11520 - 203rd Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 4T6 Phone: 604-460-1136 / Fax: 604-460-1137 Website: (http://schools.sd42.ca/hammond/) Principal: Vice Principal: Mr. Kevin Bodman Ms. Glenda McMurray Newsletter #9 – April 30, 2015 At Hammond Elementary, students and staff work hard to build a positive school culture. We believe that everyone has a responsibility to create a caring, safe and orderly learning environment. Upcoming Events May 1 Assembly Div 16 Swimming (pm) May 6 Gr 4-7 Track Attack Day May 8 Popcorn Day Div 16 Swimming (pm) May 11-13 Grade 6/7 at Camp May 13 District Public Speaking Gr 4/5 May 14 District Public Speaking Gr 6/7 May 15 Hot Lunch Day PAC meeting 1:00 pm May 18 Victoria Day – schools closed May 19 Non-Instructional Day May 22 Div 8 and 18M to Bby Village May 27 Favourite Book Character Day Gr 7’s at Secondary Schools Western Direct order pick up between 2:00-3:00 pm May 29 Hot Dog Day Welcome to Kindergarten (pm) *Current K’s dismissed early PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE April is over and we are heading into May already. This is the time of year when a lot of planning takes place for next school year. If you have educational information about your child that will help us when doing class placement for next year, please come to the office to complete a form. Wishing you a sunny May! Staffing Update Hammond would like to welcome Ms. Jessica Trulson to our staff. Jessica is a member of our support team. We also have two EA practicum students with us for the month of May. Welcome Korri Zivin and Heidi Armstrong. CALENDAR REMINDERS… Schools are closed Monday, May 18th for the Victoria Day Statutory holiday. Tuesday, May 19th is a Non-Instructional Day and students do not attend. Family Fun Night has been cancelled due to lack of volunteers. PARENT PORTAL… Although families have been encouraged to sign up with School District #42 Parent Portal, we still have 120 students not yet linked in to the system. In September, and again in January, we sent home personalized instruction letters to parents on how to create profiles on this new system. This letter includes your child’s unique ID number and linking key. Once registered this portal will allow authorized parents/guardians to fill out school consent forms, receive important school and district information, and be able to make secure online payments. Eventually our system will get to a point in which all permissions and registrations will need to be done through the portal. As teachers begin to make the transition to the portal it is important to have their students linked. Families not yet signed on to the portal will be receiving another linking letter (on green paper). Please watch for this important letter to come home with your child. STUDENT TRANSFERS… School District 42 allows students to attend a school other than their “catchment” school or “neighbourhood” school, provided there is space available at the school of choice. Parents who wish to have their children transfer to another school or program for September are required to start the process at their current school by completing a Student Transfer Request Form. Although Phase One of this transfer process is now closed, there may still be an opportunity for transfers to be approved during Phase Two which closes June 10th. HEALTH PRESENTATION FOLLOW UP… Thanks to the PAC for arranging to bring in Kathleen Hatley. After her presentations there was a lot of positive feedback from teachers and parents on how well the students responded to her talks and how well Kathleen geared her talks to the different age groups. Kathleen's grade 2/3 presentation was adjusted because of concerns raised that some topics she would speak about weren't mentioned specifically in the curriculum. Many parents were frustrated and upset that there was a change at the last minute and that they were not made aware. While this frustration is understandable and the concerns could have been handled in different ways, it was felt that if this kind of presentation is going to become part of what happens at Hammond on a regular basis, then it was important to develop positive support through the whole school community. There are many layers around why this decision was made and if you wish to discuss this further please arrange to meet with Mr. Bodman. At the last PAC meeting, there was support in bringing Kathleen back to Hammond next year and then start bi-yearly the following years. Going back to back will mean the grade two students will have the opportunity of experiencing the full presentation next year. PLANNING and CLASS PLACEMENT 2015/16… Classes at Hammond Elementary are formed to provide for the educational needs of the children in the best possible way and to make optimal advantage of the resources available. Parent input is important and you are welcome to provide information about your child(ren) and the kind of learning environment in which he/she best works and learns. All relevant information from parents and school based information will be considered by the team when placing students. However, please note, these comments should address learning needs and should not be requests for specific teachers. If you wish to share your input with the school, please collect a Parent Input Form from the office and return before Friday, May 22nd. Please include information about your child that you wish to be considered including: academic needs and learning style, physical needs, and social/emotional needs. Please be advised that submitting this form does not guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your request. The school will continue to make the final determination of class organization. When forming classes, teachers take into account the academic, the social needs of each child, and the progression of children from Kindergarten through grade 7. Other factors considered include: · the total enrollment of children in each year level · class size and composition · social and academic distribution of children across classes · friendship groups · gender balance in each class Because situations change over the summer with families leaving without notifying the school and new families moving into the area, the tentative organizations that are made in late June often change. Specific grade and teacher assignments are not finalized until the end of the first week in September. TERRY FOX UPDATE… Thank you Mrs. Wycherley and Mrs. Harrington for organizing, and thanks to Mrs. Smith for leading the run. Thank you as well to Hammond families. We were very happy to forward $134.55 to the Terry Fox Foundation representing donations collected. GRADE SEVEN NEWS… Secondary School Visit: Our Grade 7’s will enjoy a full day visit at their respective secondary schools on Wednesday, May 27th. Your son or daughter will receive instructions and a schedule to follow for the day. A reminder that transportation to and from secondary school is the responsibility of the parents. Grade 7 students do not attend Hammond on this day. Grade 7 Year End: Leaving Ceremony has been scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, June 23rd. More information will be coming home with students closer to this event. DISTRICT CROSS COUNTRY… Hammond was once again well represented at our district cross country meets on Monday, April 28th and Tuesday, April 29th. Congratulations to all those students who participated in the races and the practices. Way to run everyone! Grade 1 Cedar Abbot, Jesse Adagbonyin, Sara Cramer, Timothy Derochie, Bon Doucette, Ryder Kwan, Owen O’Farrell, Ryan Rekdal, Danilo Skipina, Chelsea Skoro, Makena Siller Grade 2 Kiran Brar, Ria Brar, Sadie Brar, Danica Challenger, Emily Clarke, Nolan Goertzen, Vijay Hansra, Liam Kanders, Megan Misirlis, Lineda Nathan, Mason Oldewening, Jenna Penner, Wyatt Stackhouse, Talia Van De Kerkhof, Maryn Wensley Grade 3 Sage Barrett, Marissa Burke, Kenneth Chuy Luo, Andrew Goncalves, Zoe Koehn, Ryder Marshall, Ryleigh Meredith, Cadence Mullen, Brodie Phillips, Akash Ram, Tayja Seabrook, Cassie Stackhouse, Jamie Thomson, Kayse Thompson, Brayden Ward Grade 4 Lily Bourque, Jada Funnell, Jenna Hadden, Ella Jorgenson, Mason Lemmen, Parker Lemmen, Adam Lewthwaite, Kiera Meunier, Breanna Misirlis Grade 5 Jillian LaPensee, Samantha Low, Marcus Rekdal, Jordan Salchert, Riley Ward Grade 6 Cassie Barrett, Grace Jorgenson, Alex Lewthwaite, Mackenzie Peters, Meghan Toolsie Grade 7 Calia Alexander, Sam Brown, Brandon Carniel, Aimee Dingwall, Cameron Ickert Special recognition is extended to our grade six girls team for receiving a second place ribbon. Well done! Also, a big THANK YOU is extended to Mrs. Dingwall and Mrs. Watanabe for offering this opportunity to our students. PUBLIC SPEAKING… Thanks to Mrs. Dew for organizing our recent public speaking event for Grade 4-7 students. Everyone enjoyed hearing all the speeches. Mrs. Kiez, Mrs. McMurray and Mrs. Suhopoljac had a difficult time selecting only one representative from each grade. Congratulations to the following students for a great job: Melissa Shipman, Brian Han, Mary Wang, Adam Hallman, and Brandon Carniel Congratulations to the following students who were selected to represent Hammond at the upcoming District Pubic Speaking event: Grade 4: Mason Lemmen; Grade 5: Chanelle Williams; Grade 6: Cassie Barrett; Grade 7: Rowan Crowhurst LOST AND FOUND… It is just amazing how quickly our Lost and Found boxes fill up. All items will be laid out and displayed during the week of May 4th. Students will have an opportunity to parade past these items however we strongly encourage parents to drop in and have a look too. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity. A reminder, smaller items such as keys and glasses are kept at the office. HAMMOND TRACK ATTACK DAY… This year, Hammond’s School Track & Field Day for grade 4-7 students will be held on Wednesday, May 6th. Come out to cheer on our athletes. DISTRICT TRACK & FIELD… The district event will be held at Maple Ridge Secondary School Thursday, June 4th and Friday, June 5th. More detailed information will arrive home with your child if he/she is selected to represent Hammond Elementary at this event. KINDERGARTEN NEWS… We will be hosting a Welcome to Kindergarten event during the afternoon on Friday, May 29th (1:00 – 2:15) for all upcoming Kindergarten students and their parents. Please note: Current Kindergarten students from Division 13, 14 and 19 will be dismissed at 11:00 am on this day to allow for next year’s Kindergarten students to attend this event. Kindergarten Registration for 2015-16 is on-going. If you know of any families who have not yet registered their child for Kindergarten, or have moved into the area, please remind them that they need to register. FUN DAY… Mark your calendars! A whole school FUN DAY has been scheduled for Friday, June 19th at Harris Road Park. More details to follow. SCHOOL SUPPLIES… Once again we are providing parents of next year primary students (Kindergarten to Grade 3) the opportunity to purchase school supplies for September 2015 from Creative Children. Order Forms will be coming home May 11th. To avoid penalty fees, order forms must be returned to the school, or directly to the company, by Friday, May 29th. Please note, this is a voluntary program, however we encourage it as a way to get good quality supplies at the best price. (Kindergarten parents will have their order form included with their invitation to the Welcome to Kindergarten event.) For those parents of Grade 4-7 students, and for those parents wishing to purchase their own supplies, supply lists will be posted on the school website in mid-May. PAC NEWS... Next meeting ~ The next PAC meeting will be Friday, May 15th at 1:00 pm. (The PAC Annual General Meeting will be held in June). Hot Lunch/Snack Days ~ Order forms are due back by May 5th. Friday, May 8th - Popcorn Day / Friday, May 15th - Pita Pit Day / Friday, May 29th - Hot Dog Day Spring Bazaar – Hammond’s Annual Spring Bazaar was a success. Thank you to all the vendors, volunteers, visitors and raffle basket donators. Scholastic Book Fair ~ Hammond’s recent Book Fair was also a success. Over $1,200.00 in books was raised for our library. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that put in a shift or 2 or even 3! The Book Fair would not happen without you and we appreciate all the help. Spring Flower orders - pick up is Thursday, May 6th between 2:00 – 3:00 pm. Please arrange for someone to pick up your order for you if you are unable to make it. Western Direct Fundraiser ~ Order forms for Gourmet Ready-To-Bake cookies, Pies and cheesecakes, as well as Pizzas and bread products have gone out. Orders are due back Friday, May 8 th with pick-up scheduled for Wednesday, May 27th between 2:00 - 3:00 pm. Please arrange for someone to pick up your order for you if you are unable to do so. Yearbook Cover ~ Thank you to all the students who submitted such great artwork for the yearbook cover contest. Congratulations to ?? for creating the winning design! ?? will be receiving a free yearbook. Yearbooks can still be ordered at a cost of $23.00 between May 1st – 15th. Order forms are available at the office. Meridian Meats Fundraiser ~ Watch for a Meridian Meat Fundraiser order form to come home later on in May. All orders will be due back Friday, June 5th. Order will be ready for pick-up at Meridian Meats at 22621 Lougheed Hwy on Wednesday, June 10th between 12:00 – 7:00 pm. MONTESSORI PAC NEWS… Next meeting – The Montessori AGM will be on Thursday, June 4th at 7:00 pm in the school library. All Montessori parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWS 2015-16 School Calendar Included with this newsletter is the approved 2015-16 School Calendar. This calendar is also posted on the District website. COMMUNITY NEWS… Jabber-Wacky Camp is an exciting camp for creative kids. Come for the creativity and stay for the fun! Bring a friend and have double the fun. Camp is held at St. Patrick’s School July 27-31st 9:00 -3:00 for children currently in grade 37. Cost is $215. Register on-line at www.odysseybc.ca and follow the link to Summer Camp Registration. Attention all girls ages 7-18. Give Field Lacrosse a go! Drop in, fun filled afternoon for learning more about Field Lacrosse is being offered Saturday, May 9 th from 12:00 – 2:00 at Queen’s Park Turf in New Westminster. For more information about this free session, please contact Carol Soenen at [email protected]. For more information about field lacrosse in our area please contact Ridge Meadows Minor Lacrosse [email protected]. 2015-16 DISTRICT SCHOOL CALENDAR IS ATTACHED BELOW 2015-2016 DISTRICT SCHOOL CALENDAR Schools opening day for students Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Non-instructional day (school-based) Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 12, 2015 Non-instructional day (province-wide) Friday, October 23, 2015 Remembrance Day Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Non-instructional day (district-wide) Monday, November 23, 2015 Schools close for Winter break Friday, December 18, 2015 Winter break Monday, December 21, 2015 to Friday, January 1, 2016 Schools reopen after Winter break Monday, January 4, 2016 Non-instructional day (growth planning day) Monday, January 18, 2016 Schools Not in Session Friday, February 5, 2016 Family Day Monday, February 8, 2016 Non-instructional day (district-wide) Thursday, February 18, 2016 Schools close for Spring break Friday, March 11, 2016 Spring break Schools Not in Session Monday, March 14, 2016 to Friday, March 18, 2016 Monday, March 21, 2016 to Thursday, March 24, 2016 Good Friday Friday, March 25, 2016 Easter Monday Monday, March 28, 2016 Schools reopen after Spring break Tuesday, March 29, 2016 Non-instructional day (school-based) Friday, May 20, 2016 Victoria Day Monday, May 23, 2016 Last day for students Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Year-end administrative day Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Schools Not in Session Thursday, June 30, 2016 Schools close for Summer vacation Thursday, June 30, 2016 ELEMENTARY (K-7) DAILY SCHEDULE: 8:30am to 2:20pm. 295 instructional minutes per day. Kindergarten gradual entry the first 2 weeks of September. NB: Kanaka Creek Elementary will run its year round calendar separate from this calendar. SECONDARY (8-12) DAILY SCHEDULE: 8:30am to 2:40pm. 320 instructional minutes per day. Minimum number of hours of instruction that must be offered as per School Act and Calendar Regulation: 853 hours of instruction for students in kindergarten. 878 hours of instruction for students in grades 1 to 7. 952 hours of instruction for students in grades 8 to 12.
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