1025 Morningside Drive, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6C3 Telephone: 250-758-5711 Fax: 250-751-1873 Website: http://schoolsweb.sd68.bc.ca/hammondbay/Pages/default.aspx School Year: 2014 – 2015 Issue #8 – April 2015 Principal’s Message This is an exciting time of year at Hammond Bay. We have so many exciting activities still on the horizon before the end of the year. As we move into the week of the Spell-A-Thon tests, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our students for taking on the challenge of learning all those words. I am looking forward to hearing how well you’ve done! We have begun our whole school weekly Neck Point Walk/Runs in preparation for the Track & Field season. Please have a look at our bulletin boards that showcase the students’ art. There are some wonderful creations to be seen! Throughout the year we have been continuing to work on our school goals: literacy and numeracy, by designing and implementing two interactive projects. Our Monday morning announcements, during the past few months, have been written and presented by our students in various grade levels. The “news of the week” includes local news, school news, sports information, birthdays, and usually a joke or two. Our second project is Math Olympics, upcoming on May 6th. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a series of math games designed to support and strengthen their basic math skills, an area we have been working on this year. Please join us on May 7th for Young Entrepreneurs. Our Grade 6 and 6/7 classes will be presenting and selling their wares to students and parents as part of the final project for the Young Entrepreneurs program. Booths will be set up in the gym for the day. The foyer of the school is receiving a facelift. The Hammond Bay basketball hornet logo has been removed and in its place will be an art wall, to display and celebrate the many creative pieces our students are making. Thank you to all parents and community members who participated in the Your Voice 2015 consultation. The full report of results is available online on the school district’s website: www.sd68.bc.ca. A thank you also to Mrs. Therriault, our PAC Chair, who presented to the Business Committee regarding the Board of Education’s commitment to the construction/addition to our gym. Principal: Christine Bohm Vice-Principal: Sharyn Andruski-Collins Secretaries: Susan Clark Laureen Petley-Jones Public consultation is underway also regarding the proposed calendar and bell schedule for next year. The survey and all supporting documents can be found on the school district’s website, and is available until April 19th. I would encourage all parents to participate in this consultation. In addition, the Board of Education will be holding a series of public meetings regarding the budget for next year. The complete list of dates of the meetings is available on the school district’s website. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s educational program, please do not hesitate to contact me. Christine Bohm Mme. A’s Corner On April 27th, Luv2Groove will be at Ecole Hammond Bay. Julia will present workshops in dance for all students. Thank you to the Parent Advisory Council for supporting the Professional Artists at our school this year. Luv2Groove is the last group to perform this year. Other performances were Taiko Drums, Dufflebag Theatre presenting Snow White, and Will Stroet and His BackYard Band. Writers’ Club and Drama Club will wrap up soon. Student leaders have indicated that they would like to continue to promote drama at our school in the fall. There will be an assembly on April 28th at 2:00. Assemblies offer an opportunity for classes to share their learning, to practice performing and being an audience member, and to bring together our large school community for celebrations and announcements. I would like to thank teachers and students for preparing assembly presentations. Bravo! In closing, I would like to expression gratitude to the teachers and students in the lower portables. Music classes are engaging and noisy classes and the classes in portables are impacted by the twenty-two music sessions held each week in my portable. Merci! Ecole Hammond Bay – Newsletter Page 2 Are you moving? Erase Bullying Resource If you are planning to move away from the Nanaimo area or are transferring your children to another school next year, please advise the office as soon as possible. Your cooperation greatly assists us in determining our numbers and school organization for the 2015-16 school year. The Ministry of Education in conjunction with School Districts across the province have developed and implemented an online student and parent resource about and to report bullying incidents. Please visit www.erasebullying.ca for more information. Class Placements for 2015-16 Student Council Staffing for the next school year has yet to be finalized by the School District; however Hammond Bay staff will begin the process of student class placements in the last month of school. The staff works carefully as a team to discuss the best placement for their students. We consider the following criteria when making these decisions; Gender balance Mix of academic ability levels Student learning style Teaching style Student’s special needs Child and parent relationship with teacher Maturity level Work habits Physical and intellectual growth Contractual agreement Educationally relevant information from parents The decision for placement is primarily based on the recommendation of the student’s present teacher(s), the person(s) most familiar with their needs but according to the School Act, it is ultimately the Principal’s decision and responsibility. Parents may submit a letter to the Principal stating the type of learning environment you believe your child would need to be successful. Please do not indicate a specific teacher, but rather I would ask that you frame your comments in constructive and positive terms which highlight the educational merits for your child. Teachers will also be reading the letters. Please do not make an appointment with the teacher or myself to discuss the content of your letter. Only written requests to the Principal, submitted by May 22, 2015, will be considered in the process. In arranging new classes, we will endeavor to place students in the best educational setting. Please note that teacher assignments to specific classes will not be confirmed until late June, or even September. Thank you for your support and cooperation. Student Council members are excited about several projects as we head into the last two months of school. The students are planning a bake sale and a Bring Your Own Banana Day (Banana Royale). The dates will be in May/early June and will be announced over the coming weeks. Proceeds will go towards Nanaimo Foodshare, providing breakfasts during the summer for children in need. Our Council members also voted to have their goat money sent to Kenya and have chosen clean water as the pillar they would like to support for Free The Children. They have raised over $800 and counting towards global and local causes. Felicitations! After School Expectations Hammond Bay School is located in an ideal setting. Students love to stay after school and play on the playground and in the surrounding forest. Only two school staff offer after school supervision (Front and Upper Playground) for 15 minutes after dismissal. Due to this limited level of supervision, I would like to thank parents for picking up their children promptly after dismissal. Students playing in the forest should be directly supervised by their parent or a parent designate. Unaccompanied students are not allowed in the forest. Please review expectations regarding “stranger safety” with your children. We often have strangers walking through our school grounds or walking in the forest on their way to Neck Point Park. Spring/Summer Allergy Season We have had many students come to the office complaining of seasonal allergies such as itchy/watery eyes etc. If your child has seasonal allergies, please stop by the office to complete a Medication Form and provide us with your child’s allergy medication (Benadryl/Chloratripolon). This will save you a trip to the school with medication. Students must not keep medication in their backpack; it must be stored at the office. Spell-a-thon The big test is taking place the week of April 20-24. Following the test, students will be asked to collect their pledges and return them to the school by April 30th. Various prizes will be awarded to students on Ecole Hammond Bay – Newsletter Friday, May 8th in recognition of their participation. Thank you to PAC for sponsoring this event. This is an important PAC fundraising event and we would like to thank all families for their support. Assemblies Please join us on April 28th at 2:00 pm in our gym for the following Grade 3 class presentations: Mme. Anneli/Mme.Knight and M. Mercier. Concours d’Arts Oratoire Our Grade 4-7 students worked hard on their Concours d’art oratoire speeches and presentations. Congratulations to all the participants who presented and to those who continued on to the District competition. Track and Field Track and Field practices have now started in the students’ PE classes. Grade 3 to 7 students were invited to participate in our School Track and Field Meet on Monday, April 20th at the Rotary Bowl. It was a beautiful day with all of our students demonstrating their athletic prowess. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered. The donation of your time is greatly appreciated. Over the next few weeks, students who have qualified will then continue their training in preparation for the Zone Meet on Wednesday, May 27th. Age Groups for Track and Field are: Tykes – born in 2005-06 PeeWee – born in 2003-04 Bantam – born in 2001-02 Healthamongus Upcoming on May 12 - 15 students in Kindergarten – Grade 3 will participate in the annual Healthamongus Days event with Nanaimo Parks and Recreation at Beban Park. Healthamongus Days is an event with games and activities to encourage a healthy lifestyle through activity. This year the activities will be taking place outside, so remember to dress for any type of weather! Class/Team/Whole School Photos Lifetouch Studios will be here on Friday, May 29th for class, team and whole school photos. Dress Code As in the past, we appreciate the fact that our students come to school appropriately dressed for our school activities and the Page 3 weather. Please remember to have a pair of running shoes for PE at school if you are planning to wear sandals. Flip Flops are not appropriate footwear for school. T-shirt logos must be appropriate and shirts should cover the midriff and should not be off the shoulders. Clothing or jewelry that have references to drugs or alcohol may not be worn to school. Beach wear: spaghetti strap tops, short shorts, muscle shirts, open back t-shirts etc. are not to be worn at school. Students will be asked to change or school clothing may be offered if alternative clothing is not available. Casual school wear is expected to be worn by all students. Library News Students are choosing a variety of books to read at home and in the classroom. Many will search our digital library catalogue for a specific book or author collection. Searching the library with this tool includes understanding the process of locating and retrieving information. Grade 3 students begin by learning about subject categories while grades 4-7 students can apply this knowledge independently when necessary. Our library catalogue is available online. The Destiny program is what runs it. You can find our school using destiny.sd68.bc.ca and connect to student link to then scroll down to our school. Click on catalogue to access database. Teachers are selecting collections and resources to use as well. Keeping up with the circulation demand of fiction and non-fiction materials is challenging! A gentle reminder that parents are welcome to come by and take books home to share with all members of the household. Thank you parent volunteers, Rachel and Allison, for making it worthwhile. We need more of you! BookFest, Vancouver Island Children’s Book Festival, will take place on Saturday May 2nd from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM offering sessions throughout town. Do check the list of presenters and register by going to www.bookfest.ca as sessions identify both the author / illustrator and intended age groups. We are fortunate to have to two authors coming to our school on April 29th and 30th. Thank you PAC for making this possible! Author Vikki Van Sickle will present to our gr. 5-7 students while author/illustrator Wallace Edwards will engage our gr.1-3 students. Do spring into books by choosing from a variety of genres. It’s refreshing! Robert Lussier, Teacher-Librarian Tammy Trickett, Library Assistant Sports As we wind up the Sports season, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our parent coaches, helpers, and teacher sponsors for their Ecole Hammond Bay – Newsletter dedication and support in making the SD68’s Interschool Athletic Activities program 2014-15 such a wonderful opportunity for our students to participate in. Congratulations to all the students on their outstanding athletic performances this year! Our Basketball teams, PeeWee and Bantam, boys and girls, enjoyed an action packed, nailbiting season. Congratulations to the Bantam Boys who placed 2nd, and the Bantam Girls who placed 3rd in the District League. Student Lunches We are getting an increasing number of requests for snacks and lunches from our students. While we do have some food to help when students’ forget their lunch or who are still hungry, it is of a small quantity. Therefore, we would please ask you to make sure that you send enough food for your children if possible as our ability to help is very limited. Cougar/Bear Safety In the spring, summer and fall, bear sightings in the vicinity of schools are fairly common and occasionally there is a sighting of a cougar. All sightings should be reported to 1-877-952-7277. Ask for the conservation officer on duty. Below are a few basic safety rules with regard to cougars. More detailed information is available on the internet at www.env.gov.bc.ca/cos/ Never approach a cougar. Although cougars will normally avoid a confrontation, all cougars are unpredictable. Cougars feeding on a kill may be dangerous. Always give a cougar an avenue of escape. Stay calm. Talk to the cougar in a confident voice. Pick all children up off the ground immediately. Children frighten easily and their rapid movements may provoke an attack. Do not run. Try to back away from the cougar slowly. Sudden movement or flight may trigger an instinctive attack. Do not turn your back on the cougar. Face the cougar and remain upright. Do all you can to enlarge your presence. Do not crouch down or try to hide. Pickup sticks or branches and wave them about. Students walking to and from schools: Walk in groups. Stick to the roads – do not walk through bush. Bike Safety As summer approaches and the weather is getting better, here are a few bike safety rules to remember: Page 4 Always wear a safety approved bicycle helmet. Always ride in view of your parent or guardian. Let you parent or guardian check that your bicycle is in good mechanical shape. Make sure your bicycle is safe and has reflectors, lights and a bell. Look both ways at intersections and make eye contact with drivers before proceeding. Give a warning as you approach walkers/runners to pass them. Watch closely for cars leaving driveways. Ride with traffic. Calendar of Upcoming Events April 20-25 Monday April 27 Spell-A-Thon Book Fest Opens Monday April 27 Luv2Groove Dance Workshops – First Class @ 9:00 am Tuesday, April 28 Assembly Div. 7 & 8@ 2pm Wednesday, April Author Vikki Van Sickle 29 Grades 5 - 7 @ 1:30 pm Thursday, April 30 Author Wallace Edwards Grades 1 - 3 @ 1:40 pm Monday May 4 Non-Instructional Day No Students Attend Wednesday, May 6 Math Olympics AM Thursday, May 7 Entrepreneur Fair Gr. 6 &7 Monday, May 11 Early Dismissal 1:45 PM Tuesday, May 12 Healthamoungus, Gr. 3 9:45-12:15 Beban Park Wednesday, May Healthamongus Gr. 2 13 9:45 – 12:15 Beban Park Thursday, May 14 Healthamongus Gr. 1 9:45 – 12:15 Beban Park Friday, May 15 Healthamongus, Kindergarten, 9:45 – 12:15 Beban Park Monday, May 18 Victoria Day Monday, May 25 Early Dismissal 1:45 PM Wednesday May 27 Zone Track/Field Meet Friday, May 29 School Picture Day Wednesday, June Last day of school for students 24 Thursday, June 25 Non-Instructional Day Friday, June 26 Administrative Day – Schools closed. Ecole Hammond Bay – Newsletter Community Events: Get on your bike and ride! You can take part in Bike to Work Week in lots of different ways. Register as an individual, a team member, or a team leader. However you participate, it's good for you, the community, and the environment! Individual - Want a fun way to get fit and healthy and do something positive for our environment? Register for Bike to Work Week! You can register as an individual rider now then join a team--or start a team--later if you like. It's quick, easy, free and fun to take part. Check out http://www.biketowork.ca/nanaimo/event-info for event and registration info. Alcohol Sense Online Resource The Population and Public Health Division, along with project partners at Ministry of Justice and the Centre for Addictions Research BC, have launched a comprehensive online resource, Alcohol Sense. The evidence-based information on Alcohol Sense helps parents learn about effective strategies for parent-child discussions tailored to the varying needs of children, teens and young adults. By giving parents the tools they need to talk to their kids about alcohol, Alcohol Sense prepares kids to be resilient in the face of negative influences that can lead to risky behaviours. As part of Alcohol Sense, nearly 10,000 liquor licensees will display posters or tent cards starting in April as part of the Ministry of Justice’s amendment to the Liquor Control and Licensing…Act (http://www.bclaws.ca/EPLibraries/bclaws_new/ document/ID/freeside/00_96267_01), which requires any business holding a license to sell liquor to display social responsibility messaging in their premises. These locations include provincial and private liquor stores, restaurants, bars and even golf courses. Ultimately, Alcohol Sense is a multi-year strategy that supports the Ministry’s strategic direction and the continuation of delivering messages that promote a culture of moderation to all British Columbians. Please visit www.AlcoholSenseBC.ca to learn more and share any feedback you might have. Keep moving, Keep Active Event Doctors, allied health & community organizations are joining together in Nanaimo’s 1st Keep Active Keep Moving Event Page 5 Nanaimo, BC –Keep Active Keep Moving inaugural event is taking place Saturday, May 9th 10:00 – 3:00 in Maffeo Sutton Park, 10 Comox Rd., Nanaimo. You won’t want to miss this. Preparations are underway for an exciting family event, "Keep Moving, Keep Active" led by Nanaimo doctors who are inviting allied health, social services, families, friends - the whole community to join together with one goal in mind - building towards a healthy Nanaimo. There will be free interactive sports demonstrations – try your hand at dragon boating, paddling, bocce ball, basketball, Tae Kwon Do, gymnastics, Tai Chi, Pilates - even lawn bowling! A variety of health and social service organizations will have information/demonstration booths in the park. You might even get a free massage. Join Doctors Derek Poteryko and Kelvin Houghton at 11:00 a.m. in a Walk With Your Doc www.walkwithyourdoc.ca, a one hour easy 3K walk around the park. It’s for people of all ages, no matter your ability. Then regroup in the park for the rest of the festivities. See what persona you'd like to put on at the Division Medical Get Up Photo Booth. It's never too early to get that family Christmas shot. We have lots of props but feel free to embellish with your own. Raffle tickets will be sold for fantabulous prizes with all proceeds to the Kids4Kids program. This unique after school program is a fun way of providing access to supports and resources that promote youth health in the broadest sense physical, mental, and social well-being. The program provides service for grade 6 & 7 students in community schools to reverse the cycle of poverty and welfare dependence, improve students quality of life through experiencing higher self-esteem, having successes in school, and acquiring the life skills needed to realize the value of work. Location: Maffeo Sutton Park, 10 Comox Road, Nanaimo BC Date: Saturday, May 9, 2015 Time: 10:00 – Kiosks and demonstrations open 11 - 12 Walk With Your Doc Swy-a-lana Lagoon to Nanaimo Yacht Club and back 12 – 3 Join us back in the park for the rest of the festivities Nanaimo Association Minor Hockey NMHA hosts co-ed recreational and female recreational teams, as well as competitive teams for players 5-20 years old. New player registration will take place in May. Please go to the Nanaimo Minor Hockey Association website at: www.hockeynanaimo.com or contact their office at 250-754-5010 for more information.
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