Document 178750

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Marines Celebrate 16^ti: M A l a y ^ F I ^ i z k
Something Wrong
Rob salt inside a fowl before
.adding stuffing for better season-
H a k e a s a u c e for cottage puddfing o a t of left-over fruit juice h y
•dissolving c o r n s t a r c h in cold w » 4 s r arid adding it to the fruit jnfee
amd cookingJt for a few minutes.
• * »
Shingle roofs should b e kept well
jpainted or stained a s a protection
a g a i n s t destruction by the eteaxtents a n d to insure against the
d e v e l o p m e n t s of expensive and dif->
€colt-to-find leaks.
• * •
Water s p o t s ' can often be rejeaoved from polished furniture by
Tubbing lightly with turpentine a p ^jlied on a soft cloth. Wipe dry
-ami rewax.
• • *
G r a p e juice frosting is delicious
.and different.
P u t three tafale«poons grape juice into a pint
Ssowl, then stir in 1 to lVz cups of
-confectioner's sugar till mixture
"In the air, on land, and s e a " the men of the United States marine corps are fighting a t America'si s thick enough to spread on your
battlefronts over the world a s they celebrate their 168th birthday. Left: On Guadalcanal marine artillery ex•cake.
perts shell a Japanese position. Their weapon is a 75-mm. pack howitzer, a favorite with marines because of
its mobility. Center: Lieut. Gen. Thomas Holcomb, the highest ranking officer ever to command the marines.
He served in much of the heavy fighting of World War I. Bight: On a lonely hill overlooking one of the numerousfti«.<?fr"."inlets, a marine machine gun crew is on the alert for any attempted landing by enemy troops.
Released by Western Newspaper Onion.
guess. -But & r e ^ t t be many vital
.changes from' {tetojjer.strength.
was "
l e a d i n g collegje
Ec if%$seiy0W&e screen teams
get fje:
lor even a short time.. Some better today
part of their
fcan't risk it now. Alanl/add strength from naval;
cloesn't belong in that class— entries. Many, of,
some of theni
a large.part of the public is these,
Ieadmg stars, wilt
remaining faithful to him while he's
off serving bis country, and refusing
to put anyone else. hi their idol's
place. He worked- hard for his success—had years of encouragement
but few good roles, and put in time
working in radio before he got a
good role in 'Moan of Paris." Then
Khaki Farmers' Help Gather Matanuska Harvest
.A9&-F>reexe, noneorrosive, inexpensive,
manufacture yourself. For details send 3c
s t a m p . H. F . Betke. B o x 699. Borgez, Xex.
he tested for "This Gun for Hire,"
and when Paramount executives saw
his test they didn't bother about testing anyone else. His success in that
role was like Marlene Dietrich's in
i Yow Range—Store
Faroace or Boiler
wfiUe Parts are Available—AH Makes
Ask TOUT Dealer to Order from <rr Writs
W A V E R L Y | ^ S ? e o . *» u",OB "•
When the soldier talks about "the
s k i p p e r " he means his captain,
t h e head of his company.
t h a f s just what the title " c a p t a i n "
m e a n s . It comes from the Latin
word " c a p u t " meaning " h e a d . "
Another leader high in the A r m y
m a n ' s favor is Camel cigarettes—
-they're first choice with m e n in
t h e Army. (Based on actual sales
.records from service men's own
s t o r e s . ) When you're sending gifts
:£rom home, keep in mind that a
« a r t o n of cigarettes is always most
vrelcome. And though there a r e
P o s t Office restrictions on packa g e s to overseas Army men, you
•«an still send Camels to soldiers
I n the U. S., and to m e n in the
H a v y , Marines, and Coast Guard
-wherever they are.—Adv.
FOR MISERABLE COLDSt h e w a y grandma did. She used mutton
« o e i s h e medicated herself to relieve
colds' eonghicg and muscle a e h * . N o w
mothers j u s t rob o n Penetro. H a s base
containing old reliable m u t t o n suet, with
modern scientific medication added.
2Se, doable supply 3 6 c G e t Penetro.
ITor the Preservation
O f the American
The American spirit of co-operation is clearly in evidence a t Matanuska Valley, "Alaska, where'soldiers
from nearby camps are helping farmers harvest the bumper 1943 potato crop. Top left: Soldiers operate
the community's unique digging machine designed by the farmers which digs potatoes, sorts them from the
dirt, and drops the spuds in sacks. Top' right: Two soldiers aid a farmer load sacks of potatoes onto his
truck. Bottom: Nestled in the valley is the town of Palmer. Its main street is pictured here.
New York Yanks Vote in Panama Jungle Fancy TelephonePole
If younervous,
suffer cranky
from hot
a bit blue at times—due to the
functional "middle-age" period
peculiar to women—try Lydia E.
Pmkham's Vegetable Compound
to relieve such symptoms. Taken
regularly—Pinkham's Compound
helps build up resistance against
such distress. It helps nature!
Also a fine stomachic tonic. Follow label directions.
4,000,000 Maps Monthly
T h e United States a r m y m a p
s e r v i c e t u r n s out between t h r e e
a n d four million m a p s a month.
A statue on the estate of the queen
of Italy serves a practical purpose
as Corp.. Melvih Jewell uses, its hand
to support a telephone line. The nest
day Jewell. - was fighting' with the
troops that forced the Germans
across the Volturno river.
Hero Salutes Hero
Von Csata of Hungary on the Spot
New Tork troops take time out front jungle maneuvers to go to the
polls. In their camouflage suits they mark ballots which were returned
in time to be recorded in the election returns of their home town. Left
to right: Pfc. Lewis Tunkel, Bronx; Corp; Leo Kirshenbanm, Brooklyn;
Private Thomas Mitelli, New f o r k City; Corp. Frances J. Hurley, Brooklyn; and (on tree) John D. Alesandro, New York City.
That Naming
May Warn of Disordered
Kidney Action
Modernise with its hnrry and w o r m
bcegnlar llabit^, improper eating ana
drinking—its risk of exposure and inf eeJjott—ttoows heavy strain on the work
of the kidneys. "She? are apt to become
aver-taxed and fan to filter excess acid
and otbsr impurities from the life-giving
. Y o * may suffer nagging bactache,
headache, dizzinesa, getting tip nights,
leg'"' pains; ' sweHing^eel eonatantly
tired, nervous, ail worn out. Other signs
of kidney or bladder disorder are sojnetiases Burning, scanty or too frequent
gfUTfttfoPiTr» Doan'$ PiBa. Boon's help th«
i«ft,e3«|S e C J ^ n f i A ^ W t ^ l
wasfeevTraey;fiaviffiad more ffianliaK a
« n t o r y oLpsbnc approval, are recommended b y j a t e r o T u a e r s .
v ^ a t ^ ^ a n p e h to football
-fepugh ^dvemp^r. >is anypogy's
g r a d u a t e soonr—»
some time late this
For. one example,BertelliieavesNptre
Dame, and his loss
will lj>e no small GrantlandSiee
blow in working the
T-formation where Frank Leahy's
star is one of the masters.
A fine passer and a deft handler
of the ball are needed badly in the
proper operation of ihis^httack/and'
there are not many, if any, BerteUis
around to fill the gap.
The first fall examinations are
avet now, and this may mean a
heavy scattering of talent down the
stretch. There are some good teams
left, especially Army and Navy,
Notre Dame and Pennsylvania.
And theselatter two may be weakened before too long. Just wbat will
happen to Duke, North Carolina,
Southern California, Washington,
College of the Pacific, Texas and
Southwestern, all among the stronger squads, remains another unguessable guess. Just at this point the
navy itself isn't sure.
These departures from one campus or another can make an important difference for many teams.
Only a marvelous bunch of soothsayers will be able to take care of
the November footbaH program
down the stretch.
Gary Moore, who co-stars with
Jimmy Durante over both CBS and
NBC, will make his picture debut Two Teams to Watch
under David Selznick's sponsorship,
None of this involves Lieut. CoL
and will be developed as "a sort of
combination of Fred ABen and Bob Red Blaik's Army team' at West
Hope"—which should be something! Point, nor Capt Johnny Whelchel's
It'll be Allen on writing ability and Navy team at Annapolis.
They win remain intact, and they
Hope from the slant of his delivery.
were nothing to push around anyway.
Howard Petrie, announcer of the
For Army and Navy have had two
Moore-Durante air show, had both of the best footbaU squads in the
Paramount and RKO after him with country—not tossing aside Notre
a long-term acting contract. He Dame.
stands six feet four and weighs 240
I happen to know that Frank Leahy
pounds"—right up with Paramount's
Bill Edwards, of "Our Hearts Were has figured from the start that Army
and Navy were his two hardest
Young and Gay."
contests, not overlooking Michigan.
Frank Leahy is one of the best
Hildegarde, the new radio ster who
has the "Beat the Band" show on coaches in the game. He appreciWednesday evenings, introduced a ates the value of speed. He knows
song called "She's Got Bars on Her that a year ago if Dippy Evans had
Shoulders and Stars in Her Eyes"; been in there to play, Notre Dame
the WACs couldn't resist the title would have known an unbeaten
so adopted the ditty for their official season.
For Dippy Evans, a great back,
recruiting song.
was the real key to his T-formation.
A year ago Leahy had no fast,
Pompeii's emergence into front- breakaway back. This also handipage importance because of the capped Bertelli.
fighting around Naples inspired RKO
It has been all different this sea?,
to reissue its spectacular "The Last
Days of Pompeii," originally re- son. Notre Dame has had at least
leased in 1935; its cast includes Alan two fast breakaway backs to supHale, Basil Rathbone, and Louis port Bertelli, Mello and others. One
of these is a fellow by the name
of Creighton Miller.
Dick Haymes' first tests at 20th
Just, what will happen when Notre
Century-Fox turned out so well that Dame loses Bertelli is another guess
his part in "Four. Jills and a Jeep," when it comes to operating the
with Carole Landis, was made big- T-formation.
ger and bigger. Meanwhile, his raBertelli has been the vital cog in
dio sponsor pays for the lad's popu- this formation.larity. Half the program comes
Just what Lujack, or some one else
from New Tork, with a full orches- can do in Bertelli's place against
tra, chorus, and Jim Ameche fea- rough and rugged competition, retured—another orchestra and chorus mains to be seen.
goes on in Hollywood, accompanyThere wUl be time enough to look
ing Haymes' songs.
this situation over when the clock
rolls around.
Flossie Flynn, head of Loew's
Telephone Information Service in. The Bowl Games
New York, says that recently her
One of the mam mysteries of footoffice has been swamped by in- baU this.faH concerns November's
quiries about Metro's two-reel short, stretch and just how the various New
"Heavenly Music," a .tale of a jive Year's Day Bowl games wUl be
musician who can't get into heaven worked out.
until he convinces a jury of famous
There are four major bowl games,
composers that swing is real mu- requiring^ eight teams to fin up the
sic—says she gets more calls ask- various menus from Lps Angeles to
ing where it's playing than she does Miami, via Dallas and New Orleans.
on. feature productions.
Here are the leading available
bowl entries so far—
It's taken 14 years for Hollywood
. West Coast—Southern Califorto get around to remaking "The
nia, College of the Pacific and
Bridge of San Luis Rey," done m
1929 as a silent. Benedict Bogeaus,
Southwest—-Southwestern, Texa business man who.bought Hollyas and Texas A. 'and M
wood's General Service Studios a
South—Duke and North Caroyear and a half ago, bought the
screen rights and put Rowland V.
Midwest—None who wUl inLee in as director—and now the picdulge in bowl parties.
ture's timed right to coincide with
East^-Pennsylvania a doubtful
the work of the Committee on Interpossibility. Army and Navy
American Affairs.'
won't go.
... There have been dizzy scrambles
The Eilery Queen east likes to be before to get the choice cuts. This
beard above the. Incidental music of next one will be even dizzier than
the organ; except when gueat^etec- usual
tives turn up early, during tfie dress
Should teams be judged on what
rehearsal—then, when the crime's
solution is given, the organ fairly they were in September and October
or what they might b e b y the "end «£
roars, drowning out all voices.
ODDS 4iVJD £m>S-Tenor Bill Days,
discovered by Groucho Marx in his ra- The Pro Campaign
The pro football season of 1943 has
dio program's chorus, end then given
the _soJa singing part, has been signed picked up, after a remembered fasTfto, a.Mkfj$ek •contract . . . Looks as if jiph, just about where it left ofT'S
; "B&ndie"—- fjenrty Singleton—would year ago.
soon be kic"k&g'her preily tegs' again" It is still a matter of the western
in musicomedy filmsske was originally brought to Hollywood because d u b s heading off Chicago's
of her success' in musicals on the: l i e West—with the- eastern delegation checking Washington's IRed
.Broadway stage.
- - -.- ^
Private George Moorfoot, ah AusAs the United Nations press back C^nnan troons on all, fronts, as
ma Pjfal HenrteiCip^[\co^gr m, ., "Jtliese -.are! s&ft'S'e' ItySjif* """*
;ahan Who,fought with American- . row/",
Allied raids over Naziland tociaase daily, and as native populations of
that studio's "The'Spanish Main" , . . surround and. cut dcvmjf fijere is io
Hitler's satellite countries revolt openly, puppet leaders of these little na- at Buna, ^ew Guinea, Tmeeis at the Roy, Acuff, a star on radio's "Grand Ole be. any changte in r jaietnestt cnsynV
tions are constantly on-the spot. Gen. Ludwig vph Csata of Hungary Is ^ a v e ol¥igiiee bnaay located near Opry," mayfee-a candidate for gover- pionship,game, meaningpBast versus"
nor in Tennessee)* flections, next year.
their former- battlefield* ,
pictured explaining something to SfiBer.
/ - , res, 7
» •«»
* .
Wife—That boy of ours gets more Kb*
you every
he been up to now?
Here and There
The bride had OnUhed throtsmt
dishes at her hubby, then started to toy:.
"But^ for one thing, Fd go hojne'£ m4
' ^ }
Wbn£s that one thing?" demand*?
her husband..
"Mother's coming here to live with
us. She's left father!"
She Swapped
Mary—You mean thing! ~¥Q*
prprnised me f^thfully that Jroji
woiddn't give #way £hat see^lfer
tol3 your But now it's all ro&€
the town!
-Mabel^-I <tedn*t give it away. I
exchanged it for others. ^-~
Night clubs have heen described
as places where the tables ase reserved and the members aren't.
Most Likely
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than genuine, pure Si. Joseph ASJJ™.
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Healthful Alaska
Alaska is regarded a s the healthiest of all the w a r fronts—^no body
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How To Relieve
Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the
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quickly allays the cough or you am
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for Coughs, ChesrCalasvBroiknitB
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