indira Nadoo-Harris, Mayor
Krantz, Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr, HCDSB Chair of the Board Jane Michael, HCDSB Director of Education Paula
Dawson, Superintendent of Education Toni Pinelli. Our MC is Milton Trustee Diane Rabenda. Father Peter and Father
Allen from Holy Rosary Parish, and members of the Knights of Columbus are also part of the proceedings. We will also
have a representative from the School Architect Company Svedas Inc. and our Builder Everstrong Construction
Limited who will present the official school key!
All FDK-Grade 8 students will be in attendance and will sing our new “Queen of Heaven School Anthem”. All students
are creating special pieces of artwork that will be on display decorating the gym. Many of our students have special
roles during the proceedings including readings, petitions, MC, bearers of the classroom crucifixes that will be blessed
by Bishop Crosby, welcoming Ambassadors in the foyer, and musical entertainment in the front foyer as our guests
proceed in.
All parents have been sent an official invitation to join us for this celebration. Please rsvp to our secretary Mrs.
Channer asap as seating is limited in our gym and we may need to limit the number of parent guests. Please
understand that due to seating capacity, these invitations are for parent adults only as we will, unfortunately, not
have space in the gym for any preschoolers.
For your reference, below is a sample itinerary of our celebration on April 21st.
MC introduces and welcomes platform party who
enters led by the Knights of Columbus
Opening Song for procession
National Anthem
People Involved
Diane Rabenda and Student MC
Choir and everyone (Miss Bell’s gr. 6 class leads this in sign
Blessing of the Water Rite
Song while Bishop sprinkles water on the
Opening Prayer
Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Reading
a)Blessing of Crucifixes
b)Blessing of Queen of Heaven Statue
And Praying of Hail Mary
Prayers of the Faithful
Prayer of Blessing
Song and Dance
Greetings from various dignitaries introduced by
Presentation of Key
Appreciation to Bishop Crosby
Concluding Prayer
a)Words of Thanks and introduction of the Queen
of Heaven Anthem
b)All students sing
Recession – platform party led out by the Knights
to a song
MC invites all adult guests to leave before the
Reception in Computer Lab
Luncheon with Bishop Crosby
Bishop Crosby assisted by Father Allen
Bishop Crosby
Father Peter
Bishop Crosby
a)Bishop – crucifixes already on display
-Two students read prayer before the blessing (Gr. 2 and
gr. 7 - sacramental years)
b) Bishop Crosby
Students and staff
Bishop Crosby
Glee Club
-Chair of the Board – Jane Michael
-MPP – Indira Nadoo-Harris
-Mayor Krantz
-Chair of the Region of Halton – Gary Carr
-Director of Education – Paula Dawson
Architect and Contractor present this to one JK and one Gr.
8 student along with our Chair of School Council (Mr. JeanGuy Caissie)
Toni Pinelli
Bishop Crosby
John Susi
All students sing led by Mr. Dunn, Mrs. Oram and choir
Mrs. Varano to hand one student from each gr.1-8 class
with a crucifix to process out behind platform party
Invited dignitaries
Bishop Crosby, Director Paula Dawson and Mr. Susi will
have a special luncheon in the library with a selection of
students in grades 1-8.
Catholic Education Week – May 4-8, 2015
A calendar outlining the events planned during Catholic Education Week ~ “Following Paths of Joy” ~ will
be sent home next week. Parents, you are more than welcome to join us and we hope to see many of you
during our school celebrations.
Student Award of Excellence
Congratulations to Isaiah Ordonez a Grade 8 student who is Queen of Heaven’s first recipient of the HCDSB “Student
Award of Excellence” for 2014-2015. This important award will be presented to Isaiah at a very special presentation to
be held on April 27, 2015 at Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School. Isaiah is receiving this award as he demonstrates
outstanding qualities in the following areas: Catholic Leadership; Catholic Faith and Catholic School Philosophy; Family
Commitment; Positive Rapport with teachers and other students; Involvement with school activities; and Commitment
to difficult tasks.
We win another $750 with the Milton Energy Challenge!
I’m pleased to announce that we have won ANOTHER $750 in the second part of Milton School Energy Challenge! Thank
you for the support of the 82 families who have registered in our name! This money will be used to purchase a new
school electronic score clock for our gym.
There is still another $750 available for any Milton school to win at the end of this month. If you have not signed up yet
all you need to do is go on line using your Milton Hydro Account Number and sponsor "Queen of Heaven School". This is
totally confidential as no one ever sees your personal info! When you conserve energy at home, our school gets points!
Here is the link to sign up http://www.MiltonCEC.com
Please forward this information to any of your friends or family who are also part of Milton so they can sponsor us too!
With everyone’s help, we can win this again!
Parental Involvement
School Council Meeting
The next Queen of Heaven Catholic School Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 28,
2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the School Library. Please join us to share your ideas and learn more about
your school community. You are able to view the minutes from previous meetings and the agenda
for this upcoming meeting on our school website at http://schools.hcdsb.org/quen
Are You Moving? Any Changes?
We are in the process of preliminary planning of the school organization for next September
and need to know enrolment estimates for the upcoming school year. Please advise Mrs.
deBrum at the school office as soon as possible if your children WILL NOT be returning to
Queen of Heaven Catholic School for the 2015-2016 school year. Whether you are moving or
your children are changing schools, including French Immersion registrations, advance
notification enables us to effectively plan for the upcoming school year. Please note: Even if
you have notified your child’s classroom teacher of your plans, PLEASE follow-up with a call
to the school office.
Contact Information
You can imagine our concern when a child becomes ill at school and there is no way of contacting the parents or
guardians because email, telephone numbers (business, home & cell) are no longer valid. PLEASE make sure that we
have CURRENT information when changes occur so that we are able to contact you should the need arise.
Family Fun Night
Mark your calendar…June 18th from 5-8pm for all Queen of Heaven families!
More details to come…
Special Events & Activities
ECO Warriors
Our Eco Warriors would like to have Litterless Lunches every Wednesday during the month of April. All students are
encouraged to bring in litterless lunches and snacks to reduce the amount of garbage we produce.
Earth Day is April 22 and our celebration at QH will include teachers taking their classes outside for a school yard and
neighbourhood park clean-up. Students will be provided with gloves and garbage bags.
What’s Happening in April???
2 - Holy Thursday Liturgy (Dramatic Stations of the Cross performance at 1:00 p.m. in the gym) led by Gr. 8’s
3 – Good Friday
5 – Easter Sunday
6 – Easter Monday
7 - Gr. 5-6 trip to Living Arts Center
8 – Grade 7-8 trip to Jean Vanier for Science Convention;
9 – Gr. 2 Retreat to RBG
14 – Junior Girls Basketball tournament at 4p.m. at St. Benedict
15 – Gr. 2 trip to Safety Village;
21 – Official Opening and Blessing Ceremony at 10:00 in gym. Parents must rsvp their attendance to our office staff as
seating is limited for adult guests only.
22 – Earth Day
23 – Gr. 7-8 trip to Toronto for Invention Convention; MOVIE NIGHT organized by our School Council at 6:30 p.m. in our
24 – PA Day
28 – School Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
29 – Talent Show in gym at 1:00 p.m. Parents welcome to join us!
30 – Gr. 6 Boys Leadership Convention at Jean Vanier School; Junior Boys basketball tournament at QH
Student Extra Curricular Activities in April... (Students are made aware of these activities and their details during
morning announcements)
Junior Boys and Girls Basketball teams
Primary Prayer Club (grades 1-3)
Grade 5 Girls Club “More to Me than What You See” theme
ECO Team
Glee Club
Talent Show
Grade 7/8 Reading Club
Ambassadors (Gr. 7/8 Leadership Team)
Games Club at lunch time for grade 1-2 students led by our grade 5-6 PROPS leaders.
Grade 7-8 “Go Girls” self-esteem group led by the Big Brothers/Sisters Organization
Grade 5-8 Girls Running Group
Grade 6 Boys Leadership Day activities begin