Doña Ana Community College Supporting Student Learning and Discovery Instructors in the DACC Welding Technology Program are some of the most highly qualified in the country. Students of the program not only gain the skills required to be successful in industry, but typically graduate with numerous American Welding Society (AWS) certifications, as well. Summer 2015 Classes CLASSES BEGIN MAY 28, 2015 2 Schedule of Classes Dates to Remember Be sure to also check deadlines listed in the table on page 5. New Freshman will register during a New Student Orientation. Contact the Academic Advising Center (East Mesa Campus, DASR 103) for details, 575-528-7272. APRIL 2015 9 Senior & Junior Crimson Scholars and students with disabilities: Registration for all summer sessions begins 9 Veteran Students: Registration begins 10 Sophomore & Freshmen Crimson Scholars: Registration begins 13 Senior Citizens 15 Sophomores (28 + crs.): Registration begins 16 Freshmen (0 – 27 crs.): Registration begins 17 Nondegree students: Registration begins 17 Readmitted students: Registration begins 20 New and transfer students: Registration begins MAY 2015 25 Memorial Day Holiday: DACC and NMSU closed 28 Ten Week/Eight Week/Five Week 1 – Classes begin 28 Ten Week/Eight Week/Five Week 1 – Late registration begins: Late fees apply; late-fee charges incurred during this time are not refundable 29 Students with a balance due from any term prior to Summer 2015 may have their courses for Summer 2015 canceled if they have not made payment arrangements for previous term debts with University Accounts Receivable, 5:00 PM MDT JUNE 2015 CONTINUED 23 Five Week 1 – Last day to withdraw from NMSU/DACC; students who do not officially withdraw from a course or from the university and fail to attend classes will receive failing grades and be liable for all tuition and fees; this date varies for courses with non-standard start/end dates 26 Eight Week – Last day to drop course with a “W” (this date may vary for courses having non-standard start/end dates) JULY 2015 1 Five Week 1 – Last day of classes 2 Five Week 2 – Classes begin and late registration begins: Late fees apply; late-fee charges incurred during this time are not refundable 3 Independence Day Holiday: DACC and NMSU closed 6 Degree/certificate application deadline: Last day to submit an application 7 Ten Week – Last day to drop course with “W” grade (this date may vary for courses having non-standard start/end dates) 7 Five Week 2 – Late registration ends: Last day to register, add a course with instructor’s signature, or change registration (late fee applies) 9 Five Week 2 – Last day to cancel a course with full 100% refund* and no record of course on transcript—this date varies for courses with non-standard start/end dates 13 Eight Week – Last day to withdraw from NMSU/DACC; students who do not officially withdraw from a course or from the university and fail to attend classes may receive failing grades and be liable for all tuition and fees; this date varies for courses with non-standard start/end dates 15 Deadline to pay student account in full to avoid additional $10 payment plan fee JUNE 2015 1 Five Week 1/Eight week – Late registration ends: Last day to register, add a course with instructor’s signature, or change registration (late fee applies) 3 Ten Week – Late registration ends: Last day to register, add a course with instructor’s signature, or change registration (late fee applies) 16 Eight Week – Last day of classes 22 3 Five Week 1 – Last day to cancel a course with full 100% refund* and no record of course on transcript—this date varies for courses with non standard start/end dates Five Week 2 – Last day to drop course with “W” grade (this date may vary for courses having non-standard start/end dates) 23 8 Eight Week – Last day to cancel a course with full 100% refund* and no record of course on transcript—this date varies for courses with non-standard start/end dates Ten Week – Last day to withdraw from NMSU/DACC; students who do not officially withdraw from a course or from the university and fail to attend classes may receive failing grades and be liable for all tuition and fees; this date varies for courses with non-standard start/end dates 12 Ten Week – Last day to cancel a course with full 100% refund* and no record of course on transcript—this date varies for courses with non standard start/end dates 30 15 Five Week 1 – Last day to drop course with “W” grade (this date may vary for courses having non-standard start/end dates) Five Week 2 – Last day to withdraw from NMSU/DACC; students who do not officially withdraw from a course or from the university and fail to attend classes may receive failing grades and be liable for all tuition and fees; this date varies for courses with non-standard start/end dates 15 Deadline to pay student account in full to avoid $10 payment plan fee * To receive a tuition refund, courses must be officially dropped. AUGUST 2015 6 Ten Week/Five Week 2 – Last day of classes 12 Summer 2015 grades available Summer 2015 3 What’s Inside TOPIC Application for Admission Form Bookstore Campus Security Act Classification Breakdown for Registration Costs DACC Campus Security Information Dates and Deadlines Financial Aid Information Frequently Asked Questions How to Read the Class Listings Nondiscrimination Policies Online Classes — General Information Online Classes — Listings Payment Plan Refunds Registration Procedure Room Numbering and Building Locations Schedule Changes Short Courses Information Special Services Available Student Confidentiality Form Student Right-To-Know Act Web Registration Withdrawing from Classes PAGE(S) 11–14 10 See below 6 9 See below 2, 5, 6, 10 8 10 15 3 16 17 2, 7, 8, 10 2, 5, 10 4, 5, 6, 7 31, Back Cover 10 See below 6 15 See below 7 2, 5,10 RELATED OFFICE PHONE NO. Admissions Office Bookstore 527-7710 527-7692 See below 527-7500 527-7516 See below Registration Office Cashiers Office Financial Aid Office 527-7696 Cashiers Office Cashiers Office Registration Office 527-7516 527-7516 527-7500 Registration Office NMSU Registrar’s Office 527-7500 See below See below 646-3411 Registration Office Registration Office 527-7500 527-7500 RELATED INFORMATION WHERE TO LOOK DACC Graduation and Retention Rates Download DACC Catalog at and see page 4 of the Catalog (page 5 of PDF file) Visit: Visit:, and select “Annual Reports” Drug Free Workplace, Drug Free Schools & Communities Act Campus Security Act & Student Right To Know Act About Short Courses Campus Security Short courses do not run the entire semester. The dates they begin and end appear in the course listings in the column labeled “Begins, Ends.” Be aware that short courses may have different add, cancelation, and withdrawal dates. These are listed at the bottom of page 5. Security staff is available to all students, faculty, and staff at the various DACC locations. lf you have a security issue, need an escort, or require a guard for safety purposes, do not hesitate to call. Please refer to the telephone numbers below. Nondiscrimination Policies The Security Office, located on the DACC Central Campus in room DATS 153E (528-7029), is open Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. GENERAL POLICY. It is the policy of Doña Ana Community College not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status in employment or other college-administered programs. POLICY OF NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY. In accordance with the Americans with Disibilities Act, DACC does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, may be obtained from the ADA coordinator (room DASR 104-F at the East Mesa Campus; telephone, 527-7548). Campus Security Emergency Telephone Numbers Central Campus Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202-8962 Chaparral Center Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386-7451 East Mesa Campus Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202-9781 Gadsden Campus Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915-6954 Sunland Park Campus Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915-5728 Workforce Center Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915-6194 4 Schedule of Classes Steps to Register at East Mesa Campus* New Students 1A Continuing Students Readmitted/Transfer Students 1B Admission Application DASR 107 • 527-7710 Readmission Application DASR 107 • 527-7710 Pay $20 application fee Request transcripts, if applicable Request transcripts and/or GED scores 2 Placement/Compass Testing DASR 105 • 527-7569 3 Orientation • DASR 107 527-7710 4 Advising • DASR 103 528-7272, 527-7710, 527-7683, or 527-7519 5 Registration • DASR 101-H Or register ONLINE at • 527-7500 6 Payment Arrangements Cashier’s Office, DASR 102 527-7516 *Registering at Other DACC Campuses 7 If you plan to attend a campus or center other than East Mesa Campus, you may register for classes at that location. Names of offices there may be different from what they are in the flowchart, as sometimes several services are combined and located in a single office. For more specific information, contact the campus or center: 8 Financial Aid Office DASR 109 • 527-7696 Veterans Office if applicable DASR 107-A • 528-7081 9 Las Cruces Central Campus 3400 S. Espina Street (575) 527-7500 NMSU Housing Office If applicable Educational Svcs. Bldg. • 646-3202 Gadsden Center Interstate 10 and O’hara Road (575) 882-3939 10 Sunland Park Center 3365 McNutt Rd. (575) 678-6198 Student I.D. Card Office NMSU Corbett Center • 646-5302 11 Parking Parking Permit Decal ifif applicable applicable DACC Cashiers Office DASR 102 • 527-7516 Or NMSU Parking Department 1400 E. University Ave. • 646-1839 Summer 2015 5 Understanding the Flowchart on the Facing Page REFER TO NUMBERED TABS ON FLOWCHART BLOCKS TAB NUMBER 1A 1B 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 9 10 11 EXPLANATION AND DETAILS Admission, New Students: Complete and submit an NMSU Application for Undergraduate Admission form (starts on page 11) or apply on the Web at (see page 7). Request high school transcripts or GED scores. Admission, Readmitted and Transfer Students: Complete and submit an NMSU Application for Undergraduate Admission form (starts on page 11) or apply on the Web at (see page 7). If you are transferring from another institution, request college transcripts from all colleges you have attended. Testing: COMPASS assessments for class placement are required for those without recent SAT or ACT scores. For an appointment, call the campus or center nearest you. For the Central and East Mesa campuses, call 527-7569 (Testing Center located on East Mesa Campus, room DASR 105). For the Gadsden Center, call 882-3939. For the Sunland Park Center, call 874-7780. Orientation: Call 528-7272, 527-7710, 527-7683 or 527-7519 to reserve a space at a DACC Orientation. Academic Advising: Schedule an appointment to meet with an academic advisor. For information about academic advising at the Central and East Mesa campuses, call 528-7272. For the Gadsden Center, call 882-3939. For the Sunland Park Center, call 8747780. Registration and Payment Procedures: Refer to registration dates in the “Registration and Deadlines Table” below. After academic advising, you may choose one of two ways to register for classes. The preferred method is online at (see page 7). Alternatively, you may obtain a course-request card from your academic advisor, complete the card and have the advisor sign it, and then submit the card to the DACC Registration Office (DASR 101-H, East Mesa Campus). Once registered, obtain your official, “registration document” from the Registration Office or your academic advisor. The registration document serves as (1) your official class schedule, and (2) a statement of fees. Take this document to the DACC Cashiers (DASR 102, East Mesa Campus) to make payment and finish the enrollment process. Be sure to read and understand the section titled, “Financial Obligation Assumed upon Registering for Courses,” on page 8. Financial Aid Disbursement: Students registered under DACC may pick up disbursement checks at the DACC Central Campus. Veterans Office: Students with veterans’ eligibility may be certified to receive educational benefits by registering with DACC’s certifying official. DASR 107-A, 528-7081. See page 6. Housing: If you plan to live on campus, take your registration document to the NMSU Housing Office, located in the Educational Services Building, to verify your dormitory, apartment, or house assignment. I.D. Card: Visit the I.D. Card Office in Corbett Center, 1st floor (telephone 646-5302). Parking Permit: Parking permits are required on the DACC Central Campus and on the NMSU Las Cruces (Main) Campus. To obtain a permit, visit the DACC Cashiers Office in DASR 102, East Mesa Campus, or go to the NMSU Parking Department (telephone 646-1839), located at 1400 E. University Ave. (S.W. corner of Jordan St.) in the Auxiliary Services Building next to Barnes & Noble. Deadlines Related to Schedule Changes Important Reminders • Changes to your schedule may affect financial aid and/or your financial obligations to NMSU/DACC. DESCRIPTION TEN WEEK EIGHT WEEK FIVE WEEK 1 FIVE WEEK 2 Classes begin May 28 May 28 May 28 July 2 Registration by classification (see page 6) (see page 6) (see page 6) (see page 6) Late registration ($25 fee imposed) May 28–June 3 May 28–June 1 May 28–June 1 July 2–7 Last day to add a course WITHOUT instructor signature May 29 May 29 May 29 July 6 Last day to add a course WITH instructor signature June 3 June 1 June 1 July 7 Last day to change grading option May 29 May 29 May 29 July 6 Last day to cancel a course without having it appear on student’s transcript June 12 June 8 June 3 July 9 Last day to cancel a course and receive a 100% refund June 12 June 8 June 3 July 9 • NMSU and DACC offices will be closed May 25, 2015, and July 3, 2015. Las day to drop class(es) with “W” grade July 7 June 26 June 15 July 22 Last day to withdraw entirely from NMSU/DACC July 23 July 13 June 23 July 30 Classes end Aug 6 July 16 July 1 Aug 6 • Students may drop courses via the Web through the dates listed on the left. After these dates, official withdrawal procedures must be completed at the Registration Office. • Registration is considered complete once a student has registered for (a) course(s). If, after registering for a term or semester, a student chooses not to attend, (s)he must officially withdraw from NMSU/DACC for that specific term. • Students with a previous balance may have their courses for the current term canceled if they have not made payment arrangements for existing debt at the Business Office by May 29, 2015. 6 Schedule of Classes Registration Schedule by Classification IMPORTANT NOTE: The DACC/NMSU course registration schedule for continuing students has been changed from an alphabetic breakdown to an academic classification breakdown, that is arranged according to the number of college credits completed: CREDITS COMPLETED ACADEMIC CLASSIFICATION 28 + Sophomore 0 – 27 Freshman NEW FRESHMEN are required to attend a Doña Ana Community Col- lege Orientation (DACCO), during which they will register for classes. To sign up, call 575-528-7272. CONTINUING AND TRANSFER STUDENTS Determine the number of college credits you have completed by doing the following: 1. Log into using your user name and password. 2. Click on “Student” in the crimson tab near the top of the screen. 3. Click on the “Student Records” link. 4. Click on “Academic Transcript.” Select the appropriate Transcript Level & Transcript Type that applies to you and click submit. Under “Transcript Totals,” note the overall total in the “Earned Hours” column. The number of credits appearing there determines your classification day. Earned hours may include developmental studies credits that do not count toward graduation. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF COURSE REGISTRATION. Students must complete registration for all classes by the last day of registration, regardless of the starting date of any particular class. A student assumes full financial responsibility before registration is complete, however, if he/she has begun the registration process and enrolled in even one class. PREVIOUS SEMESTER BALANCES. Students with an existing balance may have their courses for Summer 2015 canceled if they fail to make payment arrangements with the Business Office by 5:00 p.m. on May 29, 2015. If a student chooses to stay out for a term, (s)he must officially withdraw from DACC/NMSU. ACADEMIC SANCTIONS. Students placed on academic warning, probation, or suspension at the end of the previous term will be mailed a notification of their status. If, during the previous term, a student had preregistered for the current term but was subsequently placed on suspension, his/her classes will be canceled and applicable refunds will be made by the Business Office. FIND YOUR TIME TO REGISTER. 1. Find the segment of the current classification or group in the lefthand column. 2. The designated date for registering will appear on the same line in the second column. If you choose not to register on your designated date, you may register at any time in the remaining classification sequence. CLASSIFICATION OR GROUP REGISTRATION DATE Crimson Scholars (sophomores and freshmen) April 10 Students with Disabilities April 9 (must have approval from Student Accessibility Services) Veteran Students April 9 Senior Citizens April 13 Sophomores (28 + crs.) April 15 Freshmen (0 – 27 crs.) April 16 Non-degree Students April 17 Readmitted Students April 17 New Transfers April 20 New Students April 20 Special Services Available ADVISING. Academic advising is available through your division or faculty advisor. Advisors are also available at the campus or satellite center you plan to attend: Central Campus, 528-7272; East Mesa Campus, 528-7272; Gadsden Center, 882-3939; Sunland Park Center, 874-7786. CAREER SERVICES assists with career exploration, career planning, employment search (job search/application, employer search, cover letter and résumé development, mock interviews, professionalism, and more), and experiential learning (internships, volunteering, service learning), and also facilitates employer recruiting events and networking opportunities. Visit Career Services on the East Mesa Campus (DASR 111) or Central Campus (DAMA 109), or call them at 527-7538. COUNSELING. Personal Counseling is available. You may call or stop by the Student Accessibility and Resource Center for more informa- tion. Phone 527-7548, East Mesa Campus, DASR Room 104-A or Central Campus, DAMA Room 117. INTERNSHIPS / EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING. See “Career Services.” STUDENT ACCOMMODATIONS are provided through the Student Accessibility and Resource Center, with offices on the Central Campus in Room DAMA 117 (527-7548) and on the East Mesa Campus in Room DASR 104-A (527-7548). FREE LEARNING ASSISTANCE. Student Success Center/Tutorial Services, DAAR 201, 527-7646; Academic Readiness Center, DAMA 116, 527-7575. VETERANS. Students with veterans eligibility may be certified to receive educational benefits by registering with DACC’s certifying official. 528-7081 DASR 107-A. Summer 2015 7 Registering, Accessing Grades, and Making Payments Remotely SAVE TIME! YOU CAN DO IT ALL ONLINE ADMISSIONS/APPLYING TO DACC Before registering for classes, complete and submit an NMSU/ DACC Application for Undergraduate Admission on the Web at Go to and log in using your NMSU User ID and Password. If you not yet created a myNMSU account, you can do so by clicking on the link, “Create Account.” THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE REGISTERING VIA THE WEB 1) Approval of your application for admission is required prior to registration. 2) Students must attain appropriate academic advising prior to web registration. 3) All holds must be cleared by the appropriate office before you may register online. LOGGING INTO MYNMSU 1. Open a browser session. 2.Access ACCESSING GRADES VIA THE WEB: • Spring grades available May 14, 2015 • Summer grades available Aug. 12, 2015 REGISTRATION PERIODS See page 6. PAYMENT METHODS MAIL — to NMSU - PO Box 30001, MSC 4570, Las Cruces, NM 88003 WEB — by visiting PHONE — Payments (575) 646-3927 or Questions (575) 646-4911 IN PERSON — by visiting the cashier offices located in Educational Services Center or DACC East Mesa campus office (2800 N. Sonoma Ranch Blvd.). Please note that the University does not accept demand drafts. 3. Enter your NMSU Username and Password. SPECIAL NOTES 4. Click “Login.” S/U GRADING OPTION. S/U grading option is available in web reg- CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION STATUS Before you register, all holds must be cleared by the appropriate office. 1. Click the “Student” and “Financial Aid” tab. 2. Click “Registration.” 3. Click “Registration Status.” LOOK-UP A CLASS & REGISTER 1. Click the “Student and Financial Aid” tab. 2. Click “Registration.” 3. Click “Look Up Classes.” 4. Select “Term.” 5. Click “Submit.” 6 On the “Look Up Classes” page; select any known features of the class. 7. Click “Class Search.” 8. Check the box next to any classes you would like to register for. 9. Click “Register.” FORGOT YOUR NMSU PASSWORD 1. Open a browser session. 2.Access 3. Click the “Forgot Your Password?” link. 4. Enter your Social Security Number and Date of Birth. 5. Click “Submit.” 6. Answer your secret question. 7. Click “Continue.” 8. Enter a Password, and confirm. 9. Click “Continue.” istration if the course is only offered as S/U grading. To add the S/U grading option to traditionally graded courses, you must process this option at your dean’s office advising center. UNIV 000. You may add UNIV 000 for 1–7 hours in the event a course is closed or to complete full-time status. This course must be dropped by the last day to add for the applicable term. Use this DACC Course Reference Number (CRN) for SUMMER: 23481. E–BILLING. Electronic Billing (E-Bill) is the official method for delivery of billing statements to NMSU Students. Billing statements are generated at the beginning of each month. At that time, an email is sent to the student’s official e-mail address with instructions on how to view their bill within the NMSU Web Payment System. Students also have the capability of creating Authorized Users within the NMSU Web Payment System. Information on how to create an authorized user can be found on the University Accounts Receivable “Pay NMSU Online page, ebillmake-a-payment/ PREVIOUS SEMESTER BALANCES. Students with an unpaid balance from any term prior to SUMMER 2015 may have their courses for SUMMER 2015 canceled. Payments for unpaid, prior-term charges must be received by University Accounts Receivable no later than May 29, 2015, 5:00 PM MST to avoid class cancellation. PAYMENTS AND PAYMENT PLAN FEES. NMSU offers students the option of paying term tuition and fees due over the course of a term. Information regarding Payment Plans and Payment Plan Fees can be found on the University Accounts Receivable website at DROPPING LAST COURSE WITH A “W” OR WITHDRAWING ENTIRELY FROM NMSU/DACC can be accomplished only in person, not via the Web. 8 Schedule of Classes Financial Obligation Assumed Upon Registering for Courses Disbursement and Repayment By enrolling in classes at Doña Ana Community College/NMSU, a student makes a financial commitment to pay the tuition and fee charges associated with that enrollment. The enrollment action constitutes a financial obligation between the student and DACC/NMSU and that all proceeds of this agreement will be used for educational purposes and constitute an educational loan pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 523(a) (8). The following terms and conditions are financial requirements of each student’s education related to their registration for a term at New Mexico State University. The payment of tuition and fees is the obligation of the student. By processing a course registration either via the Web or by submitting a course request card to an academic student registration area, a student acknowledges they have read and agree to the following terms and conditions: Students who have Financial Aid and/or Scholarship awards (with the exception of ‘workstudy’) and meet disbursement criteria will have awards disbursed to their student accounts at the start of the semester and every business night thereafter within the term. Enrollment is verified daily and adjustments to financial aid may result based on award criteria. DACC students not enrolled indirect deposit option may pick up disbursement checks at the DACC Central campus. For more information regarding financial aid disbursement, go to • REGISTRATION CONSTITUTES A FINANCIAL AGREEMENT between you (“Student”) and New Mexico State University (“NMSU”). Tuition, fees and other charges you incur, including but not limited to housing, meal plans, and bookstore charges (“Charges”), shall be added to your student account and are considered a loan for educational benefit. • YOU ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY. Once you formally register for classes, you assume the responsibility for understanding New Mexico State University’s official policies concerning schedule changes, satisfactory academic progress and the financial policies of the University as described in the ‘New Mexico State University Undergraduate Catalog’ or ‘New Mexico State University Graduate Catalog’ for the term of enrollment. •INSTALLMENT PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS will be automatic with a non-refundable deferred payment fee for any Charges not paid in full within five (5) business days of the start of the term. • CHARGES MAY BE PREPAID at any time in whole or in part without pre- mium or penalty. • CHARGES LEFT UNPAID for prior terms will result in disenrollment from your current term courses unless payment arrangements are made with University Accounts Receivable prior to the disenrollment date. • IN THE EVENT THAT YOU BECOME DELINQUENT in paying Charges or default in repaying Charges you will be liable for collection fees and any other costs incurred by New Mexico State to collect any monies due from you. • STUDENTS WITHDRAWING AFTER THE STATED REFUND DATES remain liable for full tuition and fee charges. Collection costs incurred in the event of delinquency shall be at the expense of the Student. • NMSU ACCEPTS PAYMENT via student financial aid and third party sponsorship, but the responsibility for payment remains with the student. It is your responsibility to keep track of your account balance and any funding sources. If financial aid is not granted or if third party sponsors do not pay within a reasonable period, the student will be required to pay the full amount due. • IF NMSU PREVAILS IN A LAWSUIT to collect on this financial obligation, student will pay NMSU’s court costs, collection agency costs, and attorney’s fees in an amount the court finds to be reasonable. • YOU CONSENT TO RECEIVE EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS to your email address of the availability of an E-Bill (Electronic Billing Statement) and consent to review billing statement information on NMSU Web Payment System. • IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK your myNMSU email daily and maintain a current postal address to ensure receipt of all University correspondence. Students who are enrolled but choose not to attend must officially withdraw from the University. To officially withdraw, please go to the Registration Desk at East Mesa Campus. It is important to note that federal funds can only be used to pay for institutional charges (institutional charges include tuition/fees, and room/board assessments and exclude charges such as bookstore, health center, degree fees, etc) incurred during the academic year for which the financial aid is awarded. A maximum amount of $200 can be applied to institutional charges from a previous academic year. Excess financial aid funds that remain after institutional charges have been paid will be refunded to the students, which may result in a balance still due to the University. Students are encouraged to have their disbursements distributed by direct deposit to a checking account. Direct deposit is set up through “” secure portal by clicking on the direct deposit link under Student Financial Aid. Students who are enrolled but do not plan on attending must officially withdraw from the University. To officially withdraw, please go to the Registrar’s office in the Educational Services Building. Financial aid and most scholarships will not pay for UNIV000/UNIV999 courses and audit courses. Undergraduate students may receive Title IV aid for only one repeat of a previously passed course. Financial aid may not pay for courses added after the deadline for registration and course additions (census date). This date varies for courses with non standard start/end dates Students must notify the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarship Services of any/all additional resources: scholarships, veteran’s benefits, tuition waivers, stipends, WIA, DVR, state or federal program awards, and others which may be received, so as not to jeopardize the financial aid award. All financial aid offers are subject to revision due to changes in policy, law, regulation, errors, or funding. The student is responsible to repay excess funds disbursed due to any of these reasons. Students receiving loan awards must be enrolled at least halftime and first time borrowers must complete an online Debt Management session at and e-sign a master promissory note prior to loan disbursement. Students who receive grants or loans and withdraw or stop attending classes within the first 60% of the semester will be required to repay a portion of aid received, per the Department of Education’s return of Title IV regulations. Further information regarding the return of Title IV funds is available on the NMSU web site at Students whose financial aid files are incomplete must complete their registrations and make payments according to the University payment plan without assistance of financial aid. Students should visit with their financial aid advisor to review file status and to make arrangements to complete their files. Financial aid cannot be disbursed until a student’s file is complete. To avoid delays students should complete their financial aid early and accurately. In addition, satisfactory academic progress will be monitored to determine eligibility for financial aid. Satisfactory academic progress includes: maintaining a cumulative grade average of a 2.0 for undergraduate students, 3.0 for graduate students; satisfactory completion of credit hours attempted; and a maximum time frame to complete degree. Please see a financial aid advisor for details. Summer 2015 9 How Much Does It Cost to Attend Doña Ana Community College? TUITION AND FEES Tuition at Doña Ana Community College varies according to your legal residence. “In district” rates are for legal residents of Doña Ana County; “out of district” rates are for legal residents of New Mexico but not Doña Ana County. NOTE: All Las Cruces Campus students enrolled in 1 to 8 credits are charged a $33.50 fee imposed by Associated Students of NMSU. DACC TUITION COSTS* Residency Status Cost Per Term (Credits: 9 – 12 excluding wellness/fitness fees) Cost Per Credit Hour (Credits: 1 – 8 or over 12 ) In District $804 $67 Out of District $972 $81 *THESE RATES SHOWN HERE ARE EXPECTED TO INCREASE. OUT-OF-STATE TUITION RATES ARE NOT CHARGED DURING THE SUMMER TERMS. Cashiers or the NMSU Cashiers in the Educational Services Building. Students who submit a degree application for Summer 2015 but fail to graduate at the end of the semester must reapply and a new fee will be assessed. Application fees are nonrefundable. The fee for completing an associate degree in the Summer 2015 semester is $25, payable at the DACC Cashiers Office, DASR 102. Students completing a certificate in the summer will pay a $10 fee at the DACC Cashiers Office. Students attending satellite centers may pay at those locations. OPTIONAL SERVICES AND PRIVILEGES Fees for optional services and privileges are for one semester or term only. More detailed information is available online in the “NMSU Registration Guide” at DINING SERVICES Regular meal plans are not available during the summer. Aggie Ca$h accounts may be established through the ID Card Office for summer food service. TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING SERVICES The tuition rates listed above are only for classes taken at Doña Ana Community College and do NOT include the NMSU health/activity fee or any other optional fees (meal service, housing, insurance, degree application). These optional fees are shown elsewhere on this page under “Optional Services and Privileges.” NOTE: Certain courses require additional fees. Some programs require students to purchase special equipment during their first semester of college. MAIN CAMPUS TUITION Undergraduate courses taken on the NMSU Las Cruces (main) campus cost $247.90 per credit hour. ELECTRONIC BILLING Electronic Billing (E-Bill) is the official method for delivery of billing statements to NMSU Students. Billing statements are generated at the beginning of each month. At that time, an e-mail is sent to the student’s official e-mail address with instructions on how to view their bill within the NMSU Web Payment System. Students also have the capability of creating Authorized Users within the NMSU Web Payment System. Authorized Users are typically parents or other designees to whom the student wishes to grant access to billing and payment information. Instructions on how to create an authorized user can be found on the University Accounts Receivable “Pay NMSU Online page, DEGREE APPLICATION FEE The deadline to file a Summer 2015 degree/certificate application is July 6, 2015. Applications will not be accepted after this date. Students are asked to submit degree/certificate applications to the DACC Registration Office, DASR 101-H (527-7500). Students may, however, turn in degree applications to the NMSU Registrar’s Office or process them online at Fees are paid to DACC Information concerning parking permits and campus shuttles can be found at the NMSU Parking Department website, STUDENT HEALTH AND WELLNESS Purchase of these services gives Doña Ana Community College students access to NMSU’s health and/or fitness facilities. Health. There is no charge for a routine office visit for full-time NMSU students, because the Health Fee is included as part of their tuition and fees. However, this fee is optional for DACC students. DACC students who choose not to pay for the optional service but would like to use the Health Center on occasion are charged $35 per visit. To access services at the Health Center, a valid NMSU I.D. must be presented upon arrival. Students enrolled simultaneously in classes at both DACC and NMSU who purchase the Health option are charged according to the number of credits they are taking at each institution. Service may be purchased directly at the NMSU Health Center. For further information, visit AggieFit. Membership in the AggieFit Program and participation in other NMSU programs and services is extended to persons in the following categories: students, staff, faculty, retirees, and affiliates of NMSU. Membership may be purchased directly at the Activity Center on the NMSU campus. The costs for each category are listed online at 10 Schedule of Classes Frequently Asked Questions About the College IS THERE A PAYMENT PLAN FOR TUITION AND FEES? CAN SCHEDULE CHANGES BE MADE AFTER REGISTRATION? By enrolling in classes at New Mexico State University (NMSU), a student makes a financial commitment to pay the tuition and fee charges associated with that enrollment. The enrollment action effectively creates a contract between the student and NMSU requiring that all proceeds of this contract be used for educational purposes. This contract is construed as an educational loan pursuant to to 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(8). In consultation with your academic advisers, you may make online or in-person changes to your schedule after completing initial registration. The last day to ADD a course depends upon the term in which you are enrolled; consult the table at the bottom of page 5 for deadlines. It is important to visit with the Finanicial Aid Office PRIOR to schedule changes, as your financial aid awards may be affected. Use the “Registration Dates and Deadlines Table” on page 5 to determine when the last day is to cancel a course with a full 100% refund and when the last day is to drop a course with a W. Students withdrawing after the stated refund dates remain liable for full tuition and fee charges. Collection costs incurred in the event of delinquency shall be at the expense of the borrower. Although the University accepts payment via student financial aid and third-party sponsorship, the responsibility for payment remains with the student. If financial aid is not granted or if third-party sponsors do not pay within a reasonable period, the student will have to pay the full amount due. All outstanding charges not paid in full by June 15, 2015, will automatically be placed on a payment plan and a payment plan fee will be assessed. A payment plan fee of $10.00 will be assessed. An additional payment plan fee of $10.00 will be assessed to accounts not paid in full by July 15, 2015. Any initial registration occurring on or after May 27, 2015 also will be assessed a late-registration fee, which is not refundable. IS FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE? The DACC Financial Aid Office offers a wide variety of grants, scholarships, and loans. Grants are awarded based on academic ability as well as financial need. Students do not necessarily need to be enrolled full time to get aid. For more information, visit the office in DASR 109 or call 527-7696. WHY DIDN’T I GET THE FULL FINANCIAL AID DISBURSEMENT? Here are some possible reasons: you are repeating a course; you are enrolled for less than half time; you are enrolled in a mini course that hasn’t started yet (students will not receive disbursement for a mini course until the course is in session). Check with the Financial Aid Office to see if you will be receiving additional financial aid funds. WHEN IS THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER? The last day for continuing students to register for regular full semester classes without paying a late fee is May 27. You may still register for classes between May 28 - June 3, but you will be charged an additional late registration fee. Late fee charges incurred during late registration are not refundable. MAY SOMEONE ELSE REGISTER FOR ME? Yes, anyone may register for you. If you are a new or returning student, you will need to provide the person who is registering for you with a completed admission application and a course request card listing your first and alternate choices. Continuing students need only submit a completed course request card. Include payment of fees. DID I GET THE RIGHT CLASS? Please review your registration document immediately. If you find any errors in the class codes, class title, room and building numbers, or credits listed, please report the errors to the Registration Area, DASR 101-H. WHAT HAPPENS IF I STOP ATTENDING A CLASS? You might have to pay back all the financial aid money you received for the current semester, you could receive a failing grade, and/or your financial aid/scholarships could be seriously affected in the future. Make certain that you consider all the financial and academic consequences carefully, and, if you decide to no longer attend a class, officially drop the class through the Registration Office, observing all deadlines. WHAT HAPPENS IF I NEED TO WITHDRAW FROM ALL CLASSES? If you need to completely withdraw from school and all courses are DACC courses, you may withdraw at the DACC Registration Office, DASR 101-H. If you have any NMSU courses, contact the NMSU Registrar’s Office in the Educational Services Building. If you stop attending classes but do not officially withdraw, you may receive failing grades for all courses in which you are registered; additionally, you will be liable for all tuition and fees, and financial aid awards maybe adjusted. The table at the bottom of page 5 shows the withdrawal deadlines for each summer term (except for courses carrying designated dates). WILL I GET A REFUND IF I HAVE TO WITHDRAW FROM CLASSES? Students officially withdrawing or dropping courses during a semester are eligible for a 100% refund of tuition and fees through the deadlines shown for each term. Use the Registration Dates and Deadlines Table on page 5 to determine the deadlines for each term. Students withdrawing from courses after the specified deadlines will not be eligible for a refund. Late fee charges incurred during late registration are not refundable. NOTE: For financial aid restrictions, contact your financial aid adviser. MAY I REPEAT A CLASS? Yes. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the repeat policy to raise their grade-point average (GPA) in course where grades of D or F is earned. A computable grade (not I, W, RR, AU, S, or U) will be substituted in the GPA calculation, though the original grade remains on the transcript. RR can only be earned in RR-applicable skill-development, undergraduate courses (see current DACC catalog) for the original grade in calculating your cumulative GPA. NOTE: For financial aid restrictions, contact your financial aid adviser. WHERE CAN I BUY MY BOOKS? The DACC bookstores are located in the Classroom Building, rm. 170 at the Central Campus (3400 S. Espina, 527-7692) and in DAAR 102 at the East Mesa Campus (2800 N. Sonoma Ranch Blvd., 528-7254), and are open throughout the semester 8:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m., Monday–Friday. A full refund will be given in your original form of payment if textbooks are returned during the first week of classes with original receipt. With proof of a schedule change and original receipt, a full refund will be given in your original form of payment during the first 30 days of classes. No refunds or exchanges without original receipt. Before you begin Application for Undergraduate Admission Incoming graduate or international students should visit for application procedures. ENROLLMENT INFORMATION Semester when you plan to start Fall Campus where you plan to enroll Alamogordo Enrollment status First enrollment in ANY college or university Spring Summer Carlsbad Year __________ Doña Ana (Includes all satellites) Grants Las Cruces-Main Transferring to NMSU from another college or university IN NEW MEXICO Transferring to NMSU from another college or university OUTSIDE NEW MEXICO Readmission (Returning after absence from NMSU or one of the NMSU Community Colleges) Previously applied for admission to NMSU but did not attend. What year? _______________ Non-degree (Applicants should review the policies on page 4 before selecting this status) Dual credit/Early admit (High school students only) Enrollment action Applies only to currently enrolled NMSU students. Degree expected Certificate and program applicants should see list on supplement. Non-degree applicants may skip this section. Field of study Change to Non-degree Change to Degree-seeking Certificate or program ___________________________________________ Two-year associate degree Four-year bachelor’s degree Second undergraduate degree Major ___________________________________________ PERSONAL INFORMATION Social security number -- Office use only NMSU ID - Legal name LAST NAME Previous or other legal names FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME NAME Address MAILING ADDRESS STREET AND NO. OR PO BOX NO. CITY APARTMENT, ROOM OR SPACE NO. STATE ZIP CODE COUNTRY PHYSICAL ADDRESS (REQUIRED IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) Phone -- HOME PHONE -- CELL PHONE Email EMAIL Date of birth (MM-DD-YYYY) -- Gender Male Family history Did either of your parents or guardians graduate from a 4-year college or university? U.S. Military service Are you U.S. active-duty military? Yes No Are you a member of the U.S. National Guard or Reserve? Yes No Are you a spouse or dependent of an active-duty member of the U.S. military? Are you a U.S. veteran? Yes No Female Yes Yes No No Do not know Citizenship Ethnicity/Race (Optional) What is your ethnicity? Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Permanent Residents must submit a copy of their I-551 card. Passport and visa will be requested as needed. Students who request an I-20 will be required to meet the International Applicant requirements. Students who falsify their citizenship may have their admission revoked. This information is requested by government agencies to demonstrate compliance with the Civil Rights Act. US Citizen Permanent Resident (Submit copy of I-551 to Admissions.) Foreign (Passport and visa will be requested as needed.) Other Immigrant Status – Non-U.S. Citizen Select one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. American Indian or Alaskan Native (Select tribe or pueblo from list below) Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Select your tribe or pueblo if you answered American Indian or Alaskan Native above. Residency If you are less than 23 years old, were you reported as a dependent on your parent or legal guardian’s federal income tax return for last year? Yes No If yes, in what state were taxes filed? ______________________ What is your state of legal residence? _____________________________________ Residents of New Mexico for more than one year and residents of some other states may qualify for in-state tuition. For more information, visit residency.html Acoma Pueblo Cochiti Pueblo Hopi Tribe Isleta Pueblo Jemez Pueblo Jicarilla Apache Nation Laguna Pueblo Mescalero Apache Tribe Nambe Pueblo Navajo Nation Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo Picuris Pueblo Pojoaque Pueblo Sandia Pueblo San Felipe Pueblo San Ildefonso Pueblo Santa Ana Pueblo Santa Clara Pueblo Santo Domingo Pueblo Southern Ute Indian Tribe Taos Pueblo Tesuque Pueblo Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo Zia Pueblo Zuni Pueblo Other Native American Tribe If a New Mexico resident, as of the date of this application how long have you been living continuously in NM? Years __________ Months __________ Days __________ If New Mexico is your state of legal residence, what county do you live in? ____________________________________ SECONDARY CONTACT INFORMATION: CONTACT 1 Name LAST NAME Mother FIRST NAME Father Spouse Emergency contact MIDDLE NAME Check if this person is a graduate of NMSU. Address STREET AND NO. OR PO BOX NO. CITY Phone Email EMAIL 20130627 STATE -- HOME PHONE 2 APARTMENT, ROOM OR SPACE NO. ZIP CODE COUNTRY -- CELL PHONE SECONDARY CONTACT INFORMATION: CONTACT 2 Name LAST NAME Mother FIRST NAME Father Spouse Emergency contact MIDDLE NAME Check if this person is a graduate of NMSU. Address STREET AND NO. OR PO BOX NO. CITY Phone APARTMENT, ROOM OR SPACE NO. STATE ZIP CODE -- COUNTRY -- HOME PHONE CELL PHONE Email EMAIL ACADEMIC INFORMATION High school last attended NAME High school graduation or GED completion CITY STATE When did you graduate from high school? MONTH YEAR If you are not a high school graduate, give the location of the GED testing center and the date the test was taken. LOCATION Previous colleges or universities attended If more than five, attach a sheet with additional information. Have you attended any educational institutions other than NMSU? Yes No NAME OF PREVIOUS INSTITUTION (MOST RECENT FIRST) Academic regulations require that students who have registered at other colleges or universities may not disregard their records at such institutions when making application for admission to this university. Students concealing attendance at another college or university and not submitting a transcript from that college or university will be subject to suspension. Students must be eligible to return to their last institution in order to be admitted to NMSU. COMPLETION DATE FROM TO LOCATION OFFICE USE ONLY Are you eligible to return to the last college or university you attended? If you are not certain, check with your previous institution. Yes No Have you been awarded a college or university degree? Yes No If Yes, give the degree, year and granting institution. DEGREE YEAR GRANTING INSTITUTION DEGREE YEAR GRANTING INSTITUTION DEGREE YEAR GRANTING INSTITUTION 20130627 3 TESTING DATA ACT or SAT scores (For NMSU-Las Cruces applicants only) Test scores are required for all freshmen and for transfer students who have fewer than 30 academic credits from previous institution. I have not taken the ACT or SAT. I plan to take the ACT _____________________________ SAT _____________________________ I have taken the ACT _____________________________ SAT _____________________________ MONTH MONTH YEAR YEAR MONTH MONTH YEAR YEAR Other programs may also require ACT scores. APPLICATION CHECKLIST To complete an application to NMSU, please: Complete the application form in full and submit it to the appropriate NMSU campus (see addresses below). Incomplete applications will not be processed. Ensure that all required copies of documents are mailed directly to the appropriate NMSU campus (see addresses below). Submit the nonrefundable application fee by check or money order and include student name and date of birth. Credit card payments are accepted through our credit card payment system located at U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents application fee is $20. Foreign and other Immigrant status (non-US Citizen) application fee is $50. SIGNATURE I understand that withholding information in this application, failure to submit all documents, or giving false information may make me ineligible for admission to, or continuation at, New Mexico State University. I certify that all of the preceding statements are correct and complete. APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE (APPLICATION MUST BE SIGNED) DATE OF APPLICATION NMSU Alamogordo Office of Admissions and Records 2400 North Scenic Drive Alamogordo, NM 88310 NMSU Carlsbad Office of Student Services 1500 University Drive Carlsbad, NM 88220 Doña Ana Community College (Includes all satellites) Admissions Office MSC 3DA, Box 30001 Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001 575 439-3700 888 888-2199 or 575 234-9221 800 903-7503 or 575 527-7710 NMSU Grants Admissions and Records 1500 N. Third Street Grants, NM 87020 NMSU Las Cruces Office of Admissions MSC 3A, Box 30001 Las Cruces, NM 88003 505 287-6678 800 662-6678 or 575 646-3121 Non-degree status policies Non-degree admission is designed to meet the needs of students who do not wish to pursue a degree. Students considering non-degree status should be aware of the following: • Non-degree students may not transfer more than 30 credits from this status to any undergraduate degree-seeking program, or more than nine credits to a graduate degree-seeking program. • Non-degree students are not eligible to receive financial aid, student employment or graduate assistantships. • Non-degree students are not eligible to participate in student government or intercollegiate athletics. • Non-degree students may not be eligible for Veterans benefits. Consult with your VA certifying official. • Transcripts from previous institutions, high school, and/or results of college entrance exams may be required. • Students interested in using non-degree credit for initial teacher certification or recertification in a new field will be admitted to the College of Education. 4 20130627 Summer 2015 15 How to Read the Class Listings Column Headings Column headings afre explained below in the order in which they appear (left-most column first, far-right column last): • The first column with the heading Begins, Ends lists the dates of short sessions (courses that do not begin and end when the regular semester does). • The second column is headed with an asterisk (*). On any given line under this heading one of the following letters may appear: A, I, P, S. An A means that if you are absent from class, you may be automatically dropped—and that could create problems with financial aid, among other things. The letter I indicates that you must get the approval of the instructor to register for the class. The letter P means that DACC students have enrollment priority—that is, DACC students will have the first opportunity to enroll in a class with a P, and NMSU students will be permitted to sign up for the class later. An S indicates that a class is graded S/U; that is, you will receive either a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade, rather than a regular letter grade. • The third column is titled CRN, which stands for Course Reference Number. This number replaces the Call Number used in the past. • Subj. & Crs. # in the fourth column stands for Subject and Course Number. This term replaces Dept. & No., which appeared in earlier class schedules. A typical Subject and Course Number looks like this: MATH 111, where MATH is the subject and 111 is the course number. • The remaining two columns, Place and Instructor, have remained essentially unchanged. Abbreviations for Days of the Week The abbreviations for Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday have changed to a single letter: • Monday = M • Friday = F • Tuesday = T (formerly Tu) • Saturday = S (formerly Sat) • Wednesday = W • Sunday = U (formerly Sun) • Thursday = R (formerly Th) Times Stated in 24-Hour-Clock Time (“Military Time”) The use of military time helps avoid confusion. For example, sometimes it’s difficult to be sure if a class time given as 7:30 is in the morning or in the evening. By using the 24-hour clock, there is no possibility of making a mistake. As you can see in the table below, the numbers denoting the hours do not repeat after 12 p.m. Comparison of 12-Hour and 24-Hour Clock Time 12-Hour Clock 24-Hour Clock 12-Hour Clock 24-Hour Clock 6:00 a.m. 0600 —continued— —continued— 7:00 a.m. 0700 3:00 p.m. 1500 8:00 a.m. 0800 4:00 p.m. 1600 • The fifth column is titled Sec., which stands for Section. The letter in front of the section number indicates which college of NMSU is offering the course. In the case of DACC, all section numbers begin with the letter D. 9:00 a.m. 0900 5:00 p.m. 1700 10:00 a.m. 1000 6:00 p.m. 1800 • The Course Title has remained unchanged 11:00 a.m. 1100 7:00 p.m. 1900 • The Time column contains new time designations for classes beginning or ending after 12 noon. (See the section titled “Times Stated in 24-Hour-Clock Time” on this same page.) 12:00 p.m. 1200 8:00 p.m. 2000 1:00 p.m. 1300 9:00 p.m. 2100 2:00 p.m. 1400 10:00 p.m. 2200 • The Days column contains new, one-letter designations. (See the following section. Student Confidentiality Form FOR NO RELEASE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION The following information has been designated as Directory Information, which is subject to release to the public under the Buckley Amendment (PL 93-380), “The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974”): Students’ name, address, e-mail address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, classification, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student. Other information regarding disclosure of student data is posted at the Office of the Registrar in compliance with the Act. If you are a currently enrolled student and object to the release of this information to all publics, you must complete the form below and submit it to the New Mexico State University Office of the Registrar by one of the following means: (1) in person, (2) by faxing it to 575-6461579, or (3) by mailing it to “NMSU Registrar, MSC 3AR, Box 30001, Las Cruces, NM 88003.” The no-release-of-information status will remain in effect unless revoked in writing. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL ________________________________________________________________________________________________ NMSU BANNER I.D. NUMBER SIGNATURE DATE 16 Schedule of Classes When Are Online Classes a Good Choice? WELCOME TO ONLINE AND DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES OFFERED BY DOÑA ANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE In many instances, online and distance learning courses are the ideal solution for those who require greater flexibility. All that is needed are a properly equipped personal computer and an Internet connection. Although online and distance learning courses offer convenience of delivery, they can be very demanding. You will have to be resourceful and willing to manage your time and work effort to complete a course. Before taking an online or distance learning course, consider your own capabilities and answer the following questions: • Am I a self-starter? Can I complete assignments on my own, following written instructions? • Am I good at reading and doing research assignments on my own? • Will my reading and writing skills allow me to keep up with my assignments? • Do I have good time-management skills? • Do I have enough experience with personal computers to download and upload assignment files, use an Internet browser, conduct online research, unzip files, format rich text files (RTF), and send and receive e-mails with attachments? • Do I have a reliable home computer with an Internet connection (preferably DLS or cable connectivity)? You should also set up an appointment with an advisor to determine whether an online or distance learning course is right for you. To learn more about online courses at DACC, visit http://dacc/vlit/index.shtm It is essential that you obtain an NMSU username and password after you have enrolled. You may obtain your NMSU user name and password by visiting and activating your account. ONLINE COURSE FEE: A $7.50 fee is charged for each online course in which a student enrolls. Distance Learning and Online Course Definitions Used in the Schedule INSTRUCTURE CANVAS, commonly referred to as “Canvas,” is a course management system that enables instructors to deliver a course to students via the Internet. A course can be “synchronous” or “asynchronous.” Synchronous courses require online participation at a particular time, while asynchronous courses allow students to arrange their own time for participation via the Internet. Asynchronous courses, nevertheless, do have required deadlines for assignments. Typical features include a chat room, discussions, private mail, access to grades, online quizzes, a calendar, and assignments. HYBRID COURSES. DACC Hybrid courses are those in which some of the learning activities have been moved from the classroom to the online environment. Hybrid courses combine the best features of face-to-face instruction with the best features of online learning. During classroom meetings, students interact with their instructor and classmates. During their online sessions, students are engaged in such activities as web discussions, blogs, chat sessions, communication via e-mail, and taking online quizzes. INTERACTIVE TELEVISION – ITV. ITV is a specialized, “synchronous” television broadcast system that uses the Internet to connect between sites. The classes are live with students and instructors sometimes at different locations. Students and instructors have the advantage of being able to see and talk with each other in real time. Interactive television courses require that students attend classes at specific sites around the state which have the capability of receiving and sending ITV broadcasts. Equipment Requirements COMPUTERS. If you purchased a new computer within the last five years, it is probably capable of handling online classes. You most likely will not need to purchase any extra hardware or upgrades to run DACC online classes. It will need to have a sound card and speakers. A webcam and microphone are recommended. For more specific information about computer requirements, visit— MOBILE DEVICES. To determine whether you can use your mobile device to access Canvas, visit— Accessibility Within Canvas “Ensuring an accessible and pleasant experience to all users, regardless of disability, is a key focus of Canvas,” according to Instructure. To learn more about the accessibility features of Canvas, visit— Get prepared for success. Attend a Canvas training session. Students are encouraged to attend our “Student Canvas Training” where students are introduced to the structure of Canvas and its set of tools. Tips, strategies and software tools are provided to prepare the student for online success. Visit http://dacc/vlit/canvas_schedule.shtm for a schedule of our training sessions. Summer 2015 17 Summary of Summer 2015 Online Classes TEN-WEEK SESSION (MAY 28–AUGUST 6) FIRST FIVE-WEEK SESSION (MAY 28–JULY 1) FIRST FIVE-WEEK SESSION (CONT’D) (MAY 28–JULY 1) C EP 110G ECED 115 ECED 125 ECED 245 ECED 255 AHS 120 Medical Terminology ANTH 201G Introduction to Anthropology ART 101G Orientation in Art BMGT 110 Introduction to Business BMGT 221 Internship I BMGT 240 Human Relations BMGT 286 Introduction to Logistics BOT 106 Business Mathematics BUSA 111 Business in a Global Society C S 110 Computer Literacy CMT 298 Independent Study COLL 101 College/Life Success COLL 201 Critical Thinking Skills COMM 265GPrinciples of Human Communication DRFT 115 General Construction Safety DRFT 265 Advanced Building Information Modeling DRFT 278 Advanced CAD Applications ECON 251G Principles of Macroeconomics ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition ENGL 203G Business and Professional Communication ENGL 211G Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences ENGL 218G Technical and Scientific Communication GEOG 111G Geography of the Natural Environment GOVT 100G American National Government HIT 110 Electronic Health Records HIT 150 Introduction to Medical Terminology HIT 158 Advanced Medical Terminology L SC 110 Reference and Information Resources I L SC 112 Introduction to Consumer Health Information MKTG 203 Introduction to Marketing OECS 155 Special Topics - Introductory Computer Technology OECS 215 OECS 221 OECS 222 PHIL 101G PHLS 150G PSY 201G SOC 101G SOC 201G SPAN 213 SPAN 214 THTR 101G Human Growth and Behavior Child Growth, Development, and Learning Health, Safety, and Nutrition Professionalism Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs ECED 280 Professional Relationships ECED 281 Professional Relationships Practicum MATH 112GFundamentals of Elementary Math II MATH 210GMathematics Appreciation EIGHT-WEEK SESSION (MAY 28–JULY 16) BIOL 101G Human Biology BIOL 101GLHuman Biology Laboratory BIOL 154 Introductory Anatomy and Physiology C S 110 Computer Literacy OECS 155 Special Topics - Introductory Computer Technology OECS 185 PC Maintenance and Selection I OECS 195 Java Programming I OECS 207 Windows OECS 221 Internship I OECS 269 Network Security: Security+ SHORT COURSES (SEE DATES BELOW) L SC 100 L SC 194 L SC 221 L SC 230 Introduction to Libraries (6/1– 6/26 ONLY) The Art of Picture Books (6/1–6/26) Experiential Learning I (7/6–7/31) Issues and Ethics in Libraries (7/6–7/31) Spreadsheet Applications Internship I Internship II The Art of Wondering Personal Health and Wellness Introduction to Psychology Introductory Sociology Contemporary Social Problems Spanish for Heritage Learners II Spanish for Heritage Learners III The World of Theater SECOND FIVE-WEEK SESSION (JULY 2–AUGUST 6) ART 101G Orientation in Art BMGT 221 Internship I BOT 101 Keyboarding Basics BOT 215 Spreadsheet Applications C S 110 Computer Literacy COLL 103 Managing Your Money COMM 265GPrinciples of Human Communication ECON 252G Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition ENGL 218G Technical and Scientific Communication GEOG 111G Geography of the Natural Environment HIT 158 Advanced Medical Terminology HOST 221 Internship I MGT 201 Introduction to Management MKTG 203 Introduction to Marketing NA 110 Electrocardiogram Technician Basic OECS 125 Operating Systems SOC 101G Introductory Sociology 18 Schedule of Classes Summary of Classes Offered at Each Location CENTRAL CAMPUS (CODE: CC) ASTR 105G The Planets (2nd 5 wks) AUTO 119 Manual Transmission/Clutch (1st 5 wks) AUTO 132 Auto. Air Cond. & Heat. Systems (1st 5 wks) BOT 221 Internship I (2nd 5 wks) CCDE 110N General Composition (1st 5 wks) CCDE 110N General Composition (2nd 5 wks) CCDM 100NMath Prep. for College Success (1st 5 wks) CCDM 100NMath Prep. for College Success (2nd 5 wks) CCDM 103NPre-Algebra (1st 5 wks) CCDM 103NPre-Algebra (2nd 5 wks) CCDM 112NDevelopmental Algebra I (1st 5 wks) CCDM 113NDevelopmental Algebra II (2nd 5 wks) CCDM 114NAlgebra Skills (1st 5 wks) CCDM 114NAlgebra Skills (2nd 5 wks) CHEM 110GPrinciples and Applications of Chemistry (2nd 5 wks) COMM 265GPrinciples of Human Communication (1st 5 wks) DAS 121 Dental Assisting II (1st 5 wks) DHYG 132 Clinical Dental Hygiene II (1st 5 wks) DHYG 134 Dental Materials (1st 5 wks) DHYG 255 Special Topics in Dental Hygiene (1st 5 wks) DMS 117 Adv. Sonographic Procedures (2nd 5 wks) DMS 118 Neurosonography (1st 5 wks) ELT 135 Electronics II (2nd 5 wks) ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition (1st 5 wks) ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition (2nd 5 wks) ENGL 203G Business and Professional Communication (2nd 5 wks) ENGL 211G Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (2nd 5 wks) HVAC 113 Job Shadowing (1st 5 wks) HVAC 113 Job Shadowing (2nd 5 wks) HVAC 207 Residential Air Cond. Systems (1st 5 wks) MATH 120 Intermediate Algebra (2nd 5 wks) MATH 121GCollege Algebra (1st 5 wks) MATH 121GCollege Algebra (2nd 5 wks) MATH 142GCalculus for the Biological and Management Sciences (1st 5 wks) NA 104 Nursing Assistant Fundamentals (1st 5 wks) NA 104L Nursing Assistant Fundamentals Lab (1st 5 wks) NA 105 Nursing Assistant Clinicals (2nd 5 wks) NA 109 Phlebotomist Basic (10 wks) NA 110 NA 111 OECS 105 OECS 105 OEET 221 OETS 118 PHLS 150G RESP 155 RESP 210 RESP 210L RESP 224 RESP 255 WATR 200 WELD 102 WELD 255 ECG Technician Basic (2nd 5 wks) Alzheimer/Dementia Care Focus (2nd 5 wks) Intro. to Information Tech. (1st 5 wks) Intro. to Information Tech. (2nd 5 wks) Cooperative Experience I (10 wks) Mathematics for Technicians (8 wks) Personal Health and Wellness (2nd 5 wks) Resp. Therapy Special Topics (10 wks) Respiratory Therapy III (1st 5 wks) Respiratory Therapy III Lab (1st 5 wks) Resp. Therapy IV Clinical (2nd 5 wks) Resp. Therapy Special Topics (10 wks) Internship (10 wks) Welding Fundamentals (2nd 5 wks) Special Problems in Welding Technology (1st 5 wks) EAST MESA CAMPUS (CODE: EM) ACCT 221 Financial Accounting (1st 5 wks) ASTR 110G Introduction to Astronomy (1st 5 wks) BMGT 140 Principles of Supervision I (2nd 5 wks) BUSA 111 Business in a Global Society (2nd 5 wks) C S 110 Computer Literacy (2nd 5 wks) CCDE 110N General Composition (1st 5 wks) CCDE 110N General Composition (2nd 5 wks) CCDM 114NAlgebra Skills (1st 5 wks) CMT 115 Digital Photography & Imaging I (2nd 5 wks) CMT 130 Introduction to Web Design (2nd 5 wks) CMT 142 Computer Illustration (1st 5 wks) CMT 145 Image Processing I: Photoshop (1st 5 wks) CMT 160 Modeling and Animation: 3D Studio Max (2nd 5 wks) CMT 195 Digital Video Editing I: Adobe Premier (1st 5 wks) COMM 253GPublic Speaking (1st 5 wks) COMM 265GPrinciples of Human Communication DRFT 109 Computer Drafting Fundamentals (1st 5 wks) DRFT 274 GIS Theory and Analysis (1st 5 wks) ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition (1st 5 wks) ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition (2nd 5 wks) ENGL 211G Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (1st 5 wks) ENGL 218G Technical and Scientific Communication (1st 5 wks) ENGL 218G Technical and Scientific Communication (2nd 5 wks) GEOL 111G Survey of Geology (1st 5 wks) HIST 101G Roots of Modern Europe (1st 5 wks) HIST 201G Introduction to Early American History (2nd 5 wks) HIST 202G Introduction to Recent American History (1st 5 wks) HOST 201 Intro. to Hospitality Industry (1st 5 wks) HOST 220 Experiential Travel (1st 5 wks) MATH 120 Intermediate Algebra (1st 5 wks) MATH 121GCollege Algebra (1st 5 wks) MATH 121GCollege Algebra (2nd 5 wks) MUS 101G An Introduction to Music (2nd 5 wks) OECS 220 Database Application and Design (2nd 5 wks) OEEM 101 CPR for the Health Care Professional (6/6 OR 7/11) OEEM 210 Cardiac Rhythm Interpretation (2nd 5 wks) OEEM 243 EMT-Paramedic Preparation for Practice (7/6–7/8 OR 7/15–7/17) PL S 276 Wills, Trusts, and Probate for the Paralegal (10 wks) PSY 201G Introduction to Psychology (1st 5 wks) SOC 101G Introductory Sociology (2nd 5 wks) SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish I (1st 5 wks) STAT 251G Statistics for Business and the Behavioral Sciences (1st 5 wks) GADSDEN CENTER (CODE: GC) CCDE 110N General Composition (1st 5 wks) CCDM 114NAlgebra Skills (2nd 5 wks) COMM 253GPublic Speaking (2nd 5 wks) ECED 215 Curriculum Development Through Play (10 wks) ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition (1st 5 wks) GEOL 111G Survey of Geology (1st 5 wks) MATH 120 Intermediate Algebra (2nd 5 wks) SUNLAND PARK CENTER (CODE: SP) COMM 265GPrinciples of Human Commun. (1st 5 wks) GEOL 111G Survey of Geology (2nd 5 wks) HIST 201G Intro. to Early American History (2nd 5 wks) WORKFORCE CENTER (CODE: WC) AUTO 130 Introduction to Transportation Industry (1st 5 wks) AUTO 131 Class A CDL (2nd 5 wks) BCT 255 Special Topics: Forklift Safety (1st 5 wks) ELT 235 Digital Electronics II (2nd 5 wks) (WC) Summer 2015 BEGIN, END * CRNSEC 19 CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR BEGIN, END * CRNSEC Ten-Week Session TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR CLASSES MEET MAY 28 THROUGH AUGUST 6, 2015 DATESPLACE C EP * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM WB WB DMS diagnostic medical sonography DMS 124 Clinical Internship III 21405 D30 22561 D31 3 cr ONLINE ONLINE WB 21407 D30 ONLINE ECED 125 Health, Safety, and Nutrition WB 21408 D30 GC I ONLINE 23844 D90 0900-1245 S DAGC 115 ECED 220 Early Childhood Education Practicum I I 23845 D90 TBA TBA NR ECED 245 Professionalism WB 23345D30 3 cr Lewis Lynn 2 cr ECED 215 Curriculum Development Through Play Hutson/Matthew early childhood education ECED 115 Child Growth, Development, and Learning Murdock Mylis Murdock Mylis 8 cr 22571D30 0800-1630 TWRF NR Lewis Lynn 3 cr Artiaga Maria 2 cr Artiaga Maria 2 cr ONLINE DATESPLACE * CRNSEC TIME MATH 210G Mathematics Appreciation counseling and educational psychology C EP 110G Human Growth and Behavior ECED INSTRUCTOR Gantzler-Woods 21213 D30 3 cr WB ONLINE NA nursing assistant NA 109 Phlebotomist Basic 4 cr CC I TBA OEET electrical programs 23350 D30 1300-1530 MTW DAMA 072 NOTE 1: CLINICAL CLEARANCE PACKET REQUIRED TO ENROLL PACKET AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT HTTP://DACC/HPS/HCA/ NOTE 2: REQUIRES PROGRAM DIRECTORS CONSENT TO ENROLL OEET 221 Cooperative Experience I 4 cr CC I S 21274 D30 TBA PL S paralegal studies PL S 276 Wills, Trusts, and Probate for the Paralegal EM RADT radiologic technology 23843 D30 1800-1955 MW RESP 23856 D30 TBA TBA ONLINE WBI 21491 D30 3 cr ONLINE ECED 281 Professional Relationships Practicum WBI 21492 D30 MATH mathematics ONLINE WB 23906 D30 Rubin Christina 2 cr Rubin Christina ONLINE TBA CC I 21423 D30 0830-1300 F Stewart Michael 1–4 cr DAHL 280 Durant Virginia RESP 255 Respiratory Therapy Special Topics CC I WATR water technology 1–4 cr 23347 D30 1300-1700 MTWR DAHL 280 Durant Virginia WATR 200 Internship MATH 112G Fundamentals of Elementary Math II Gantzler-Woods 3 cr Huchmala M respiratory therapy 23344D30 DAEM 109 Ray Charles 9 cr RESP 155 Respiratory Therapy Special Topics WB DATS TBA RADT 201 Clinical Education I ECED 255 Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs 3 cr ECED 280 Professional Relationships Moreno German 3–5 cr CC I S 21304 D30 TBA TBA DATS TBA Mount Terry 3 cr Aldrich Vickie Make Sure You Choose Classes at the Right Campus or Center! It’s very frustrating to be searching for a classroom on the first day of class, only to discover you have to drive to another location. Save yourself the inconvenience by checking the locations codes in the second column BEFORE REGISTERING FOR A CLASS. CC = Central Campus GC = Gadsden Center HC =Hatch Center WC = Workfrce Center CH = Chaparral Center EM = East Mesa Campus SP = Sunlnd Park Center MC = Mesquite Neighborhood Learning Center Letters after course #: G = Meets NMSU gen. ed. requirement, N = Does not count toward grad. Place abbreveviations—see map on back 20 CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr Schedule of Classes BEGIN, END * CRNSEC TIME INSTRUCTOR DAYS ROOM BEGIN, END * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR Eight-Week Session CLASSES MEET MAY 28 THROUGH JULY 16, 2015 DATESPLACE BIOL * CRNSEC TIME INSTRUCTOR DAYS ROOM WB 3 cr 22565 D70 ONLINE Roychowdhury H BIOL 101GLHuman Biology Laboratory WB 22566 D70 1 cr ONLINE Roychowdhury H NOTE: MUST BE COENROLLED IN BIOL 101G D70 BIOL 154 Introductory Anatomy and Physiology WB 22590 D70 TIME ONLINE 4 cr Chu Jiming WB 23533 D70 WB 23312 D70 WB SUBTITLE: WINDOWS 8 WORKSTATION C S computer science C S 110 Computer Literacy WB OETS technical studies OECS computer and information technology OECS 155 Special Topics: Introductory Computer Tech. WB 23836 D70 ONLINE ONLINE Pina Gustavo ONLINE Benoit Leilani ONLINE Pina Gustavo 1–3 cr 1–3 cr WBI S 22553 D70 WB Carter John Doyle Robert OECS 221 Internship I ONLINE ONLINE 0.5–3 cr 22551 D70 OECS 269 Network Security 22546 D70 Benoit Leilani OECS 207 Windows NOTE: FINAL EXAM WILL BE FACE-TO-FACE; CLOSED BOOK & PROCTORED 3 cr 1–3 cr ONLINE OECS 195 Java Programming I NOTE: MUST BE COENROLLED IN BIOL 101GL D70 * CRNSEC OECS 185 PC Maintenance and Selection I biology BIOL 101G Human Biology DATESPLACE SUBTITLE: SECURITY+ 23313 D70 3 cr OETS 118 Mathematics for Technicians CC 3 cr 23831 D70 1000-1140 MTWR DATS 147 Nichols Robert 0.5–4 cr Doyle Robert Make Sure You Choose Classes at the Right Campus or Center! It’s very frustrating to be searching for a classroom on the first day of class, only to discover you have to drive to another location. Save yourself the inconvenience by checking the locations codes in the second column BEFORE REGISTERING FOR A CLASS. CC = Central Campus GC = Gadsden Center HC =Hatch Center WC = Workfrce Center CH = Chaparral Center EM = East Mesa Campus SP = Sunlnd Park Center MC = Mesquite Neighborhood Learning Center R E G I S T R AT I O N W O R K S H E E T CRN SUBJ&COURSE# SEC COURSE TITLE TIMES/DAYS PLACE Column headed by * : A = Absences may result in drop, I = Instructor’s approval required, P = Priority enrollment for DACC students, S = Graded S/U Summer 2015 BEGIN, END CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR BEGIN, END * CRNSEC Short Courses 21 TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR SEE DATES IN FAR-LEFT COLUMN DATESPLACE * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR DATESPLACE OEEM L SC library science L SC 100 Introduction to Libraries 6/1–6/26 WB L SC 194 The Art of Picture Books 6/1–6/26 WB 23318 D01 23910 D01 Pinkerton Susan ONLINE Mouttet Jane 6/6 ONLY 7/11 ONLY 1 cr L SC 221 Experiential Learning I 7/6–7/31 WBI S 23322 D20 L SC 230 Issues and Ethics in Libraries 7/6–7/31 WB 23323 D20 EM EM 23305 D01 0900-1700 S 23870 D20 0900-1700 S 1 cr DASR 134 Hyatt Stephanie DASR 134 Hyatt Stephanie OEEM 243 EMT-Paramedic Preparation for Practice 7/6–7/8 7/15–7/17 1–3 cr ONLINE emergency medical services OEEM 101 CPR for the Health Care Professional 3 cr ONLINE * CRNSEC Pinkerton Susan EM EM 23307 D20 0900-1700 MTW DASR 133 23876 D21 0900-1700 WRF DASR 133 2 cr Guillen Julie Conrad-Bare C 3 cr ONLINE Pinkerton Susan About Short Courses Short Courses do not run the entire semester. They appear in the class schedule with specific meeting dates (month/day) under the first column labeled “Begins, Ends”. Short Courses listed in the schedule with designated dates may have different add dates, cancellation dates and withdrawal dates. If you have questions about dates and deadlines for specific short courses, visit the office responsible for registration at any campus, or call 527-7528. To WSMR South Entrance 8 miles from I-10 to NM 203 Paseo DACC Gadsden Campus 1700 E. O’Hara Rd. (visible from I-10 at NM 404 exit) Anthony, NM Amparo Rd. I-10 W. Lisa Drive McCombs Rd. O'Hara Road (Exit 162) Real Dr. To Northeast El Paso Gadsden Campus and Chaparral Learning Center Letters after course #: G = Meets NMSU gen. ed. requirement, N = Does not count toward grad. Place abbreveviations—see map on back 22 CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr Schedule of Classes BEGIN, END * CRNSEC TIME INSTRUCTOR DAYS ROOM BEGIN, END * CRNSEC TIME First Five-Week Session DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR CLASSES MEET MAY 28 THROUGH JULY 1, 2015 DATESPLACE ACCT * CRNSEC TIME INSTRUCTOR DAYS ROOM accounting ACCT 221 Financial Accounting 3 cr 23317 D01 1000-1155 MTWR DAEM 109 23837 D02 1300-1455 MTWR DAEM 109 * CRNSEC TIME BOT business office technology BOT 106 Business Mathematics WB BUSA business administration 21433 D01 3 cr ONLINE EM EM AHS allied health science BUSA 111 Business in a Global Society AHS 120 Medical Terminology WB WB C S computer science ANTH anthropology C S 110 Computer Literacy WB CCDE developmental english 21291 D01 Koller Bryan Koller Bryan DATESPLACE 3 cr ONLINE Balizan Sarah ANTH 201G Introduction to Anthropology WB ART art 21106 D01 3 cr ONLINE Mc Gahee Gaea WB WB ASTR astronomy 21108 D01 21137 D02 3 cr ONLINE ONLINE Billman Timothy Pabor John ASTR 110G Introduction to Astronomy 4 cr EM AUTO automotive technology 21216 D01 1800-2110 MTWR DAAR 109 Hastings Robert AUTO 119 Manual Transmission/Clutch CC 5 cr 23456 D01 1000-1340 MTWR DATS 156H 0830-0950 MTWR DATS 156G Retana Jose AUTO 130 Introduction to Transportation Industry WC I 21247 D01 23457 D01 0730-0922 MTWR DAWD 120 3 cr Walker Dicky AUTO 132 Automotive Air-Conditioning and Heating Systems Williams Susan ONLINE Benoit Leilani 3 cr 4 cr 21323 D01 1800-2200 MTWR DATS 156F Matthews Wade 4 cr CC GC EM 21155 D01 0830-1140 MTWR DACL 171 Garcia Amy 21157 D03 1730-2040 MTWR DAGC 123 Herrera Nathaly 23823 D04 0830-1140 MTWR DASR 238 Gonzalez Victoria CCDM developmental mathematics CCDM 100 NMathematics Preparation for College Success CC NOTE: EMPORIUM CLASS - COMPUTER-BASED & FACE-TO-FACE. STUDENTS MAY COMPLETE MORE THAN ONE COURSE PER SEMESTER, BUT WILL BE GIVEN CREDIT FOR HIGHEST COURSE ACHIEVED ONLY. CCDM 103 NPre-Algebra CC CC 4 cr 21197 D01 0800-1030 MTWRF DACL 276 Dominguez A 23336 DE1 0800-1030 MTWRF DAMA 127 Delgado Adrian NOTE: EMPORIUM CLASS - COMPUTER-BASED & FACE-TO-FACE. STUDENTS MAY COMPLETE MORE THAN ONE COURSE PER SEMESTER, BUT WILL BE GIVEN CREDIT FOR HIGHEST COURSE ACHIEVED ONLY. CCDM 112 NDevelopmental Algebra I 4 cr CC BCT building construction tech CCDM 114 NAlgebra Skills BCT 255 Special Topics WC I CC CC EM CC CMT creative media technology CMT 142 Computer Illustration EM CMT 145 Image Processing I EM 2 cr 23828 D01 1700-1930 TW DAWD 126C Gall Kevin SUBTITLE: FORKLIFT OPERATOR SAFETY TRAINING business management BMGT 110 Introduction to Business WB 23812D01 3 cr ONLINE BMGT 221 Internship I WBI S 23813 D01 3 cr ONLINE BMGT 240 Human Relations WB 21235 D01 WB 23832 D01 Saucedo Andy 3 cr ONLINE BMGT 286 Introduction to Logistics TBA Williams Susan 3 cr ONLINE Saucedo Andy 4 cr 21196 DE1 0800-1030 MTWRF DAMA 127 Delgado Adrian BMGT 3 cr ONLINE CCDE 110 N General Composition ART 101G Orientation in Art 21237 D01 Avitia Hillary CC 23770 D03 1030-1300 MTWRF DACL 271 21201 D01 21202 D02 21203 D03 23337 DE1 Reyes Sara 4 cr 0800-1030 1100-1330 1730-2040 0800-1030 MTWRF DACL 273 MTWRF DACL 275 MTWR DAAR 111 MTWRF DAMA 127 Pankayatselvan S Pankayatselvan S Mabry William Delgado Adrian NOTE: EMPORIUM CLASS - COMPUTER-BASED & FACE-TO-FACE. STUDENTS MAY COMPLETE MORE THAN ONE COURSE PER SEMESTER, BUT WILL BE GIVEN CREDIT FOR HIGHEST COURSE ACHIEVED ONLY. 3 cr 21336 D01 0900-1130 MTWR DADM 201 Osborne Abigail SUBTITLE: ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR 3 cr 21335 D01 1200-1430 MTWR DADM 201 Osborne Abigail SUBTITLE: ADOBE PHOTOSHOP Column headed by * : A = Absences may result in drop, I = Instructor’s approval required, P = Priority enrollment for DACC students, S = Graded S/U Summer 2015 BEGIN, END * CRNSEC TIME INSTRUCTOR DAYS ROOM CMT 195 Digital Video Editing I EM 3 cr SUBTITLE: ADOBE PREMIER Independent Study WB COLL college 21343 D01 1–3 cr Byrnes Matthew COLL 101 College/Life Success WB 21168 D01 3 cr ONLINE Torres Maria ONLINE Gonzalez Victoria COLL 201 Critical Thinking Skills WB 21192 D01 3 cr COMM communication COMM 253GPublic Speaking EM 3 cr 21597 D01 1000-1155 TR DAAR 117 MacDonald K NOTE: HYBRID CLASS COMM 265GPrinciples of Human Communication CC A CC A SP A WBA WBA 21172 D01 1000-1155 21173 D02 1300-1455 21174 D03 1800-2000 21175 D04 21194 D05 DAS dental assisting DAS 121 Dental Assisting II CC DHYG dental hygiene CC CC 4 cr 21282 D01 0800-1000 M 0800-1700 TW DAMA 082 DAMA 080 21403 D01 1300-1700 TF 0800-1200 TF DAMA 080 DAMA 080 21404 D01 0830-1200 MWR DAMA TBA 1300-1630 MW DAMA TBA DMS diagnostic medical sonography DMS 118 Neurosonography CC DRFT 23732 D01 1300-1600 W DAMA 082 Lefebvre Cher DAHL 291 Matthew Darla DAHL 291 Independent Study 1–6 cr TBA NR TBA drafting and design technologies DRFT 109 Computer Drafting Fundamentals Bettinger K 2 cr 23351 D01 0900-1130 M 1230-1600 M 21421D01 TBA Lefebvre Cher 1 cr CC I I EM TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR WB 21346 D01 3 cr ONLINE Moore Chipper WB 23827 D01 3 cr ONLINE Rios Luis DRFT 274 GIS Theory and Analysis EM 3 cr 23311 D01 1330-1530 MTWR DADM 102 Hernandez E DRFT 278 Advanced CAD Applications WB 21350 D01 ECON economics 3 cr ONLINE Moore Chipper ECON 251G Principles of Macroeconomics WB 23833 D01 ENGL english 3 cr ONLINE O’Donnell B ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition 4 cr CCA 21180D010800-1030MTWR DAMA 086Guzman-Armijo EM A 21161 D03 1130-1400 TR DAAR 113 Ludington Steve GC A WBA GC A EM A NOTE: HYBRID CLASS NOTE: HYBRID CLASS 21162 D04 1130-1400 21163 D05 21183 D06 1430-1700 21185 D07 1130-1400 MTWR DAGC 123 Torres Maria ONLINE Garcia Amy MTWR DAGC 123 Herrera Nathaly MW DAAR 113 Ludington Steve ENGL 203G Business and Professional Communication WBA WBA 21164 D01 23431 D02 3 cr ONLINE ONLINE Depner Kurt Depner Kurt 22577 D01 0900-1130 MTWR DADM 102 WBA EM A 3 cr 21165D01 ONLINE Guzman-Armijo 21187 D02 0830-1030 MTWR DAAR 114 Allred Jesse ENGL 218G Technical and Scientific Communication 3 cr Alfaro Rocio 1 cr DHYG 255 Special Topics in Dental Hygiene DMS 200 * CRNSEC ENGL 211G Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences DHYG 134 Dental Materials 3 cr MTWR DACL 175 Purcell Corey MTWR DACL 175 Nisbett Vicki MTWR DASP 112 Aguilera Melissa ONLINE Purcell Corey ONLINE MacDonald K DHYG 132 Clinical Dental Hygiene II ONLINE DRFT 265 Advanced Building Information Modeling 21338 D01 1500-1730 MTWR DADM 101 Osborn Stephen CMT 298 BEGIN, END DRFT 115 General Construction Safety FIRST FIVE-WEEK SESSION CONTINUED CLASSES MEET MAY 28 THROUGH JULY 1, 2015 23 CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr 3 cr Hernandez E WBA EM A GEOG geography 3 cr 21167 D01 ONLINE Chapman Bonnie 22518 D02 1730-1930 MTWR DAAR 113 Chapman Bonnie NOTE: HYBRID CLASS; MEETS FACE TO FACE ONCE WEEKLY PER SYLLABUS GEOG 111G Geography of the Natural Environment WB 21215 D01 GEOL geology ONLINE 4 cr Alvarez Lorelei GEOL 111G Survey of Geology GOVT GC EM 21218 D01 1100-1330 1100-1445 23821 D02 1300-1500 1510-1730 4 cr MWF TR MTWR TR DAGC 122 Rothemund Kirk DAGC 122 DAAR 109 Shankle Angela DAAR 109 government GOVT 100G American National Government WB 21110 D01 HIST history ONLINE 3 cr Ballard Mary HIST 101G Roots of Modern Europe EM 3 cr 21112 D01 1115-1315 MTWR DAAR 107 Schneider-Hector Letters after course #: G = Meets NMSU gen. ed. requirement, N = Does not count toward grad. Place abbreveviations—see map on back 24 CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr Schedule of Classes BEGIN, END * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR FIRST FIVE-WEEK SESSION CONTINUED CLASSES MEET MAY 28 THROUGH JULY 1, 2015 HIST history (CONTINUED) HIST 202G Introduction to Recent American History EM HIT health information technology HIT 110 Electronic Health Records 3 cr 21113 D01 1900-2100 MTWR DAAR 106 Hamelink Ronald 23838 D01 3 cr WB HIT 150 Introduction to Medical Terminology WB HIT 158 Advanced Medical Terminology WB HOST hospitality and tourism 21302 D01 23839 D01 ONLINE Fuller Gail 3 cr ONLINE Sletten Mary 3 cr ONLINE Fuller Gail HOST 201 Introduction to Hospitality Industry EM 3 cr 23834 D01 0900-1055 MTWR DASR 128 Harper Lorrie HOST 220 Experiential Travel 3 cr EM 21238 D01 0900-1055 MTWR DASR 130 Miller Carl HVAC HEATING, VENTILATION AIR COND. AND REFRIG. NOTE 1: STUDENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TRAVEL COSTS INCURRED NOTE 2: CONTACT INSTRUCTOR FOR SPECIFIC TRAVEL INFORMATION CC I 21270 D01 TBA DATS 142 Telles Joe HVAC 207 Residential Air Conditioning Systems CC 23830D01 1600-1800 MTWR DATS 144 1805-1920 MTWR DATS 142 4 cr Lopez Edward L SC library science L SC 110 Reference and Information Resources I WB L SC 112 Introduction to Consumer Health Information WB MATH mathematics 23841 D01 23842 D01 3 cr ONLINE ONLINE Aranda Jose 3 cr Aranda Jose EM EM EM 3 cr 21206 D01 0830-1000 MTWRF DAAR 111 21207 D02 1030-1200 MTWRF DAAR 111 21208 D03 1330-1525 MTWR DAAR 111 Ahmad Ali Ahmad Ali Ahmad Ali MATH 121G College Algebra CC CC EM 3 cr 21209 D01 0830-1000 MTWRF DACL 176 Reyes Sara 21210 D02 1100-1230 MTWRF DACL 174 Delgado Adrian 21211 D03 0830-1000 MTWRF DAAR 116 Dominguez A MATH 142G Calculus for the Biological & Management Sciences CC MKTG marketing WB 3 cr 21212 D01 0800-1030 MTWR DACL 275 Moreno German MKTG 203 Introduction to Marketing 21239 D01 DAYS ROOM nursing assistant NA 104 Nursing Assistant Fundamentals CC 23857 D01 0800-1200 MW 3 cr ONLINE De La Cruz Laura INSTRUCTOR 3 cr DAHL 292 TBA NOTE 1: MUST BE CO-ENROLLED IN NA 104L & NA 105 NOTE 2: CLINICAL CLEARANCE PACK REQUIRED TO ENROLL PACKET AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT HTTP://DACC/HPS/HCA/ NOTE: REQUIRES PROGRAM DIRECTOR CONSENT TO ENROLL NA 104 L Nursing Assistant Fundamentals Lab 1 cr CC TBA 23858 D01 0800-1200 TR DAMA 074 NOTE 1: MUST BE CO-ENROLLED IN NA 104 & NA 105 NOTE 2: CLINICAL CLEARANCE PACKET REQUIRED TO ENROLL PACKET AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT HTTP://DACC/HPS/HCA/ NOTE 3: REQUIRES PROGRAM DIRECTOR CONSENT TO ENROLL CC 23859 D02 1230-1630 MW DAMA 074 TBA NOTE 1: MUST BE CO-ENROLLED IN NA 104 & NA 105 NOTE 2: CLINICAL CLEARANCE PACKET REQUIRED TO ENROLL PACKET AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT HTTP://DACC/HPS/HCA/ NOTE 3: REQUIRES PROGRAM DIRECTORS CONSENT TO ENROLL OECS computer and information technology OECS 105 Introduction to Information Technology CC 3 cr 23835 D01 0900-1055 MTWR DAMA 105 Chavez Robert OECS 155 Special Topics - Introductory Computer Technology. 5–4 cr WB 22550 D01 ONLINE Doyle Robert WB 21253 D01 ONLINE Carter John ONLINE Benoit Leilani ONLINE Benoit Leilani 1–3 cr SUBTITLE: EXCEL 2013 OECS 221 Internship I WBI S 21254 D01 1–3 cr OECS 222 Internship II 22191 D01 1–3 cr WBS OEEM emergency medical services OEEM 230 EMT-Paramedic Clinical Experience I I Guzman Arturo OEEM 231 EMT-Paramedic Clinical Experience II 3 cr 23872 D01 TBA TBA 3 cr NR 23871 D01 TBA TBA NR Guzman Arturo NR Bradley Joyce NR Bradley Joyce OEEM 240 EMT-Paramedic Field Experience I MATH 120 Intermediate Algebra TIME NA 1 cr TBA * CRNSEC OECS 215 Spreadsheet Applications HVAC 113 Job Shadowing BEGIN, END I 23873 D01 TBA TBA 3 cr OEEM 241 EMT-Paramedic Field Internship I 23874 D01 TBA TBA 3 cr OEEM 242 EMT-Paramedic Field Internship II PHIL I 21394 D01 TBA TBA 3 cr NR philosophy PHIL 101G The Art of Wondering 21146 D01 23824 D02 3 cr WB WB PHLS public health sciences ONLINE ONLINE PHLS 150G Personal Health and Wellness Watson Edward WB 22568 D01 ONLINE Valadez Mayra Valadez Mayra 3 cr Collins Amy Column headed by * : A = Absences may result in drop, I = Instructor’s approval required, P = Priority enrollment for DACC students, S = Graded S/U Summer 2015 BEGIN, END * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR BEGIN, END FIRST FIVE-WEEK SESSION CONTINUED CLASSES MEET MAY 28 THROUGH JULY 1, 2015 SPAN PSY PSY 201G Introduction to Psychology 21119 D01 0900-1100 21120 D02 1730-2115 21121 D03 21122 D04 21148 D05 1115-1315 3 cr EM EM WB WB EM MTWR DAAR 106 MW DAAR 107 ONLINE ONLINE MTWR DAAR 106 RADT radiologic technology RADT 156 Independent Study RESP 22569 D01 TBA NR CC 2 cr 21424 D01 0830-1300 MT DAHL 280 RESP 210 L Respiratory Therapy III Lab CC CC SOC sociology WB WB 21425 D01 0830-1300 WR 21426 D02 1300-1700 WR 21126 D03 21127 D04 DAHL 281 DAHL 281 WB 23340 D01 * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR spanish Durant/Love Durant /Love EM 4 cr 23382 D01 0900-1130 MTWR DAAU 110 San Mames C SPAN 213 Spanish for Heritage Learners II WB 21129 D01 ONLINE 3 cr Viramontes Olga SPAN 214 Spanish for Heritage Learners III WB 21130 D01 STAT statistics ONLINE 3 cr Viramontes Olga STAT 251G Statistics for Business and the Behavioral Sciences EM 21219 D01 1505-1700 MTWR DAAR 116 THTR theatre THTR 101G The World of Theater WB WB 21132 D02 21133 D03 WELD welding technology 3 cr ONLINE ONLINE Chambers Layle Chambers Layle WELD 255 Special Problems in Welding Technology CC I 3 cr Mabry William 23751 D01 0800-0940 MTW DATS 152 0940-1110 MTW DATS 150 3 cr Twitty David 3 cr ONLINE ONLINE SOC 201G Contemporary Social Problems Duran Vince 2 cr SOC 101G Introductory Sociology Cox Annja respiratory therapy RESP 210 Respiratory Therapy III Gordon Anthony Vonnahme Paul Vonnahme Paul Vonnahme Paul Gordon Anthony 1–6 cr TBA SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish I psychology 25 CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr ONLINE Layer Douglas Layer Douglas 3 cr Layer Douglas About Short Courses Short Courses do not run the entire semester. They appear in the class schedule with specific meeting dates (month/day) under the first column labeled “Begins, Ends”. Short Courses listed in the schedule with designated dates may have different add dates, cancellation dates and withdrawal dates. If you have questions about dates and deadlines for specific short courses, visit the office responsible for registration at any campus, or call 527-7528. Letters after course #: G = Meets NMSU gen. ed. requirement, N = Does not count toward grad. Place abbreveviations—see map on back 26 CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr Schedule of Classes BEGIN, END Second Five-Week *Session * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR BEGIN, END CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR CLASSES MEET JULY 2 THROUGH AUGUST 6, 2015 DATESPLACE ART * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM WB ASTR 22522 D22 3 cr ONLINE Pabor John astronomy 4 cr CC 21217 D20 1800-2110 MTW DACL 274 Hastings Robert 1800-2000 R DACL 274 automotive technology AUTO 131 Class A CDL 3 cr WC BMGT business management 23458 D20 0730-1037 MTWR DAWD 120 EM WBI S 21241 D20 3 cr 3 cr ONLINE BOT business office technology BOT 101 Keyboarding Basics WB BOT 215 Spreadsheet Applications WB BOT 221 Internship I CC I S 21301 D20 0900-1130 F BUSA business administration 23314 D20 23315 D20 Saucedo Andy 3 cr ONLINE Chappell Hilda 3 cr ONLINE NOTE: HYBRID CLASS EM C J criminal justice C J 101G Introduction to Criminal Justice Avitia Hillary 1–3 cr DAMA 086 Chappell Hilda BUSA 111 Business in a Global Society Walker Dicky 22556 D20 1130-1325 MTWR DAEM 222 Tadeo Joaquin BMGT 221 Internship I 3 cr 21242 D20 0900-1055 MTWR DAEM 222 Tadeo Joaquin 3 cr 22607 D85 1010-1200 MTWR AEC1 412 Derouen Richard CC 4 cr 21221 D20 0830-1100 MTWRF DACL 275 Manshad Shakir CCDM 113 NDevelopmental Algebra II CC 4 cr 21223 D20 1100-1330 MTWRF DAMA 127 CCDM 114 NAlgebra Skills CC CC CC GC CC 21224 D20 21225 D21 21226 D22 21227 D24 23907 D25 CHEM chemistry Sierra Rene 4 cr 0800-1030 1105-1335 1730-2040 0800-1110 1330-1640 MTWRF DAMA 127 MTWRF DACL 271 MTWR DACL 271 MTWR DAGC 113 MTWR DACL 273 22567 D20 1030-1300 MW 1030-1300 TR Sierra Rene Gamboa E Ellis Sarah Hill Suzanne Ellis Sarah 4 cr CC DAHL 284 Caldwell Karen DAHL 183 CMT creative media technology CMT 115 Digital Photography and Imaging I 3 cr EM TBA CMT 130 Introduction to Web Design EM CMT 160 Modeling and Animation EM COLL college 21333 D01 1700-1930 MTWR DADM 101 3 cr 21334 D20 1730-2000 MTWR DADM 201 SUBTITLE: ADOBE DREAMWEAVER 3 cr 21337 D20 0900-1130 MTWR DADM 101 SUBTITLE: 3D STUDIO MAX WB 21190 D20 Landt C Snyder Ian 1 cr ONLINE Wood Susan COMM communication studies COMM 253GPublic Speaking GC 21193 D20 0800-0955 MTWR DAGC 117 COMM 265GPrinciples of Human Communication 3 cr Chavez Alfred 3 cr WBA EM A A 21195 D21 ONLINE 22517 D22 1500-1655 MTWR DAAR 114 23853 D70 0900-1055 MTWR S-GEC TBA Grant Lisanne Grant Lisanne Patterson M A 23854 D71 1015-1210 MTWR AEC2 TBA Day Valerie A 23855 D72 1015-1210 MTWR AEC2 TBA Grant Lisanne 4 cr A 23420 D84 0900-1055 MTWR S-GEC TBA TBA 21156 D21 1130-1440 MTWR DAAR 115 Roychowdhury D 21178 D20 0800-1110 MTWR DATS 151 Teitsworth Mike A 22102 D85 0810-1005 MTWR AEC1 415 Cornelius Wade A 22103 D86 0810-1005 MTWR AEC1 300 A 22104 D87 1015-1210 MTWR AEC1 400 Cornelius Wade C S computer science C S 110 Computer Literacy WB EM CCDE developmental english 21255 D20 ONLINE 21257 D22 1130-1325 MTWR DAEM 218 CCDE 110N General Composition EM CC CCDM developmental mathematics CCDM 100N Mathematics Preparation for College Success CC TIME COLL 103 Managing Your Money NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY * CRNSEC CHEM 110G Principles and Applications of Chemistry BMGT 140 Principles of Supervision I ASTR 105G The Planets AUTO DATESPLACE CCDM 103 NPre-Algebra art ART 101G Orientation in Art INSTRUCTOR 21220 D20 0900-1100 MTWRF DACL 271 3 cr Pina Gustavo Chappell T NOTE: ENROLLMENT FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY 4 cr Gamboa E NOTE: ENROLLMENT FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY Purcell Allen NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY Column headed by * : A = Absences may result in drop, I = Instructor’s approval required, P = Priority enrollment for DACC students, S = Graded S/U Summer 2015 BEGIN, END * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR A 22105 D88 1015-1210 MTWR AEC1 415 Purcell Allen A 22380 D89 0810-1005 MTWR AEC1 300 Day Valerie NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY DMS diagnostic medical sonography DMS 117 Advanced Sonographic Procedures CC DMS 200 Independent Study DRFT I 21417 D20 0900-1130 M 1230-1500 M 21422D20 TBA 2 cr DAHL 291 DAHL 291 Hutson Faith 1–6 cr TBA * CRNSEC NR TBA drafting and design technologies SP HIST history EM SP HIT health info technology HIT 158 Advanced Medical Terminology WB HOST hospitality and tourism 23840 D20 3 cr TBA NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY ECON 3 cr WBI S 23846 D20 HEATING, VENTILATION AIR COND. AND REFRIG. ECON 252G Principles of Microeconomics WB ELT electronics technology ELT 135 Electronics II CC ELT 235 Digital Electronics II WC ENGL english 3 cr ONLINE O’Donnell B 4 cr 23670 D20 1400-1745 MTWR DAMA 087 Garay Marco 3 cr 23618 D20 1800-2107 MTWR DAWD 116 Garay Marco ENGL 111G Rhetoric and Composition CC A EM A WBA WBA 21181 D21 1200-1430 21182 D22 1430-1700 22874 D26 22875 D27 4 cr MTWR DACL 171 Teitsworth Mike MTWR DAAR 113 Barnet Jeffrey ONLINE Alden Donna ONLINE Alden Donna ENGL 203G Business and Professional Communication CC A 3 cr 23341 D20 1800-2000 MTWR DACL 171 Mott Niki ENGL 211G Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences CC A 21188 D21 1800-2000 MTWR DACL 176 ENGL 218G Technical and Scientific Communication WBA EM A A CC I 23829 D20 TBA MATH mathematics ONLINE Seifert Kim 1 cr TBA DATS 142 Telles Joe MATH 120 Intermediate Algebra economics 21243 D20 Sletten Mary HVAC 113 Job Shadowing 22599 D80 0905-1135 MTWR AEC1 TBA 3 cr ONLINE HOST 221 Internship I TBA 3 cr 21141 D20 1330-1530 MTWR DAAR 107 Walker Roger 22526 D21 1800-2000 MTWR DASP 116 Whittet Robert DRFT 151 Construction Principles and Print Reading 4 cr HIST 201G Introduction to Early American History HVAC AEC1 TBA INSTRUCTOR 22596 D20 0830-1215 MTWR DASP 114 Rothemund Kirk 1 cr 23309 D80 0810-0900 TR DAYS ROOM geology DRFT 101 Introduction to Drafting and Design Technologies NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY TIME GEOL 111G Survey of Geology COMM 265GPrinciples of Human Communication (continued) NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY BEGIN, END GEOL SECOND FIVE-WEEK SESSION CONTINUED CLASSES MEET JULY 2 THROUGH AUGUST 6, 2015 27 CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr 3 cr Barnet Jeffrey 3 cr 23717D03 ONLINE Roychowdhury D 21186 D20 0800-1000 MTWR DASR 231 Tierney Robyn 21166 D85 1030-1225 MTWR AEC1 TBA Quintana Arcadio CC CC GC 3 cr 23822 D20 0800-0930 MTWRF DACL 276 TBA 21230 D21 1100-1255 MTWR DACL 276 Manshad Shakir 21231 D22 1130-1325 MTWR DAGC 113 Hill Suzanne MATH 121G College Algebra 3 cr CC EM 21232 D20 1730-1925 MTWR DACL 273 TBA 23743 D22 0830-1000 MTWRF DAAR 116 Murphy Donald MGT management MGT 201 Introduction to Management WB MKTG marketing 21234 D20 3 cr ONLINE Saucedo Andy ONLINE De La Cruz Laura MKTG 203 Introduction to Marketing WB MUS music 22346 D20 3 cr MUS 101G An Introduction to Music 3 cr EM 21143 D20 0800-1000 MTWR DAAR 107 Creider Barbara NA nursing assistant NA 105 Nursing Assistant Clinicals 4 cr CC TBA 21415 D20 0700-1100 MTWR DAMA 074 NOTE 1: MUST BE CO-ENROLLED IN NA 104 & NA 104L NOTE 2: CLINICAL CLEARANCE PACKET REQUIRED TO ENROLL PACKET AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT HTTP://DACC/HPS/HCA/ NOTE 3: REQUIRES PROGRAM DIRCTOR CONSENT TO ENROLL NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY GEOG NOTE 1: MUST BE CO-ENROLLED IN NA 104 & NA 104L NOTE 2: CLINICAL CLEARANCE PACKET REQUIRED TO ENROLL PACKET AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT HTTP://DACC/HPS/HCA/ NOTE 3: REQUIRES PROGRAM DIRECTOR CONSENT TO ENROLL geography GEOG 111G Geography of the Natural Environment WB 21233 D20 ONLINE 4 cr Alvarez Lorelei CC 23395 D21 0700-1100 MTWR DAMA 074 Letters after course #: G = Meets NMSU gen. ed. requirement, N = Does not count toward grad. Place abbreveviations—see map on back TBA 28 CC = Central Campus, CH=Chaparral Ctr, EM = East Mesa, GC = Gadsden, HC=Hatch Ctr, SP = Sunlnd Pk, WC = Workfrce Ctr, MC = Mesquite Neighbrhd Ctr Schedule of Classes BEGIN, END * CRNSEC TIME DAYS ROOM INSTRUCTOR RESP SECOND FIVE-WEEK SESSION CONTINUED CLASSES MEET JULY 2 THROUGH AUGUST 6, 2015 nursing assistant NA 110 Electrocardiogram Technician Basic 4 cr CC TBA NA 111 Alzheimer/Dementia Care Focus 3 cr CC TBA OECS computer technology NOTE 1: CLINICAL CLEARANCE PACKET REQUIRED TO ENROLL PACKET AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT HTTP://DACC/HPS/HCA/ NOTE 2: REQUIRES PROGRAM DIRECTOR CONSENT TO ENROLL 23861 D20 1330-1525 MTWR DAHL 292 CC 21258 D20 1300-1455 MTWR DAMA 105 3 cr Doyle Robert OECS 125 Operating Systems WB 21252 D20 SUBTITLE: DESKTOP OPERATING SYSTEMS 1–3 cr ONLINE Doyle Robert OECS 220 Database Application and Design 1–3 cr EM OEEM emergency medical services SUBTITLE: ACCESS 2013 22552 D20 0900-1055 MTWR DAEM 218 Chappell T OEEM 122 Emergency Medical Technician Basic Advanced I 23731 D20 TBA TBA NR OEEM 210 Cardiac Rhythm Interpretation EM 21397 D20 0800-1340 MW OETS I 23875D20 TBA TBA OETS 102 Career Readiness Certification Preparation PHLS S sociology SOC 101G Introductory Sociology EM WB WB WB 3 cr 21125 D21 0900-1100 23825 D22 22532 D23 23826 D24 22108 D85 0800-1000 SPAN MTWR DAAR 106 Williams Heather ONLINE Williams Heather ONLINE Williams Heather ONLINE Williams Heather MTWR AEC1 412 Ghebreslasse G spanish SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish I 4 cr 21128 D85 0800-1030 MTWR AEC1 503 Viramontes Olga NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY WELD welding technology WELD 102 Welding Fundamentals CC 3 cr 23332D201800-1940MTW DATS 152Martinez Vincent 1950-2130 MTW DATS 150 To Albuquerque TBA Lohman Ave. 1 cr Nevada Ave. 3 cr . Triviz Dr psychology t. Walnut S 23349 D20 0900-1055 MTWR DAHL 290 Corran Rebecca 21572 D85 0810-1010 MTWR AEC1 303 TBA PSY 201G Introduction to Psychology I-25 3 cr 21147 D85 1030-1230 MTWR AEC1 503 NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY RADT SOC 3 cr 21428 D20 0830-1300 MTWR DAHL TBA Durant Virginia Cline Paul NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY CC 23756 D60 0800-0900 MTWRF AEC1 200 Ashby Christine PHLS 150G Personal Health and Wellness PSY Bender Sandra radiologic technology RADT 156 Independent Study INSTRUCTOR 2 cr public health sciences CC 3 cr NR DAYS ROOM Bradley Joyce technical studies TIME respiratory therapy 3 cr DASR 131 OEEM 242 EMT-Paramedic Field Internship II * CRNSEC NOTE: CLASS FOR ECHS STUDENTS ONLY OECS 105 Introduction to Information Technology RESP 224 Respiratory Therapy IV Clinical NA 23860 D20 0900-1300 MTWR DAMA 072 BEGIN, END 21286 D20 TBA 1–6 cr TBA NR Cox Annja DACC Workforce Center 2345 Nevada Ave. Las Cruces To El Paso Workforce Center Column headed by * : A = Absences may result in drop, I = Instructor’s approval required, P = Priority enrollment for DACC students, S = Graded S/U Summer 2015 29 N. Mes a St. 10 a e nD ha . Rd nip Do Gr t ut cN NORTH Rio M nd r. d lan k Par . Dr n nla Su ark dP Dr Sun Gr a nd Mc DACC Sunland Park Campus 3365 McNutt Rd. Sunland Park Posey Rd. 10 Rio e Nu tt R d. Sunland Park Campus St. Tornillo e St. Mesquit ro St. San Ped ve. eA c pru S Piñón Ave. Picacho Ave. Mesquite Neighborhood Lear ning Center DACC Mesquite Neighborhood 890 N. Tor nillo St. • Las Cruces, NM 88001 Learning Center 890 N. Tornillo St. • Las Cruces Mesquite Neighborhood Learning Center 30 Schedule of Classes DACC Central Campus 3400 S. Espina St. Las Cruces Central Campus Ri na da or th r is e Dr To Albuquerque So n o ma R a nch Blvd NORTH nc o d N Te l s hor B l v Dr is e th r d er wy N Te l s hor B l v rD drunn oa Pk NR 70 East Mesa Campus To r ElornPaso M ing S ta or N S ta er I-25 R a nch Blvd To Albuquerque wy na da drunn oa Pk NR nc o Sono ma NORTH r Mo r n i n g 70 Ri rD N DACC East Mesa Campus 2800 N Sonoma Ranch Blvd Las Cruces G Number Prefixes and Building Locations EG G EE R ST SOUTH DACC BUILDINGS ROOM # PREFIX CAMPUS—BUILDING DACL Central— General Classroom Building DADM East Mesa— Digital Media Building DAEM East Mesa— East Mesa Main Building DAGC Gadsden Campus DAHC Hatch Center DAHL Central— Health Services Building DALR Central— Learning Resources Building DAMA Central—Main Building DASP Sunland Park Campus DASR East Mesa— Student Resources Building DATS Central— Technical Studies Building DAWD Workforce Center 2345 E. Nevada Ave. BUILDINGS AT OTHER LOCATIONS ROOM # PREFIX LOCATION EC1 Engineering Complex I, NMSU Campus ECHS Early College High School, NMSU Campus S-CHPS Chaparral High School Deming High School S-GHS Gadsden High School S-HHS Hatch Valley High School S-HSHS Hot Springs High School, Truth or Consequences S-LCHS Las Cruces High School S-MHS Mayfield High School S-MNLC Mesquite Neighborhood Learning Center S-OHS Oñate High School S-SHS Santa Teresa High School Aerial photography by Altitude Video • (915) 319-1073 S-DHS Central Campus Building Codes Chaparral Center DAMA • DALR • DATS • DACL • DAHL East Mesa—Auditorium DACH T DAAU STREET East Mesa—Academic Resources Building ESPINA DAAR 31 R Summer 2015 Classroom East Mesa Campus Building Codes DAAR • DASR • DAEM • DAAU • DADM Aerial photography by Altitude Video (915) 319-1073
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