
Note the following
dates in your Diary:
Edition No. 16.15
Cooee online at
26th May 2015
School Administration:- Ph. 46368333 Fax: 46368300
Email:[email protected]
Choral Fanfare
Tuesday 2nd June
School Photos
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th June
This week, Mark is in Paris as part of a delegation to attend the UNESCO International Vesak Celebration. The delegation will provide a three hour presentation as part of the Vesak Celebration at which Mark will highlight the work of our
school in combining so many different cultural and religious groups into a place
that promotes and features the understanding of difference, harmony, strong cooperation, inclusivity and welcome.
We look forward to Mark’s return and sharing with our community his experiences as we continue to seek opportunities to promote peace and harmony within
our whole school community.
School Photos will be taken on the 4th and 5th June in our school Hall. Your photo order envelopes have been sent home previously – please hand envelopes to
the photographer on photo day – no money or envelopes will be accepted at the
Admin office. Please ensure students are dressed in their full school uniform.
Preparations are well underway for our 2015 Interhouse Athletics Carnival. These athletic events are scheduled for Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th
of June. Full details will be announced as we get closer to the event.
As mentioned in previous newsletters, our school has received funding to help us
set up a Pre-Prep Program. Please find the full details that have been inserted
into this week’s newsletter that includes an expression of interest for school families who may like to have their children and themselves involved in this program.
As always, we appreciate the support parents provide children and our school as
we share the partnership of teaching children.
Of great help to us is when parents are able to do the following:
1. Get children to school on time ready to learn. School starts at 8.45 and children are encouraged to be here earlier so they are prepared for the day.
2. Ensure they have all equipment they need, books and stationery, a hat and
lunches for the day.
3. Ensure they are dressed in our school uniform.
4. Ensure your child or children are coming to school in the right frame of mind to
enjoy learning for the day.
SEP Parent Support
Group Meeting
Wednesday 27/5/15 - 2
Wednesday 24/6/15 - 2
Athletics Carnival
Wednesday and Thursday 24th and 25th June
Every Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
Open Tuesday from
8.30am - 9.30am and
Thursday from 2.30pm
- 3.30pm.
0455 088 401 Or
Cruisin’ Cappucino every
Wednesday afternoon.
Thank you for your support.
Until Next Week
Cooee Edition 16.15
26th May 2015
The Value for this week is, “Safety” with a focus on , “I walk on the concrete.” In order to keep our students
safe, each classroom has a set of rules and expectations for students to follow. This week, teachers will be
reinforcing the reasons why students must walk safely around the school and on concreted areas.
If students are seen to be running on pathways or other concreted areas of the school, a staff member will direct them to “Stop” and “Drop”. To the students, this means that they stop
and sit down. The student will then be asked to count to 20 before being allowed to safely continue on their way.
Students following our four school STAR Values are constantly being recognised for their positive behaviours. This is through the use of positive praise,
“Gotchas” and a range of awards and certificates within classrooms, yearlevel parades and whole school assemblies. Each term, students who consistently follow our STAR values are invited to attend our “Treat Days” –
these are days that involve something extra special for students; as both an
incentive and reward for making great choices throughout the term.
A special thanks to all parents who take the time each week to sit down and talk to their child/ren about the
week’s Value and Focus. If any parents have any queries or concerns or wish to discuss anything, please feel
free to contact Mr James Leach (Deputy Principal) on 46 368 333.
Confidence is the full trust and belief in oneself, a self-reliance and assurance in one’s abilities. The ‘litmus
test’ for the degree of confidence a student has can be tested by how they approach new challenges. Lack of
confidence is one of the greatest barriers to successful learning. Children who lack confidence have yet to
learn that:
 Making mistakes is an essential part of learning.
 Important people love us for who we are, not for what we can do.
 We all have many skills that we have not yet discovered.
Being successful means doing your best, not being better than other people.
Listed below are some ways in which you can help your child to become more confident, and therefore more
successful as a learner:
 Be excited and interested in their achievements, no matter how small.
 Build on any special strengths with praise and new opportunities.
 Ensure that your children feel safe and supported in taking risks. Every child needs to learn that it is fine
to make mistakes and that trying and not succeeding straight away is part of learning.
 Take a child’s interests and activities seriously. Let them see that their experiences are valuable.
 Ensure all challenges are realistic. Nothing succeeds like success and the more success children have the
more confidence they bring to any new challenges.
Carefully consider the place of competition in the life of the child. Despite what some people think, an individual’s success in life, in the things that matter, does not depend on being faster, stronger or smarter than
other people. Success is about doing your best and being proud of yourself.
“If you think you can or if you think you can’t, you’re right either way.” Henry Ford
2015 2005
Choral Fanfare is happening next week on Tuesday (2 nd June). Both of our choirs – Year 4 Choir and 5/6 Singers - will
be performing and we have been looking forward to this event all term.
Choral Fanfare is being held at Toowoomba State High School (Mt Lofty Campus) which is on Stuart Street. The session we are performing in begins at 12pm. It is a free event with no admission charge so it would be fantastic if we had
some of our parents there to support and encourage us.
If you have a student who is performing, remember that they do need to be in their choir uniform that day; long black
pants, long sleeved white shirt, black shoes and socks.
Jackets are back in stock
Polar Fleece $35
Microfibre $40
House Coloured Polos ($15) will soon be back in plentiful supply.
Keep an eye out for our notice in the coming Cooee & on the sandwich notice boards at the front of the school.
Senior Polos (Year 6)
There is a spare size 10 & 12 short sleeved polo.
Please see Lee-Ann at the Uniform Shop or leave your name at the office if you are interested.
First in best dressed.
Those who have not purchased a polo already, will have priority.
Payment is required immediately.
Uniform Shop Opening times:
Tuesday 8.30-9.30am
Thursday 2.30-3.30pm
Deal #1 - Dagwood Dog + Choice of Water/Milo Drink.
Deal #2 - Sausage on Bread (Halal) + Choice of Water/Milo.
Extra Dag or Snag available at cost of $2.00 each
When placing order at tuckshop simply tick Deal #1 or Deal #2 with your drink option.
Snag and Dag Day—Wednesday 27th May
Name: ……………………………………………………………….. Class: …………………………
Deal #1
Deal #2
 Dagwood Dog
 Sausage in Bread
 Water
 Milo
 Extra Dagwood - $2  Extra Sausage - $2
Total Price: $………………………….………………………………
Cooee Edition 16.15
26th May 2015
The reading period for the 2015 Premier's Reading
Challenge commenced on Tuesday 19 May and
closes Friday 28 August.This year, the Premier has
challenged all state and non-state school students
from Prep to Year 2 to read or experience 20
books, Years 3 and 4 to read 20 books and Years 5
to 6 to read 15 books. Please record books read on
the sheet provided by the class teacher.
Prep to Year 2 students can experience books
through shared reading, listening to stories or reading picture books. The aim for the 2015 challenge is
to reach a total of two million books read.
Wanted!!!!!!!! Tin Cans of All Shapes
and Sizes especially the Large Milo
Tins (with Lids Please). Please leave
at office or tuckshop.
Every student who completes the challenge will
receive a Certificate of Achievement signed by the
Premier and all students receive a Certificate of
Year Prep/ 1 Stars
Prep M
Adva Dafny
Prep N
Levi Humphrey
Prep W
Bella Gamble
Prep T
Farhad Yawari
Cody Cortina
Logan Wilkie
Xander Troung
Saihajileen Kaur
Year 2 Stars
2M Ghadeer Al-Gayyim
2D Harrison Kelk
2C Tamara Sofio-Isla
2V Sarah Linguard
Year 3/4 Awards
3G Student of the Week
Christina Giddy
3G Star of Week
Lucas Ardika
3H Spelling Improvement
Patrick Boland
3H Star Student
Zahraa Kiream
3B Stars of the Week
Mason Men, Lien Dekeyser, Istabrq Sabri
3B 100% Club
Tanahya Esler, Darcy Shelton, Sitav Firaj,
Lien Dekeyser, Istabrq Sabri and Acacia
3B Most Improved in Spelling
Anton Williams, Darcy Shelton, Mason
Men, Istabrq Sabri
3B Quality Work
Alex Van Klavern, Lien Dekeyser, Zahraa
Wannas, Marwa Ibrahim
Student of the Week
4N Shequila Cross
4N Riley Pearce
Star Award
4N Jaidyn Ross
Rosie Callagher, Jayson Carandang, Evan
Jack-Sandrey, Madison Powell, Gregory
Simmons, Warren Till, Amelia Twomey,
Star Student
William Thorley
SEP M Stars of the Week
Ethan Bouttell, Evan Jack-Sandrey
5/6 Stars of the Week
5/6 A Rukaiya Ferdowsi
5/6 B Aisha Nafie
5/6 C Issra Maryol
5/6 D Ghasaq Al Azzawi
5/6 E Huda Mohamed
5/6 F Ali Yousif
Sep Awards
Merit Awards
Kayla Dodd, Zenab Awedat,
Ryan Barlow, Briar Brown,
YMCA’s Monthly Newsletters are available on our school’s website.