First Floor, Commercial House 406-410 Eastern Avenue lford, Essex IG2 6NQ Telephone: 02085547012 Fax: 02085546066 Email: in Website: Commitment to Professional Excellence Terms & Conditions NAME: UK ADDRESS: DATE OF BIRTH: PASSPORT NUMBER: COURSE ENROLLED FOR: COURSE START DATE : COURSE END DATE : COURSE FEE : FIRST YEAR FEE :£2000 ENROLMENT FEE :£200 Terms & Conditions I am agree to abide and respect the following terms and conditions: Terms and Conditions 1. The student is liable to pay tuition fees and £200 Emrolment fee at the time of registration with the college. 2. When bank draft is used as a payment method, the student is required to mention his/her name and application reference number on the back of the draft to ensure that the fee is going to be paid towards his/her tuition fees. 3. The student will be issued a receipt after payment has been received and he/she should keep it as a proof of payment. 4. The student must inform the College of any previous refusal by the British High Commission (BHC). 5. Student tuition fees do not include examination and awarding body registration fees. 6. No refund will be given to a student in the following circumstances: In case of insufficient funds, false bank statement or the statement is less than the required duration; If you have received maximum points for your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) i.e. 30 points but your visa is refused for other reasons; If your visa of the UK Entry Clearance is refused due to submission of any fake or forged documents; If you fail to disclose that in a previous application you were found to have deceived the Home Office under sections 320A and 320B of the Immigration Rules; If you are asked to leave the country by the United Kingdom Authorities; If you leave the UK during the Course/Programme period without permission or without a covering letter from the College resulting in refusal of re-entry to the UK; If the disruption in your studies is due to a conviction, court proceedings or a Civil Court Hearing; In the event of cancellation due to a family bereavement or any other change in your personal circumstances. The student is advised to take out insurance against such unforeseen circumstances; If a student has obtained a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) letter from Central Cranbrook College and then decides not to follow his/her course; Failure to return all original letters issued by Central Cranbrook College, original visa refusal letters, appeal letters issued by the British High Commission or British Embassy and a copy of passport with refusal stamp; All education consultants associated with Central Cranbrook College are aware of our terms and conditions therefore any students referred to us by an education consultant should contact them directly if his/her visa is refused for any other reasons. 7. If your visa is refused, a refund will be paid after a deduction of £500.00 (registration/application handling fee). 8. The student is required to inform the College about his/her arrival and report immediately to the College to complete the enrolment process. 9. The student is required to pay 75% of tuition fees at the time of enrolment. If payment is not received the College will be under no obligation to provide the student with any further documentation. 10. The student is required to maintain an attendance of 70% and above. Failure to maintain 70% attendance will result being removed from the course and reported to the Home Office. 11 No refund is given if a student has attended classes for 4 weeks under any circumstances. The College has adopted the concept of Equal Opportunity whole-heartedly; therefore it makes every effort to promote it in and out of its premises. The applications of students from any of the diverse backgrounds are treated equally and fairly. It is imperative that the applicants disclose their special needs clearly in the application so that the Admissions Officer can examine the extent to which the College is physically capable of providing necessary support. By signing this Form you are giving Central Cranbrook College the right to obtain you personal data relevant to Central Cranbrook College from the BHC you applied from. By signing the application form and agreeing to our terms and conditions, you agree to abide by the Central Cranbrook College student code of behavior. Students are required to maintain attendance throughout the duration of their course. Central Cranbrook College is obliged to apply Home Office rules and insist that a full-time course is a minimum of 15 hours of daytime study per week. Central Cranbrook College is required by the Home office to record your attendance and supply any and all details when requested by them or any other Law Enforcement agency in the UK. If a student fails to achieve at least 70% attendance, he or she will be sent two attendance warning letters. If no valid justification is provided and attendance risk of falling below 70%, a final reminder/warning shall be sent to the student after which the student will be suspended from the college. The home office will be informed of this decision. Continued absence will lead to exclusion from the college and the forfeiture of any remaining fees. Students failing to pay their fees according to the agreed installment plans for two consecutive months will have their admission suspended. For re-admission, the student would have to pay the FULL balance of the tuition fees and £250 towards the administration expenses. Overseas students who have been granted a student visa must comply with the Immigration Rules. We also reserve the right to suspend or dismiss any student without refund of fees in the event of serious misconduct or unsatisfactory attendance/progress. Failure to appear at the agreed starting date without written notice will mean forfeiture of fees and notifying the Home Office. Central Cranbrook College reserves the right to change the times of the courses. The college prospectus is correct at the time of printing but is subject to alteration. Student Print name: Signature: ---------------------------------------- DOB: Date:
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