Baby Safe Haven Law: Save Two Lives Campaign PCSWNews O Connecticut General Assembly Where we’ve been lately... ver the last two months, Executive Director Carolyn Treiss spoke to the Hartford Area Business Economists (HABE) on the Status of Women in Connecticut’s Workforce HB 6932: Bill to establish paid family and medical Leave report (3/12); at the Harriet Beecher continues to work its way through the legislative proStowe Center on women’s rights as cess and gain public support; SB 428: to protect unpaid human rights (3/26); to the annual interns from sexual harassment, receiving a unanimous, meeting of ConnSACS (4/9); and to bi-partisan vote out of the Senate, now awaits a vote UConn’s Humphreys Institute for in the House of Representatives before being sent to Political Social Work (4/11), at which the Governor; HB 5848: to provide training for women re-entering the workforce advances; HB 6498: to strength- Senior Legislative Analyst Jillian en sexual assault evidence collection, has been sent to the Gilchrest was also a panelist. Treiss House; SB 904: to expand disability benefits to female vet- will speak to the AAUW’s annual conference on April 25. erans, garnered bi-partisan vote out of the Senate, awaits a vote in the House of Representatives before being sent to the Governor; HB 5500: to expand fertility coverage for Communications Director Christine Palm spoke on women’s rights at Lauthose diagnosed with cancer, continues to make its way relton High in Milford (4/8); at Eastthrough the legislative process; SB 650 and HB 6848: to expand protections for victims of domestic violence; will ern CT State University (4/15); and at CCSU (4/20). And Jillian Gilchrest ensure that if a judge determines a victim is in imminent danger and grants a temporary restraining order, all spoke at a UCONN rally/press firearms will be removed from the individual being served conference on Affirmative Consent in with the temporary restraining order. As required by cur- campus sexual assault cases (3/27). rent law, a hearing will occur within two weeks to grant a ...and don’t miss these. full restraining order. Apr. 23-26: HeartBeat Ensemble’s system “Gross Domestic Product” workshop production and discussion; Legislators, advocates and representatives of the federal Carriage House Theater, Hartford; government gathered on March 10 to explore a viable various times. system of paid family and medical leave in Connecticut. Left to right at Paid Leave Roundtable: U.S. Con- Apr. 23: “Conversations with Exgresswoman Rosa DeLauro; Deputy Secretary of Labor traordinary Women” with Teresa Younger, Ms. Foundation Christopher Lu; Sen. Ed Gomes; Sen. Mae Flexer; for Women, and others; Matrix Conf. Gretchen Raffa, Planned Parenthood of Southern New Center, Danbury; 5-8 p.m. England; Lori Pelletier, AFL-CIO; Catherine Bailey, Apr. 24: “Stand Against Racism” CWEALF; Carolyn Treiss, PCSW; Michele Mudrick, community breakfast gathering sponUCC; and Isa Mujahid, paid leave advocate. Since women are still the primary caregivers in most families, sored by the Hartford Region YWCA; Broad Street, Hartford; 7:30- 9 a.m. paid family and medical leave would greatly enhance their economic security by allowing them to earn a pay- Apr. 30: “Reproductive Rights After Griswold v. CT” 50-year retrocheck during the time they must take extended leave spective, co-sponsored by the Amerto care for a newborn or an adopted child, their own ican Association for the History of healthcare crisis, or that of a loved one. Medicine, and Planned Parenthood of Southern New England; Omni Ballroom, New Haven; 5-7 p.m. Permanent Commission on the Status of Women April 2015 Bills on women’s issues advance T he PCSW is part of a non-partisan, public/private partnership to spread the word about Connecticut’s Safe Havens Law, which has saved the lives of two dozen infants since its passage in 2000. Communications Director Christine Palm designed the poster and logo being used to educate the public about this simple, effective law, through which anyone may drop off a newborn (under 30 days old) at any hospital emergency room, rather than risk jail time for abandonment or a more serious charge. Shown at March 2 press conference to announce annual Safe Haven Day (April 2), unveiling poster and logo is Rep. Melissa Ziobron, who serves on the working group along with Sen. Cathy Osten, Sen. Dante Bartolomeo, Rep. Gayle Mulligan, and former Rep. Pam Sawyer. Visit CT Safe Havens’ Facebook page HERE. Roundtable of diverse voices explores Paid Family and Medical Leave
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