Fall 2016 Essay Prompts Please respond to one of the following

Fall 2016 Essay Prompts
Please respond to one of the following essay questions. Your essay will be
evaluated for the quality of your writing and your ability to provide a focused
response to the question you choose. Your response should demonstrate
intellectual curiosity and academic rigor, and should be thoughtful, well-organized
and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Please limit your response to 500
 Werner Heisenberg and Horace Lamb are attributed similar
quotes. Heisenberg allegedly stated, “When I meet God, I am going to ask
him two questions: Why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he
will have an answer for the first.” What scientific truth would you seek if
presented the opportunity? Why?
 Political philosophy is the analytical framework underpinning the evolution
of one’s conceptual, historical, ethical, and political views. Elucidate your
own, personal, political philosophy.
 What if everything you’ve been taught is wrong?