Document 177688

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. if il IS A D V A N C E - N E W S
Sedan Was
Featured Overturned
In a Crash
. The Fair
*-• —r
220 Exhibitors Were Listed at J. Theodore Bailie Injured in
Gouverneur The P a s t
Accident on Sunday Even
J- Theodore Bailie, secretary of
The combined Gouvemeur and Ogdensbu2£ Lod?e of Elks, suffer
S;. Lawrence County Pairs was the ed injuries in an automobile accichance for St. Lawience County 4 dent Sunday night at 7:SO at lite
H Club members to demonstrate corner of LoFayette and Morris
their abilities ©y outstanding ex- streets. A Ford sedan which he was*
driving was struck toy a truck op4-H Clubs competed for record erated by Ralph Deshame of 9&9
attendances in two classes—chose West Main street. Watertown. The
outside of a ten mile radius of sedan WAS proce^oun^ south on
Gouverneur and* those inside of Morris street and the track east
the ten mire radius. Record at- on Lafayette street- Police said the
tendance for clubs outside the cir- automobile was struck in the cencle was achieved by the Jiermon ter, whirled around and lipped
Progressive d u b with S7-5 per ever on its left side. Bailey was
cent; second was Hook in ton with thrown out of the window and pin81.8 p*r cent. Attendance inside ned under the machine, He was
the ten mile radius was won by injured on the left arm, shoulder,
M&e Rock Island Ciub -which had hip and ribs Accompliing him in
90 per cent of its members attend- the car were Mrs. George R. Houins: second honors was won by ston of this city and her step son.
Utile Bow Griffith with 82.4 per George F Houston of New York
Mrs. Houston was bruised on her
Forty-six dairy club extoibHdrs head and shaken up George Houshowed a total of 103 animals- ston escaped injury.
Four men were riding on the
Holstein championship wa9'-w*Wt by
Claude Moulton of
WiutnYop: truck but none of them were in
Guernsey championship ay 'Kaael jured. Bailie was taking Houston to
Moulton, also of Winihrop; Janet the New York Central statioa
Armstrong of Osrdenstours showed where he was to board the evening
the champion"Jersey, and Stanley train for New York. Houston proLaidlaw of Gouverneur the Ayr ceeded to the siation in another
carshire Champion.
Mr. Bailie was attended by Dr
Friday found 4 H members engaged in a cattle judging contest John E: Free at his home. Mrs.
which was won by Ernia Wilson of Houston did not require medical
Heuveltoa. Janet Armstrong of Og- attentiondensburg and Bobby Thompson of
Bailies car was badly damaged
Heuvelton tied for second honors. but the truck only slightly- Bailie
These three will represent
St claimed that Deshame was driving
Lawrence county at the Siate Fair- at a fast Tate of speed. The truck
. Others who scored high in this is said to <be owned in Syracuse
contest were Raymond Munson, and is used to deliver films at the
Winthrop; and Ross Putnam. Pope Scliine theatre in the northern part
of the state.
The contest for dairy record ciub
St-rgt. Leo LeBeau and Officer
books in the class below 14 years Fred Cardinal were, called *o. the
of age was won by Ruth Moulton. scene cf the accident.
Winthrop; second, Franklyn Sheldon, Lisbon; third. Ross Putraan,
Pope Mills: fourth. Robert Giea- won- as follows: Walter Bul<on.
son, Hammond. Tae class above Lisbon, first: Ila Gihnour. Og
14 years of ages placed first. Ho densburg. second; and Erwin Almer Martin. Lrisbon; second, Er- dous, Potsdam, third. The special*
win'-Udous, Potsdam; third. Janet prize went to Catherine Pollock,
Armstrong, Ogdensburir; fourth, Potsdam. "f>rink More Milk" pos
Worth Coates, Gouverneur.
te prizes went to Ruth McKim.
Erwin "Aldous of the Potsdam Canton; Virginia. Russell, West
Wide Awake Club took first in Stockholm; and Lillian LaRue.
poultrv judging, vegetable judg Depeyster- Oemoasirations put op
iag and in Holstein showmanship. to further the "Oriak More Milk
The Showmanship contest
for publicity-were placed in the folthe Gouverneur area was won by lowing order: AT line Bristol and
Norman Drummond. Rossie: sec- Margaret Jones. Ricarille: Hazel
• orjd Elmer Drummond, Rossie; Moulton and Janet Catelle, Stock1
third, Ertoo Sipher, Goave<nieur holm; and Alice WitheriU and MyThe contest for those outside the ia Sellers of the Depeyster Clor
Geuvemeur area placed as fol erleaf Club.
lows: Erma Wilson; HeaveHa*;
Agriculture demonstrations were
Haze$ Moulton* Winthrop
and very wcH attended aad were placHomer Martin, Lisbon.
*ed as foOows: arst, Raymond
Featured at the Fair was the Munson aad Mulford Crane. Stock
Healia Corniest woo by Margaret holm: second, Brwia Aldous aad
Jaaes. RichTine, and Robert Rodg- Elmer SacketC Potsdam; third.
er Caatoa. Robert Rodger will ea- Siaaley Laidlaw aad Worth Caates,
» the State Health C f t o t e s t . ^ Gouverneur.
r i i s t place ia the 4-H D^as
Liaise fhruaet of Wwt Herasoa
Kev.e was won by Helen Moore. woa first ia the County Canaiag
Harrisrille; and secoad by Jeanne Contest.
- S t - Pierre^ HaaaawaSpecial garden prizes were ofla the FoaStry Departmeat tae fered by the Joseph Harris com
medal for the west pottet was waa pmav of CaNbwater. These arizes
«o weat to Erwia Aldous. Potsdam
hv a White Leghora beloagiag
Wemdall Murray of Stockaolm- first; Robert Alaoas.
fte*t cockeral aaeaal weat to a
ami HareM Wires. Pots j
Rhode Islaad Red of Heiea Wires,
ir Fair were 25*.
Several t
making aaw aariralrare. l a
McKim both
rent to Hazel
jfaaltaa aad Olrre CaateH af
Sicckholut. a a * third to Eleanor
Jaefcsea aad Mildred Waaoa •*
DeaeysteTOae af the feature* of the Goa
•eraear Fair was the ~I*iak Mare
Man: Deaartawaf spoasared by
tae Srate Departmeat. The eatayj
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