An investigation of the gains from commitment in monetary policy Ernst Schaumburg and Andrea Tambalotti JME Two possible assumptions when modeling optimal policy: I an infinitely lived policy maker can credibly commit to a policy (function) forever I policy maker can not credibly commit at all the assumption of commitment usually leads to time inconsistent policies. This Paper This paper tries to analyze ’intermediate’ cases where a policy maker can commit to a policy rule but is only in power for a random number of periods. I draws of a Bernoulli random variable ηt indicate whether or not a new policy maker is in power. I α: probability of policy maker being replaced next period ’measure of credibility’ I 1: α I τj : I average duration of regime time period policy maker j comes into power ∆τj = τj+1 − τj − 1 The Private Sector xt = Et xt+1 − σ(it − Et πt+1 − rte ) (1) πt = κxt + βEt πt+1 + ut (2) Lt = πt2 + λx (xt − x∗ )2 (3) It = {rse , us , ηs }s≤t (4) Optimal Policy Problem Assume for now ut iid ∆τj X V(uτj ) = max min Eτj β k Lτj +k + β ∆τj +1 V(uτj+1 ) φk+1 xk ,πk (5) k=0 φ τj = 0 (6) Lt = Lt + 2φt+1 (−πt + κxt + βEt πt+1 + ut ) (7) Guess solution for π: πt+1 = h0 + h1 ut+1 + h2 φt+1 (8) This implies: Et πt+1 = (1 − α)Et0 πt+1 + αEt1 πt+1 = (1 − α)Et0 πt+1 + αh0 (9) where Eti πt+1 = Et [πt + 1|ηt+1 = i] (10) some of the FONC’s: λx (xt − x∗ ) + κφt+1 = 0 (11) πt − φt+1 + φt = 0 (12) This yields λx (xt − x∗ ) κ κµ1 ∗ h0 = x 1 − βµ1 φt+1 = (13) (14) If no regime change ever occurred xt would converge to ¯x = − αβµ1 ∗ x 1 − βµ1 (15) ˜xt = ¯xt − x∗ (16) output gap dynamics within regime: ˜xt = µt+1 1 t κ X s 1 − (1 − α)βµ1 ∗ x − µ1 µ1 ut−s 1 − βµ1 λx (17) s=0 πt = κ ˜xt + ut 1 − (1 − α)βµ1 (18) Calibration IR Definitions
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