Attention Adopted - Access Connecticut

Attention Adopted
Were you adopted in Connecticut?
Wilt you be 18 or older by July 1,2015?
Was your adoption finalized on or after October 1, 1983?
Beginning July 1o 2015 you will be eligible
to obtain a copy of your orisinal birth certificate
and updated medical history on file!!
ln20l4, Gov. Malloy signed into law a bill that restores the right of adoptees whose adoptions were
finalized on or after October l, 1983, to obtain a copy of their original birth certificate. Pursuant to
the new law, you are also entitled to receive a Contact Preference Form and Medical History Form,
if they have been filed by your biological parents with the Department of Children and Families.
X'or more information, please contact:
Department of Public Health, Vital Records Of;Ece: (860) 509-7700
(Original Birth Certifi cates)
Department of Children and Families: (860) 550-6300
(Contact Preference and Medical History Forms)
Karen Caffrey, Access Connecticut: (860) 306-0900
(General Information)
Notice to Biological Phrenfs:
ttre new law provides that you may file a contact
Preference Form and updated Medical History Form with the Department of Children and Families,
which will be provided upon request to your adult offspring. The Contact Preference Form allows
you to indicate whethet or not, and how, you wish to be contacted. The Modical History Form
allows you to provide eurrent, updated medical health information that may be critical to the
health of your offspring and their children.
Access Connecticut h seeking to identify adoptees who are eligible to receive their original birth certiJicate under the
new low and would be willing to be interviewed or speak to the media. Please conlact Carol Goodyear at (860)5556850 or Karen Calftq at (860) 306-N00for detaih,