May 5, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 18 A Weekly Update for Pathways Providers & Partners Pathways Administration 901 South New Hope Rd. Gastonia, NC 28054 (704) 884-2501 1-800-898-5898 ACCESS LEARN HOW TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS! This event will be held on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at the Asheville Civic Center from 10:00am—4:00pm. There is no cost to participate and lunch will be provided. Speakers from Social Security, ARC, Good Works, and local small business owners will be there to provide information relevant to the many aspects of business ownership. Studio 11 ~ an art gallery will display and sell works by artists with disabilities from Morganton. YOU MUST REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT BY MAY 8, 2008. Contact Heidi Sears at (828) 225-2785 x2979 or [email protected]. This event is being sponsored by the Western Highlands Consumer & Family Advisory Committee. WHAT PATHWAYS WANTS YOU TO KNOW… PATHWAYS QUALITY MANAGEMENT TRAINING Pathways is pleased to announce a significant training opportunity on Quality Management for our local Providers. Training Topics will include: What is Quality Management?, Planning, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Bringing it All Together. This training will be offered at 3 different sessions. Each session will be held in the Pathways auditorium and the time will be from 10:00am until 3:00pm. There will be a 1 hour break for lunch. Providers can bring their lunch and Pathways will supply drinks, cups, and ice. The training dates are Friday, May 9, 2008, Monday, May 12, 2008, or Thursday, May 15, 2008. This is NOT a mandatory training, but is highly recommended for both IPRS and Medicaid providers and is intended to target the Provider staff primarily responsible for Quality Management activities. There is no fee for this training and no registration is needed. Provider attendees are encouraged to review and understand the following reference documents below prior to the training series. • IPRS providers should have a signed copy of the LME-State Funded Provider Contract. The template can be found at: • Medicaid providers should have a signed copy of the Provider-LME Local Agreement. The template can be found at: • 10A NCAC 27G.0201 Governing Body Rules, section (7) found at: 2010a%20-%20health%20and%20human%20services/chapter%2027%20-%20mental%20health,% 20community%20facilities%20and%20services/subchapter%20g/10a%20ncac%2027g%20.0201.html • Providers will need to review the Quality Management Standards for the accreditation body that they have selected. • Pathways QM report (06-07) and QM Plan (07-08) found at: pdf/0607QMreportand0708planfinal.pdf CLINICAL BEST PRACTICES TRAINING Our next CBP training will be entitled “Respecting the Rights of Persons with Mental Illness Through Improved Communication”. The training will be held on May 14, 2008 at 10:00 in the Pathways Conference Room #3. Cheryl Billings will be the trainer and will convey the foundation of respectful communication through how we communicate verbally and non-verbally. Space is limited so please contact Kathleen Meriac to register at (704) 884-2571 or email at [email protected]. May 5, 2008 PAGE 2 THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE TOWN HALL MEETINGS The North Carolina Division of Medical Assistance is hosting five town hall meetings across the state starting May 6, 2008. The goals of the town hall meetings are to: • Inform providers and consumers about the CAP/DA (Community Alternative Program for Disabled Adults) Waiver. • Evaluate the current CAP/DA policy and discuss changes to improve the program. • Facilitate local conversation and collaboration among CAP/DA Agencies and providers. Below is a list of dates and locations of the meetings. Registration will begin at 9:00am at all locations and meeting times are 9:30am—12:30pm. 1. May 6, 2008 (Statesville) Iredell County Department of Social Services, 549 Eastside Drive (704) 873-5631 2. May 7, 2008 (Asheville) Mountain Area Health and Education Center, 501 Biltmore Avenue (704) 257-4400 3. May 9, 2008 (Wilmington) Department of Aging, 2222 South College Rd. (910) 798-6400 4. May 15, 2008 (Winterville) Pitt Community College Fulford Building Room 153, 1986 Pitt Tech Road (252) 4937200 5. May 16, 2008 (Raleigh) Wake County Commons Building, 4011 Carya Drive Room B & C (919) 250-1000 For more information, contact Michelle C. Wilder, CAP/DA Consultant (919) 855-4371 or email [email protected]. HUMAN RESOURCES TRAINING There will be a Human Resources training on May 14, 2008 from 10:00 until 2:00 pm in the Pathways auditorium. Topics for the training will include the following: ? Review of the January 9th training (recruitment, job descriptions, pre-employment checks and offer letters) ? The Disciplinary Process ? Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) & Revision of January 2008 ? Safeguards Against Identity Theft You will need to bring your own bag lunch. Pathways will provide ice, drinks, napkins, and cookies. Please contact Ann W. Young, H.R. Director for Pathways at [email protected] if you have any questions, or if you would like to register for this training. If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin up to his nest again, I shall not live in vain. ~ Emily Dickinson WHAT THE STATE WANTS YOU TO KNOW… CAP-MR/DD & RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT PROVIDERS COST REPORTING TRAINING SESSIONS As announced in the May Medicaid Bulletin and the Implementation Update #42 memo released on April 7, 2008 by the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (DMH) and Division of Medical Assistance (DMA), CAP-MR/DD and residential treatment providers will no longer be filing cost reports with DMA but will be required to file the Mental Health Cost Report. The Controller’s Office has set up informational training sessions for providers who have never filed a cost report. Training sites have been established throughout the state, with 2 days to choose from in the Central Region, June 5-6, 2 days in the West, May 20 and June 4, 1 day in the East, May 28, and 2 days in Raleigh, May 23 and 30. This is not the hands-on computer training for mental health providers with an accounting year end of 6/30/08 or 9/30/08, who have cost reports due this fall. Training sessions for these providers will be announced later, for June or July. For more information and to read this memo in it’s entirety, please go to: May 5, 2008 PAGE 3 THE FOUNDATIONS PROJECT CORNER SYSTEM OF CARE MENTAL HEALTH CLINICIAN FOR LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOLS It is with great pleasure that Pathways announces the hiring of Sandra Gonzalez as a System of Care Mental health Clinician within the Lincoln County School System! In an effort to strengthen System of Care principles throughout Lincoln County, Pathways LME and the Lincoln County Community Collaborative have worked collaboratively to fund one part time position within the Lincoln County School system. This position will act as a Mental Health Clinician in the school system, while also focusing on promoting System of Care principles within the school and community. This position will work across several different school settings and will be solely employed by the school system. As part of the collaborative efforts, Pathways LME and the local community collaborative will require certain data which needs to be reported to the Division of MH/DD/SAS. This data will focus on System of Care practices in our community. The System of Care Mental Health Clinician will regularly participate in the Local System of Care Community Collaborative as well as the Lincoln County Care Review Team to continue strengthening the System of Care philosophy and practices in our community. Duties of this position include: assisting families and the school system with referrals to Pathways LME for initial appointments and consumer choice options, development of positive behavioral intervention plans, participation in Child and Family Teams meetings for identified children in the school system, education to school staff on anger management skills to be utilized in the classroom, de-escalation techniques for the classroom as well as crisis intervention (this would consist of the clinician linking with the clinical home first responder team or mobile crisis team during times of crisis). Not included in this position is consultation with children who are receiving or who are being evaluated for Lincoln County’s Program for Exceptional Children. If you need assistance with a non-EC child in the Lincoln County School System please feel free to contact Sandra Gonzalez at 704-813-8162 or via email at [email protected]. CLEVELAND COUNTY PARENT SUPPORT GROUPS ISOC Parent Support Groups are confidential and offer a place for finding connection and hope with parents going through similar situations; for sharing concerns, experiences, knowledge, tears, and laughter; for discovering and understanding your own strengths; for learning new skills and information; for mentoring and being mentored. These groups are sponsored by the Mental Health Association Cleveland County, Cleveland Community Collaborative, and Cleveland County System of Care. For more information, contact Katherine Panther-Potemkin, System of Care Group Facilitator, at (704) 481-8637, email [email protected], or go to THIS WEEK’S COMMUNITY RESOURCES HEALTH AND SAFETY FAIR There will be a health and safety fair on Saturday, May 31, 2008 from 11:00am—4:00pm at the Pathways auditorium at 901 South New Hope Road. This event will be sponsored by AAA Care and Treatment, All Care Providers, Carolina Community Services, Friday’s Place and Multi-Care Services. There will be representatives from the Gastonia Police Department, the Gaston Boys and Girls Club, Gaston College, Red Cross (who will provide blood pressure screenings), Gaston Emergency Medical Services, and several others. Come on out and join us for a day of fun and information about health and safety. If you have questions, or would like more information, please contact Tammy Harrell at (704) 861-8011. AGING AND ADDICTION SEMINAR A seminar on aging and addiction (a 3 hour credit course) will be held on May 9, 2008 from 9:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m. in the McLeod Center on 515 Clanton Road, Charlotte, NC. The cost is $10.00 per person and you can register online at May 5, 2008 PAGE 4 RESIDENTIAL PLACEMENT PROVIDER FAIR Gaston County DSS is presenting a Residential Placement Provider Fair on Thursday, May 22, 2008. Session A will be held from 9:00am—12:00pm and Session B will be from 1:00pm—4:00pm. The Fair will be at the Gaston County DSS auditorium. Registrations are being accepted on a “first come, first serve” basis. To reserve space for your company, please fax a completed registration form (last page of this newsletter) to Billie W. Moss, Event Coordinator at (704) 862-7898. For more information, call Heather Hill at (704) 862-7530 or Billie Moss at (704) 862-7921. SUMMER CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS The Arc of Gaston County is offering financial assistance opportunities for Gaston residents to go to a summer camp. The scholarship application form, containing more details and contact information, is attached to this newsletter and is due no later than Friday May 9th. AN INTRODUCTION TO CHILD AND FAMILY TEAMS: A CROSS SYSTEM TRAINING FROM THE FAMILY’S PERSPECTIVE This 2 day training, on May 28-29, 2008, seeks to reinforce the idea of “one family-one plan” by addressing Child and Family Teams through the lens of multiple systems as they affect families and individuals in their everyday lives. Both agency representatives and parents/family members are strongly encouraged to attend this training, which was developed in partnership with families throughout North Carolina to provide an overview of Child and Family Team meetings from the family’s perspective, as well as to promote a successful way to support the active involvement of families, children, and youth in the planning process. For more information and to register, see the attached registration form at the end of this newsletter. HOMELESS SPECIALIST Martha Are, the Homeless Policy Specialist for the Department of Health and Human Services will be speaking on affordable housing on Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held at the Lincoln County Department of Social Services. ANGEL FOOD MINISTRIES Angel Food ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing food relief and contributing to benevolent outreaches in communities throughout the United States. It was founded in 1994 to provide food for friends and neighbors who were struggling financially. To get more information on this organization, go to LOCAL EVENT CALENDAR 05/06/08 Crisis Response 6:00pm—9:00pm. To register, call CHIC at (704) 824-6060. 05/07/08 Person Centered Planning 6:00pm—9:00pm. To register, call CHIC at (704) 824-6060. 05/08/08 HIPAA Privacy 9:00am—10:00am HIPAA Security 10:30am—11:30am Confidentiality 1:00pm—2:00pm. To register, call CHIC at (704) 824-6060. 05/08/08 Organizational Ethics 8:00am—12:00 noon at the Catawba County Chamber of Commerce, BB & T Board Room, Hickory, NC. This conference has been preapproved for three (3) Strategic hours recertification credit toward PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification by the Human Resource Certification Institute, a division of the Society of Human Resource Management, (SHRM). Contact the Catawba County Chamber of Commerce, (828) 328-6000, x-221 or go to to register online or obtain more information. 05/08/08 The Three MUST HAVES for Success: Documentation, Medical Necessity, Prioritization 9:00am—3:30pm at the Cabarrus Arena & Events Center in Concord, NC. This training is presented by the NC Providers Council and the cost is $50 for members and $60 for non-members. For more information or to register, contact Diana Mills, at (919) 850-4592. To download a registration form, please visit: May 5, 2008 PAGE 5 LOCAL EVENT CALENDAR 05/08/08 Blood Borne Pathogens 3:00pm—4:00pm; $12. To register, call the American Red Cross at (704) 864-2623. Preregistration and payment is required. 05/09/08 Community Support Services Training 9:00am—4:00pm at the Cabarrus Arena & Events Center in Concord, NC. This training is presented by the NC Providers Council and the cost is $50 for members and $60 for nonmembers. For more information or to register, contact Diana Mills, at (919) 850-4592. To download a registration form, please visit: 05/10/08 Person Centered Thinking 9:00am—4:00pm. To register, call CHIC at (704) 824-6060. 05/12/08 Customer Service 8:30am—10:00am at the Pathways LME; $35. Consumer Rights 10:30am—12:00pm at the Pathways LME; $38. To register for either training, email [email protected]. 05/13/08 Pathways Provider Meeting in the Pathways auditorium at 9:30am. 05/13/08 HIPAA Privacy 2:00pm—4:00pm at the Pathways LME; $35. To register for this training, email [email protected]. 05/14/08 Infant & Child CPR 6:00pm—10:00pm; $30. To register, call the American Red Cross at (704) 864-2623. Preregistration and payment is required. 05/15/08 HIPAA Electronic Security 1:30pm—2:30pm at the Pathways LME; $35. To register for this training, email [email protected]. 05/19/08 Community Support Skills/Note Writing 9:00am—12:00pm; R.E.A.C.H. To register call (704) 674-4928. 05/28/08 Community Support Skills/Note Writing 9:00am—12:00pm; R.E.A.C.H. To register call (704) 674-4928. 05/29/08 Caring for the Patient with Mental Health Issues (AHEC) 9:00am—4:30pm at the Airport Training Center in Charlotte. For more information and to register, contact Ken Doan, Project Coordinator at (704) 512-6517. 05/31/08 Adult/Child/Infant CPR 9:00am—3:30pm; $35. To register, call the American Red Cross at (704) 864-2623. Preregistration and payment is required. 06/10/08 Behavioral Health All-Hazards Readiness and Response Training Continuum Conference 8:00am—3:30pm at the Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC; $50. For more information and to register, go to 06/18/08 NC SNAP Training 10:00am—1:00pm by Regina Blalock at J. Iverson Riddle Dev. Center. To register, email completed NC SNAP registration form to [email protected] (under “training” on FOR PRO VIDERS page). For a complete listing of Provider training and the MIS Training Calendar go to the Pathways website ( > For Providers Page > Training). To schedule for MIS trainings call Rena Watkins at (704) 842-6429 or email [email protected] Disclaimer: While we offer the information about training that is available, Pathways does not endorse or approve any trainings/trainers other than those offered by Pathways. The Pathways Monday Coffee Break is edited by Chrystal Lovelace. Please direct suggestions, comments, and possible submissions to [email protected] or (704) 842-6410. Scholarship Application (Financial assistance opportunity for a summer camp of your choice. Sponsored by The Arc- for Gaston County residents only. ) Camper’s Name: ___________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Birthdate: ________________ Age: ____ School Attending/Employed with/Resident of: ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Names: _____________________________________________ Person Completing Form/Relationship: _________________________________ Camp Applying to: __________________________________________________ Cost: ______________ Weeks not available to attend camp: ________________ Camp Preference: __ Day Camp __ Residential Camp (overnight) Ever attended camp before? ______ If so, where? _______________________ Does the Camper have reliable transportation? _________________ Camper’s Special Needs/Disability: ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Please check the appropriate need: __ changing assistance __ feeding tube __ wheelchair __ hearing impaired __ vision impaired __ seizures __ non-verbal Other: ____________________________________________________________ Please tell us a little about your special needs camper– their interests, hobbies, or what they would enjoy about going to camp? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your interest in this Camp Scholarship opportunity sponsored by The Arc! The deadline for this application is Friday May 9, 2008. Mail completed applications to The Arc of Gaston County 200 E. Franklin Blvd. Gastonia, NC 28052, Attn: Camp Scholarships Applicants will be notified by mail regarding scholarship funding by May 16th. Please contact The Arc office with any questions. Here to Make a Difference, Sara Osborne Executive Director 704-861-1036 [email protected] “AN INTRODUCTION TO CHILD & FAMILY TEAMS: A CROSS SYSTEM TRAINING FROM THE FAMILY’S PERSPECTIVE” PRESENTED BY: Pathways LME TRAINERS: Sara Osborne, Executive Director of the ARC of Gaston County & Bibba Dobyns, UNCG – Center for Youth, Family and Community Partnerships LOCATION: Pathways Administrative Offices 901 South New Hope Road, Gastonia, NC 28054 OVERVIEW OF TRAINING: This two-day course focuses on the development of Child and Family Teams within a multidisciplinary team and focuses on the family’s perspective. DATE: May 28-29, 2008 TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm FEE: $40.00 per person (lunch included) Sessions Must Have a Minimum of 15 participants with a maximum of 24! Registration Deadline: Friday, May 23, 2008 To register: Forms should be emailed or mailed to Chrystal Lovelace at [email protected] or Pathways LME 901 South New Hope Road, Gastonia, NC 28054. Checks must accompany registration to reserve your spot in this training. Print Name (Please Include Middle Initial): Please check which box applies to you as the training participant: q Provider Agency q Family Partner q Other Address: ________________________________________________________________________ County/Region: _____________________________ Agency (if applicable): ______________________ Phone: __________ Email address: _______________________________________ Under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act, do you require reasonable accommodations for this training? (If “Yes,” a staff member will contact you). _____ No _____Yes Gaston DSS Residential Treatment Provider Fair Registration Event Date: 05/22/08 Agency Name: _____________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________ Phone No.: ________________________________________ Contact Person/Title: ________________________________ What services do you provide? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Which Session is your first choice? _____________________ If that session is full, do you want to be considered for the second session? _______________ Will you need a table for your display/materials? ____________ Please fax to the attn. of Billie Moss or Heather Hill at (704) 862-7898. Questions can be directed to Billie (862-7921) or Heather (862-7530)
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