Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 1 of 19 Calendar of Events Principal's News Student of the Week Curriculum Update Resource Centre P & C Spot Music Chappy Chrissy Community News Absence Hotline - 4726 1260 If students are absent please ring this number and leave a message detailing: Child's name, Class and reason for absence. CALENDAR OF EVENTS WEEK 5 Monday, 18th May P&C Meeting Tuesday, 19th May Interschool Cross Country Sunday, 24th May Touch Football Social Competition WEEK 6 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 2 of 19 Wednesday, 27th May State of Origin Free Dress Day - Gold Coin Donation Friday, 29th May Interhouse Fun Run - Cranbrook Park WEEK 9 Wednesday, 17th June State of Origin Free Dress Day - Gold Coin Donation Friday, 19th June Cranbrook's Fun-fantastic Fair Parade is every week on Thursday at 2:40pm Special parades will be advised PRINCIPAL'S NEWS The improvement and accountability framework for Queensland State Schools School Planning, Reviewing and Reporting Framework 2012–15 outlines the requirements for Queensland state schools to implement state and national reforms, and to meet the objective of the DETE Strategic Plan to drive improved learning outcomes for all students. The guiding principles of the School Planning, Reviewing and Reporting Framework (SPRRF) are: being collaborative, consultative and data-informed in reviewing performance; planning for improvement; and being accountable for outcomes. Under the framework, all state schools develop a four-year plan (School Plan) to implement the strategic direction of the Department. The School Strategic Plan has a four year outlook, which informs Annual Implementation Plans (AIP). The School Plan is reviewed and updated annually to maintain currency and alignment. Every four years, a Quadrennial School Review (QSR) is conducted to maintain an informed long term strategic focus. The Quadrennial School Review (QSR) is scheduled this year. The School Review that was conducted this year in March is considered a vital dimension of this review and will be timed to inform the QSR. The QSR process includes: • community consultation • internal school review 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 3 of 19 • consideration of the achievements of the previous School Plan • consideration of previous Plan priorities requiring renewed strategic focus • consultation with the principal’s supervisor • external review (School Review) • risk assessment process • verification of the review process • endorsement of the School Plan Parent Involvement – FOCUS GROUP Parents will be involved in the process at two (2) stages: • • The first stage (Term 2) is to review our performance against our current Strategic Plan to see what we have achieved The second stage (Term 3) will be to develop the new Strategic Plan for Cranbrook State School. Positions on the Parent FOCUS GROUP (Term 2) are restricted to 15 positions to ensure quality outcomes are reached. The PARENT CLASS REPRESENTATIVES (PCRs) will be given the first opportunity to participate in the FOCUS GROUP and if any positions are available, individual parents who are regularly involved in the school will be approached to fill the remaining positions. Positions on the STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PARTIES (Term 3) are restricted to 12 positions to ensure quality outcomes are reached. The PARENT CLASS REPRESENTATIVES (PCRs) will also be given the first opportunity to participate in the STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT PARTIES and if any positions are available, individual parents who are regularly involved in the school will be approached to fill the remaining positions. Responsible Behaviour at Cranbrook Students are provided with ongoing support in understanding and demonstrating expected behaviours. To help all parents and carers understand what a Cranbrook Learner looks like or sounds like, the following behaviours and settings will be included in every weeks newsletter. RESPONSIBLE - Eating Area Cleans own personal eating area before departing Follows directions of staff on duty Eats food and drink and keeps uneaten items Eats own food Asks for permission to leave the eating area Puts lunchbox away Brings healthy food 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 4 of 19 NAPLAN, Schools Performance, Principals and other Key Learning Areas The annual NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) testing process has commenced across Australia for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the areas of Writing Conventions, Spelling, Reading, Writing and Numeracy. It is very rare for schools to receive ‘high integrity’ standardised tests by which teachers, parents and students can gauge their academic progress against students from across the nation, state and school. What NAPLAN testing does provide is critical feedback to the school and teachers regarding our overall progress – both in terms of achievement and areas for further attention and improvement. This in turn assists educators in attending to teaching technique (pedagogy), curriculum content and areas of best practice and what works well. What NAPLAN does not provide is a picture of a student’s overall academic progression. It does not report on children’s ability and progression in other curriculum and social development areas. NAPLAN is not a one stop point for student progress. Never the less it remains the single point of comparison for many interested parties in determining a school’s overall performance. Parents investigating new school options, Principals, Principals’ bosses (in our case Assistant Regional Director, Mr David Morris), Deputy Principals and teachers alike all consider NAPLAN achievement when comparing overall school performance. Informed members of a school community know that there is so much more for consideration, however as long as the My School website continues to publish ‘league style’ tables of achievement, it will be a major factor for many when considering the best place to enrol their children. EMERGENCY CONTACTS Please ensure the school has up-to-date information regarding emergency contacts so that you can be reached if an illness or accident should occur. Jeff Capell - Principal 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 5 of 19 STUDENT OF THE WEEK CLASS TERM 2 - WEEK 3 PREP A Max PREP B Jasmine PREP C Lily PREP 1D Oceaiana 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 6 of 19 1B Cam 1C Chloe 2A Brodie 2B Brooklyn 2C Harrison 3A Khaid 3B Indiana 3/4C Izabella 4A Abby 4B Maddy 5A Phoebe 5B Rachel 5C Tommy 6A 6B Jaime 6C Tanelle CURRICULUM UPDATE ASSESSMENT TASKS Please request your copies of these assessment tasks if you would like to support your child at home. You can request them through the school website. Please click Request Assessment Tasks to access this option. HOMEWORK Homework is available on the school website for Term 2 Week 1-5 and is due back Friday 22nd May. 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 7 of 19 Please be aware that although homework is not compulsory it is imperative that children read every night to ensure success with reading. LEARNING JOURNEY - WRITING We have a few teachers trialling a learning journey for their next units of work and we are really excited about where this could lead our students. We are striving for assessment literate learners and will be listening to students talk about what they are learning and where they can go for help. We will keep you updated on the progress. You can never be overdressed or overeducated. - Oscar Wilde Tammy Haupt A/Head of Curriculum RESOURCE CENTRE Three accomplished Australian authors, DAVID LEGGE, GLENDA MILLARD and FRANCES WATTS, are visiting Cranbrook State School. The Authors will engage students in conversations about where they find their inspiration and ideas from, character and plot development, the use of creative language and the writing and publishing processes. Students in Year 2, 4, 5, 6 and 3/4D have the wonderful opportunity to participate in the author visits which will no doubt inspire creativity in their own writing tasks. A permission note was handed out to students last week. I encourage all students in Year 2, 4, 5, 6 & 3/4C to attend this special event. What: Author Visit When: Monday 25th May (Year 2) & Tuesday 26th May (Year 4, 5, 6 & 3/4C) Where: Cranbrook State School Resource Centre Cost: $2.30 – Due by Friday 22nd May with permission form Mrs Shepherd & Mrs Davey 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 8 of 19 P & C Spot Headpieces - from just $20 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 9 of 19 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 10 of 19 Cranbrook Sports House Shirts If you are still wanting to order a coloured house shirt they are still available at $10 each. Simply fill in an order form and place money and form in the box at the office. Our next sports event is the Interhouse Fun Run on May 29th. Orders for this event will close on Monday 18th May. If you have any mix ups or undelivered shirts please email Alisha at [email protected] 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 11 of 19 From the Music Room Chappy Chrissy 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 12 of 19 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 13 of 19 COMMUNITY NEWS 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 14 of 19 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 15 of 19 ART (Artistic Rollerskating Townsville) – Membership sign on welcome The ART NQ Roller Skating Club Inc. is welcoming new members. To join please go to our website at and download a membership form. We also invite all students to our fundraiser on May 23rd at Sk8way from 7.00 until 9.00 pm. Entry is $12.00 which includes skate hire. There will be some awesome raffles and fun games as well. Angela Arthur - Treasurer ART NQ Roller Skating Club Inc. 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 16 of 19 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 17 of 19 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 18 of 19 123 Magic & Emotion Coaching Parenting Program for DEFENCE FAMILIES The start date for the night course for 123 Magic & Emotion Coaching Parenting Program for DEFENCE FAMILIES has been set for Tuesday 26thof May. Please call 47 729 000 to register a place in the course. Regards Kirsty Taifalos - Facilitator 14/05/2015 Cranbrook State School Newsletter Page 19 of 19 Northern Connect Education and Life Skills Program Centacare North Queensland Telephone: 07 4772 9000 Web: 14/05/2015
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