Registering your Facility & Logging in for the First Time

Registering your Facility & Logging in for the First Time
This chapter is directed towards the business users such as Health Care Providers. It is
intended to assist them in using the HCAI application by describing the business functionality
and identifying business rules and requirements. This document contains detailed instructions
on how to process tasks and complete the different OCF forms.
Recommended requirements for using HCAI
Operating System
Internet Access
Web Browser
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
High-Speed Internet connection using Cable, DSL or Wireless access
with a firewall (more reliable + firewall is more secure)
Internet Explorer 6.0+ or Netscape 7
Other Requirements
HCAI User Account
Minimum requirements to start using HCAI
Operating System
Windows 98 (Please note that updates from Microsoft are no longer
available for Windows 98)
Internet Access
Dial ・ up internet connection (Response time will be slower than HighSpeed Connections)
Web Browser
Internet Explorer 5.5 (Some icons and page layouts may not be
optimized for the screen)
Other Requirements
HCAI User Account
General Assumptions
HCAI utilizes the same layout and format of the printed OCF Forms currently in use. Therefore, if you
already know how to use the existing OCF forms to create a Treatment Plan or Invoice you can do it
using the HCAI system. It is assumed that the users of this application will meet the following criteria:
Facility employees (i.e. Clinicians, Clerical/Front Desk Support, Business Managers, practice
leaders) have a sufficient level of PC competency
Provider employees have sufficient knowledge of the business processes surrounding the
provision of treatment to persons injured in automobile collisions. These include OCF form
completion, billing, and any other business related processes
Note: HCAI application is intended to provide an online environment in which you can manage the
submission and completion of various OCF forms utilizing HCAI’s extended features. It is not
intended to instruct you on how to run your business, or administer treatment to Ontarians injured in
automobile collisions.
How to Register a Health Care Facility to use the HCAI Web Application
This chapter describes the process for setting up your facility within the HCAI system.
The first step in registering your facility is to access the HCAI website at and click on the
“Register a Facility” icon on the HCAI home page.
Overview of Process to Register a New Facility
1. Access the "Register a facility" screen.
2. Enter the facility details.
3. Enter the providers and their professions that are associated with your facility. A “provider” is
any health professional, regulated or unregulated, who will deliver goods and/or services to the
patients or clients of the facility.
4. From the "Register a facility" screen, submit the information.
a. HCAI will provide User Name and Password for future access to update facility
information. You will need this information to log on to HCAI.
5. Download the registration details (HCAI Enrolment Form and Terms and Conditions). This is a
PDF document that must be printed.
a. Do not lose the contract. Store a copy of this form for future reference. This is your
facility’s contract that enables it to use HCAI. Your HCAI Facility number is located on
this form.
6. Obtain signature from authorizing officer
7. Submit enrolment form with signature of authorizing officer and selected “effective date” to
HCAI Services via fax or mail to the P.O. Box listed on the form.
8. HCAI Services upon receiving the signed enrolment information will ensure the approval of the
facility. Once the approval is completed the Facility will be given access to HCAI functionalities,
such as facility management and user management.
9. Execute Provider Agreements
a. Providers associated with your Facility can be set up as “Dependent” providers or
“Affiliated” providers. The Facility authorizing officer or management will need to
decide which providers will need to interface directly with the HCAI electronic
application and which ones do not need to interface with the application.
i. Dependent providers will NOT be given a user profile by Facility management
and, therefore, will NOT directly interface with HCAI electronically.
Register a Facility Sept 28 09
ii. Affiliated providers WILL be given a user profile by Facility management and,
therefore, WILL have the capacity to interface directly with HCAI electronically.
b. All providers associated with the Facility must sign either the “Dependent” OR
“Affiliated” provider terms and conditions.
Both of these forms are downloadable here:
These signed forms do not have to be submitted to HCAI, but should be kept on file at
the Facility.
Start Registering
Select an Authorizing Officer (AO)
This is often (but not necessarily) the owner of the clinic or may be a senior manager/administrator with
signing authority. The email address inserted here will appear on all invoices generated by the
application. Consider carefully who should take on the role of AO. Once the Facility is activated, only the
AO will have the capability to set up new users and manage Facility details.
The AO should be an individual who is engaged in the day to day operation of the health care
business. He/she should have a good understanding of the business processes and personnel who will
need to have access to the electronic application.
Prior to registering, the AO should read Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the HCAI Web User Manual located
The AO should be the individual who carries out the actual registration.
Click on “Register a Facility”
The Register a Facility screen will require that certain information be completed. All information
proceeded by an asterisk is mandatory.
Complete All Sections
The following information should be completed:
Facility Details: The Facility name, corporation number and address information. This information will
be used to pre-populate OCF forms. If you are registering several branches of one business, consider
using the business name followed by the branch. E.g. Acme Rehab – Brampton; Acme Rehab – North
Bay; etc.
HCAI Account Information: Name of the AO for the facility, an email and a User Name. This individual
will be given a password, upon completion of the enrolment to maintain facility and provider information.
The AO will be given access to set up additional users for the facility, such as providers and
Selecting a User Name:
User Names must be more
than 2 characters, should not
have any spaces in them and
must be unique.
Register a Facility Sept 28 09
Facility Contacts
There is space for two contact people for each Facility, and the provision of at least one contact person is
mandatory. HCAI communications concerning maintenance outages or other issues affecting the use of
the application will be sent to these contacts. If the Facility is a “sole practice” Facility, the Authorizing
Officer and Contact One will be the same person.
Payee Information
Insert the name to which you would like payment cheques to be payable. In most cases this will be the
name of the clinic.
On the paper version of the OCF 21, space is allotted for “Payee Name” and “Payee Number”. If you do
not currently complete these fields in paper invoices, leave this section blank.
The payee information will be pre-populated on OCF forms, and should be the name to be used for
payments from insurers.
Lock Payable
If the lock payable is set to “No”, HCAI users within the facility will be able to change the payee
information that appears on the payment cheque. If “Yes” is selected, the payee information will not be
changeable for OCF forms. The lock payable flag can be reset at any time by the facility administrator
with access to facility management, normally the authorizing officer of the facility.
PMS Yes/No
HCAI submission method – PMS Integration refers to clinics whom will be accessing HCAI via their
Practice Management System, if Yes is selected a field for PMS Vendor name and PMS Username will
be available for completion. You should notify your PMS vendor of the username you chose.
Note: Contact your PMS vendor to determine if your software is integrated with HCAI.
Add Associated Providers
Associated Providers – Providers working for the clinic will be added from this page by clicking on the
“Add Provider” icon. Important: A “provider” indicates that an individual will be engaged in delivering
health services for your Facility/clinic/practice. Even if you have registered yourself as the authorizing
officer, if you also plan to deliver health services to patients, you must associate yourself – and any other
person that will deliver services on behalf of your clinic - as a “provider”.
Register a Facility Sept 28 09
Health provider details should be completed for all health professionals, regulated or unregulated, who
will be treating patients in or on behalf of the clinic/facility.
END DATE should be left blank in most cases. End date for Providers should not be completed unless
service termination is known at the time of registration.
To add a provider, enter:
First and last name
Select “Add Profession” button, select a profession from the drop down list. Multiple professions
can be added, if necessary. Press “Add Profession” button a second time to add an additional
Enter registration number for the provider (note: all regulated professions must have registration
number entered)
Press Save button, you will be returned to the Register a Facility screen.
Repeat the process adding all providers for your facility
The Providers added as described above will be displayed on the registration form in the bottom
Note: To delete providers prior to submitting, click on the check box next to the provider
name that you would like to remove, then click on the “Remove Provider” button.
Press the “submit” button to
finish enrolling your facility and
Receive Temporary Password
Once you have submitted your facility details you will be provided with a temporary password. Copy the
temporary password and user name. This will be required for you to access HCAI.
Register a Facility Sept 28 09
Note: If you have provided a valid email address for the AO - the user name and password will
be sent to that email address.
Download HCAI Registration Details (Enrolment Form)
Once you have copied the details of your temporary password, click on “Download Registration Details”
print the HCAI Enrolment form and the Terms and Conditions. Press the “Close” button to finish the
The enrolment form must be signed by the authorizing officer.
Submit the Signed Enrolment Form to HCAI Processing
Once signed the enrolment form must be faxed or mailed to HCAI Services. The fax number and mailing
address is on the first page of the enrolment form.
NB: You do not have to fax all pages of the enrolment form. Fax the following pages:
• Facility Details
• Signature of the Authorizing Officer
• The page that contains your selected “effective” date (or date you’ve chosen to go live on
the HCAI system.
How will I know my enrolment form has been received?
We are unable to send individual confirmations. Please keep a copy of your fax confirmation when you
submit your enrolment form.
1. About two weeks (in some cases sooner) prior to your effective date, you will receive an email
that confirms your effective date and will give you notice of the first day on which you can log onto
IMPORTANT: Please remember that while you will be able to log on prior to your effective date,
you must not submit forms using HCAI until your effective date.
2. At least one week (in some cases sooner) prior to your effective date, your facility will be
activated. When this happens, the authorizing officer will have access to HCAI functions such as
facility management and user management.
What do I do once my facility has been activated?
Once confirmation of activation has been received use your HCAI User Name and password, log into
HCAI to verify your company. The system will direct you to change your temporary password and enter a
new password. After entering a new password, you will be presented with the HCAI Online Policy to
proceed into HCAI you must accept the conditions.
You are now ready to begin setting up HCAI users and maintaining your facility on HCAI. For your initial
log on you will have access to the Facility Management and User Management modules.
Register a Facility Sept 28 09
Obtain Provider Agreements
Before a clinic can bill for a provider the clinic needs to obtain and maintain on the premises a signed
form from the provider, as follows:
Affiliated Providers: If the management of the facility/clinic/practice decides to give a
provider a user profile (username and password) in order to directly interface
electronically with HCAI, the “affiliated” provider form acknowledges that the provider
has read the electronic terms and conditions and agrees with them and also consents to
the use of the data. This form can be downloaded here:
Dependent Providers: If the management of the facility/clinic/practice decides NOT to
give a provider a user profile, this means the provider will not directly interfacing with
HCAI electronically the “dependent provider” form. This form can be downloaded here
The enrolled clinic is responsible for getting and retaining these documents from the providers they work
with. This is subject to audit by HCAI Processing.
Note: If you (the Authorizing Officer) do not see the User Management tab, contact HCAI
helpdesk at 1-888-422-4123 to update your access.
How Can I Tell if Our Facility Has Been Activated?
Log onto HCAI. You should see a tab called MANAGE and a sub-tab called FACILITY MANAGEMENT
(see Figure below). There you will see a heading called Status. If your status is Approved, your facility
has been activated. If it says Not Approved, your facility has not been activated or has for some reason
been deactivated (for example, if you change the name of the authorizing officer).
Review your facility information, by selecting the ‘Facility Management’ tab to ensure that the status has
been changed to Approved. Review the associated providers list ensuring that all providers have been
added to your clinic.
Register a Facility Sept 28 09
Setting Up Users for the First Time After Your Facility is Activated
IMPORTANT – Once your facility is activated, only the Authorizing Officer (the person that signed the
Enrolment form) has access to the User Management and Facility Management modules/tabs.
The AO must set up new users at this time. The AO is the default User Administrator for the Facility and,
therefore, is the only one who will be able to do password resets for users that get suspended (typically if
a password is typed in incorrectly on three consecutive tries). The AO may wish to set up a secondary
User Administrator for the Facility to assist with password resets and user management in future.
Password Resets for Authorizing Officer (AO)
If a facility’s AO is suspended from access to the HCAI system (typically because a password has been
entered incorrectly on 3 consecutive occasions) the AO (and not a delegate) must contact HCAI Helpdesk
at 1 888 422 4123. It is important not to share the username and password of the AO.
Password resets for users within a given facility can only be accomplished by the AO or the User
Administrator. If there is only one User Administrator in a facility and he/she has been suspended, HCAI
Helpdesk must be contacted for a password reset. A password reset can only be carried out upon request
by either the AO or a User Administrator and cannot be authorized by a delegate. We strongly
recommend that more than one User Administrator be created to streamline this situation.
Important Notice: Please DO NOT submit OCF plans or invoices prior to your Facility being
named in the FSCO Guideline – HCAI Participant List. Insurers are not required to respond or
pay invoices for facilities not named in the Guideline.
Register a Facility Sept 28 09