Middle Park State School Newsletter From the Principal's Desk Business Services Manager Happy Chappy School Calendar Page 1 of 19 P&C News School Payment Options Excursion Letters and Forms for Downloading Billboard Issue No 33 Term 4 2014 From The Principal's Desk Dear Parents and Friends, Hard to believe that this is the final newsletter for the year. It is a time when I need to thank all the parents, staff and students for making our school such a happy and productive place. Individuals are too numerous to mention but I feel that I need to thank the P&C for its amazing effort of fundraising and school support. Some of our well loved staff will not be with us next year for a variety of reasons. Mr Morris is taking leave for twelve months. Mrs Matthews will be taking leave for twelve months. Mrs Marshall has transferred to Indooroopilly High School to work with students in the Junior school. We have received notification from Mrs Ashby (who worked at the school some time ago and has been on extended leave) that she will be terminating her employment with Education Queensland. Mrs Winsor (BSM) will be taking leave for 2015 also. Academic Awards A reminder that Tuesday the 9 December is our Academic Excellence Assembly at 9am in the Undercover area. Christmas Appeal Middle Park State School traditionally participate in a Christmas Donation Appeal. We are once again collecting and this year the proceeds will go to Ellorac Place for Christmas 2014. http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 2 of 19 Donations, large or small, can be taken to your child's classroom. Items requested are non-perishable food items and toys (unwrapped). Many thanks for the generosity of those families who have already contributed. Medical Information for 2015 If your child currently takes medication at school, needs medication from time to time to help manage a medical condition or has a life threatening medical condition you will have received a letter and forms requesting you to complete the information required and return it to school as soon as possible. The information is used to update our records and to ensure we can easily find the appropriate treatment procedures for any child who suffers a medical 'event' whilst at school. If you have not already returned the completed forms, please do so by the end of this week. Anne Kitchin Principal Deputy Principal Welcome to the Instrumental Program Last Wednesday evening we welcomed the new recruits and their parents to the Middle Park Instrumental Program for 2015. Mrs Fiona Harvey the teacher for brass, woodwind and percussion spoke to the students and parents about what the day to day practicalities of being a music student look like. The enthusiasm and passion Fiona has for music was contagious and the excitement amongst the children could be felt. Mrs Harvey mentioned the new strings teacher for 2015, Mr Matthew Hoey, who sent along some advice for the new strings students. Mr Hoey will be based at Centenary State High School next year and will be the full time in the Centenary Cluster. All is looking good for yet another successful year in our Instrumental Music Program.’ Mrs Harvey and her Bands We were all treated to a huge musical feast last Friday when both Junior and Senior Bands played for us at the Upper School Assembly. Both bands played beautifully and the audience loved it. Check out the costume of the conductor dressed to compliment the piece of music and the wonderful trumpets of the senior students. Book Week http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 3 of 19 This popular event has certainly attracted a lot of interest from both children and parents alike. The orders are coming in thick and fast - some great holiday reading ahead! The ‘Guess the Number of Bookworms in the Jar!’ was a popular activity and the lucky winner was Stephanie Tame. Well done Stephanie! Olivia Seiler and Helena Turner won the insect construction competition and earned themselves a $20 gift voucher to spend at Book Fair. Congratulations girls! Basketball Premiers 2014 Congratulations to both the Year 5 Mixed and the Senior Boys Basketball teams for winning the Premiership in each of their divisions during the West Akuna Primary Sports Association inter-school competition this semester. Thank you to Mrs Kellner and Mr Morris for training these teams. Rugby Premiers 2014 The Senior Boys Rugby Team also had a great season winning the Premiership in their division. Ms Marshall presented the boys with their pennants and the Premiership banner. Last weekend the team played an additional game in the West Akuna Challenge Cup. They played an excellent game but lost to the Combined District Met West team. Ms Marshall presented the team with certificates for their outstanding effort, sportsmanship and team work. Cooper Smith and Patrick Morris surprised Ms Marshall, by presenting her with flowers and chocolates on behalf of the team. A lovely gesture boys! Joyce Kuth Deputy Principal Business Services Manager Workplace Health and Safety As part of our Workplace Health and Safety practices we are required to conduct Fire Drills and Lockdowns. For your information on Friday the 5 December we will be having a practice Lockdown. Outstanding Monies I would like to remind families who have outstanding accounts with us to please pay them prior to the end of Term 4. The money window will not be opened the last week of this term, however, directly depositing the funds into the bank will be. On a personal note I will be taking leave next year. Carmel Elmore will be my replacement. I have loved my time at Middle Park and have worked to ensure your children have the resources and facilities to optmise their learning. Thank you to the wonderful parent and staff community for your support during the last 2 1/2 years. Have a Merry Christmas and keep safe. http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 4 of 19 Karen Winsor Business Services Manager Happy Chappy Chats with Chappy SCREEN TIME AFFECTS SLEEP Dr Sarah Loughran, sleep researcher at the University of Wollongong says excess screen time can hamper sleep in three main ways: • Timing - the use of electronic media can lead to delays in children’s bedtimes. • Content - engaging the brain with exciting or provocative information before bed may trigger emotional and hormonal responses (like adrenalin), which can reduce the ability to fall and stay asleep. • Light emissions - light from electronic devices can disrupt the body’s natural occurring circadian rhythm, increasing alertness and suppressing the release of the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate our sleepwake cycle. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Dr Loughran suggests the following: • Set a ‘bed time’ for media devices one or two hours before kids go to sleep. • Tweak their bedtime routine - let kids wind-down properly in the run-up to bed, replacing screen time with gentle activities like stories, talking or bathing. • No media devices in the bedroom - kids may kick back at first, but you will soon see the rewards of setting and sticking to this tough rule. • Replace screen time with exercise during the day - outdoor exercise in bright light is wonderful for sleep and helps balance their ‘virtual’ and real lives. • Limit food and drinks during screen time, especially at night - electronic devices tend to encourage mindless over-eating and drinking (especially of caffeine), which can stimulate the body and imbalance hormones. The Department of Health guidelines recommend that 5-12 year olds have no more than two hours of screenbased entertainment per day, and that 2-5 year olds have less than one hour. Elorac Place Donations Just a reminder ... All donations for the Charity Hampers need to be in the classroom boxes by Tuesday 9 December. http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 5 of 19 Top 2 classes with donations will receive iceblocks!! Any donation, big or small is greatly appreciated by Elorac Place. All the best with your holidays. Astrid Liebermann (Monday and Tuesday) School Chaplain Middle Park and Jamboree Heights State Schools School Calendar MPSS_School_Calendar_No_33.pdf P&C Information Tuckshop News Friday 5th December is the last day of trading of Tuckshop this year. It is closed for the last week of school. Thank you to all of my volunteers and everyone who drop off ingredients throughout the year. Tuckshop wouldn’t be able to run as well as it does without you. I also would like to thank Zoe in 3H and Steph in 6M for helping me all year. I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. I will see you all again in 2015. Have a great week. Click here for the Tuckshop Menu for 2014 Helen McIntyre Tuckshop Convenor 0408 724 370 [email protected] Air Conditioning Maintenance P&C Maintenance letter regarding tax deductable contribution - please contact the P&C Shop P & C Shop Senior Shirts Year 6 Students 2015 http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 6 of 19 This is your final week to order your Senior Shirts. As advised in the letter sent home with the order form, it is a one time order system so don't miss out. Year_6_Shirts.pdf 2015 Opening Hours Before School Begins We will be opening the following two days prior to school starting. Monday 19 January 2015 - 2pm-4pm Tuesday 20 January 2015 - 8am-10am School Banking Thank you to all the wonderful students who have participated this year in our School Banking Program. Due to your support we have had a very sucessful year. Friday the 5 December will be our last banking day for the year. We will then recommence our program on Friday the 30 January 2015. There will be awards handed out on assembly this week. We would like to make a special mention of the following students who have been outstanding bankers this year and banked each week. Congratulations go to Kelsie Edwards, Frazer Edwards, Gypsy Edwards, Abbey Bobbermien, Emily Armitage, Mary Armitage, Matthew H, Chelsea Cheadle, Alexander Gooding, Neve Longmire, Ella Gooding, Blair Mooney, Evan Longmire, Ruth Armitage, Kate N, Mei N and Lauren Barber. P&C Operating Hours Monday 8.15am - 9.30am Wednesday 8.15am - 9.30am Friday 8.15am - 9.30am Summer_Uniform_Order_09_2014.pdf Winter_Uniform_Order_Forms-2014.docx Jodie and Tracey P & C Shop Twilight Christmas Concert http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 7 of 19 Thursday 4th December the P&C is holding our annual Twilight Christmas Concert. Notes were sent home on Wednesday 19th November 2014. Preorder your food at the P&C Shop. 5.30pm - 6.30 pm Sausage sizzle and burgers. Popcorn, Snow Cones, Soft drinks and other Christmas goodies will also be available. 6.30pm - 8.00pm Prep to Year 3 will show case their great singing. Please find attached the Christmas flyer for your convenience. Christmas_Concert_Flyer_2014.pdf Hope to see you all Thanks P&C committee School Payment Options Payment options available are as follows: PAYING BY INTERNET BANKING: Direct Payment into School Bank Account • School’s Bank Account Name is MIDDLE PARK STATE SCHOOL GENERAL ACCOUNT • BSB Number is 064-173 • Account Number is 00090129 • Please record CHILD'S NAME AND INVOICE NUMBER in the details section so that your payment can be recorded correctly - FAMILY ID can be found in your current Statement. If you require assistance, please contact the school office 3712 9888. PAYING BY PHONE: Payment by Credit Card Only • Call the School on 3712 9888, Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm • Please have the account and your credit card details with you when you call • Accepted cards are VISA, Bankcard, and MasterCard PAYING BY MAIL: Payment by Credit Card, Cheque or Money Order • Credit Card details completed on Payment Section • Cheque and Money Orders made payable to MIDDLE PARK STATE SCHOOL and returned with Payment Section on the invoice • Post to Middle Park State School, 27 Macfarlane Street, Middle Park Q 4074 PAYING IN PERSON: Payment by Credit Card, Debit Card, Cash, Cheque or Money Order • Payment can be made at the School Office, Monday to Thursday between the hours of 8:30am and 9:00am at the money window which is situated on the far side of the administration block. http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 8 of 19 EFTPOS facilities are available • Credit Cards and Debit Cards (EFTPOS), Cash, Cheques and Money Orders are accepted only between the hours of 8.30am to 9.00am Monday to Thursday otherwise payments can be dropped in during the day to the black payment box in the office. Please ensure any payments are in a sealed envelope with students name, class and details of what the payment is for. If any of these details are missing this may cause a delay in funds being allocated to your child’s account. CLOSING DATE FOR PAYMENTS PLEASE NOTE PAYMENT CUT-OFF DATES WILL BE ENFORCED. MONEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DUE DATE. PAYMENTS RECEIVED INTO OUR BANK ACCOUNT ON THE DUE DATE WILL BE ACCEPTED. Excursion Letters and Forms for Downloading Click on the link below to print off the relevant forms or information: School Forms (These documents can only be viewed via the school website and not via the QSchools App) Contact_details_of_Staff.pdf Impact Room Brochure Resource Scheme Request for Student Refund Department of Education Request to Administer Medication at School Middle Park State School Student Medical Information Form Media Release Form Uniform Policy Instrumental Music Program 2014 Click here for public holidays to 2015 http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/fair-and-safe-work/industrial-relations/publicholidays Billboard Centenary State High School http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 9 of 19 Centenary SHS welcomes our Year 7 & Year 8 students for 2015 A very warm welcome to the new families and students soon to become part of the Centenary SHS community. Our new Junior Secondary building is nearing completion as is the formulation of our class groupings, in preparation not only for next year but for the Orientation Days scheduled for this term. So, thank you to all those parents/carers who have diligently filled enrolment packs and submitted these to us. This is then also a timely reminder to any families still with outstanding enrolment applications. These must be forwarded as a matter of urgency.It is essential to place students in the best class groupings and late applications may mean that these students will simply be allocated to a class with a vacancy. If you have any concerns about completing any aspects of the enrolment pack, please feel free to contact Centenary SHS by phone on 3373 4555 or email [email protected]. And here’s to a sensational 2015! West Centenary Scouts We have a big SIGN-ON day at the restart of school in 2015. Scouts have a great program of activities complementary to school programs including canoeing, kayaking, bushcraft, survival cooking, knots, building stuff, playing games, abseiling, rock climbing, safety, first aid, hiking, camping, navigation, internet/ham global chats, event for the disabled and lots of partnerships with local landcare groups (WACC). Please visit our new web page for more information or contact myself on teh below number. www.westcentenaryscouts.org.au Mark Brannigan 0435-347-835 [email protected] West Centenary Scouts Chairperson School Holiday Cricket Clinics HENSCHELL CRICKET ACADEMY PTY LTD will be conducting Cricket Coaching Clinics during the Summer school holidays. Girls and boys of all standards, 6 to 17, are welcome. http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 10 of 19 The December “Performance Improver” Clinic will concentrate on building skills whilst having fun and enjoying the game of cricket. The January “Season Preparation” Clinic will concentrate on preparing players for the Post Christmas Club and School cricket seasons. Non cricketers, looking for something active to do during the school holidays or wanting to learn how to catch and throw properly, are very welcome at these Clinics. Attendees will be arranged with others of like ability and age, in groups small enough to ensure individual tutelage is provided. A Cricket Australia accredited coach will be allocated to each group for the duration of the Clinic to enable a structured program to be delivered and a comprehensive written report will be provided post Clinic conclusion. A Senior First Aid Officer will be in attendance in case of illness or injury. At each Clinic, one lucky player will win a Gabba cricket bat valued up to $175.00 (depending on size) simply by attending! Where: Fig Tree Pocket State School, Cubberla Street, Fig Tree Pocket When: Week 1 - Monday 15 to Thursday 18 December 2014 inclusive Week 2 - Monday 5 to Thursday 8 January 2015 inclusive Time: 8:30am to 12:00pm each day What to wear: White shirt, sunscreen and hat/cap What to bring: Personal cricket gear (if owned), water, snack, positive attitude Cost: $199.00 (Incl. GST) per Clinic (family rates available) To book your place at these 4 day Clinics, or for further information, please contact Brett Henschell via email [email protected] or by mobile 0458 026 224. Assessment and Treatment of Fears and Anxiety in Children Griffith University Parents, is your child fearful of certain situations or do they seem to experience ongoing feelings of anxiety? At Griffith University, we are conducting a large-scale study for children (10 to 13 years of age) with anxiety that includes a thorough assessment and a novel, home-based treatment using computers and telephone contact from a trained clinician. We are providing this service at no cost to families. To find out more about this project, please contact our team on 07-3735 3418, [email protected]. http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 11 of 19 Australian Air League Queensland Head in the clouds? Why not fly something there too? The Australian Air League is a youth organisation for boys and girls of 8 years and over who are interested in aviation and associated subjects. Parade nights are held weekly and include marching, physical activities, aviation, meteorology, and aircraft building. Cadets regularly fly RC aircraft more their size through the skies, and inspect airfields, hangars and more on day outings, along with travelling further afield on overnight camps with other Squadrons. Specialist training and leadership courses are also available. For more information about the Australian Air League Inc. and Forest Lake Squadron contact:Chris Chandler 0421 578 641 http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 12 of 19 [email protected] www.airleague.com.au Would you like your family to live a healthier lifestyle? Researchers at the University of Queensland are currently offering a FREE Triple P parenting program to parents of children 3 to 10 years in exchange for participation in research. Across three seminars you will learn strategies for… P Managing both general and lifestylespecific child problem behaviours P Helping your child eat a healthy balance of nutritious foods P Motivating your child to be more active P Limiting screen time The program is run at St Lucia and Ipswich, with free childcare available for families. To register visit our website: www.exp.psy.uq.edu.au/life Jessica Bartlett –Project Coordinator Email: [email protected] Phone: 0424 321 086 (please leave a message) TAKE HOME A BIG BROTHER OR BIG SISTER Give your children the wonderful opportunity to have an international big brother or big sister by volunteering to host one of our exceptional international students arriving in Australia in July 2014 for their 3,5, or 10 month programs. Our international students from France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Spain and Colombia will live as a local, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending money, and comprehensive insurance cover, all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. You choose the nationality, the gender, the duration and the interests of the student that you feel is the best match for your family. Visit us at www.scce.com.au, email [email protected] or call us toll free on 1800 500 501, request our international student profiles, and capture the spirit of family and friendship! Genevieve Eyre http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 13 of 19 Program Coordinator Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Tel: (03) 9775 4711 Toll-free: 1-800-500-501 Email: [email protected] Final program for 2014! Limited places available Confident Kids ® + teens is a fun and innovative coaching program for kids 5-14yrs that aims to boost confidence, emotional resilience, social skills and brain power. Students discover their strengths, and develop resilient thinking skills to reduce stress, anxiety, worry, or negative thinking. Essential tools to navigate the teen years! Our team of experienced Psychologists will coach, encourage and support your child to be all they can be! Medicare and Private health fund rebates apply. Register and Book online today at confidentkidsandteens.com.au Or contact us at [email protected] for more details. Groups held at our Kelvin Grove clinic Jindalee News JINDALEE NEWS, STATIONERS AND GIFTS RE-OPENS (5/86 Curragundi Rd, Jindalee) JINDALEE NEWS had been an icon in the Centenary Suburbs since 1988 till the floods and other unfortunate circumstances took their toll and the business had to close down. We have once again reopened the doors of this beautiful store and really look forward to servicing the community... We have.... A Great range of Newspapers and Magazines http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 14 of 19 A Wide range of Cards and Wraps GO CARDS – Recharge and New GIFTS for all occasions, Lots and lots of stationery, ART & CRAFT, Children’s activities and educational toys...... BACK TO SCHOOL - STATIONERY AND TEXT BOOKS ALSO, COMING SOON..... ALL EDUCATIONAL EXCEL BOOKS,PASSPORT PHOTOS, Australia Post point and many other exciting services and products. Chance to make a very special present.!!! Everyone knows that a Christmas present made by a child or grandchild is a very special gift. Origami Dojo is holding a Christmas Decoration Workshops just in time for the giving season. So whether your making your own tree ornaments or gifts for Grandparents or special friends, they are sure to become precious keepsakes. The classes are aimed at the 8 years upwards and will guarantee something to keep everyone entertained long after the workshop. The workshops will be held at the Graceville Presbyterian Church Hall in Banks Road on December 16, 17 & 18th with two sessions a day to choose from starting at 9:30 and 1:30. The workshops will only cost $35 per child with all materials supplied…and to stretch your holiday dollar even further, there are family discounts and parents and carers are free. For more information contact Jonathan Baxter on 3172 7291 or email [email protected] Sunnybank Junior Chess Competition SUNNYBANK JUNIOR CHESS COMPETITION: 13 December 2014 http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 15 of 19 A Queensland Junior rated chess competition for primary and high school students will be held from 9am to 12:30pm on Saturday 13 December 2014 at Sunnybank State High School, Sunnybank, Brisbane. There is a Beginners Division and Advanced Division. • Competition format: 7 round tournament (students play all rounds, irrespective of whether they win or lose) • Divisions: ◦ Beginners Division: students will receive coaching; excellent opportunity for primary school students who are new to chess to practice in a friendly and supportive environment ◦ Advanced Division: excellent opportunity for students to further their chess skills and interest, as well as to improve their Queensland Junior rating (time control: 15 mins/side) • Prizes: ◦ Beginners Division: 1st place: $30; 2nd place: $20; encouragement prize: chess book/set ◦ Advanced Division: 1st place: $50, 2nd place: $30; under 650 QJ: $30; random draw prize: chess book/ set • Entry fee: ◦ Early bird: $20; if paid before 7/12/2014 ◦ Standard: $25; if paid after 7/12/2014 but before 12/12/2014 ◦ Late: $30; if paid on the day • Registration: www.sunnybankchess.weebly.com Metro South Oral Health Services Please click on the flyer below to find out more information about Free Children's Dental Program. Dental_Van_Flyer.pdf 2015 Sign On Day Players (Boys & Girls) from the year they turn 5 to Senior Men’s & Women’s, Over 30’s & Over 40’s. http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 16 of 19 8 week Pre season & mid season Mini cats programs for 3-5 year olds also available. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT on MEMBERSHIP and UNIFORMS will apply if you sign in on either of the two sign in days! SIGN ON DAYS AT MIDDLE PARK SHOPPING CENTRE • Saturday 31 January 2015 8.30am-3:30pm • Saturday 7 February 2015 8.30am-3.30pm Please pre-register your details at https://qcsacats.myclubmate.com/mydetails/ Enquiries If you have any queries about joining the club, please contact: St Catherine's United Football Club Inc. P O Box 304 Mt Ommaney Qld 4074 Registrar Chad Ryan Mobile: 0409 610 155 Email: [email protected] School Crossing Supervisor Position. A position exits at our school for a school crossing supervisor. If you would like to help out in the school community and get paid to do so, please contact Elizabeth Vince (Road Safety Officer) on 3813 8607. Thanks very much http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 17 of 19 Elizabeth Vince Road Safety Officer | SEQ South Customer Services Branch | Department of Transport and Main Roads MacFarlane Street MIDDLE PARK QLD 4074 07 3712 9888 07 3712 9800 [email protected]/ http://www.middparkss.eq.edu.au Our Sponsors http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 18 of 19 Please click on any advertisement to email the affiliated business or view further details such as company brochures, flyers or promotions http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014 Middle Park State School Newsletter Page 19 of 19 http://publish.newsserv.com.au/epublisher/printfriendly.php?id=214748455994 &scho... 4/12/2014
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