2015 Edition §170.315(h)(5) Healthcare Provider

Please consult the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) entitled: 2015 Edition Health Information Technology (Health
IT) Certification Criteria, 2015 Edition Base Electronic Health Record (EHR) Definition, and ONC Health IT Certification
Program Modifications for a detailed description of the proposed certification criterion with which these testing steps
are associated.
1. Required Tests
Note: The order in which the test steps are listed reflects the sequence of the certification criterion and does not necessarily
prescribe the order in which the test should take place.
Note that Section 1.2 is optional.
1.1 Respond to a Healthcare Provider Directory Query
Evaluate the Health IT Module’s ability to respond to queries for an individual provider, organizational provider,
individual and organizational provider together, and relationships between individual and organizational providers in
accordance with the Healthcare Provider Directory, Trial Implementation, October 13, 2014.
Item #
Technical Outcome
Test Lab Verification
Test Approach
A query is received from a third party
for an individual provider in accordance
with the standard specified at
§170.202(f)(1), and the query is
responded to according to the same
The tester verifies the Health IT Module
can respond to a third party query for an
individual provider, in accordance with the
standard specified at §170.202(f)(1).
Test data, test tool,
and visual
A query is received from a third party
for an organizational provider in
accordance with the standard specified
at §170.202(f)(1), and the query is
responded to according to the same
The tester verifies the Health IT Module
can respond to a third party query for an
organizational provider, in accordance with
the standard specified at §170.202(f)(1).
Test data, test tool,
and visual
Item #
Technical Outcome
Test Lab Verification
Test Approach
A query is received from a third party
for an individual and organizational
provider in accordance with the
standard specified at §170.202(f)(1),
and the query is responded to
according to the same standard.
The tester verifies the Health IT Module
can respond to a third party query for both
an individual and an organizational
provider, in accordance with the standard
specified at §170.202(f)(1).
Test data, test tool,
and visual
A query is received from a third party
for relationships between an individual
and an organizational provider in
accordance with the standard specified
at §170.202(f)(1), and the query is
responded to according to the same
The tester verifies the Health IT Module
can respond to a third party query for the
relationship between an individual and an
organizational provider, in accordance with
the standard specified at §170.202(f)(1).
Test data, test tool,
and visual
1.2 Federation
Evaluate the Health IT Module’s ability federate queries to other directories, in accordance with the Healthcare
Provider Directory, Trial Implementation, October 13, 2014.
Item #
Technical Outcome
Test Lab Verification
Test Approach
A query is federated to multiple
healthcare provider directories for
an individual provider,
organization, and/or the
relationship between an individual
provider and organization, in
accordance with the standard
specified at §170.202(f)(1).
The tester verifies the Health IT Module can
receive a federated query and provide a
federated response in accordance with the
standard pecified at §170.202(f)(1). The tester
should verify that the Health IT Module has
correctly aggregated the results and put them
in the correct result format as described in the
standard specified at §170.202(f)(1).
Test data, test tool,
and visual
2. Document History
Version Number
Description of Change
Released for Public Comment
March 31, 2015
3. Dependencies
For all related and required criteria, please refer to the Master Table of Related and Required Criteria.