www.talkaboutlove.org © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 1 www.talkaboutlove.org How To Approach, Attract, Woo And Date Hot Girls anywhere In Nigeria Discover how you can never be ignored or rejected by any girl even if you are shy and you are just meeting her for the first time Learn how you can obtain her number and make her fall in love withyou in simple clarified steps. Brought to you by © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 2 www.talkaboutlove.org Disclaimer Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information presented in this book is accurate. However, the reader should understand that the information provided does not constitute legal, medical or professional advice of any kind. No Liability: this product is supplied “as is” and without warranties. All warranties, express or implied, are hereby disclaimed. Use of this product constitutes acceptance of the “No Liability” policy. If you do not agree with this policy, you are not permitted to use or distribute this product. We shall not be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, consequential loss or damage) directly or indirectly arising from the use of this product. Use at your own risk. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 3 www.talkaboutlove.org CONTENTS Ways To Successfully Approach A Beautiful Woman *********************5 10 Ways To Get Rejected *******************************************10 How to Find Out if a Girl Likes You in 12 Ways *************************14 How to Approach a Girl You Don’t Know and Impress Her ****************18 How to Approach a Girl if You're Shy and Don't Know What to Say *********23 How to Woo a Girl ************************************************24 How to Look Attractive (Guys) **************************************30 How to Sweep a Girl off Her Feet ************************************45 How to Flirt Without Being Annoying ********************************55 How to treat a girl well ********************************************60 How to Hug a Girl ***********************************************67 How to Show a Girl That You Like Her Without Being Obvious **********72 Text messages to seduce a woman: How you can use it ******************76 © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 4 www.talkaboutlove.org Ways To Successfully Approach A Beautiful Woman Ever find yourself dying to approach a beautiful woman you saw somewhere but you didn’t have the slightest clue how to do it -- let alone the nerve to even try? If so, I can guarantee you this: Just the thought of trying makes your heart race and palms sweat. But guess what -- it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some of the ways to guarantee a successful approach every time. Stop fearing rejection Plain and simple: Your fear of rejection is your worst enemy -- yet it usually just doesn’t happen. The fact is, a beautiful woman won’t scream and run away from you. She won’t point you out to her friends and laugh. She won’t turn into a monster from hell and cut you down. The truth is, most attractive women will respond somewhere between neutral and positive to being approached because you’re doing something that makes them feel good. It’s flattering, exciting and fun, and for that reason alone you’ll almost never see a woman respond by getting upset, being rude or acting offended. So stop worrying about it, and stop letting fear of rejection ruin your chances before you even try. Don’t ask for her number. Instead, do this... Once you know how to get a woman’s contact info, the rest of what it takes to “get the date” practically takes care of itself. That’s why the first step to becoming a Zen master when it comes to getting women’s numbers is to understand that you shouldn’t be asking for numbers at all... you should be asking for their e-mail instead. Most women will give up their e-mail much more quickly and easily because they consider it low-risk, easy and businesslike. Best of all, once she’s already writing her e-mail down for you, it’s easy to ask her to jot down her phone number while she’s at it. More on that in a bit. But first... Try the "Do you have a card?" variation If you want to try something different, you can also try this classy, extremely low-risk way to ask a woman for her contact info. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 5 www.talkaboutlove.org Of course, a lot of women don’t have business cards, so you're going to need a funny, charming, smooth follow-up for when she says, "I don't have one." Try something like: "Well, write one up for me right now, I’ll wait..." Then, take out a pen and a small piece of paper and hand it to her. Most likely, she’ll be feeling the fun of the situation right away and start playing along. (And, if you have a card, you can always impress the hell out of her by handing her yours instead.) Act fast Once a woman says, “OK, you can have my e-mail” (which is usually a sure thing), you need to be ready to act. Without fumbling or missing a beat, you need to pull out a pen and hand it to her. If you hem and haw and lag, she’ll immediately smell “dork,” and possibly change her mind. Like I said, just as she's writing down her e-mail address, you tack on: "Oh, and be sure to write your name and number there, too...” By waiting until she's in the middle of writing, you’ll get the rest of her info because, at this point, she's already “committed.” She’s made an emotional decision to allow you to contact her, so she’s likely to just keep writing. And like magic, you have her name and number too. Be ready for anything Listen, probably half to two-thirds of the time, a woman will just write down her email for you, no problem. In fact, it's amazing how easily women will give out their email addresses. But of course, there will be a few times that you’ll meet with some resistance. A woman will say something like, "I don't give out my e-mail to people I don't know," or "I don't even know you," and so on. When it happens, be ready with a joke (my favorite: “Come on, just write it down. I'll only e-mail you every five minutes for the next month”) or be ready to move on to the next girl. Remember, the goal here is to get as many e-mail addresses as possible to follow up on later, not to get as many dates as you can right there on the spot. Avoid being classified as a “friend” at all costs © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 6 www.talkaboutlove.org I can’t say it enough: If you act all shy and innocent and when you approach women, they’ll automatically slam-dunk you into the “possible friend” category, and you’re finished. They’ll assume that you're just another major Wuss Boy. That’s why it’s far better to make no excuses when you approach a woman. Come on with strength and confidence, and never try to disguise the fact that what you’re doing is approaching her for a date. Pretending that you're a nice guy who's only starting an innocent conversation is the express route to her thinking of you as a “friend” and another evening of lonely selftouching. Practice - then practice more Like coach always said: The best offense if a good defense. And the best way to build one is to practice until it’s second nature. In other words, don't wait until you're in the situation to realize that you don't know how to handle something. Take some time to imagine exactly what it's going to be like when you ask a woman for her e-mail/number. Imagine where you’ll do it, how you're going to be standing. Practice what you're going to say out loud, and imagine what she's going to say back. Rehearse how you're going to take out the pen and hand it to her, how you're going to answer any objections that she gives you. You’ll be amazed, after you practice enough, how smoothly and easily you’ll do it during the real deal. Have your act together How basic do we have to get here? You wouldn’t jump out of an airplane without making sure your gear was in order. That’s why, before you even try to approach a woman, you better make sure you have your act together. Now don’t get me wrong; you don’t have to be James Bond, but you do need to have the principles of basic grooming down. Look clean and neat. Wear some decent clothes, nothing trendy or flashy. Just look like a regular guy who has his act together. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 7 www.talkaboutlove.org Beyond that, all you need are the basic tools for making a successful approach. A pen, some paper, a card, or you could save the email you collected on your phone contact, note – pad or message draft and guess what -- you’re in business. Don't go for the goal line This is such an important concept. When you're getting a woman's e-mail and number, do not try to win the whole game with a single toss. In other words, do not try to convince her to marry you right there on the spot. Don't ask typical stupid questions like, "Do you have a boyfriend?" Don't even ask her out. Most guys make the mistake of talking themselves into rejection by going for it all. They go on and on about where they’ll go on a date, how much fun they’re going to have on the date and so on. But all of this just creates awkwardness, pressure and resistance, so don’t do it. Make a fast exit It’s the golden rule: The longer you talk when you approach a beautiful woman, the more opportunities you have to blow it with her. All that running off at the mouth just creates opportunities for mistakes, so remember, the only thing you want to do on approach is get her information. That’s all. Period. Once you start talking, she’ll be looking for the smallest excuse to reject you -- so make sure not to give it to her. Most women will give out their e-mail address after a minute of conversation, so you need to talk to her for only that minute. After you have her info, say, "I have to get back to my friends," then turn and leave. This shows her that you have a life -- and that you don’t need her reassurance like some kind of sad puppy. Then, once you have her info (and the info of about 20 or 30 other beautiful women too), call them back later at your leisure. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 8 www.talkaboutlove.org 10 Ways To Get Rejected Newsflash: single women have a laundry list of traits, qualities, and characteristics that they hate in men. Of course, most women are always hoping for the best, looking for that needle in a haystack called “Mr. Right” and giving every guy who approaches them the benefit of the doubt. Yet most guys blow it the minute they open their mouths. Want to kill attraction and get rejected every time too? Just do anything on this list. 1. Forget how to be a man When it comes down to it, most men just don't misunderstand women, they don't understand men either. Most guys have no clue how to get in touch with their male nature to behave in ways that trigger attraction in women. They lose their competitive nature. They abandon their traits of strength and dominance. They forget all about how to play rough games, win things and rule their territory. In other words, most men don't behave like men when they're in the presence of a woman. Bottom line: when you're around a woman you like, don't act like a girly man. It's not sexy, it's not attractive and single women hate it. 2. Ignore the signs The moment you start talking to a woman, she’ll let you know within a very short time (in ways she doesn’t even realise) if she's wants to continue talking to you. Of course, right away, she's either going to keep talking to you in an open, comfortable way, or she's not. She's either going to act like things are cool or she's going to act like they're not. But there’s more to it: She’ll keep eye contact if she’s interested. She may touch you casually. She’ll smile with her eyes, not just her mouth. And here’s an amazing thought: women will actually get nervous if they like you. These are all good signs. But you need to pay attention to read them. 3. Use "wussy" gestures, voice tone and body language There's a term that single, attractive women use to describe men who use weak, approval-seeking posture, gestures, comments, and mannerisms. The term is "Wussy." Everything a “Wussy” does and says announces to a woman: "I'm insecure and trying © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 9 www.talkaboutlove.org to be extra nice to compensate for it." They do a thousand weird little things to let a woman know that they're uncomfortable and not being themselves. I'd say that 90% of all men alive today instantly get rejected by women because of their wussy posture, gestures, eye contact, and voice tone. In other words, they’re just begging to be rejected. 4. Come off like a creep I can’t be any more clear: if you creep a woman out, things aren't going to work out for you. Listen, I’m not saying you have to act like James Bond or look like Brad Pitt, but you if you start talking to a woman and your posture is weak and slumped, your eyes are darting around but not meeting hers, you look all sweaty and nervous, and you're wearing an unbuttoned flannel shirt with one of the tails tucked in, you're just not going to get a favourable response. Ever. 5. Don't know when to quit If a woman is sitting alone at a table in the corner and you walk over to her and say, "Hi, can I buy you a drink?" and she looks at you like an alien invader, then you need to take the hint. If she doesn’t come across as immediately receptive (see No. 9), then don’t keep pushing it by saying things like "Come on, have a drink. You need to lighten up and have some fun." Not only does this become begging (which never works), it’s also lame and stupid and you deserve all the rejection you get if you do it. So, by all means, give it your best shot with a woman, but if you get signals that say “I’m not interested” from her, move on. 6. Say stupid things It never ceases to amaze me. Some guys think it's appropriate to walk up to a woman, put their arm around her, and say "Hey baby, you sure do look hot tonight." Some guys don't see anything wrong with following a woman around all night, staring at her constantly, then walking over with a sweaty, stalker-ish look and saying "You remind me of my sister." Some guys just get all tongue-tied and don’t say anything at all. No matter which happens, they’re all guaranteed to kill attraction before it has a chance to happen. 7. Ignore how attraction really works © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 10 www.talkaboutlove.org You hear me talking about it all the time, right? Women can instantly feel it when they're with a guy who understands attraction -- a guy who knows that attraction is an automatic emotional and physical response, and that he can't "convince" a woman to feel it for him with logic, gifts and niceness. In other words, women find a guy who speaks the secret language of "attraction" irresistible. And if he doesn't speak it, she’ll stops all communication and reject him ASAP. 9. Be boring There’s no way around it: attractive single women know that if a guy isn't interesting to be around, she's eventually going to hate being around him. In other words, no amount of material gifts, compliments, dinners, or other displays will ever compensate for being boring. An attractive single woman wants a guy who lights up her whole day. She wants mystery, she wants to laugh, she wants a challenge and she wants sexual tension. So if you’re boring and predictable, you're never going to have women wanting to be with you. Period. 10. Be a follower instead of a leader All women have Wuss-dar. And one of the main things that trigger a woman's Wussdar is a man who’s always trying to find little signals to let him know where to go and what to do to make her happy. Everything he does comes across as, "I'm trying to figure out what you want me to do. Please help me know how you want me to act, where you want me to take you, and what you want me to say." Make no mistake: this is death. Men who don't lead, and even worse, try to get a woman to lead, annoy the hell out of single women. Come across as needy, clingy and insecure It’s a hard fact of science: when one person "clings" to another person "psychologically," the person who is being clung to resents and rejects the needy, clingy, emotional parasite. Yet, most guys will try to stay as physically close as possible to the woman they want, as if they’re afraid she'll dump him if he’s out of sight for a moment. Worse yet, some guys actually ask a woman to tell him that he's nice, fun, interesting, and so on. Bottom line: This is Wuss behaviour at its worst. Women hate this stuff. It makes them shiver with the heebie-jeebies and makes them run for the hills. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 11 www.talkaboutlove.org How to Find Out if a Girl Likes You in 12 Ways Do you sometimes feel like a girl is attracted to you, be it a friend or someone you see now and then? Learn how to find out if a girl likes you here. how to find out if a girl likes you It’s not always easy to know if a girl likes you. Just when you assume a girl is interested in you, you may find out that she’s only being friendly or nice. But by putting a few obvious signs together, you’ll see that it’s not so hard to decipher a girl’s feelings towards you. If you’ve ever felt like a girl likes you, just use these tips to bring things out in the open. And once you do know the answer, you can ask her out if you choose to or just enjoy the attention! 1. You catch her staring at you often. Does she steal glances at you now and then? And every time you look at her, does she blush and look away? If a girl can’t stop staring at you, especially when you’re busy or occupied with something else, it’s a good sign to show that she has something romantic in mind when it comes to your thoughts. 2. You bump into her often. And somehow, she doesn’t seem surprised to see you. If you don’t know this girl or haven’t been introduced to her, and you still see her out of the blue in places where you like hanging out, she may want to catch your eye. 3. Her friends seem excited. She seems nervous. One of the easiest ways to find out if a girl likes you is by watching her behavior when she’s with her friends. Do you see her friends nudging her while she blushes and discreetly looks at you now and then? Well, if her friends stare hard at you and laugh, and if she coyly catches your eye, © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 12 www.talkaboutlove.org there’s definitely a crush in the air. [Read: Do girls like shy guys who don't make a bold move?] 4. She thinks you’re a great guy. When you have a conversation with this girl, does she constantly remind you about how sweet a guy you are? Being labeled a sweet guy isn’t always a compliment. But if she ever does say any girl would be lucky to have you, then that surely is a compliment! 5. She looks for excuses to touch you. Some girls are just touchy feely all the time. But almost all the girls aren’t. Does a girl look for excuses to touch you or hold your hand? If you notice this behavior of hers only around you and not any other guy, she probably does have feelings for you. 6. She compliments you a lot. Does this girl treat you preferentially? Does she favor you or take your side all the time? There’s a good chance that a girl likes you if she favors you and compliments you for the smallest of reasons, all the time. 7. She talks about your exes and girlfriend. When a girl likes a guy, she’d want to know everything about his relationship status and his past relationships. It’s an easy way to get to know more about the kind of girls you like and are attracted to, and also the relationship issues that matter to you. 8. She talks about your plans. If a girl likes you, she’d want to be a part of your life beyond work or college hours. Friends do casually ask each other what they’re up to over the weekend, but if a girl wants to date you, she’d try to look for similar activities often, so she can join you. 9. She gives you all her attention. We’re all busy in our own lives. But if a girl likes you a lot, she’ll push everything else aside so she can spend more time with you. Does © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 13 www.talkaboutlove.org she spend time talking to you for a long while even if she’s busy, be it in hallways or over phone? 10. She asks you out. If a girl likes you but is too shy to ask you out on a date , she may try to look for subtler ways to date you or ask you out. Does she ask you about your weekend plans or if you’d be interested in a show or a game for which she has tickets? If she always picks you as the first option to ask out, there’s definitely more than just friendship on her mind. 11. She flaunts her single status. Does this friend of yours make it very clear to you that she’s single and ready to date someone? If she constantly reminds you that she’s looking for a good guy to date, or asks you to go clubbing with her because she’s got no date, she may indeed like you. 12. She gets jealous when you ignore her. Does this girl get annoyed when you talk a lot to some other girl? Does she pass a snide remark or pull your leg saying you’re attracted to the other girl just because you had a friendly conversation with that girl? She may be jealous on the inside. And when you ignore this girl completely and have a touchy flirty conversation with another attractive girl, does she avoid you completely or get rude all of a sudden? Sometimes, romantic jealousy is the best sign of romance. Now individually, these signs on how to tell if a girl likes you may not give you the answer. But watch out for these 12 signs and see if she triggers more than a few of them when she’s with you. If she does, there’s a good chance that she likes you! How to Approach a Girl You Don’t Know and Impress Her Do you want to talk to a girl you don’t know? Here are 5 ways on how to approach a girl that will definitely help you make a great first impression. By Keith Brown © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 14 www.talkaboutlove.org Walking up to a girl you’ve never spoken to before is like taking a dip in icy water. It makes you nervous. Your heart starts beating faster than you can count. And your stomach inches closer to your tongue with each step you take. But as a guy, knowing how to approach a girl is one of the most important things to know in the dating world. Now I’m not going to make this any more difficult that you already assume it to be. Yes, talking to a girl who’s a stranger is not easy. But then again, if you know just how to do it without appearing like you’re picking her up, you’ll realize just how easy the whole game can be. How to approach a girl you don’t know Forget pick up lines, forget bumping into her, and every other *smart* move you’ve heard. I’ll teach you to keep it simple, and help you win her heart even before you say ‘hello’. Here’s the only tip that matters and you need to remember it for the rest of your dating life. Always let the girl know you want to talk to her before you even talk to her. Don’t make the mistake of approaching a girl out of the blue and asking her out. It almost always never works, unless you’re a smooth talker with the gift of gab. If you’re a regular joe who wants to turn into a chick magnet, just follow these steps and you’ll win her attention before you finish your drink! Getting her attention You need to let the girl know you’re going to approach her. So warm her up to that idea to begin with by using these steps. 1. Glance at her. Look at her now and then just to let her know that you’re trying to catch her attention. Be sneaky and discreet, and always look away just as soon as she catches your eye. You’ll rouse her curiosity and that’ll force her to look at you now and then to see if you’re still watching her. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 15 www.talkaboutlove.org 2. The eye contact. Each time she looks at you, look at her and immediately look away sheepishly. Continue to look at her now and then, and once in a while, lock your gaze at her for a small fraction of a second and look away again. By doing this, you’re already building the sexual attraction. But if she doesn’t reciprocate here, she’s probably not interested in you. 3. Appear awkward. If you’re with your friends, look at her now and then, but appear like your distracted and not able to focus on the conversation you’re having with your friends. By doing that, you’re making her see that she’s on your mind and you’re too distracted to focus on your friends. That’s subtle flattery! 4. Smile at her. Exchange eye contact now and then, one or two times every minute and no more than that, and when you feel pretty courageous, flash a tiny smile from the corner of your lip for a second, and let her notice your smile. Don’t give her a big grin though, a malicious big grin at this stage will scare any girl away. These moves are all about building the connection and letting her know you’re interested in her. And at the same time, it’ll also help you understand if she too is really interested in you. If she responds to your gestures similarly, it’s a sign that she’s interested in talking to you too. But if she starts ignoring you at any point here, she’s probably not interested in you and you need to make your luck somewhere else. How to start talking to the girl Now that you’ve built the attraction and the chemistry, all you need to do is walk up to her and say something. Use these tips to approach her and start the right conversation. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 16 www.talkaboutlove.org 1. Waiting for the moment. Sometimes, all you need to do is wait for the girl to give you a chance to talk to her. If she’s really interested in you and wants to talk to you, she’d create enough opportunities for you to walk up to her. She could do this by walking to the ladies room alone, stepping away from her friends by answering a phone call, or even by just smiling at you and leaving the place. It’s always easier to talk to a girl when she’s by herself. There are no distractions from her friends or awkward moments because she’s already expecting you to approach her. 2. Picking her up from afar. Gesticulate. Use the right gestures to get her attention. This is tricky, but as long as you get the message across, it’ll still work as long as you do it confidently. Look straight at her, and smile. Jerk your neck sideways just a little bit after you lock your eyes with her, and using your eyes, point her to the bar counter or some exit. Even if she doesn’t get it, you can walk up to the place you were pointing at by yourself, and she’ll know what you mean. Not all girls may appreciate you gesticulating at her and asking her to walk up to you, but if you’ve built the chemistry from afar, she’d be more than happy to get away from her friends and give you a chance to talk to her. 3. The group of girls. Walk up to her with your gaze fixed on her confidently. Walk right into the herd, but look straight at her and only her. Look at anyone else, and the envious friends would pounce on you with snide remarks because you didn’t pick them to flirt with. “Hey… I really don’t mean to interrupt you girls, but could I speak with you for a minute? I just won’t be able to forgive myself if I left this place without getting to know you…” © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 17 www.talkaboutlove.org Use any line you want and it’ll work as long as you say it firmly, but remember to make her feel special by saying something that reveals how badly you want to get to know her. And unless her friends seem to take your side by nudging her towards you or by smiling widely, completely avoid looking at them. You’d only be asking for trouble. 4. Buy her a drink. This is something that can work very well at a bar, as long as you’ve already built the eye staring up and roused her interest. Buy her the same drink she’s already having, and ask the waiter to offer it to her. The waiter will probably drop a corny and grand message like “the gentleman sitting over there would like to offer you this drink…” When she accepts the drink and looks towards you smiling, that’s your cue. Don’t wait any longer or she’ll think you’re a coward. But if you buy her a drink without building the connection first, you’ll just come off as a creepy guy. 5. A twosome. If there are just two girls, walk right up to them while staring at the girl you like. If the girl’s interested in you too, her friend will slip away quietly with an excuse. But even if the friend decides to stay, just introduce yourself and say something similar to the line used in #3. But this time, include the girl’s friend in your conversation and make her feel good about herself too. But don’t forget to keep the focus on the girl you like! Keep these conversation moves in mind and it’ll definitely do you good. But if you want to make sure it works all the time, build the tension and the mystery first with your glances and your eye contact. You’ll always end up impressing the girl even before you approach her. Use these tips on how to approach a girl you don’t know and with a few attempts, you’ll have no trouble walking up to any girl you like and impressing her within minutes of making eye contact with her! © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 18 www.talkaboutlove.org How to Approach a Girl if You're Shy and Don't Know What to Say Are you a shy guy that has a crush on a super popular woman or girl? Sometimes, when you get near her, you might not know just what to say to get the conversation going. Look no further for advice on approaching women. They're not as hard to understand as people think they are. In simple steps, learn how to be able to talk to women quickly! 1 Make sure to get to know her a little bit before you really approach her. Say "hey" in the hallways or ask to borrow a pencil occasionally. Make sure not to follow her everywhere and not talk to her. She might get weirded out by your behavior. 2 Once you are ready to actually talk to her, walk towards her quickly and compliment her on something. It doesn't matter what you compliment her on. The only rule is, make sure it isn't something awkward. Such as " I like how you don't wear makeup. You look so much more natural." Compliment her on her shoes, or jewelry. Clothes in general are a safe bet. A good example would be, " I like the color of your shirt. It makes your eyes look really pretty." 3 Smile. Try to seem happy that you are talking to her. Hide that you are nervous. She will assume that you don't like her company. 4 Strike up a conversation. Like, " My cousin has the same haircut," or even, " Do you want to have a piece of gum," can strike up a good conversation, 5 Be yourself. Don't pretend to be like the jock that the girl likes. Be yourself! If she doesn't like you for who you are, then she's not worth it. But it's another story if you're being rude to her. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 19 www.talkaboutlove.org Tips Make sure your inner quality shines. If you're good at art, for example, you might draw her a picture of yourself or a portrait of her. Never talk about other girls around them, especially in romantic ways! (exceptions include family) Dress nicely and shower the day you want to talk to her. Girls like good hygiene. A little cologne is a definite yes, but don't overdo it! Warnings If she asks you " do you mind that I'm a little chubby," say you're not chubby! IT'S A TRAP! No bragging. Don't insult her! © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 20 www.talkaboutlove.org How to Woo a Girl Have you ever wanted to woo a girl, and make her sigh dreamily when she thinks about you? Here are some great ways to impress her. 1. Show interest, and show her that you would like to get to know her and you were happy to meet her or talk to her. 2. Break the ice. This is one of most seemingly dicey things to do, but once you have done this, holding a conversation and laughing will be easy, and you will begin to share a good rapport. A good laugh is always a smart way to break the ice. For example, you would show this webpage to her, and have a laugh over what is written and the whole idea of having such a page as well. Learn to be spontaneous. Taking an improve acting class can help with ideas for breaking the ice, and can help you be confident with talking to new people. Ideas flow, and it becomes easier to enter into and disengage from conversation, and can help you be more comfortable with any situation. 3. Always look into her eyes when speaking to her. That subtly will make her see that you are really taking an interest. Just be careful not to get lost in her eyes when she's talking, otherwise the only thing you'll have to respond with is "Wow, you've got pretty eyes." (see the first point). 4. Be sensitive and caring. Let her cry on your shoulder if she's sad. Make her smile when she's feeling crummy. However remember that she wants a man in her life so don't be supplicating. Whisper in her ear. Girls love this. If you have little siblings, nieces, or nephews, show her that you really care for them. Play with them, watch over and protect them, show the girl that they look up to you. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 21 www.talkaboutlove.org Help others in front of her (although you should be helpful anyway). Help the poor and needy to show that how much you care for others. But, show some more care for her, which she thinks that, this is only for her. 5. Make her laugh. Girls love guys with a great sense of humor. That doesn't mean you should never take anything seriously, or else you'll come off as a clown. Try to know her a little bit more before you attempt to be jocular (certain jokes for you might not be funny to her). Knowing her culture, her background, and most importantly things she likes will also be helpful. 6. Learn to dance and learn dance etiquette. Take some ballroom classes to build your confidence, so you learn to lead a girl through a song. Girls love guys that can dance. 7.Dress nicely. Use an attractive cologne if necessary. Be very hygienic when you are around her. 8. Lead. She wants to be the wooed and not do the wooing so be the first to initiate touch (non-sexual and sexual). Be the one that comes in for the kiss. NEVER ask for ideas for what to do on the date, make plans and a back-up. If she knows of something better she will tell you. 9. Be original. For example, for Valentine's Day (if you celebrate it) be sweet or thoughtful instead of showy and cliched. A dozen red roses may be the traditional romantic gift, but most girls will be better pleased with a few of their favorite flowers tied with a red, pink, or white ribbon. Actually remembering a girl's favorites will endear you to her more than any elaborate scheme. If it's early in the relationship, though, and you don't know her favorites yet, a teddy bear (or other stuffed animal) is © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 22 www.talkaboutlove.org a perfectly fine fallback gift. Do something original to you. But make sure you make her feel comfortable as well. Pick up lines are OK as long as they aren't obnoxious (meaning avoid the vast majority) or overtly sexual to someone you don't know. something original to you. But make sure you make her feel comfortable as well. Pick up lines are OK as long as they aren't obnoxious (meaning avoid the vast majority) or overtly sexual to someone you don't know. Tips Put your arm on her shoulder and casually lean against her. It gets them every time. If she blushes or melts under your weight, that's a good sign! Girls like guys who are sweet and sensitive. Be nice to all her friends and you'll then become more approachable. Respect your girl and be honest to her. Don't lie to her, that's just a messed up relationship. Shower often, and not just with water. Actually use soap, and scrub really hard if you have failed to do this step before. If you just came form PE or playing a sport, (again) scrub really hard. Try to see her reaction when you pass by. Some girls really hate guys with a nasty odor. If you think something's wrong, ask her. Remember what she says and what she is saying. It might come up later on in the future. Compliment her in a non-stalker way. If she's wearing an interesting necklace, say "That's an interesting necklace" or "That's a cool necklace" NOT "I always like your necklaces" *scary grin*. Girls don't like nasty breath. Eat mints regularly and brush teeth often. Calling her pretty or beautiful is more appreciated than hot or sexy, in fact, try to avoid the latter as much as possible. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 23 www.talkaboutlove.org Don't stalk girls. They will start to avoid you. However, dropping cute text messages every now and then is okay. Be protective for her. Girls love to be defended not to be the defender. Warnings Don't ever force any girl to do something she doesn't want to do. Get close with the girl's family. Knowing that she has her family's approval makes her more comfortable. Impress her show her you're a real gentleman and don't ever kiss on the first date unless she is ready to. A girl tells her best friend everything. Don't be afraid to hear a comment slip from the friend's lips about something you said. But, on the contrary, there are certain things she will keep to herself. A lot of times, the best friend will keep things for herself too because she doesn't want you to think she's creepy. Don't judge a girl by things her best friend does. If she loves her, then you better get used to her too. When you are ready for the first kiss and the mood is right, lean towards her slowly, but don't shove your face into hers. If she doesn't back away, gently lean the rest of the way in for the kiss. Some tips say go halfway there, or 80 or 90 percent. Go with what feels natural for the moment. Going all the way can work, but it depends on the girl. Bottom line, lead the kiss, but let her come to you. If a girl is known to spread rumors about exes, be extra careful and consider whether this is really the girl for you. Don't cheat. If you cheat, not only will she find out sooner or later and dump you, but it can emotionally scar her and is very mean. If you feel like you need to cheat for any reason, then it's time to re-evaluate your relationship. Don't discuss any intimate details about your girl with your friends, it will get out. Watch yourself. You can't always act the same around girls as you do around your male friends, especially at first. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 24 www.talkaboutlove.org Do this for every girl you are in a relationship with. If word gets out that you were a jerk to your last girlfriend, no one will want to date you. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 25 www.talkaboutlove.org How to Look Attractive (Guys) 1. Grooming 2. Styling Hair 3. Clothing 4. Having an Attractive Presence 5. Taking Care of Your Body You can't control your genes or your basic physical traits, but you can control how you use what you've got. Being attractive is a combination of several different factors, including grooming, personality, and style. Whether you're simply looking to amp up your existing sex appeal, or are completely at a loss as to where to begin, there are simple changes you can make to become more attractive. Method 1 of 5: Grooming The easiest and most basic thing you can do to be more appealing is practicing good hygiene. Looking clean and smelling good will make people subconsciously want to be nearer to you. Use these steps to develop a daily routine. 1 Wear deodorant. Find a scent and strength that works for you, and put it on first thing after you get out of the shower. If you find that you get sweaty or smelly during the day, carry deodorant in your backpack or briefcase and reapply. If you forget to put on deodorant before you leave the house, find some hand sanitizer and wipe it on your armpits — it'll kill the bacteria that produces body odor. You might have to reapply a few times during the day. 2 Shower every day. Wash your hair thoroughly, and use a body wash or soap that has a fresh and clean scent. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 26 www.talkaboutlove.org If you usually shower in the morning, consider getting a fogless mirror for your shower so you can wash your face and shave while you're in there. 3 Wear cologne or body spray. How you smell throughout the day can make or break your attractiveness — if you get it right, people will be automatically drawn closer to you. If you get it wrong, though, it can have the opposite effect and actually repel people. Here are some basic guidelines to follow: Don't wear too much. This is the most important thing about smelling good — it can't be too strong, because it's possible to have too much of a good thing. Even roses can smell nauseating if you take a big whiff of concentrated rose oil. Do two or three pumps of cologne maximum and only three pumps of body spray. Your nose will get used to the scent and stop "smelling" it after a few minutes, but other people can still smell you. Find a scent that works with your natural smell. Everyone's body chemistry is slightly different, and as a result not every scent fits every person. There are smells that "work" on some people and start to smell terrible on others. If you can, sample a cologne or body spray before you buy it. Wear it around for a day, and ask a friend to tell you how it smells a few hours later. Try to match up your body wash and your cologne. They don't have to be the same scent, but they should be similar so that they don't produce a clashing smell. Put cologne over pulse points. The parts of your body where large amounts of blood are flowing close to the surface, will be a little bit warmer throughout the day, which will heat up the cologne slightly and make it smell stronger. Common areas include the wrists, throat, and back of the neck. 4 Wash your face every morning and night. Men naturally have more testosterone than women, which is linked to an increase in pimples and outbreaks. Counteract this by taking care to keep your face clean. Find products that are appropriate for your skin type. Here are the most common kinds: © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 27 www.talkaboutlove.org Sensitive/dry skin: If your skin tends to be flaky and dry, or gets red and irritated easily, use an extremely gentle cleanser. Skip toner, and use a light moisturizer. Combination/T-zone skin: If your forehead, nose and chin (or "T-zone") tend to be oily but your cheeks are dry, you have "combination" skin. Most people have this skin type, so look for a cleanser that's marketed for normal or combination skin. Use a gentle toner on your T-zone, and finish up with a moisturizer. Oily skin: If your skin tends to be uniformly oily, find a clay-based or drying cleanser. Use a gentle toner everywhere on your face, and finish with a light moisturizer. If your skin feels oily during the day, pick up some face-blotting tissues from the skincare section of the drug store and pat them on your skin in the afternoon. If you have acne, use a salicylic acid face wash and put benzoyl peroxide cream on pimples. If this doesn't help, see a dermatologist. 5 Shave or trim your facial hair. Whether you choose to be bare-faced or have a beard, the key is taking care to groom your facial hair every day. For a clean-shaven look, shave every morning before you leave for work or school. Wet your skin first, and use a sharp razor and shaving cream. Shaving against the grain (that is, in the opposite direction of hair growth, from your jaw to your cheek) provides a closer shave, but results in more irritation. If you struggle with ingrown hairs, try shaving with the grain. Manage your beard, mustache or goatee. Make sure the edges are neat and clean, and trim any hair so that it's uniformly long. When you're cleansing your face, pay special attention to scrubbing the skin beneath any facial hair. 6 Groom your eyebrows (optional). You don't have to pluck your eyebrows, but it might help you look a little more well-groomed overall. Here are some basic pointers: Find a good pair of tweezers. The two prongs should meet completely — this will make plucking less painful and more efficient. Use the rest of your face as a guideline. Find a pencil and hold it up to the edge of one nostril, so that the pencil crosses your eyebrow. Hair that runs past the pencil and into © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 28 www.talkaboutlove.org the "unibrow" zone over your nose should be plucked. Do this for the other side as well. Clean up your arches. If your brows still look a bit bushy after you've plucked out the middle, you can try plucking a bit from beneath your arches. Remember, though, to only pluck beneath your eyebrows — don't pluck the hair above the brow. 7 Clean and trim your nails. Every two or three days, when you get out of the shower, take a minute to quickly trim up all 20 of your nails and clean out any dirt from beneath them. They'll be softer and easier to manage after you've been in the water for a few minutes. Both your fingernails and toenails should be trimmed short, so there's just a thin line of white above the quick. 8 Brush and floss your teeth. Combat bad breath and maintain a pearly-white smile by taking good care of your teeth. Update your toothbrush. Your toothbrush should be replaced once every 3 months, or after you've recovered from a cold or other infectious illness. If the bristles are starting to splay out, you need a new one. Floss every night. Not only does flossing get plaque and food out of your mouth, it's also thought to prevent heart disease. Brush your tongue. Your teeth might be sparkling white, but you'll still be saddled with bad breath if your tongue is dirty. Using your toothbrush, make a few light strokes over your tongue whenever you brush. (Don't push too hard, or you'll damage the tissue). Finish with mouthwash. Swish thoroughly for 20 seconds, and spit. Method 2 of 5: Styling Hair 1 © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 29 www.talkaboutlove.org Have your hair trimmed regularly. Even if you're trying to grow it out, it needs regular cuts to stave off split ends. You can visit a professional stylist, or cut it yourself. Either way, consider these schedules: If you prefer to keep your hair short, aim to have it trimmed every 2 to 3 weeks. Make sure that you or your stylist shaves the hair that grows down the back of your neck. If you're growing out your hair, have the ends trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks. Even if it's going to be covered, take care to shave the hair that grows down the back of your neck. 2 Wash your hair often. Washing hair every day works for most guys, but you could stretch it to every other day if your hair is particularly dry. Find a shampoo and conditioner that seems to work for your hair type. (If you struggle with having dry hair or split ends, look for a sulfate-free shampoo, without sodium laureth sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate.) 3 Use hair products (optional). You don't have to use product to style your hair, but most people do. It can help your hair look shinier and healthier, as well as providing more hold and control. Here are some common products used to style men's hair: Serums or creams. These can help you tame fly-aways or de-frizz curls without making your hair stiff and immovable. Mousse. Use hair mousse to add volume and shine to your hair, with minimal hold. For best results, apply to wet hair and allow to dry. Pomade, hair wax or hair clay. Use these products to mold your hair in to difficult-toachieve shapes, such as pompadours or curls (for naturally straight hair). Be aware that it can take several washes to remove these products, so apply them lightly. A peasized amount should be plenty if you have short, medium or thin hair. Use pomade or hair wax for a shiny, wet look; use hair clay for a matte, natural tone. Gel. Unlike pomade, gel contains alcohol that dries out hair and makes for a stiffer hold. For the strongest hold, apply gel to wet hair. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 30 www.talkaboutlove.org Hair glue. Ever wonder how some people get their mohawks to stand straight up? They're probably using some variation of hair glue, which provides the strongest possible hold. Be wary of product build-up, and wash hair thoroughly. 4 Comb your hair into a style that works for you. You might have to experiment a bit to find out what hairstyle best suits your face and your style, but eventually you'll settle into a look that works for you on a daily basis. Consider these options: Part your hair. You can part your hair down the middle, to the side, or not at all. Try it a few different ways and see what you like. Comb your hair in one direction, instead of parting, you can try combing the top of your hair in one way. If it's particularly short, try combing it forward; if its longer, you could comb it back or spike it up. Again, try out some different styles. If you have longer hair, you can try pulling it back in a ponytail, styling it so that it lands in front of your face, or combing back and tying up just the top section. 5 Deal with balding (optional). If you're balding, it might be best to cut or shave your hair short, so that the difference between the two areas is less noticeable. Be sure to wash your hair right after exercising, as failing to do so is said to accelerate balding, and give yourself a nice scalp massage every time you shower. Method 3 of 5: Clothing As they say, the clothes make the man! You don't have to wear expensive items to be attractive, but your clothing can communicate a lot about you. Consider building your wardrobe around these steps. 1 Wear clothing that fits. You could be wearing the most expensive suit in the world and still look awkward if it's too small or too large on you. Your clothes should fit you as well as possible, which in general means that the bottom of your pants should hit or cover your ankles, long-sleeved shirts should hit or cover your wrists, and the bottom of your shirt should hit your hips. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 31 www.talkaboutlove.org Don't try to hide your body. Whether you're embarrassed about being too large or too skinny, trying to cover it up with baggy clothing only makes you look worse. You don't have to wear clothing that's completely form-fitting, but it shouldn't sag or leave too much space. If you can't wear sizes off the rack, find an inexpensive seamstress or tailor. Maybe you have thin hips but long legs, and you can't find a pair of jeans that accommodates both. Buy clothing that's slightly larger than you need, and find someone to take it in so that it fits your measurements. Most dry cleaning businesses will do alterations for a fair price. Throw out or donate clothes that no longer fit. You might love that old T-shirt from high school, but you shouldn't be wearing it if it doesn't fit. 2 Know how to highlight your best features. Here's a basic rule of getting dressed: light colors highlight, and dark colors obscure. For instance, if you like your shoulders but you're not as fond of your legs, you might try wearing dark-wash jeans and a lightcolored T-shirt. 3 Figure out which colors look good on you. The right color will make your skin look awesome, while the wrong one can make it look washed out and sallow. Here are some basic tests to try: Determine whether you look better in white or off-white. Try holding a stark white shirt up to your face, then an off-white shirt. If you're like most people, you'll look notably better next to one or the other. Once you figure it out, stick to what works. Determine whether you look better in black or brown. This one isn't as clear-cut as white, but some people look notably better in black over brown, and vice versa. When you settle on one, don't mix the colors — for instance, don't wear brown shoes and a brown belt with black dress trousers. Wear black shoes, black pants, and a black belt, or all brown. Try to figure out if you prefer "warm" or "cool" colors. Cool colors are generally based on blues, purples, dark greens, and blue-based reds, while warm colors are based on yellows, oranges, browns, and yellow-based reds. An easy way to figure this © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 32 www.talkaboutlove.org out is to find something that's blue-red, and something that's yellow-red, and hold them up to your face. Which one looks better with your skin tone? (If you need more help determining warm and cool colors, search online for a color wheel that demonstrates this.) 4 Stock your wardrobe with timeless basics. These pieces shouldn't fall out of style too quickly, and they should be made of quality materials that will last a few years. Pick up items such as solid-color polo shirts, solid or plaid button-up shirts, dark blue jeans, plain white and black T-shirts (without advertisements or graphic designs), a solid-color blazer, dark dress trousers, a dark and well-fitting jacket, lace-up dress shoes, and white sneakers. You'll always be able to put together a presentable outfit from these pieces. 5 Do laundry regularly. Some items of clothing can stand to go through several wears before they're dirty (such as jeans or jackets), but shirts, underwear and socks can only stand one wear before they need to be washed. Set up a regular schedule for doing laundry so that you don't spend the morning scrambling for something clean. Method 4 of 5: Having an Attractive Presence 1 Practice good posture. It might seem irrelevant, but standing up straight makes you seem confident and in control, which people do find attractive. Keep your shoulders squared, your spine straight, and try to center your hips over your feet. Walk with confidence and don't drag your feet or shuffle. Also don't stare at the ground, and putting your hands in your pockets can make you look shy or nervous. 2 Smile. Offering someone a genuine smile is one of the easiest things you can do to seem instantly appealing. Practice smiling often, and try to get into a frame of mind where your grin is easy to trigger. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 33 www.talkaboutlove.org Develop a warm sense of humor. Find joy and laughter in the ridiculous aspects of life, and don't be afraid to point this out to other people. Try to keep your jokes free of references to bodily functions, sex acts, or disparaging other groups of people. 3 Make eye contact. When you're talking to someone (especially someone you like), demonstrate that you're interested and paying attention by making consistent eye contact. Use eye contact to flirt. Throw several glances at someone sitting near you or across the room until he or she catches you. Maintain eye contact for a second, smile and look away. 4 Be a gentleman. You don't have to be a stuffed shirt to show basic care and consideration for other people. Say "please," "thank you," and "excuse me," and show courtesy by holding doors open for people walking behind you. Be respectful of other people. Don't tear down other people's beliefs, and don't be unnecessarily rude to them. If someone tries to start a confrontation with you, walk away calmly — this illustrates that you won't sink to the other person's level. Don't swear or make crude comments in public. It's fine to let your hair down a little bit around your guy friends or your family, but avoid talking this way around people you don't know well. 5 Know how to carry a conversation. Being a competent conversationalist can help people feel more at-ease and relaxed around you. Know how to casually inquire about how someone is doing, and let that lead into other topics of conversation. Ask openended questions (for example, instead of saying "Do you have any plans this weekend?", which can be answered with a simple yes or no, ask "What are you up to this weekend?"), and stay away from contentious topics such as politics and religion. To sharpen your conversational skills, try striking up a chat with a stranger next time you're waiting around in public, such as at a bus stop or in line at the grocery store. If © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 34 www.talkaboutlove.org you can get a genuine smile and a few lines of conversation out of the other person, you're doing well. 6 Speak clearly and carefully. When you talk to other people, try not to mumble or rush your words. Form full sentences, and avoid opening your mouth before you've really thought about what you're going to say — it will save you a lot of potential embarrassment. Method 5 of 5: Taking Care of Your Body 1 Eat well. Sticking to a healthy diet can help you avoid bad breath and pungent body odor, as well as keeping you healthy and trim. Try incorporating some of these guidelines into your diet: Avoid junk food and items that are high in sugar. These treats are fine every once in a while, but they shouldn't be an everyday thing. Try to limit modest amounts of soda, beer, candy bars, potato chips and other junky items to one "cheat" day per week. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. You've heard it a hundred times, but eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is vital to a healthy diet. Consider trying to eat fresh fruit (such as apples, oranges and pears) as a snack, and try to eat at least one vegetable at both lunch and dinner. Learn to prepare food. Start with simple things - boil eggs, make sandwiches and salads, cook burgers and steaks, heat frozen veggies, boil rice & pasta. It will save you money, improve your health and impress people! 2 Exercise. Consistent physical activity can not only help your body look more attractive, but it also lifts your mood and keeps you from getting sick as often. Set up a plan that works for you, and stick to it. Here are some suggestions to get you started: © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 35 www.talkaboutlove.org Do basic stretches, sit-ups, push-ups, and other exercises every other day. Stay consistent with the number of repetitions. Then, as your muscles improve, increase the number of repetitions you do and you will see results. Try different weight lifting plans. Try to do as much as you can, but don't over extend yourself, and give your muscles rest days to heal and build muscle. Working out every day may actually be bad for you! However, don't be afraid about becoming way too buff. Body-builders in magazines look that huge because lifting weights is the only thing they do for a living. It won't happen to you. The primary core lifts are Bench Press, Squat, Military Press, Deadlift, and Curls. If you need more chest work, consider doing Incline Press. If you would rather do more explosive workouts, consider Power Clean, Push-press. If this still isn't enough, consider doing bar snatch, workouts w/jerk, hang clean w/front squat, or other dumbbell lifts. If you have a membership, great, use the bar primarily, and use machines such as lat pull downs to supplement. Walk, jog, ride your bicycle, or run for 30 minutes or for a mile or two as well (if you ride a bike, run, jog, or walk to school or work, then you can get well-exercised just walking, jogging, running, or riding your bike; this works on your stomach, legs, and back). It will help your body system to be more flexible and more upcoming to objectives. Consider morning exercise. It can bring out your skin and make it look nicer throughout the day. Just make sure to take a shower after as well. Sometimes as you work out through-out the day you sweat. All that sweat would not smell nice. Taking a shower after a period of sweating to get fully clean would stop the odor. Tips Act brave around women. They love it when they are scared and you are able to stay strong and protect them. Don't pay an over-the-top amount of attention to your crush. This can come off as "stalker-like". Talk to them. If they don't like you, deal with it. Why waste your valuable time wanting what you can't have? If you act dignified and leave them alone, and develop interests in other people, they may like you later. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 36 www.talkaboutlove.org Blow your nose. No one like guys sniffing, and most people will get disgusted if they see a booger up a guy's nose. So to avoid this, take a handkerchief with you and make sure you use it. Do not spit on the ground while walking. If you get one or a couple of pimples, don't obsess about it. Everyone gets at least a few during their development, as long as you don't act like it's a big deal, people won't notice them. For the occasional pimple(s), it's best just to forgo "Anti-Pimple" medication and limit yourself to simply applying a hot cloth to the pimples every few hours. Most pimples should only last a few days, unless the skin becomes irritated or infection sets in. Don't try to be someone you're not. It's fine to explore different aspects of your personality, but don't try to force yourself to be the exact opposite of how you really feel. Being genuine is attractive, and people can tell when you're not being real. If someone can't respect who you are, then they aren't worth the time. If you don't think your personality is all that attractive, think about the parts of your personality you find unattractive. Be aware of any tendencies you or others might find annoying. Obscure them or be aware when and as they are about to come up and eliminate them. Before long you will succeed, and have no personality left. As long as you look good, girls will love this. Always take into account how others feel, if you talk about yourself all the time it's more likely you won't have anyone to turn to but yourself. Never be rude or intend to belittle others in public, it can send out a negative message about you so be nice. Don't make your change to cool clothing sudden, as this will make you look like a poser. Make a gradual change over a period of a month and be sure you have the friends and the attitude to match. While trying to impress your crush, never, under any circumstances, point out your flaws if they haven't said anything. They most likely haven't noticed, and you are lowering their opinion of you if you do so. Being a tad cocky can influence your confidence and make your self more attractive to girls around you! © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 37 www.talkaboutlove.org How to Sweep a Girl off Her Feet 1. Making Her Feel Special 2. Making Her Feel Loved 3. Making it Last You don't need to look like Brad Pitt or drive a Corvette to sweep a girl off her feet. Those things, by themselves, will almost never work on a woman who is really worth courting. If you really want to sweep a girl off her feet, then you have to know how to make her feel special without coming on too strong. However, this can be easier said than done. Method 1 of 3: Making Her Feel Special 1 Give her a unique compliment. If you want to make the girl feel special right away and get closer to sweeping her off her feet, then you have to make her see that you don't just see her as another target. Let her know that you think she's special by complimenting her unique features without creeping her out. Tell her she has amazing freckles, a quirky sense of humor, a fantastic laugh, or the most incredible sense of style you've ever seen. Don't tell her she's beautiful or gorgeous quite yet. Though this is a nice compliment, if you tell her too early, she may feel like you're coming on too strong or being insincere. In your very first or second conversation, try to sneak in a subtle compliment that makes her see that you really see her as an individual, not just as any other girl. You can compliment aspects of her personality, too. Don't just focus on the superficial stuff. 2 Ask her questions about herself. Most people love to talk about themselves when they are given the chance. If you want to make the girl feel special, and like you really © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 38 www.talkaboutlove.org care, then you have to ask her a few questions about her life and her ideas. Don't give her the third degree or make her feel like she's in an interview. Just asking some slightly personal but not intrusive questions can really make her see that you're interested. Here are some topics to ask about: What her closest friends are like and what they do for fun If she has any pets -- if she does, ask to see a picture If she has siblings What her favorite movies, bands, books are Her hobbies What her job or classes are like 3 Ask for her opinion. If you want the girl to feel special and like you really care about her, then you have to show that her opinions really matter to you. Ask her what she thinks about a variety of topics, from your new shoes to her taste in music. Don't ask any questions that could start a fight right away -- steer away from politics or any other sensitive topics. But asking what she thinks from time to time will make her see that you really care about her instead of just seeing her as a play thing. If you take her out to a movie, ask her what she actually wants to see. When you walk out, you should ask her what she thinks. If you pick her up and are listening to music, ask, "What CDs do you have in your car?" If you're making a life decision and are close enough for her opinion to matter, don't make it without asking what she thinks first. 4 Take the time to really listen to her. This is different from nodding your head and saying, uh, yeah, every few minutes when she asks if you're listening. Pay attention to the little details, from what she really thinks of her friend Stephanie, to her favorite types of sweaters. Sure, you may drift off from time to time, but you'll rack up major © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 39 www.talkaboutlove.org points the next time her friend Stephanie comes up or you find yourself sweater shopping together; if you mention something she previously said, she'll be really impressed that you care. Really listening to her will also make her see that you're interested in her mind just as much as you care about her body. Listening to her carefully can also help you get a sense of what she likes and doesn't like, so you can get her the perfect thoughtful gift when the time comes. 5 Be a gentleman. If you want to sweep a girl off her feet, then you absolutely have to be a gentleman. You don't have to go over the top or try to do something that really doesn't fit with your personality, but if you want her to feel special, you have to make her feel like a lady. To be a gentleman, you have to treat the girl with respect, be kind and affectionate, and make her feel like all of your attention is on her, whether you're out at a fancy date or just grabbing coffee. Here are some other things you can do: When you pick her up, don't just wait in your car and honk your horn. Get your butt out and knock on her door. When she does get in your car, open the door for her. Open doors for her and pull out her chair for her. Always let her walk in front of you. Ask her if she's comfortable from time to time. Is she too cold or too hot? Offer her your jacket or hang up her coat. Always start off a date with a compliment. She made an effort, so tell her she looks beautiful, stunning, whatever. 6 Take an interest in her hobbies. This doesn't mean you should become obsessed with Power Yoga or trail her to the Farmer's Market every Saturday like a little dog. It does mean that you should show an interest in some of the things she loves to do, and to ask about her passion for them without being too intrusive. If she loves to write poems or paint, ask if you could see some of her verses and canvasses. If she's going to a book reading one night and asks if you'd like to come along, say yes. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 40 www.talkaboutlove.org This doesn't mean that you should start doing a whole bunch of things that seem completely boring to you. It does mean that you should show that you care about the girl's interests and that you'll support her as much as you can. 7 Make eye contact. Seriously. This is one of the most underrated tricks to making a girl feel really special. When she's talking to you, look into her eyes. This may sound completely obvious, but you'd be surprised by the number of guys who barely look into a girl's eyes either because they're too shy, or too busy looking at their cell phones to really pay attention to their girl's eyes. This doesn't mean you have to be creepy and gaze into the girl's eyes 100% of the time, but when she's talking to you and you're really listening, take a look into her eyes to show that you care. Making eye contact will also make it easier for you to be really attuned to your girl's feelings. If you look away from her face, you may not see that she's really upset or agitated until it's way too late. Method 2 of 3: Making Her Feel Loved 1 Show affection. Though you may think that your girl must know how you feel because you tell her from time to time, physical affection can go a long way in sweeping her off her feet. You don't have to have your arm around her all the time or hold her hand 24/7 (you may be surprised to hear that plenty of girls don't like that), but you should give her a loving touch or gesture when you're together often enough to make her feel loved. Here are some things you can do: If you're at the movies or walking around, hold her hand for at least a part of it -- if she likes it. If you're on the couch together, don't forget to snuggle or cuddle with her to make her feel special. If you're talking and she's upset, put a hand on her knee, stroke her arm, or hold her hand to let her know you care. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 41 www.talkaboutlove.org When you greet her and kiss her, run your hands through her hair. Don't forget to touch her playfully. Picking her up, having a tickle fight, or just playfully swatting each other is a great way to show affection. 2 Support her. If you really want to make her feel loved, then you have to go beyond complimenting and touching her. You have to support her, whether it's by watching her soccer game or being there for her after the death of her grandmother. Love isn't always just fun and games, and to really sweep her off her feet, you have to be part of the complete package and be there for her when she needs you. If she's really into sports, be there to watch her games when you can, or at least don't forget to ask how it went. If she has a tough exam coming up, help her study, or support her by bringing her lunch or offering to do small favors for her while she studies. If she's having a stressful week at work, take it easy on her. Help her relax by planning a stress-free night in and don't bring up any big questions right then. 3 Give her unexpected kisses. Sure, kissing her in the middle of a hot hook-up session will make her feel good, but it's the unexpected kisses that count the most. If you're just chatting in the middle of a date or having a nice stroll through a park, give her a kiss and say, "I just had to kiss you right now. You look so pretty." That will really blow her away. And once you're kissing, make sure you give her a kiss every time you see her without making her feel neglected. Not every kiss has to be a full-on French kiss. A gentle kiss on the lips is a great way to show you care and to mix things up. 4 Make time for romance. If you really want your girl to feel loved, then you have to make sure to plan dates and to stick to them. If you want to sweep her off her feet, then you can't just be Casanova for the first three weeks and then tell her that "Sunday is sports day" until the end of time. Make sure you have a weekly date night, no © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 42 www.talkaboutlove.org matter how stressed and tired you both are, and you'll continue to make the girl feel loved. Romance doesn't have to mean red wine and chocolate. It just means making time to show each other that you care. 5 Let her know that you're thinking about her when you're apart. If you want to make her feel loved, then you have to let her see that she's on your mind even if you're not together. Shoot her a text once a day to let her know you're thinking of her, or send her an email from work with a link that made you think about her. Don't check in eight times a day unless you want to seem overbearing, but if you're started seriously dating, don't let a day go by without a quick phone call or a text. Though it's important to let her see how much you care when you're together, it's equally important for her to see that she's on your mind when you're apart. 6 Do little things for her. Though the big, grand gestures, like life-sized teddy bears or a diamond necklace can show her that you really care about her, all of the little things can add up, too. Though it may not be as glamorous to pick up a few groceries for her when she's in a pinch, to fix the broken table leg in her living room, or to go to the vet with her when her kitty is sick, these are the things that will make her think that wow, you really must care about her. Of course, she should do the little things for you, too. You don't have to become her errand boy to make her see that you really care about her. Method 3 of 3: Making it Last 1 Be spontaneous. Though having a routine, from date night to movie night, can help establish the patterns that make a relationship meaningful and healthy, that doesn't mean that a routine is always fun. Mix things up from time to time by being completely spontaneous. Make an effort to not do the expected and ordinary thing all the time, and the girl will love hanging out with you even more. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 43 www.talkaboutlove.org Take a random weekend trip to a place you've never been before. Try food from a country you've never even heard of. Do a cartwheel in the middle of the street. And don't underestimate the spontaneous hug, kiss, or compliment. 2 Be adventurous. If you want to sweep a girl off her feet, then you have to bring adventure and excitement to her life. This doesn't mean you have to go sky diving or climb Mount Everest, but it does mean that you should go out of your way to keep things exciting, pushing each other out of your comfort zones, and doing the things that you never thought you would do. Whatever you do that feels new, it will keep the girl's adrenaline pumping, and will keep making her excited about the relationship. This could mean running a marathon together, learning to scuba dive, or even learning a new language. When a new task is presented, have the "say yes" mentality, intend of saying "no" and thinking of all the reasons why it wouldn't be a good idea. 3 Charm her friends and family. You may ask, "What do her friends and family have to do with her?" Well, the short answer is -- everything. While you can start off a steamy and exciting romance without ever meeting her friends and family, if you want to be in it for the long haul, then you have to make the effort to get to know her friends and to be polite and kind when it comes to meeting her family. Even if you don't quite hit it off with her friends right away, give them a chance. If you stick with the girl, it's likely they'll be a part of your life forever. Sure, family events aren't always the most fun, but don't complain about it. If you really care about her, then you have to really care about her family -- even if you'd rather be watching the big game than hanging out at her uncle's birthday party. 4 Maintain your independence. Though you may not think that maintaining your independence has anything to do with sweeping a girl off her feet, the opposite is true. If you want her to feel like you really care about her and that you can take her breath away, then you have to show it by letting her be her own person, and by doing your © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 44 www.talkaboutlove.org own thing from time to time. She will be wowed that you're not possessive or jealous enough to want to be around all of the time, and she'll like you even more for it. If you both have your separate friends and interests and have parts of your relationship that don't intersect, your relationship will be stronger when you do spend time together. 5 Don't take her for granted. Once you've swept the girl off her feet, you've gotta keep sweepin'. You may be feeling like everything is going great and like there's no need to keep making your girl feel loved and special -- and you'd be dead wrong. You have to keep things fresh if you don't want the girl to lose interest. Bring her flowers, continue to compliment her, and find new activities that you can do together, like hiking or learning to cook, to keep things excited. If you already reached the "I love you" phase, make sure to say it at least once a day to keep showing that you care. Tips Joke around with her. If you can make a girl laugh, she will remember you. Girls like a relaxed, chilled out guy. They don't want someone who is always panicking. Always try to be calm and cool around her. Try not to sound nervous when talking to her. Don't stutter or hesitate when talking as girls might think you are scared and embarrassed. Remember to have your own life. Most girls like a guy who's got his own friends, his own opinions, and his own time. Be confident. Never make her choose between her friends or you unless the friend doesn't have your girl's feelings in consideration. If she isn't interested, just move on. At least you tried. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 45 www.talkaboutlove.org Be specific with compliments, especially if they are genuine. Say "that's a nice summer outfit" instead of "you look hot". If the former is true, she will have an easier time accepting it. As you start to become close, say things like "hi honey" and "hey babe" to let her know that you notice her. If she asks you how she looks always respond with a positive comment like fantastic or great so she will know you think she looks good. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 46 www.talkaboutlove.org How to Flirt Without Being Annoying Conversing by Chat or; TextFlirting Face to Face. Flirting is the easiest way to convey your intentions and attraction toward your date or someone you fancy. However, overdoing the flirting can become annoying, especially for those who find flirting a little too intrusive or needy. Don't risk losing the person you're keen on by flirting inappropriately, too much or by ignoring their distress. Method 1 of 2: Conversing by Chat or Text 1 Choose words that aren't suggestive or flirtatious. Aim to be polite and respectful of the other person, showing that you're keen to get to know him or her better. Here are some ways to create a polite conversation without looking as if you're going too far: "Hey there! How are you doing?" "Today's weather was [insert how as the weather like], right?" ""I heard about your success at [work/study/sport, etc.] this week. Congratulations and well done!" 2 Be less open. Don't talk all about yourself. Talking topics should be something you both have an interest in. Discuss things which will encourage your partner to start talking, too. Ask your partner general questions. This means don't ask anything too personal or probing. At the very beginning, it might be somewhat annoying to your partner to field many questions at a deeply personal level. They might close down the chat or hang up the phone. Take it slowly and easy. No need to rush. If it's hard to find anything to talk about, encourage your partner start talking through subtle questioning. Examples of suitable things to ask include: "How was your day?" © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 47 www.talkaboutlove.org "So, what are your favorite hobbies?" When you feel that your partner is happy answering your questions, ask more questions. As your partner provides more information freely, this opens up the opportunity to start getting a little more personal––take your cue from how intimately your date discusses things. 3 Avoid over-complimenting. Complimenting is an important part of acknowledging the good about another person but it can be overdone. Over-complimenting might lead your crush to think whether you're lying or simply saying things to make them like you. It can also cause to them to distrust your sincerity, which will dampen any chances they'll fancy you. Keep the compliments genuine, irregular and don't lie. Just say what good things you think about them without having to make up anything. Here are some good compliments by way of example: "You looked amazing in that outfit yesterday!" "You don't need to wear makeup, by the way. You look naturally beautiful!" 4 Avoid flirting by jokes. When chatting on internet, or texting via phone, it will be hard for your partner to understand whether you're being serious or not. If you've already let slip a flirty joke, quickly add "Just kidding :)!" Avoid joking about your partner's family. Some people can take such jokes very seriously and not see anything funny at all in your comments. Method 2 of 2: Flirting Face to Face This section deals with face-to-face encounters only. While much of the section above remains applicable with respect to conversing, there are some additional elements to be aware of when in personal contact. 1 © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 48 www.talkaboutlove.org Focus on the other person. Listen carefully, avoid giving free rein to your feelings and genuinely want to get to know this person better. When your focus is on learning more, you are less likely to give in to flirting out of lust. 2 Make eye contact. Making eye contact demonstrates interest, the courage to show your feelings and reciprocity. Make sure you're doing it correctly. Here are some good ways to make eye contact: Avoid staring at the other person's body. It can be considered as "sexing", which isn't really comfortable for some people. Decide when to move to the next step in making eye contact. When you're sure that your crush likes you, try a wink. If you aren't sure that your crush is ready for that, then leave it for later. If you were talking with others, both of you saw each other, smile, and make casual eye contact. Avoid staring into the eyes without a break. That's plain creepy! Try to talk normally, as with any other person at your level. 3 Talk with your partner. Use any chance to talk with the other person. Compliment them about their reactions, outfits, etc. (see above for avoiding over-complimenting). Here are some good suggestions: Don't say "You look good in this dress!"; instead, say "Nice dress!". And, "I love your [item of clothing]. It really suits you!" is another nice line. "Sorry to be so forward, but your eyes are so beautiful." "Nice move"___. This compliment applies when you're playing games, like video or board games. "I appreciate how [punctual/thoughtful/kind/generous, etc.] you are. You have made my day." 4 © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 49 www.talkaboutlove.org Start an easy conversation. It doesn't need to be long at first and it definitely shouldn't be complicated or make your partner feel uncomfortable. Here are some tips: Don't make "you" the main topic of conversation. Your partner will think that you're arrogant and just a bit boring. Ask questions. As outlined above, don't be too personal until you know more and both of you are comfortable with one another. Good questions include: "What's your favorite hobby/color/sport/etc.?". When your partner answers you, try to say "Nice, I like that too!", but don't lie. Only respond that way if you actually agree; it shows you up as insincere if it turns out otherwise later. Avoid talking about personal or touchy things, especially money, faith and politics. Money is a general turn-off (especially boasting or acting desperate), while beliefs can be navigated a little later on, when you're both feeling a little more certain about one another. 5 Keep yourself simple. At this stage, there is no need to tell your crush all of the amazing things you have done in your life. Keep your conversations with your partner simple and short, revealing just a few interests and some key topics that are genuinely interesting. Don't make your partner think you're after him or her and that you're desperate. Make it clear through what you say that you're a busy, interesting person who doesn't make flirting his or her main goal in life! Keep yourself new. Do new things to flirt better, like surprising your crush by turning up with tickets to her or his favorite movie or show. Initially, avoid talking to your partner daily. It keeps things fresh and interesting. Every few days at the outset of a relationship will keep the excitement intact. 6 Remember that flirting is used for fun. It's not about personal validation or manipulation of the other person. Don't start fuming, sulking or shouting if your crush won't agree to go for a date. Be positive, and find someone else you're attracted to who responds in kind. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 50 www.talkaboutlove.org How to Treat a Girl Well So, you want to know how to treat a girl well? Every girl is different, so not everything you do for one girl will necessarily flatter another. But there are some general things you can do to show a girl that you care. 1 Be kind to her. Remember that every human being wants to be appreciated and treated well. The more genuine and specific you are, the better. 2 Remember that "no means no". If you're doing something that makes her uncomfortable, even something simple like hugging, stop doing it. Ask her why it made her uncomfortable, and try not to make her uncomfortable again - either don't do that thing, or wait until she tells you she's ready but you need to remember that sometimes asking the same thing over and over again can be annoying. 3 Let her talk about herself. If you say you want to get to know her better, and you then take over all the conversations, she will think you are self-centered and not very interested in her after all. Come Up with Good Conversation Topics Step 4.jpg 4 Find out about her hobbies by asking questions about the kind of music she likes, sports, movies, family, observing her environment, etc. 5 Compliment her. Say that her hair looks nice or that a shirt looks great on her. Then look in her eyes, and smile. Mean it. Keep it real. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 51 www.talkaboutlove.org Tell her she is pretty. No matter how average she thinks her looks may be, a girl will usually be flattered and pleased to know you think she is attractive. Say "You've got the most beautiful eyes/hair/skin/hands/etc. I've ever seen," and again, mean it! 6 Maintain good hygiene. Take a shower, put on deodorant, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and shave (if needed) right before you see her—every time. Nothing makes a girl more uncomfortable than body odor, bad breath, or skanky skin. 7 Listen! You need to be a good listener. That works with most girls; they need someone who will patiently listen and understand them! Make comments that encourage her to provide more detail, especially if it's an intense topic. And NEVER abruptly change a topic of discussion unless there is a definitive (and obvious) end to that topic. All too often, boys break away from a conversation abruptly with a new topic that stresses how great or wonderful they are. Don't fall into this trap. If you follow the discussion and really listen, that is when she will really know you're into her. There is a huge difference between "hearing" and "listening", so make sure you are actively listening to her. Don't try to fix it. We all have a tendency to want to fix things. When a girl talks to you about a problem, she more than likely does not want you to help her fix it. She just wants you to acknowledge that she has a problem and empathize. 8 Let her know about things she might be interested in. This will show her you remembered and are thinking about her, and the things she likes. 9 Don't forget her special occasions - especially her birthday. 10 Be truthful. There is no need to lie. Being honest during the dating process means you are being real - being the person she likes and not the person you think she'll like. If you find yourself consistently prone to embellishing the truth about yourself, try aiming toward that goal so that it will be the truth. If you find yourself always © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 52 www.talkaboutlove.org apologizing or trying to soothe her ruffled feathers, you need to honestly decide whether or not the two of you are a match. Treating a girl well also means recognizing this truth, and telling her in a way that hurts as little as possible — as soon as you know. 11 Make her feel comfortable. Relax and enjoy the time you spend together. Do fun things together. Bike ride, walks, movies, the beach, etc... don't just sit around. Enjoy each other's company. 12 Cooperate to understand her point of view if you disagree. Repeat or reflect her feelings so that she knows you really heard her. If it makes sense to you, apologize for your actions that upset her. If you feel you were in the right, however, tell her you didn't realize your actions would hurt her and you're sorry to cause her pain, and that you'll have to consider more carefully next time. As mentioned earlier, keep it real. Do not promise never to do it again if you don't intend to keep that promise. If the thing that upsets her is a thing that is fundamental to your personality, you might not be able to change it to a degree that will make her comfortable, and that may mean you will eventually have to part ways. 13 Be real with her, and with yourself. This cannot be stressed enough. If you find yourself saying or doing something and thinking another, step back. Take a look at yourself, and ask yourself what you really want. Share that self with her, because she can and will see that you aren't everything that you say and do. That will likely be the end of your relationship. 14 Be a "gentleman". Treat her respectfully. Really value her and show her that you do. Be ready to take her side when ever necessary 15 © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 53 www.talkaboutlove.org Be witty and funny. Every girl likes a person who can make them laugh. If she isn't in the mood for doing something, don't force it. Make jokes she understands, so she wouldn't be offended from the joke you meant as a joke. 16 Avoid unfriendly argument. Your goal is to make her feel good. Expressing anger will not help anything in any way. If you disagree, seek to understand her perspective and come to an agreement or fair compromise. Tips Treat her with the same respect you would to your future wife. (If you plan on getting married - some people don't. Still, treating her with respect is never a mistake.) If she's upset or angry, let her vent her feelings towards you. Talk about her problems, but don't try to take over and fix everything. You could end up making things worse for her. While she needs to handle her problem herself, if you allow her to talk it over with you, it will make her realise that you care for her. She will appreciate it, and if she goes through even more rough times, she'll know who to talk to. This will build up trust and loyalty between the two of you. Remember: no matter how hard you're working to Get The Girl, it's all but guaranteed that she is trying just as hard to find Mr. Right. A girl isn't that mystifying or distant of a creature, and she wants to love and be loved just as much as you do. Pay careful attention to your manners at all times. While most young women aren't overly analyzing things, once you start dating, she's appraising you: what you do, how you dress, dates you take them on, and lots of other things. Take this into account and dress for the situation, as a good balance will keep her impressed. There's no point in dressing to impress, then being cheap about where you take her. It's like going to a nice restaurant in a tracksuit. Take things slow. Don't rush into an emotional or physical attachment just because you think you should. Put yourself in her place and treat her accordingly. In other words, how would you wish to be treated, if you were her? © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 54 www.talkaboutlove.org Instead of hot or sexy, say that she looks beautiful. Girls like that better. And beautiful is more respectful too. Make sure you are yourself and if she doesn't like that there is no point of faking yourself for her to like you. Act as you would normally do. Taking her to places that cost lots of money isn't necessary. Take her to the park, maybe buy ice cream on the way; that way you interact with her. If you do go to the movies, plan on going for coffee or dessert after (which means a light dinner, and less expense - bonus!) so that you can talk about what you just saw. Warnings If something scary or shocking happens to her while you're on a date, such as a zoo robot that appears broken suddenly moves, and stuns her, try and comfort her. Make sure she's close. It'll make her feel protected. Girls love to know their boyfriend has the ability to protect them. Make sure she doesn't find out you tried to learn how to make her laugh by reading articles on the Internet, at least not until your one-year anniversary. By then, she's definitely into you and minor things like that won't hurt. Make sure you're being yourself. If you act like a gentleman when you are alone with her, and then like a jerk when you're with your friends, she will catch on and you will run into trouble. There are several things that can spook a girl on a date. It's odd, but they'll appear more vulnerable during dates. It's probably to get closer to you. Do NOT take her for granted! don't think she'll always take your crap, there's always that chance that she discovers that she deserves better. that'll easily end a relationship. If she tells you about a personal problem, don't make it your mission to take over and fix things. Just listen to her. (There are a few exceptions.) If she starts to cry, this is a big clue that she's really into you; it indicates that she trusts you enough to show she's vulnerable with you. A nice gesture here is to put your arms around her and just hold her. Don't say "Don't cry." Say, "Aww. It's going to be okay." At this point, while you © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 55 www.talkaboutlove.org don't want to try and take over, you can ask, "Can I help?" - let her answer with "No," or with "Yes, you could just hold me," or whatever, and then take it from there. Too carried away! Girls don't want you to get into some stupid story aside from the conversation. Also, refrain from going off about very specialized stuff she isn't familiar with, like math. Using words or phrases she won't understand can cause her to feel uncomfortable, uhm, like you know?. For example, let's say you're a computer tech and all of the people you work with use "Computer Geek-Speak" to amuse yourselves around the office. Calling her a "n00b" isn't going to help anything! Similarly, using slang you and your co-workers invented will make her feel confused and on the outside - don't use "in-jokes". In other words, if you've developed a kind of "club" or an inside joke type of slang, she won't understand or appreciate the humor. Make sure you either clue her in and bring her to the "inside" so she can understand what you're saying, or just don't use that slang or those jokes when with her. If you exaggerate your compliments or are insincere, a girl can usually see through that. If you like, say your sister's friend, for example, and think she may also be interested, find out from your sister if her friend likes you back. If the answer's yes, come on to her slowly. Too fast can, of course, be a turn off. Find common interests between her and yourself. If you find an interesting feature on this girl, talk about it, compliment her. But anything too pushy and your sister will probably see through this disguise and tell her friend about your secret crush. This could be a good thing if the friend is interested too, but could also be uncomfortable for you and your sister. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 56 www.talkaboutlove.org How to Hug a Girl 1. Hugging a Girl You Like 2. Hugging Friends Hugging a girl is at once exciting and terrifying. If you're like most people, you're probably stressed about making sure you do it right so that she knows you care about her, instead of feeling awkward or grossed out. Hugging can be natural and intimate, or can be invasive and uncomfortable. Although this can depend largely on who is doing the hugging, proper hugging etiquette can get you far. Method 1 of 2: Hugging a Girl You Like 1 Wait for the right moment. When you hug a girl is just as important as how you do it, so play it safe by picking a good moment. Three good times are: When you first see her. It's always nice to be greeted by friends with a quick "friends" hug (even if you want to be more than friends). During an emotional moment. Whether you're on the same team that just won a big game, or if she's having a hard day, a hug can be a really good way to reinforce that you're there for her. When you are parting ways. As with the greeting hug, saying goodbye with a hug is a nice, friendly gesture. 2 Try to figure out if she'd like to be hugged. Girls make it obvious with their body language when they are open to physical contact. Based on how she is standing, or how she greets you, you can figure out if she is comfortable with you going in for the hug. Signs she is interested: She makes eye contact with you. She plays with her hair around you. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 57 www.talkaboutlove.org Her hips or feet are pointed directly toward you. Her tone of voice is animated and bright when she talks to you. Signs she isn't interested: She doesn't hold your gaze. Her body language is "closed" (crossed legs, folded arms, body turned away). Her tone of voice is flat when she talks to you. 3 Approach her gently. Resist the urge to dive in and hug her as quickly as possible. Instead, take a deep breath and move in at a pace that allows her to decide whether or not she wants to hug you. Make eye contact, move a little bit closer to her, then lift your arms and pull her in. If you've read the signs incorrectly and she doesn't want to be hugged, it's essential that she has a second to back out before you make contact. Otherwise she'll feel forced, and the situation will turn awkward. The upside is that slower movements are generally considered more romantic. So if she does want you to hug her, a smooth and gentle approach will seem all the more intimate. 4 Decide how long you're going to hold the hug. The duration of your hug says a lot about what it means to you. Here's a basic guideline to follow: The longer you hold on, the more intimate the hug is. Embraces longer than a few seconds are meant for significant others or close family members. Shorter hugs are more casual. The average "hello" or "goodbye" hug should be about one or two seconds of holding. 5 © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 58 www.talkaboutlove.org Release. Pull back from the hugging position in one smooth move. Typically, you want to begin to pull back before she does. Ending it a few seconds earlier than you have to can keep the hug from veering into awkward territory. If she starts to let go or you can feel her go limp in your arms, it’s best to just immediately release. The exception to the rule is the "intimate" moment (for example: she's upset and crying or you just kissed) in which its considered appropriate to slowly pull back. 6 Finish it off in a cute way. The way you end it should depend on the situation. If you really like this girl, though, the end of a hug is your chance to do something adorable that she'll remember. Try these scenarios: For a casual greeting or goodbye hug, say "I'm so happy to see you!" or "See you later!" For a hug that acknowledges an accomplishment, that often means a congratulations for an award won, a job well done, a wedding, or other significant life moment. Generally, "Congratulations!" is a great thing to say. For a comforting hug, tailor what you say to the situation. "It's OK," or "I'm here," are both good things to say. For the buddy hug, say whatever sparked the hug in the first place. "You're awesome," or "We really rocked that ultimate Frisbee game, didn't we?" is always fun. If it was a more intimate hug, we'll leave those follow-up words to you. Make them count! 7 Learn about different hugging positions. If you're still nervous, read up on these different hug positions and visualize which one might work best for your particular situation: Slow-dance: Her arms will go upward to around your neck and your arms will go under hers. You can put your arms around her waist or higher up her back. The lower your hands go on her back, the more suggestive the hug is. This can be a very intimate hug—use it wisely. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 59 www.talkaboutlove.org Big bear and little bear: Her arms will go below yours and you will wrap around her back while her arms wrap around your waist. This is a friendlier hug and allows her to be pulled close to you and have her head rest on your chest. One-arm sling: This is the least romantic kind of hug—more of a buddy hug, really. This is when the hugger comes in from the side and wraps one arm around her shoulders or neck, as a casual friendly hug. T-Rex: Both the hugger and the girl’s arms stay around the waist and lower-back area. This will allow for the both of you to rest your heads on each others shoulders. This is going to allow for a friendlier, less suggestive hug. Criss-cross: One arm goes up and the other goes down to create an "x" with your arms and hers. This can lead to the perfect "pull back and kiss" position where both of you still have your arms holding on to each other with enough room to still kiss. From behind: This is a hug you only do with a girl you know well, and unless she likes scary surprises, let her know it's you as you move into the hug. This is a very intimate hug that can lead to very intimate things very easily. Method 2 of 2: Hugging Friends 1 Go with the flow. While, customarily, people have greeted each other with handshakes when first introduced, these days people frequently hug on introduction without thinking twice about it. This is more often seen among groups of friends than one friend introducing you to another friend. Use your instincts, but the best rule of thumb is that if you're offered a hug, go for it. 2 Make contact. Remember to keep the physical contact quick and light for hugging friends. Anything more prolonged might be misinterpreted as romantic. Lean in, bending from your waist. The idea here is not full-body contact, which is a much more intimate and personal hug. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 60 www.talkaboutlove.org Wrap one arm around her arm, and place your hand in-between her shoulder blades. Wrap your other arm around her, and place your hand below your first hand. 3 Hold briefly and release. Two seconds is the ideal length for a friend hug. Let go of her as soon as this much time has passed, and resume conversing as you normally would. Tips If a girl (you know, *the* girl) comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your neck and sets her head on your shoulder from behind, she is comfortable with you and is showing you affection - if you feel comfortable too, lean your head back on her neck and talk to her. Watch her body language. If she wants a hug she'll have her hands out of her pocket ready to move if they have to. If she has her arms crossed, don't even try. Don't hold her too tight. She's not a squeeze toy, so don't treat her like one. Hold her firmly enough so she's comfortable, but leave her room to move. If you make a mistake, try to recover casually and don't worry about it. Use humor to diffuse any awkwardness. If you know your girl well enough, she may be flattered if you pick her up and spin her. Be careful with that, though: some girls don't like that, and she may flatten you instead! Have good hygiene. Unless you just finished a game of ultimate Frisbee (or other vigorous activity), if your body or breath stinks, she may not have fond memories of the hug. Warnings © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 61 www.talkaboutlove.org If she doesn't want to be hugged, don't go in for it. A forced hug can sometimes be off putting. Don't smother or grab her too suddenly. If it is just a friendly hug, don't hold on for more than three seconds. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 62 www.talkaboutlove.org How to Show a Girl That You Like Her Without Being Obvious Everyone seems to be in that position these days - liking someone and wanting to let them know! Even if you never score alone time with your golden girl, you can still show her that you really do like her. 1 Hang out with her. Take some of your guy friends with you or invite them to do something. example: "Hey, we were going to see that new horror movie on Friday night! You guys wanna come?" or "We wanna play soccer but we need a few more team members. You guys in?" 2 Casually compliment her, but don't make it obviously fake. For example: "Hey Cassie, nice hoodie. I love purple!" Show a Girl That You Like Her Without Being Obvious Step 3.jpg 3 "Let her" catch you looking at her. Smile at her more often. This will automatically make her start thinking you are interested in her. 4 Hug her. If you two have been friends for a while and if you see her in the hall, hug her from behind and yell, "SURPRISE!" Many girls really like this. However, don't yell it too loudly or it may draw unwanted attention! 5 Another small way to show her you like her is to find casual ways to touch when you are around her. Whether it's letting your knee bump hers, or your shoulders brushing or a quick hug, contact will often show a girl you like her. However, be careful about where you touch her! 6 © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 63 www.talkaboutlove.org Just be straightforward. Just tell her you like her. Many boys don't tell the girls they like, when the girls will often like them back! It's basic psychology that if a guy tells a girl he likes her, she will often return the feeling. Even if she doesn't like you back, girls are usually more polite and nice about letting you down. Tips If she has trouble carrying books, bags, etc. offer to help her. That should be a given. If you have a Facebook, email account, etc. Ask her if she has one too. That way you can get to know her without being creepy. However, be sure to give her space as well! Don't always go talking to her or constantly asking her to chat. She will be annoyed and not want to speak with you. It never hurts to comb your hair. Be hygienic and make sure you appear decent looking. Girls don't like slobs. If she says she's cold, always give her your sweater or jacket. Let her keep it for a night. She might even sleep in it. Playing with her hair is something she will like and let her know you care Try wearing Old Spice (many people find Axe repulsive) or a great smelling body spray. Spray only a little on - don't take a bath in it! If the smell is overpowering, girls will most likely be repelled by it! Warnings Be very careful about the hug-from-behind suggestion--be sure she's ok with hugs in the first place before you try that one, and that she's not jumpy about things that come up from out of sight. Don't stare at her all the time, or try to touch her all the time or you will look creepy. If you take your friends to hang out with her, be sure they know you like her or they could end up making things worse. Make sure your friends aren't going to embarrass you. © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 64 www.talkaboutlove.org Text messages to seduce a woman: how you can use it Although conquer a woman can sometimes seem a little difficult, not impossible as many people think and feel inside. What is the difference between you and the guy who gets all the women? “A lot!” … Anyone out there said. Although these “many” referred to the beauty and money, but in my years of successfully seducing beautiful women, that has not been an obstacle and do not see why it should be for you. I have no face of Leonardo Di Caprio and the wealth of Bill Gates, I am a common man working and walking in the streets of my city, like any other man does. No need to be a rocket scientist to attract the girl you like, it’s actually better if you’re not anywhere scientist because that would mean that your social skills are below average. I do not know if you’ve noticed, but the people who are the “top” in class, lack certain social skills that prevent them from staying with the girl they want. Well … do not be sad if that kid is you, because the best part is that everything in life can learn and change, everything, absolutely everything. And your seductive skills are no exception. What we do need is to read what comes next … Any man can conquer a woman if he tries, just have to activate this powerful machine that carries in his head called brain. And the other thing you need is a mobile phone. The combination of these two tools is “dynamite” to seduce. Because with your cell phone you can virtually go to any girl’s bedroom without even being her boyfriend or risk to her dad remove you with a “shotgun” And how is that done? Writing cute and seductive text messages to seduce a woman – any woman! © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 65 www.talkaboutlove.org If you notice, the cell phone is almost faithful and inseparable friend of a girl, they can forget the wallet but it is almost a “sin” unforgivable forget the cell phone. And this is where ordinary men like you and I can grab to woo pretty girls For Example: As I told you … do not need special skills, just to know how to write and send short text messages for love in all the right places, that will be enough to start the game of seduction. But before you know the special ingredients that make this technique functions, see the delicious advantages of text messages to seduce a woman. (There are several advantages but this time I’m going to talk about three) First. With texting for love can literally be sitting on the toilet in your home writing sentences that impact women’s heart and she will never know. So you see, the barrier of distance or time is out of the way, to let the free way to attract your girl. Second. Have the opportunity to amend or correct any error message meaning to go 100% optimized and causing the right impression you want. Third. You can climb to the next level, build trust and empathy between you and her, by just typing a text message designed to draw a smile on his lips. What you have to do to paint positive emotions that you benefit to you is: Play with it, say funny things about her hair, eyelashes, purse, or remind you when you met but humorous way. For example: You met her in the shopping center and she went down the stairs when she accidentally hit your with her purse and that’s when you started talking to her. Then you remember something funny this … “Hey, you followed my advice to change the bag of stones for pepper spray” An anecdote the everyday becomes a fun thing while I make fun of the girl © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 66 www.talkaboutlove.org Just think of how you can tie a situation before something funny and fun and then convert it in a text messages to seduce a woman. Yeah I hope you enjoyed yourself? These was brought to you by www.talkaboutlove.org and trust me, more jaw-dropping tips and stuffs are going to be coming your way soonest. Just make sure you check your mail box 2 days from now… It’s your pal Gody2kool [email protected] [email protected] www.talkaboutlove.org see ya!!! Ps: if you want to download a bunch of free ebooks, please do quickly visit our website @ www.talkaboutlove.org and click on the free ebooks page. Bye! © Copyright www.talkaboutlove.org - All Rights Reserved [Type text] Page 67
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