..CATALOGUED.. “classify, categorise, systematise, systemise, index, list, archive, make an inventory of, inventory, record, register, file, log, enumerate, alphabetise, itemise, pigeonhole, tabulate” At the beginning of next term on .Thursday 30 April. in your CTS sessions you will give a 3 minute presentation to the rest of you group and your tutor on your chosen essay question. This will be Formatively Assessed and will be place on your .BLOG. before the session starts. This will consist of .12 slides lasting 15 seconds. each. This is sometimes called a …PecaKU.. Your presentation will answer these six questions. 1. WHY have you chosen your subject and the related question? (What personally motivated you to choose this question?) 2. HOW you are going to go about answering the question? (What methods are you going to employ to understand the subject?) 3. WHAT do you think you will gain by answering this question? (How do you think this will help you with your graphic design work?) 4. WHO will you use to help you construct your arguments? (Which authors/thinkers/makers will help you in your quest?) 5. WHERE will you go to get information to help you write your essay? (What primary research will you use and where will you find this?) 6. WHEN will you do all this work? (Present a detailed timetable of when you are going to write your essay and construct your CATALOGUE) Deadline: Thursday 28st May by 4pm. A Single PDF of your catalogue uploaded to Turnitin of under 20Mb (NOTE: If you do not hand your work in through TURNITIN you CANNOT pass this assignment) AND 2 physical copies handed to your tutor in your usual CTS Room on Thursday 28st May .CATALOGUING. “classifying, categorising, systematising, systemising, indexing, listing, archiving, make an inventories of, inventory, recording, registering, filing, logging, enumerating, alphabetising, itemising, pigeonholing, tabulating” Your .CATALOGUE. submission will consist of a 2000 word essay, which will be fully referenced with, in text citations and a Reference List, Bibliography and a List of Illustrations using the Harvard Referencing System. You need to exclusively use the Cite Them Right Online Resource that UAL require you to use for Harvard Referencing in academic writing. SEE http://www.citethemrightonline.com/ This essay will be based on the question you have chosen from one of the lectures you attended and will be developed by your CTS tutor during your Thursday CTS sessions. The introduction to your essay will tell the reader WHY you chose this subject, HOW you went about finding out more about the subject. Your .CATALOGUE. will also contain 6 “Appendices” which will be an archive of articles of all the 6 lectures you had in the Spring Term 2, which you will have recorded in detail on your .BLOG. It will have an introduction at the beginning of the Catalogue that tells the reader why you have constructed your catalogue in the way you have and you will also have a contents page that will help the reader navigate through your work. .HOW. you lay out your catalogue, the size and the format will be entirely up to you. You may wish to have a consistent style through out or you may want to have a style that is particular to each lecture. Some of the lectures may lend themselves to use more text while others may be much more image based. Your essay can be at the beginning, middle or end of your .CATALOGUE. and you will have to decide which works best for the reader and the reading/viewing of the work. Your .BLOG. entries will be the starting point for the construction of your Catalogue and the more you have done on them the easier you will find to process this work into coherent, concise and thoughtful pieces. Example publications from last year’s CTS 1 Unit 1. Imagine what you’ll know tomorrow. PDF 2. DRUNK WITH POWER, FANS ARE ON THE RISE PDF 3. Concealed Revealed PDF 4. CAN PHOTOGRAPHY CAPTURE REALITY? & OTHER STORIES PDF 5. I AM WHAT I WEAR. PDF Your Possible CTS 1 Essay Questions to Chose from are: 1. 'W hich elem ents (objects, perform ance and landscape) can form a counterfeit space? Investigate the details of a fictional or real exam ple.' 2. 'How does the Sim ulated Spaces and/or a Non-Space space alter our identity?' 3. 'Life after Disneyland - what will be the next Them e-Park?' 1. Disgust: W hy do hum an beings have a strong and fearful reaction to that which is alm ost, but not quite hum an? M ake reference to theories of the uncanny and abject 2. Robot is a word for slave: Discuss the relationship between work/labour/capitalism and the hum anoid robot/android etc. 3. Uncanny Valley or Uncanny W all: Can we get to the other side of the uncanny valley, or is it an uncanny w all? You m ight also ask why/if we should try 1. 'W hat has Photography ever done for Anim ation? 2. "M e, M yself and I. Am I who I am in photographs of m yself?" 3. 'Snap, Crackle and Pop! Im agine a world without photographs?' 1. How and w hy does History repeat itself? Or does it? Give examples of this happening and then analyse the event it 3 different ways. 2. Choose an anim ated film that has affected you in the past, or changed your thinking about the world we live in and then describe, situate and analyse it in 3 different ways chosen from the examples given in the lecture or ones you think are even more productive. 3. Your favourite anim ated character becom es a philosopher and com es to LCC to give a lecture about the im portance of Anim ation to the w orld. Tell the story of how they became a philosopher and what they then talked about at LCC in their lecture and how they were going to change the world through animation. More Questions to come….
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